Akay Industries Ltd vs Ismail Shariff S/O Ahamed Shariff … on 1 April, 2008

Karnataka High Court
Akay Industries Ltd vs Ismail Shariff S/O Ahamed Shariff … on 1 April, 2008
Author: Dr.K.Bhakthavatsala



The p¢:tiii(n1cr/accused in C4C¢N0.238/2002: cal}-_ —

JMFC’. III (3ou1’t. at Hublii. is bcferc t.I”1:i’.§;'”(Lio111f_t.,”..&pr’ay§3§3g’fc%>r—-£;11,§1;31:ziI3:gu

thc: ordm” clatszd 24.1]..i20{)6, 1’c3′:2ct:iJ3§V$3::ie:_TVfipp§§i<:gfti;::1:1«.

cotmscl for that a¢<:Vus»*:d "under b2SiV'of

Hcafiii ax~gume11t$.,«–

3. Laaznttd ccwuxmel    submits that
since: the aoc11st;d«     hc had i11st;mrc:tcd his

counsel not to; and thcmfore, counsel for
thc «’tfci”va::z:i’,*§xxrt:r thct glca, but tlm learned
Magisw*a1;é:._ c11v§:ci gxfipficatioxx.

4. ThcEk;ai’1:xe¢§’ Magdé$u§3ite has taken ccngzance ass agaiimt the

_..,p1’c$t:;1t§’.:pgfiiiiqnex’/”a¢:11c;5¢rd for the offence lllldfii’ Section 138 of the

V”I§3cg§jiiabic:_vIns’t:r:Li3:a¢nt$ Act. when the cast: was posted for recmti-ixag

p.1£m :éfV£i1Vc:fV the cmmsel for the acc–11s¢d flied an application

.;1nde1″.’4’£§c<ifip1f1 Q51 of C.r.P.C., in answer the: plea 011 behalf {Ff 'thy:

' Thc lcaxwmd Magighatc, aflcr hcarixxg argu.1nc:11't$ an fllfi

_'_;§.p'g.xfi¢afii0n. has obsezxvcd that thus appearamtr: of the accusxcd was not

under Sect:ion 205 of Cr.P.C.'.. Thcrcferc, the detcision crifxtcl

the 1¢:a;m:1c:d <:om:m::l far film petitioxmrj a<:c11scd reported £31 1986


Gilt; $322006»

CRL.LJ (1) 467 (mm-1; Hi{}H COURT),

thcrcfom, Itjected the alaplicatiuxx.

5. According to» Section of c;::~.11Vé’r;.%,
appears in a summ.o1*1s case or is gfifiagisiratc, the
particlllars of the gift-neev shall bfi mated to
him, and “he: sh.aI1};u: guilty or has any
defence 1:0 to freune a formal
c:hargt:. Seattiérg give right ‘to: the (:m;:r:;s’1″tit;~:r.

6:, 131 thé Irgeixlii. file petjtiexz fails and the same is hr;~:n::’t:y”

h buvw




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