Master Naveen Kumar vs United India Insurance Co Ltd on 9 January, 2009

Karnataka High Court
Master Naveen Kumar vs United India Insurance Co Ltd on 9 January, 2009
Author: Huluvadi G.Ramesh


DATED THIS THE 91"" my OF JANUAR§5 §0{)9





Master Naveen Kuxiiai Sf{i--_Na,1"asii:fi2~:;iah,

New aged about 14 years,  "    
Since minor £cprcse2:féd--  namuai g.uaf(1ianf
Mother  Nafasi_n,ihaia11,

Aged  '  _ --
Residezzt af Beshind QI'; Hospiml,

Bhagath s3ngkh'}Jaga:»;,«%Ncar KSRTC Depot
Chickbajlapur.-__   ...APPELLANT

 }:B;gjsri. AK.1i.'M:-xai'ikréshna & Smt.D.K.Kamala, Adm}

' A  LIziif§:d}:Indéa Insurance Co. Ltd,

Z "Re§)i'esented by its Dixiisionai Manager,
-DO-9, Mitra towers, Kasturba Road,
Bangalore-S60 001"

' H2. Sri.Su%cma:1 Siddique,

SE0 M.D.Siddique, No.71,

Brigade mad, Bangalore-S60 001 .

(By S1i.U.Abdul Khader, Adv ft}! R1)


This M.F.A. is filed under Section 173(1) .6?-,M.V.Act
against the judgment and award dated l2.S,.*36Q in
M-V.C.No.l784f0-4 on the file of the C}2icf…«I11tiAgé_;;h’ Cdurt sf
Small Causes, Member, Pr}.MAC’I’, Métrep{>§itan:”‘«harxea,

Bangaie-re(SCCH No.1), partiy a}10wi11g_thaj4_:clg1i:2j:’ p1e1;’iti'(§:;3 V’ f€}:r__
compensation and seeking enha-ncem¢nt–‘_4e1″_Vc<j;:3pensatioi;:.Awith "

12% interest. i ». _ V
This MFA. C€)II'li13g_(}i} f;5'r_h'caringhV Ccurt
delivered the fo]§owing:- ' " V "


Th%s appeal is by ‘thefél:ii1n:;i§t.n.’::£;éi;i12g fin’ enl1anceme1m:

of”-<;0i':;';3c'n3$ziiii}z1:hbsiiihgg "satisfied with the award passed by

the Judge, Court at' Small Causes,

C }'B££3';§a§é'..'E i1a1V"M'v'C 'N0. 1 784504.

The claim petitinn was flied under Saction }63–A inf

AA _ theflh/IV Act for the 'in_iuries sustained by the ciaimant in the

VV haeter vehicle accident that eccurred on .1 .3134 arcmnd 12.00

pm. when the claimant and his mother were waiking can the

side of the road wherein a car bearing NQKAO3 A 3141 came

in a rash and negligent manner and daelted agan3sv!:V{l1le'*s;lain1a:at

due to which he sustained grievous injuries

The Tyibunal based on the __H… s_cl1ec_'s1ile" ll

ccmpensaticn of Rs.85,4S(}2'- Zthlwajfdsll "

The claimant being fell ._sati§fiad' qigiantum cf
compensation awarded amlhn ll_tl2eV"g::*o11ncll1:' is entitled fer
higher compensation :claili1~ Hpetifion was filed under

Section the;?_M«:'3tcf laas c.£)me up beibre this

Tlxe Counsel fer the appcllarst filed an application

seekiiggzffcr conversion of the application to one under" Section

2 ., 'of the M.V.Act for which learned Counsel for 'the

H insurance company has vehemently contended that after the

award has been passed nu such application could be filed

seeking for conversiezl- The claimant said 'tn have sutlbred

disability 1:9 the extent of 25% to the whale hardy and also apart '


from that he has sustained three fractures, According to the
learned Counsei fer the appeilast the elaima1;tV_ha_s net been
suitably awarded under Seeticm i63-A of 'tend that

referring to the spot panehanama and varicms c:the17'reeefds'and

also the nature of injuries sustained'tt1e«_?TriAbttj1a.tetiglgt

directed to convert theV.eap_plicstiovti'– to': ef the
M.V-Aet- In this regardddddhehas aise teiied {£3011 the decisinn

rendered by tI1Ve"«-_..i)i\g*itt_iL013»' this Court in MFA

No.2676f(}?' disposaaetnn

dd5';.f',§.n_ ttte ratieddtaid dawn by this Court stating that

ttle, Ttiibtinat directed the parties ta convert the

J _{ ' ''petitien'''teV_V_e1§1e utader Section 166 of M.V.Aet instead of 163-14;

_s1t3ee.4véive'arding of eompensatien is a social grieee (.af1egis3ation,

' the'd."IL;;At.[::.fisted seeking for cmwetsion of the petition to the one

,. Seetimz 166 ofthe M32'. Act is allewed and the Tribzznal

A ; is directed to; treat the petition as the em: under Seetivm 166 of

the MV Act. fir

6. Ascofdiugly, appeal is allowed and the n1attcz’ is
remanded back to» the Tribunal to reconsider the Ifiiiftfif afresh

while retaining the quantum of cempens..ati0n’~’ai£;:r§£éd:écséd to

award suitable compelxsation if the c]aima;–:t :i:$.,VS<:–?.§§:z1t-itlétd. It

fer the parties to contest the r:t'»1__:.-1ttc*_:1rT<.;1i::1 5:1" c§)i1:z't's; :1x;(i'=;§;a' !ea(;§ f

further evidence- Thti Tfiiizgfiai Shali Vdisg)<3é:[e'v«–r.2i': the maj£te:*
within thrae months t'!'01i}…_fH(::.._ti21.§c <:i"1'cx;<_}Ai;1A1iv§=rdz::r

Parties to co-operate’ 59:’ .


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