Binayak Sen’s bail plea rejected


A court in Chattisgarh has rejected the bail application of Dr Binayak Sen. He was sentenced to life in prison in December after he was convicted of sedition on the basis of his alleged links to Naxals in the area.

Binayak Sen’s wife, Ilena expressed her disappointment at today’s court order. She told NDTV, “We will fight it out and try and file a petition in the Supreme court.”

The verdict outraged civil liberties activists at home and abroad.

Dr Sen has been recognized with international awards for his work with tribals in the Chattisgarh area. He has been praised for his commitment to promoting public health and human rights in one of India’s most impoverished areas.

Yesterday, 40 Nobel laureates sent a letter to the Indian government urging it to ensure that Dr Sen is given a fair trial, and asking for him to be released on bail.

“Dr. Sen is an exceptional, courageous, and selfless colleague, dedicated to helping those in India who are least able to help themselves,” the laureates said in the statement, posted on a website campaigning for Sen’s release.


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