Hajaratali vs The State Of Karnataka on 8 July, 2009

Karnataka High Court
Hajaratali vs The State Of Karnataka on 8 July, 2009
Author: Manjula Chellur


This {:ri_1::;1i1″1a3 patitian E3 fiisd llildfil’ 8601:1012}
C1′.P.{E by the advocatfi far the }§}f3E§i;§{3I1€:”E’S ‘A
this Htzfiinizzi Czmrt Ina}; be: phased me set; a$id¢.Vt;_3j§:?:e:..::<js1*r4:};¢.I:"V'L.4 'M
§a.s3ec£ by i"1":€: iaarrzfid ES: JMFC gaagag iiatgzsbl

8.11:? order passczd by the Hazfble S;?.¢ss§i03iis Lizid gs 1"

C:r1.ReV. pa:-mu 14/2008 and 1V3;:2_0<)8'a:a¢: ef{.c;. ""

This petitian {:<3mi1"1g.- Q11 fag,'—–§'"r…;.e"z',i2r"i';'z'–:g this? -<1.a§%:.'§th_@

{1Q13.rtIna(i6 the f{31l<)wi11g: _ V

i%i"ea.rd "I336 l»3ar:i1é:'~:§f{ f_:€'n.1§::3'e1 fer {ha p<é'£it'.ie11er 311:3

sa aism t,;::e: Er;z'i:*11ec£.g'%(£ii1. i':'§PP.

";'%:§'-vaipfifiiififafian is; C3I}3€ ta ha flied under Sectien

— ‘== 4s5? ‘{T*;.2,j’f’§ ?,i§’3v_ {Erime E”~E’a,12;1f2£§(}’? which was

<sf;_}?~23?11§"3<a:r<§:f?;,a}és; {EC Na. };G9,f=2i}€38. Tha present patitiazzer

i.S — i:<.1:1;é"; amer £12311 {ha psrmfz wile is arrayeé as

VA "'.'3<:::L;€~;ed in the a}Z}€1':V€ Said Qfifjfifi mzmbar. §iCCGI'€1iI1g ta

VA '~-.t'{iie <:amp§ai:1a1f1i:§ :31: aaaurance. sf gattizlg €_iCé"E1§3}_€: E316


31115312331, fi"(}E11 the accuseai} he hamifid. ever

§r1ve;s§;igaI:i:::g agé:zf1{:}; fa}: :'<::tm':1 ef the §I§Z'{)§.}€{'¥C}f __.§,.€.,

f°Rs.4,?8,£}{}O/ -. “i’11{mgh {ha JME%'”(;”§._

rajectsri bath $26: applicatians, (ERR? E60. 14 V’

by the c0::1p1ai11an’a: Came ta be “‘a}loWé%fi

$10.15/2808 filed by the accusssd

B3; 5203131011 order thé Sessi§r;m_’i?{)ur*iV’ di$pQ$%%:dVV”QVf “twigs:
two revision petitions (fry; }T3.C?c’3;’2A.f;}:C*$’;’-» _ Agg1fi9i6*s:t:-«:i’ I3§_,,r the
dismissai 01′ CZRRP Ne.’iEg/2’@£;§8::* em?

$0.14/2(}§8, t_31.~.*>: ;:_>:r.*esci%A_1A:;.t::,»§j€titi£§ii_ ».§g” fiiéd seeking far

setting aside’ the C’f£€.€IS»f}i’_\fi1f3′ I3Zevisi»:>s:1ai Court.

éig (231 1;>si*f;.1mTE z:’:f the craters Q? the iaamefl

S€sVSi:”:n§”‘¥Q5’1::ig¢, it £3 mamd about ‘7 p@i.:1ts wars: taken in

E3 R:s.,4,”?’8,€}GCI=/ »~ aréerefi to £36 retmned

ta “Elie €§fli§4 t durizag pendamcy 9f the criméliai

Whiié ciiscassirig these geixlts, he has 8183 Saici

” T.}:méé;”‘t.%:£: &$C”t1S€d/ petitis;:i gr«:}’:.md$ is :11t:%rf’€r:: xvii}: £:1′:é :–:..ai:i


;%<:c{:r§§:§_.:1g£y, p€E,i'§§{}fl is di$:';117_sse:i.



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