Mohammed Musa Sait Wakf vs Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation … on 7 October, 2009

Karnataka High Court
Mohammed Musa Sait Wakf vs Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation … on 7 October, 2009
Author: B.S.Patil

EN THE; §*fi{‘3H COURT GP’ £<iARNA"E'AE§,.s3;{£' « _ _: "

DATEZDTHZS'1'HE 7""'"'»1:m*:" :;";§«'%<;3%”.aR”T*2;_e1:*,:9″”- 7

THE 1103-x?*3LE:y1R.JL?$r1i”£ 35*. I%;i3’I_Z;

WRIT P1«:T1T;c:NN0;2.e13z«29:99′;2;’;»g3g.~g 93;.
Between: H
Mehaznmed M§;sa’S’;–W;akiZ4.: ‘ .
Having its Qfi’i¢€:_a1:if_Y:afa u(3*t;r;StA3:§;}isa7’*; V
339,22, M<3fie§~§c;:hQ0i Read, ' ' '
E38, Eireams R;)aii;'.{Thei:na.i, é ' ' ' ~.. _
Rapid. Byiis§viui1'1a*;=21§E'i.5< %
Mr, 'M, Mlzfiazgfflaitf, ' * "

Agsd abaui; 49 ygeagéis, _
Sic: Eats; Ex/;£;”,1srnaii Sgitit,’ ”

* – .233 :s;a:;:: r :x:o.4;, . %%%%% ., ,
Shafeé Mzj}ia:::§lfi~;e.j:.d Roach
‘-V.$he»t1T113i_ -44 –._ 5 . ., Fatéiéoaer.

{B.§;ASfé*i CJVvi$i@:)s 9f the Cazzzpanies Ad, 295%.,
Having its aoffics at 3% Figoz,

BE~».«*i’§’C Cmzipiex, R636,
Siaarzxhinagar, Bangakzre ~- 2?,
Rapid. 3}: its Dirac:-tar.

{By Sri Ha§9i$h,”.§;d2=_ rams; efi f€:n’ 1::
Sri M. ‘I<I;-:.*.:«'.1:1a'L*s%;1 Raddy; f-:*::'"R2
Sri P35. Chazxfirasilekjar; .55L<.ix§.I'F 91* R3}


State ef Kanaataka,
Reptdt By Secretary,

Be-pt, offl-emnierce & I11dus1:’ie$,_

Vidhana Soudhafi
Dr. Ambesfiiéaz” ‘Roast

fzi&:’21atai<:a hidusirial *
fievelopment Board, "

Re-ptd. By Secrajfiaazy,
';'€c}.i4f3A, H  ' =  

Nmpaihufigafiéadg     'a  % A

Bangaiom  'S63  'f... *~


,. .. R€?S§1){)11£3i33}'£S.

V “E’h§s”v§3£:i£”vPg’ii1i6n is filed under Articies 225 & 22′? Q?’ the
CCiE3§’i§§ii”fi;0ii, : ‘[3.fja§’.?:§ig~”‘i@ quash the aide: dated 2.3.2369 issuer}
thmugh'”see::2nLif’j_azr£d third resgonfients on behaif ef the first
if: sax as it reiateg 19 the peiitéern scheduie prcsperty,

‘ _ T}:1is ‘s¥réi Fetifimz camizzg on far ?§”€i§”£}€}§11&f°f§ Hearing this
__ 3.iaj:, ffasefiauri mafia the faiiowingz


in this writ petiiien, pcfiti:ner7., iS;i_ c.haE1éngit:g ‘~ V’

mtificatissfis isszued Elildtfi” Sections 1(3f)
Kaniaiaka industriai Areag :4 far
short). All these 11:3téfEcaiiA§fi§:-‘ at
Armexure ‘A’. V A L V

‘2. made: Sec:.28{1} ef
the Act ‘£E1$; s_e¥’efai “§3r§;:0seé to be acquired for the
pi1rp$f;a>f ‘§§ie.’¢€> Pmject by the State Gmierzzmeai,

Petiiiézzez’ L{:§a.§1’1~z$ is be the awxzez’ ef prapertgsg ma-aritzg (ITS

N9.§I’Z26.”-Pa?.iii0i:e1′– ‘i1a5; deseribed ‘ihe §3I”Q§€I’ij;’ gamed by him as

V VV _ pmpéé-s”.$:§; ¥}ea3;i{‘-§ gAE*€<§s.6 331% '2, {'3-abbot} Read, nieasuzing 975% 5:;

_i:%1E1:3, It isgéiis wxflezziion that '$112 respmxdents have 2203; issgued 333}?

_' ¥"£{}fi'€.'-si-"$3 him as requireé under the p£'i3Vi$§{)§}S {FE ziae As: and are

" ";;«1"7e::eedjngs witi: the &8€§¥.}§§§i§§{}§.’£ gmcaadixzgg. “ihaugiz gevaraé

caniezztiaias are urgeé his; 213:: aetiiieziezg ii $3 z3m1eces;sa1″§; ‘ac flea!


with {horse c::s as 21:; final 11e»£i§icaii§;;mis issus:d”si.2~ é:::;-1*T;°a_i’:%::T:_1’§g’ Eziizi” Tr ‘

{Q fife objections before the Speeiai L;~Lt:{¥—-.4gé.cqu§.é«:’i?§{‘an 9L”§fi”%.ce<:'.i:<;.e-v£.%1%3

proposed ac{;uisi'£é»;311.

3. Cc«u:1se§ appearing fsgrr’ “£h:€{“%t.§éi:’£§”=:fe;2ssp{>n§§*2ii aisc» fairi}:
submits that if’ehj¢e:téQ13éj§.r¢ iilézi ¥3a}:ji§1::» p§iiti€>:1€:r Wifiliii 111:2 time
stépuiaied ~°é}v3i,g “£Zl'{}:ii*;;3 =.1i”:::_ ‘:3:an1eA be wasfiéeréé zmd
appropriate éréas *%.,=s:%1_iV”::£%;:i’~§}as§;;%{};._T§3is subsnissiean mafia 1:}? tie:

fiziré resipazzéeni §:z {Em Eé;gEfi..v:§ftiiL§2 fax:-t {$231113 :10£i:;<e wag in fear:

a=,:':'i;¥;e: p7e:%f§§a:1:":r'é:2£§..§:&3" izzaéxfeaienca. zwiice wa,$ served an


4. .§:z..v§e=§a9′ gf iiéfififi s2;2§>:::’2iss:i0::s¢ ihég §¥§’§’i g}e{i’§§a3;2 駧£’?Si*.§””%’3f§;

‘E? éiséaged ezzsf xégéiéz a ééreéfiigfi E9 the wiiéiazzer ‘ii? féia E333

23;Eé_*§§e’§i%:::1s azzé agfipear bafakre {he Laszé Acquésiiimz {}§§§é.”:E:§ 9::

V %’§}.£{3.2€3{)§ at 3&3 gm, Efiiée §}$ii{§§:”§€E’ appears on i§,}{%.’2.§{E§ ai

3.6% 9322., 336 Land ;~%cquisii§{::2 Gffieer $532.5 hear him araé gas-$3


afipmpriate arders 31%;’ ce:>2:sidez”%31g, the abjecfiigzzg .. rggisad;

epinién is expresged on the merits ofthe c€.>§i1t:?;::,ic%:fg3 “:;;rgé;c:i.w–._E2’1′ -EEK; H A _

zxzeanwhiie, the raspcsndezzts are dirazstézd :10: tm deyziaéiésii §a:1§;’}

stszictures or dig up the prsypexijy’ in qt:es'{i€e.z_i _



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