Kadali Recreation vs The State Of Karnataka on 20 October, 2010

Karnataka High Court
Kadali Recreation vs The State Of Karnataka on 20 October, 2010
Author: Mohan Shantanagoudar

DATED THIS THE 207" my OF ocroeesz, Aa.g"1g: 


THE HON'8LE MRJUSTICE MOHAN s}4.ANrA.r§§A6-Céwo-43:2. 3

WRIT PETITION No.33o§7/2010C(<sM-romce) I 


Kadaii Recreation

Office at Karunadham V
Commercial Complex  . 
K.S. Rao Road»   
Rep by its S3eci%é--:=ta"r'y'*w.. ,    
Dinesh D%eva'di'gai.:_,_ 3   "   ..Petitioner

(By  l\dv.,)
AND: A A 'H 4' O' O.

1. Tihe State of.._i_{'aVrnav'taka
~.c|33/ its SVecretary'- ---------- 

 =_Home D4ep.artment
_  _V~idh»aria"Soudha
" ._  .f5%ariga'i~o_re:;'.E":60 001.

2. "The»-._'Com'inissior1er of Police

Marigjaiore, Dakshéna Kannada

 or ,_.Mar1gaiore.

A  Deputy Commissioner of

Poiice, Mangalore Division
(Law 8: Order), Mangalore.

4. The Assistant Commissioner of
Police, Mangaiore City Division
Bunder, Mangaiore.

S. The Inspector of Police
Mangaiore North Poiice Station

Buncfer, Mangaiore.      

(By Sri Narendra Prasad, HCGP.,) 

This writ petition is fileci i,irid.er Ai*tic1es_2V2,6  2227 of " it

the Constitution of India. praying to it deoiare that the
petitioner is not required to obtain'any'--.permissionAor iicense
under the provisions of licensing _arid._conI'itrolling of places of
the public amusement order. ' 1 '   . i 

This Writ petition,-'tioniirigt  hearing,
this day the Co'u1't;:.;jnade=__the following'-9. 

Th"iS,_"writ by a registered society,

whichclainis-,t'h'a"t it  functioning as a recreation.-

v:'a~ssocia"tiori"catering to the recreation activities of its

 providing facilities to piay games of

chess, 'c,ar'rom, rummy (card games), snooker and aii

 ']~.,i'm:iro_or games in its premises.


2. The grievance of the petitioner is that the
respondents have been Linnecessariiy visiting the

premises of the petitioner–association thou_g..h:~.s4’_:n~ot

necessary nor required in iaw, compeliiingi.’.i’\:.,,tThie.._T’.

petitioner-association to Obt3iI_’_!»~~ I.icenc’e” ‘ uriée’r v’_’the,_ 1″

provisions of either the Licencizhg

Places of Pubiic Amusements(i3ang”aiore_VC:itv–)””‘Order, ” V

2002( for shot the Licencingg””Orgd«er)i._and’ aggrieved by
such unwarranted ‘present writ

petition is fiie~d’.V«4T
for the petitioner submits

that no uxactivitv-._necessitating obtaining of iicense

Licensing Order is carried on in the

petitionenassociation; that the

acitivity vo.f’_p;iaiving the games of chess, carrom, rummy

.”*~.__”-{card “ga’mes), snooker, etc., are at! not in the nature

rof«..g’.ambiing activity or game of chance; that such



games are not prohibited or regulated, moreover, the

place of the petitioner is not a public place

sense entry is restricted only to the

petitioner–association and no.i’.~~~t0_ oLitsid.ers”‘

accordingly there is no requirem’ent7t_Aon: the

petitioner to obtain a |icense”‘~as conf:emyp’lat’évd”’under ”

Clause-3 of the Licensing Olridertjjy

4. Learn’EAdv__ G0:v’t’.*:..p:le’%1Vd;$rfr.,,,,,ééifiearing for the
respondents iglllefglatlions in so far as
the int.erfere~n’ce’:’1::{on the respondents are
concerned,’_ V__th”at the petitioner has not

opened alny recreation…-7l’c|ub as averred; that in the

any’vv——r–e’creation club, the allegation of

___inte’rfe:renc’e’..i_s”:jnore imaginable than real; that even in

respectv.offlalllsociety, which functions as a recreation

may have the activity of members

–.participating in the games of chess, carrom, rummy,


and snooker, etc., the police are required to monitor
to know if any other prohibited or regulated activities

also being carried on in such premises and if aVtVr..al}_Vit

should be in the context of such

respondents may visit the placeyand _.n”o’t~–.1iC:t,h’e:rwisev” it


5. Learned counsel for._t’i~..g pet’i-tioneri’relied…on an a ”

earlier decision of. this«««VVV:y”‘C0b.rt .”r’e.nydered in
W.P.No.1394 of zoo;decrements:1.1.2993 and

submits that _on,Ls:.miiar’te’rnn5:Vth.li’s._pet’iti’on may also be


In the ‘vciVrcuins’ta1nces, this writ petition is

,.,_dist$bseo’ of wiV’th’th«e following directions:–

i;vé”..e:re.spondents are directed not to

V iri~terfere with the recreatioriai activities
.. ‘carried on by the members of the

‘”‘betitioner–association, provided they do


not indulge in any anti-social or unlawful

activity which is prohibited by law, such

as gambling or sale of alcoholic drinl<5;"»_

etc., and

b. It is made clear that if any

activities are noticed tosbe »–carri_ed_vV4o'n'I.in"

the premises of the ~;;)eti!5ion:er-1-V'

association, the poi-.-T_r_,e a'uthori'ties" ];?.F_e

free to interfere an"ciV..:._V'tal_<e aporooriate
action and this..c_orde'r"sliiallnot stand" in

the way of such "a_ctioni¥"ti'eing?. taken.


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