Master Zubaib Khan vs Nil on 27 March, 2008

Karnataka High Court
Master Zubaib Khan vs Nil on 27 March, 2008
Author: Manjula Chellur Swamy
IN tuna: HIGH coumr or KARNATAKAHQKT _ V' 

:t:.!:_n mus 1-an 27"'/;I5)1ir'*or'-«Mh.;aai?i" »:¢109fi7= 

rm: 1io1~1'BI.1£"M1z;  s"mm--"ar
uxscznxgrgfimpusgiiircslg: .;§;ss1;§::.§\I.v'-u{.§'.I'»'é.oo7/zoos (G a w)
BE'.l'P¢5;3'w'a.'§" *';f: ._~.'. * ' I ' 

INSED ...w'-'=-:f.~'-::!1- 1'3':-més 

2  -MKSTEE  
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;"B01{I--I Am _soNs or
%.j".2.!,,5o'€.17!-2:307" 015 mm
£11.: or me IV' anon. ,'=_c:€_!nr c:vIL' map smssxons
JUDGE, M'airoiii\I.1.. :.:':~t17.=-~, Q%ERI1~Ie we
RETURN -.1.-an'. PET2'J1'ION 5 road" amsmwamxou BEFORE mm
pnopmz COURT.     V A. 

THIS' f'm'A seam; bzq"'e..1rea..:é1§aLImNaaY iiaaififie

1-3:5 may - -  cHmLmR,_H.i J, nmnxvmnmn me

roLLo13a:2m_: = *   
' ' ' ' H ' V   '_ 

~. arises out of an order

reje:;tl:Lr_1gV"' iflaapplieation filed by the

-{;.~,-.-..~,~.,-.:e;:.l.-. m;!.ne.1:a .'3_eo.9 and 29 of the

_ and W'rds '-t, 1899., aeeking

 to sell the property of the minors.
 p  two minors who are aged 12 and 8 as
" *  oh the date of the application approached

' their mother to sell their property on



un g -e* u. that …he prepe:_y la eltuated in a


enjoyed by the minors in a ray.


property so that
money to purchase; an Viiairternatiirif’ “prjo’*’??rty
which would be more ate
learned Judge “the merits

efi .he case based an sec.7¢::¢g; of the Family

, r E}

it sion that after the
estah1.+ishޤent Court in B..nga1o_e
Urban. TAB:-.vstri%ct.v:,’.’_the_– family court alone had

juri.sdiet1on’A’- of the proceedings

r”e1..ating.__to” the vguardianship of a person.


appiication being one for permission

Jul: 4-.


property or the minors, has

nc_§’th-:L«ng to do with the appointrent at’. .213! ene

as in it particular, the mother as guardian of

V’ minors .


sec.’7(1) (g) of the Family Court reads

as under:

permission ‘.-}1feJu.d1″A ‘

” The suits or proeeedings referred to in

this sub section are suits and prooeefiings*o£ig

the following nature






“-I7′ uni a


(g) a suit or proeeedinfi in relationship
to the Quarnianshifi pf the person or the

cnsto¢fgo£”orKaocess to, any minor.”

‘”4;s§$ee§t~the-afiyointment of guardian of

a mifor andvfneese to a minor i.e., Visitati-n

R1_ghts°<.of to visit a minor, the

v§fogee¢inos"in~re1ation to property of a minor

'*:nnder"the=Quardian of Wards Ant, remains with

ijthe eonrt having jurisdiction to entertain the

matter as c_ntem9iated under sec.9 of the

V',_éuardian & Warns 'at, 1896.

_" rieqerds .


5. It is also pertinent to fehat

‘|_:___n_ um-rvu . irlrna in -I”}’1n

vim!-J I-Illnimgvuuv luv -II-n all-In I 3:

entertained a similar rnatterjj, t§z’:i,iii1caui:’..’zjai.:aeing”‘-._

the question of jur1§d1etj;.en. mags:-o;n.=;re the
orders of the 1earne&.._V”V;fi4dge”-defied 325–1-2008

deserves to

6. is allowed.

set aside. The
3$~ac}:V- the court concerned
ment’n’s’—-._V c’ia’1:’:e of “eée pt éf


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