Gopal S/O Late Seenappa vs State By Bellavi Police Station on 24 September, 2008

Karnataka High Court
Gopal S/O Late Seenappa vs State By Bellavi Police Station on 24 September, 2008
Author: Ashok B.Hinchigeri

w..,… W mm» mam mum cm KARNATAKA Hic-EH coun

IN TEE HI(}I-I caumor Kamearmmar

mmn ms ‘rm 24% my 91? swrE1\mE1=: IQ :7 _


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mszscmms    I    


3221.391 I-Ifliifif.-33.”

mwfixn ‘ ._ PETITIOHER

[BY saa*rsm:,.j:w.a.m&s;és:s1§;I§:H;Ar§irt§;:.a’1$5:;

mam BEEJAW mxmsf

=*ijs*r;=:-.::mz’r” ””’ ” Rmmxnmm



* ~ ~.Ti;j*Z,’.:;*’.3?.€’., tn’ the ye-titioner an bail in Cr.Ho.31[ 08 cf
.1 Station (l3.C.Ho.1335f{)8 which is ‘
tin” of Magzbuafie, ‘l’umkur} for the ofiezzcm
psinirazhahle under geczfinn -‘-3-98{A] & 306 017%,.

T%& Petfiien comm an fear mam this day, than

n iiéurt mafia thc fcsflowirxgzw

.-nu-v.v– uuI\.au- \.,\,a\..pu’I

I\l”|l\!I:f”\ll”\F\I'” I’FI\Jl” K..\JLH’K’ \J3′ BHKIVHEHKF l’1iK7I”‘ MUUK} L’?


Th? resptmdeznt. r$!3tm’ed Crfine ..
tbs pefiaianvm” and his motbser for ‘V ” Z

mder satin:-15 4984:. and 306

25 The <1-33¢ sf Vié the
amsga. I*¥ir'mala and married in
the gmar am; is born. In
29:33; they the dmmea.

011 gm {$3532 she came back from
hm fa:&1er;;g *«}%gacé lnxzne, ha” husband
axfi door of that housa. As th’m

doom (sf the’n1au’m’ 12531 home,

aii%e— by hangng hcrsalfto a mango tree.

L i.e. the 1nother–in-law of the awmaa ‘3
The hail sought by me petitioner is
the Sessions Cxzurt, by Y” urder, dated
The M1 aprplicratio-2:1 rum before this Ccaurt is
% diamiasefi by this Court, by im ortier, ama. 9.7.2093.

0 0 n

5’ ‘&\IE|\| Y’ l\l’Ii\I’l’\lF\lV.f”‘ II

“”‘ ‘–”-”-‘”,.-‘g\” ‘\”””””””\’\l”” “‘”‘L’N”” \.\JUfl’ UP RHKIVMIHRH l’1E\9!”f LUUKI UT’ l\I-\KEVI-“I-\!\I| 1’IlL1I’1 LLJUKE L)!’ KAKNHIHKP Nib” ‘e..i..fiUN

gram. M32 as the petitfinmr suwect to the


ajg 'Eh: pamazmm-' shall cmctte    ~ _ >

as?  with ma    'A

mm to the   %
by H»: shall not  
:3} as shgali    the Trial

C;:n.'.I..rt,_  » V" '*



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