Mrs Asha Jayaraj W/O M.P. Jayaraj vs Smt Bhadrakalamma W/O Late K.R. … on 14 August, 2009

Karnataka High Court
Mrs Asha Jayaraj W/O M.P. Jayaraj vs Smt Bhadrakalamma W/O Late K.R. … on 14 August, 2009
Author: B.Sreenivase Gowda

as THE: 1~g1<:;H {:<;}i_?I§€'I' <;::F I{fisRNATA.E{_A £551' BAN{3~§§_L€:sE§E

DATES TH33 THE} mm my <:::%' AIj(':{l.'.-5&1 vf;'-':§§C:Eh=i*¢}"f *


THE HO'N'BLE NIB; JLESTICEEZ §3:.s:%:§:§:F:~ziK;';§:~:°»§:

M,:I::,A, Na' 4V1i§?{'r3f 2:::kja{',:PC§

Mrs, A3312: ajaysarab .

Wjfg. 4.§o’33~y-‘:}TE’a;i: . V

aged ahcztzt f:vi”:’:z_€:”ars.,l; _. _,
Ressioziing at_.1′:EQ.};Ti37f, . 1

E Fiaer, 1€3’5t*1 ‘ _ _
E.?”31 Cres5,’*Lé§:}.’;.ié:;;sa:1(ia’éé;;–‘ ~ V V
Ba_ng{iififi”%:”-«.. :5-6f} 3i”? . ‘ ‘ ~ .


{By ::3;~§ ::’§ 3’6 yams,
R:asia:’..i:1g at N03 1,

‘ n ,_.?’¥¥'{E:*5.s, Eifh Mam,

, _ 3:~_”;az11§33:1gi1’a11:a Nagazg
” Eangalerr: — 56:) £32?

‘ 2, :3; aanithigswgmag

S/0. Q Basavaraju,
5-*sg<5::<f§ abcut 33 years,

3; SH}: 8. N, Bhagjsa,
'§.«¥;'i;:. Viiifii': iiumar,


Agfid. abeut 8:') ysars,

2 allti 3 am residirig at

$30. 1?€}, 1: 'C' Mam,

V11} black, K0rama.11gaia,
Bazagalore —- 3366) 995:3, : '

' 1 7
{B}; :31: (3%, Papi Raddy, Adv? far R[:;;:A,._R.3 aI::€"iv '1§; 1__. :2 A

This MFA 13 _'f,{,§O::_'6;.e:*–.._¢?3'~Rult: ii?) Gf {f';P{ff;,
against the ercier dated :2'5.f32'.'2,0Q8— {A Ni}. 2 85 :3 in
(3.3. Na. T25807f2QQ7 i3i1v.fl 1f:Vf§i1(EfijQf.I'\f Egjiaiitifinai Cit}; Civil
& Sessicms »J_u::'!.«ge;. Ma§;0_, Bagmgaiom, Disnxissixlg
LA' N01 f'31y:?;¢E1 §_};?f(:3E"Lif33f7 39 Rule. 1 Qf CPC1 fer Tl, 3,1161
a13o£vi:1g IE; N£:;.£'E:; :£?f–:31fd€f;':*.. {pf CFC: for vacatixlg the
fixgsarte Qrciezf '<3? 1'V{j;:j11;r;{:fiAG11,«–

'a.ppf_:a.i for a«:i:11i$ai<32'1, 'this (Say, the
(Lauri, :1e.2liv¢r.r:<iV "£};e7f§)}'i.o,:§ving:

' 13 by the: piaintifi' chaiienging the arciai"

53:12:: ::::z%:;~:T c'u:.2a–2-g3a rfigficigiiig LA,§\Ea::;,1 filed by 11¢:

2,3_z":<:'£"€;' té?I}*:*i¢fi¥.4€:* 3:9 Ruias. E 3.111 2 GE' C§'{Ti 311$ ailmvizzg

A '~ "' filed by the: def€3:3;:§33::t=s 2 and E3 xaihereby refusiiig

' {:3 gram": an srrrzier af iempmraxy' irzguncfian in 3163: favaurfi



2. Bria? facts Gf the caste. arts: :

Tim ggiaintiff came inta pgssm-;s’iu:1.. .1: 1:33? ‘~.§;h.¢ _§:-5113.1;

prepefiyv as .231 ‘tenant. undal’ {€333 fzréviiaziaz “‘0x¥;i::}::1j =§T~,T:”;i1t. ‘

