Mangalam Publication India … vs M/S. Design Difference on 9 June, 2010

Kerala High Court
Mangalam Publication India … vs M/S. Design Difference on 9 June, 2010




RSA.No. 637 of 2006()

                      ...  Petitioner


                       ...       Respondent

                For Petitioner  :SRI.GEORGEKUTTY MATHEW

                For Respondent  :SRI.V.L.SHENOY

The Hon'ble MR. Justice P.BHAVADASAN

 Dated :09/06/2010

 O R D E R



RSA No.637 of 2006


Dated 9th June 2010


The defendants, who suffered a decree at the

hands of the lower Appellate Court, are the appellants

herein. The parties and exhibits are hereinafter referred to,

as they are available before the Trial Court.

2. It appears that the defendants had, by an

agreement evidenced by Ext.A1, engaged the plaintiff to

redesign their lay out and model. The work order was

issued by the defendants through the second defendant.

The remuneration agreed was Rs.1,75,000/- which had to

be paid in five instalments. According to the plaintiff, a sum

of Rs.50,000/- was outstanding from the defendants. In

spite of several demands made, that was not paid and

hence the suit was laid.

3. The defendants resisted the suit. One of their

contentions was that the suit was not filed by a competent

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person and so, the suit was not maintainable. Another

contention was that the plaintiff was to prepare the re-

design of the lay-out to the satisfaction of the defendants,

but he was unable to do so. It was also contended that

Rs.50,000/- was to be paid only after the design was

accepted by the defendants and therefore, they denied the

liability to pay the said amount also. In the light of the

above contentions, they prayed for dismissal of the suit.

4. The Trial Court raised necessary issues for

consideration. The evidence consists of the testimony of

PW1 and documents marked as Exts.A1 to A8 from the

side of the plaintiff. The defendants examined DW1. No

documents were marked from their side.

5. The Trial Court found that the defendants are

liable to pay the amount as per Ext.A2 agreement, but

dismissed the suit on the ground that the plaintiff was not

competent to file the suit.

6. The plaintiff took up the matter in appeal as

AS No.184/04 before the District Court, Kottayam. The

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District Court took the view that the finding of the Trial

Court that the suit was not filed by a competent person,

was unsustainable in law and accordingly reversed the

Judgment and decree of the Trial Court. The lower

Appellate Court also found that the appellant was entitled

to recover the amount claimed with 6% interest.

Accordingly, a decree was granted to the plaintiff.

7. The substantial question of law formulated in

the Second Appeal reads as follows :

“A. Whether the lower Appellate Court is justified in

holding that the suit by the plaintiff in its business name

is maintainable in view of Order XXX Rule 10 C.P.C.

Which has application only to a proprietary concern

being sued in its business name ?”

8. The learned counsel for the appellants

contended that the lower Appellate Court was not justified

in reversing the findings of the Trial Court. It is also

contended that there is no provision in the CPC enabling a

proprietary concern to institute a suit in its name against

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the appellants.

9. The above contention is without any basis

whatsoever. It is well settled that a proprietary concern is

not a separate entity distinct from that of the

proprietor/proprietrix. It is always identified by its

proprietors. The lower Appellate Court has referred to the

decision in Ashok Transport Agency v. Awadhesh

Kumar (1998) 5 SCC 567) wherein a similar issue was

considered and it was held that a proprietary concern is

only a business name in which the proprietor of the

business carries on the business and a suit by or against a

proprietary concern is by or against the proprietor of the

business himself.

10. In the light of the above authoritative

pronouncement by the apex court, there is no merit in the

contentions taken by the appellants. The suit is filed by a

competent person. As far as the decree regarding the

amount is concerned, both the courts have concurrently

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fond that the amount as claimed is due. That is a finding on

facts. It is not shown that the said finding is perverse. No

grounds are made out to interfere with the lower Appellate

Court’s Judgment and decree. The appeal is accordingly

dismissed. No order as to costs.

                                P.BHAVADASAN, JUDGE


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