M/S Kumar Granites And Marbles vs The State Of Karnataka on 30 March, 2009

Karnataka High Court
M/S Kumar Granites And Marbles vs The State Of Karnataka on 30 March, 2009
Author: P.D.Dinakaran(Cj) & V.G.Sabhahit




THE HN'BLE MR.JUsé*3«{:E y.G}s:{B£?1A;§:rr
WA. No.829/2008 C/W ';XI,A,.Np~.$3~.1f'2®Q8 (GM »- MM/S}
. WA... kriglggég gi gong   = 


1531/ siiumar   

N026, 921: '{31T{}S';3,   _ 

E{umars;P3rk Wétést,    _ _*

Bangalorks-560'  -_  _ » " __

represented by A _ 
its  Dzrectar,'  2. 

V R  _ _ .. Appellant

  (13y. i~i"és:i:;agrasa iéééa, Adv.)

 . 1.  "'£'h_ad, }_ _  jyf 
Reprcseiaté'  <7L;jy'_ its'  }Di1'c2ctor.

The; Secmtévfijr-,'A"A    _
Depe;'1::ner1t_Of . COf3T!. I1'i€iFCC and
Industrfies, % % ~ "

GE3VCI'fiIi1f311'iL~0§' Karriataka,

.   Vikasa Sondha, _
"  'L"Bainga1e;'_e.

.. Respondents

%%gay%srg[m3;;g. ma, AG, for)

_ “”«–Thi_$”Al~;’A. is flied under Section 4 of the Karnataka
High Aat, 1961, praying ta set aside tha mfiar dated
_ _:3.3;._2OG8 pasfied by

tha iearned Single Judge in

W.A.N0.83 112098


M] sfiouth indian Stone Industries,
No.25, 9*?” Cross, Kumara Park West»,
Ba:1ga1ore–56O O29, 1

Represented by its
Partner, Smtflathnamma.

(By Sri H Srinivas Race, Adv.)




The State 0f.KamataKa;» ‘ _ . ~. .%
Represen_t:€:d_b3z its; ‘ ”

Departznéznt C’o1i1n:ierce_ .a11d’ V
§ndust%éies_,,””M” ‘- _ A

Thai: ComIfl§’¥,te,§§,’% * –

Appointed 41-1 of
Rules, Ifiepaftment of
{‘0mme’t’ce’ anirl Indiistxies,

.. SL’~B11iidiI1g,Ba;:;ga10r€:,
A “~–Rcf:#::es*<'mtec1 bjfits Member Secr<:ta;t'y.

"~Depar.'mi1£:nt of Mitzas and

A Khaxzija Bhavarz,

Rate Course Road,

.A _ Bar-zgalore.

55/ s.Mysere Iviinarais Limitad,

No.39, M G Roafi, Bangaiorrsz,
Represented by its Managing Direstor,

_.. % ‘ V



Deparmlent of Commerce and
Indust.I’i::s, Czovernment of
Kaxnataéia, Vikasa Soudha,

Bangalore. _ .. u

(By Sri Udaya Hofla, Advocate G«ené:ral;:)”? .. 3 A

This WA. is filed undei;__S’»¢cti<$n.

High Court Act, 1961, prayi11g”‘*’tg”%»set agixiethe hgrdér data}
13.3.2008 passed by,’ t13e_….]e3jax_’n’:<:1 Sings fdudge in
W.P.N0.15584/2006. * = u A'

These W.AsfVcomiI:g_ i1p Hearing before
Court this day, 'V853-.HA};1fF»J';, dclifiszeyreii f,hfs:~: feliewingz

'rm-asev "e:;:t"§oi" cammon order yassed
by " Judge of this Court €11

w.?.Ng,1:~3$8<4/2:196 w.1D.No. 15585/2005 refipectivfzijy'

'*bair:§"":agg:*ieyed order dated 13.8.2808, wherein the

"V'1.jC.':'é;V;lLi"'T¥..'_"i.:€.5)§{.':1_1(ig€i'. has daclined {:9 gain: ma prayai" sf

pe'ij71£:f1:€):1e:1z':e: §,::» §ons§.der thfiii' 8;}3p}.iC8.EiQf1S dated :24.§.';2i3G4~

1.’1£}__Af2{}G4 far gant of quaxtying 16336 by excludirlg the

A L é2.§;~’;3}i:é:1a’£1*0I1 dated 26.6.2086 praferred by the 41% respandent

% per Agenda 4%.