Bhadrakalarnma, the
s:’au_it pmpcirty :13: fafgaxlr T_ énti 3 sand
iflffiffiifid tbs: in favom’ ef
defflmcimlts ;;;f1:1_3 gent’, tie them. The
piaixiiiif V fer’ the 1″€:}i€~::f sf
§ fur t,f Eazafl’ ‘§5’–};–‘–«ViI’tL1€ 91″ {ha stammant af £i€f~.’?I1d3.I”i’£,S 2

~”.::g3′:,”iT. “ifié’£31.13’ii mat. ciispcssmss rim piaiiztiff fmm thva

‘3¥,_1″’15i; p;fQ p§ §*–};§.”€.f§; wfihraut. ciur: pffltjfififi sf iaw, the tiiai Ciourig

rrzfizsizti {Q gar}: an 0I’C1’€’.’.i’ ef tampmrazy injtxnctian in ha:

=fa:s§§”3L1:’ aga.i:1$t.. Which, {$133 apps-ai is presented.

__5$1::bs@qu€.::1i: is fziiixg {:5 this suit}, dfifeizéanis 2 and 3 haw

filsd an Evitiiifiil petitian in HRQ 3530, 382/08 beferf, thfiit

fimaii Cazzses €:<:::;:*i:§ Bangaiere city; sacking exsirriien of


me piaimifi' frezma tht: ';2uit prcnaises Llfliifii' fi1&_'4I»{.é:*:iaia1<a

R3111. Agtt.

3: “Tim lszaxneci Cx3L1ns€1;”14ap§§§:§f.r’i$ig’
after argL1i_ng the matter :{‘(:i»:T’– tiifi:
tizntirrz litigatimz nzayv Clgsttéiitizfx'{1iT:ft:¢fii§£1gv–3t3′;.rz; piaintifi’ is
vacate and deiiver cf the suit
}31″i’:’;.I}i}i$€S i:1§fa€f§;f§;n11′ by takiflg Sfimg
tima. aftséf ” €§9L1_;T,, the parties hava fil-ad
E1 C2;sffi”;:£i’t:’13.:3;T§}§3V§ Of 1:312: evicticsn petitien
HRC. j£ief€n:iant.s 2 and 3 agaixzst: thus

§:sia3§:”r.£:iff #i’1:1_ §’c:33:’.’xsz’it?{1{11′}:;a_x=Eai :21″ the s3n,:itT QJS.N@.258€’f?/Q?

. V. – Qfiieéi %:i’*g flag ;:z;*é§.’5§%i*;ii’I:’v appeifant. against 1:313 I’CSpQI1I::1€f1″§ZS in

i3i::+.V§9:s,3:m;31’€::3:1is::. Thfi appaiiant has 1_1:1d£r€ak<in

Jig-4.§*Eif31s3Ti§§§§? i.h$ 52733:. fzied by 3:36: and she has filed 21 memo

_ 133:; €:fi"e:{:"t.. Tha said 1:131:39 azmi the campmmise

' ;zs?i:i3:.§.9:1 filgci by the gaiiies mt: T.",a§{f:",I1 an r&z:9r'{i,

4* £11 ihat. Viffifif Qf 'Liza mat.%:.a3:; aggmai it-T. dispased i3s:=:1*sz3;fi::>1″1$ :



{i The: Registry 31$ ciirzicmqi fr;’»:*J€ar<°:T t.}i€:;.._

Campramisfi petitien. .fi1f:r.1< '}:1};'_' :ViG'C3.VaL§: L4
it) the Sinai}, Cauésizs "(S'C¢:H'~-.._'?€i§;5),

Bangaiort, witEf:T':3,4_ciirt3:A(:3%;'.('$13. to kéap :t.iie
Hm. 1282 ,/08. " A " V "

{sӤ:C:H N05;

{ii} The ‘_ C;§.i1$<?*;S; Ciiexzrt.

Bangaiore is: ;_c:£iz9’é_::<:.*".ias:i it)" %'Tsf the €ViCifi0I1

pstitign I%i'.'f£fiL';– in terms of the

_ws€f«;1i<::;Zc:'«t_;.:;3.§j»',€fti7::1:f:is<=.z petit1r§:r:';""

V 5 __i:'«: i:iir€:<::'i.rc{1 to withdraw the Suit
" 2i§S€}7";?"20Q? as per the: u11d<':::'i"aé:ing
';f;i_i.Iz::I3;.'- Vifiing a IE1€II1.{} in thé Suit :0 that

cfftéiii. ….. .. «




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