Bhopal gas victims protest at Kolkata American Centre


Activists and victims of the Bhopal gas tragedy Monday staged a protest and burnt an effigy of Warren Anderson outside the American Centre here demanding that the former Union Carbide Corporation chief be extradited and punished.

‘We demand immediate extradition and punishment of Warren Anderson. We want justice for the victims of this tragedy,’ said Sadhna Karnik Pradhan, convenor of the Bhopal Gas Peedit Sangharsh Sahayog Samiti.

The victims burnt an effigy of Anderson. Leaders and ministers of West Bengal’s Left Front government also took part in the demonstration.

‘We demand that Warren Anderson be immediately extradited to India. We also want Union Carbide and the central government to take responsibility of the victims’ treatment,’ said state Sports Minister Kanti Ganguly.

‘Today we have come to Kolkata because we know that the Left Front in this state is fighting against American capitalism for decades. So we have come here for their help in our fight for justice,’ added Pradhan.

Tonnes of lethal gas leaked from Union Carbide’s pesticide plant in Bhopal on the night of Dec 2-3, 1984, killing and maiming thousands.

Seven people were convicted June 7 by a chief judicial magistrate court and sentenced to to a two-year jail term and a fine of Rs.100,000. They got bail soon after the verdict.


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