Eshwara S/O Lakkappa vs The Chairman Kptcl on 17 June, 2009

Karnataka High Court
Eshwara S/O Lakkappa vs The Chairman Kptcl on 17 June, 2009
Author: Ajit J Gunjal

DATED THIS THE um: my OF' JUNE wzé % 


mm HOPPBLE MR. JUSTICE; gI. C}Ui§I'J;§L..  '  

WRIT PETITION NO.1.6315/':2¢O8(GI§*f'-Effijfi)
BETWEEN:   L    

1. I-3.)ShWara,
Son of Lakkappa, V V ~ 
Aged about 38--years,'"  -  " 
Orzo: Agzicz:;ii'L?:r§:f.'  '  " ' ____ H
2. M.C.Mar:jeg;5*fizda;'*-- »  '
Son Qf.Lakké;p;:;;1,V_ .. _
Aged abo'L1tf36 yvé:a1's,"«..é_' _
Occ:i.Ps$'i"(:1_11ti1fC», A   * '

3. BasaVe5gegx?d.a,VV   
SonLak1:appa, '
Ag*:d about 34kyearrs,

,  _ _<j')?::c: 'figficglture.


'Sén of Léikkappa,
Aged 'smut 32 years,
QCC: Agriculture.

 "  resident of

A'  _ Chanflapama viiiage,
ififififififi Taluk,

 A -'fiassazi District. ...PE'}'i'FIONERS

(By Sri.K.§.L9k.nath, Adv.)


1. 'i'he Chairman,
KPTCL, Cauvcry Bhavan,
Bangalore ~--~ 560 009.

2. The Superintendent E1*1gineer,I_  A 1
K.P.T.C.L., Shankanpura Read",  '
Hassan.    '

3. The Executive Engineer,  
KPFCL, Chamundeshwam _.... _  
Electnclty 'I'ransm1s$7i'-an Ltd, , V ' " ._ v " « ,
Shankari Mutt Raga; "  *      
Hassan. V   '

Chamuilgicfihvir-:»sIfi P'€XW.§:I"'~~. V
Transm1'-331011;L1m'iteaci';..  ' '
I~Ia5:s«az1. " Y -- 

4. The Ass1sta:iffF;>:ec2it11fe  * 

(By SI'i.N'.K.§  R1 to R3)

  This sifiit "petition is filed under Articles 226 and
22?' {if the Q6ns4;§:L:fion of India with a prayer to direct
the'  ta " ti;-xzonsiéier the represeniatitm dated
12.1 1';2{3G8, :1;.:4:6.c?by the petitioners in respect of fixing

 électric "pole:-3 'i:r;?tI1e Land of the petitioners to draw a
Heavy Teixsian Wine in Land Sy.No.-48/10, 48/11,
:3i:"¢::.fc2;:;~::,1Ifi3:1g '-3.'? 1/1 Situated at Chalmapama village,

g   «: ~-33553:: Taluk, Hassazi Bistrict is marked as Annexuré

 _    wrii petitioll earning on for preliminwy
 in 'B' Group, this day, the Cour: made the
" « . Vfoiiewing: '



The case of the petitiorzers is that their faézher

purchased the lands in Sy.N0.48/13 

measuring 17 guntas of land in Channalqeixiav 

Hessan '}'a1uk, Hassan Distxietfhi    

purchased in the year 2003. _4 Af£iei%f_ithe deem ioi' 

father, the petitioners have 2 he fiijopertgz.
Copy of the Revenue Reeercie   V..t;§ii'1i1eXLH'e 425;'. The
claim of the petitieiiereviis   land was

purchased,  "Elie Natiena} High Way
for openixig   "the said land and have

coI'ietri_:ete'ci~--.  investing a huge amount.

 v i_The._'§'eepe11n3entAieezzaizieteei a survey and marked the line

 High Tension Wire {rem KEB

to.'  Aiiviilk Federation. The respondents have

ii’.,.,_i<1;:1ade eveketch by the side of the petitioners' land. The

ef the petitioners is that there is aiready 3 Tower

ieeizsieting of six: lines vsiih provision fer another tweive

e faeeieonai lines. The further case of the geeeoner is

that on the adjeiifiing land of the petitioners a new iine

was sought to be drawxa and it was marked. 11; is
further case that three towers were ereetedi.'
however, without any justifiable reason, "
tewers have been removed and xuemt beiee'
the Land of the petitioners.

éirectien to the reepoedetite to— the V
representation dated . of
eleetsrie poies in the also for a
dixeetion for sees;;a:1d¢}1;s: %:{ttt~:o’-/{itemégproceed with the
work 0;’ in the sanixe.

counsel appearing for

the ;pe1:i3:ioI”ie1fiA s’ubIriiteT that when the Towers were

~__the Vvttefijeirfiug iancl belonging to the

“‘}gettitie11e1=3} .there was :10 justiflabie reason for the

responrfiexzte for changing the said land and shifting the

t V ‘i;n’+v_e1’e{

3. Mr.N.§~”;.Gupta, learned counsel appearing for

respondents 1 ta 3, en the basis of the statement at’


erected in the iazzd of the petitioners and fines Iggave
been drawn. He submits that the erltire 17 A’
the petitioners’ land is not made use of, .

oniy two legs of the Towers V
petitioners and the remaining
cofiédor of the National
that the better part of Stijfl éffaiiablaj to the
petitioners. A’ ‘ 4_ _

4. A§§a§fiflfi3g_, from the
eariier it appears a
fiefifioners on 12.11.2008

Witfi It-:gafd–.. to Vf13¢VA’f1X.a;fion of the tower. Both the

v ._CGur1i§:31E:’;1§:e fiat ifia..;:1s3siti0n E0 submit that whether the

V’-.Ap1#cg’§”actt; ivs:’c§m’a;:issio11ed irzasmuch as the transmission

of _.<fil1pply is commenced. Be that as it may,

"the fasfremains that a represerztation is given on

H;_2GO8 for shiftingnthe towers and in all fairness,

respondents ought to have repiieci to the said

f'rapresez1ta¥:ior1. It appears that has :10: bean done.

Consequentiy, fbI1owi3:1g order is passed: M

-5 –

Petition stands disposed of éirecting the

respondents to consider the represemation gven

petitioners. If the representatioza is not givg:ti”‘§oj_~ _

respondents that shall be done within a p::3:it5§’§.. df.::bu1′ ”

weeks from today and the resp0r1§ents«A.i:1ié:f€§§af’Eef”shQ_i

consider the same in accorciémce with IaW’ :’W5ii”l’}.iI},

outer limit of two months from___f:I”1*: (iate of of the
said I’€pI’BS€I’i¥Ca1Ii0I”i.

Petition stajidys V

eonsidefafliesn. VV”M§sC.W.5424/2009 stands
disposed of]. . ” Sal’

Z _____ .. « ‘judge


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