2. W.P.N.133585/20@€§”*.Were

filed seeking fer diI’€(:ti0i”1 ts respondents N§:;:~1– f” .110

consider the appiications 0f petitioners — appeIi;s;1vt$A.¢.here§::”T ..

dated 24.9.2004 and 1.10.2004 b3%=.A1exc1£eié;iiig {.k}e–:a;pp.1§iea§:i %’:r1

of the 4&1 respondent’ and fGI”di3T€:€3?i.iéiT1_ E0 tht-:%,=”if3t’§ ijespfi:-I§de§i’:.
not to participate in the _proCee§fi:1gs~Qi’the resfpondent at
the time 0f censiderati{§i1.’ef gjetitierlerg’ applications for

gram; of C1uaIf3’i’?.§§~1{?a»Se~.”” .

3. It is Vthai the Sm i’€Sp011d€I”11;
is the t1*;e.”V’455 respondent and he is also

the mernberef t11e&V(§ics:§j.i1=::ift€:’e :0 censider the appiieations of

V petitigsiiers «» é,1ppeBé.n ::. fierein and respondent N<).4 and the

V" §4lfi¥:fesp§i§éei'i§ is nogexititgled to gram: of quanyiilg iease and

"bf petitioners — appellants herein have been

V . wroi§'g,13Iv-..fe3eeted. 'Therefore, the writ petitions were filed.

Single Judge, after eonsiéering the

.é _g:_<;§£1te11ti0:1s ef the ccmnsei appearing for the petitiemere -~

appeilamzs herein and learned C3OV€I"3;1iII€I"1'£ Advocate


apptzaring for re;spondent.s No.1, 2, 3 and 5, by ord~§f'»dated

13..3.20{3a new mat the property in respeg,’ %;;:9*%i1@%:z;*1;g’1;:h

quarI”yi11g lease balongs to the governm§:f:t»..VV ‘ [fI”I:1c:[‘

responcient being State Govemm:ejnt:-z>€§iI1§5ri .: ififas V

priority under R1113 12 of KM}vIt’3.._¥€uié3_

iease in prefemnae to the $1’ei»;:3i.u: fi€:titi0ne1’s –
appeiiants herein. Lefifi.-Q6′ has heid that the
53?» respondent, of the 431
respondent, proceedings as
he is A’ «if-J:’«ArA:VmV_:1;::§*.(1i1″,i:<i:<«: for co:13'1d€ring the
appiicafii-Q;ns4" 163.36. In the absence of

notificati0xxi'—-I:ind(§f cf KTMMC Ruies, the grant of

i<:ia,sé 'ir;…_t521v'our of the 431 respoiidem, which is

0*,»3:=}_né:t} the State, was justified and does 110%: call for

§.11t<3:'f(are:;(j€§ exercising the writ juxisdicfion and

'acc0rdi::¢g;1y the writ petiticins were dismisseci by oxfieti' dated

Being aggrieved by the said aréer of dismissai of

_§a:_£ét petitions, the Writ p€t;§'€iO"I}€:I'S have prefarred iihesfi Writ



4-. We have heard the laamed cmmse} appeaM;*i1VigV.Lhe

appefiants and Ieariled Advocate Genera}

respancients No.1, 2, 3 and 5.


:3. Learned 301111561
p€tiZi0I1€I’S/ appellants hgrein gant: cf
quarrying 133.56 in févoliiiggf is illegal as
the 5″‘ respo:1<§e:§t…iS 11 Committae
and the " respondent was
subseq1V,1;<:1A1t filed by the petitioners ~
appeflaififi the grant 9:' qua1'I*y1ng lease

in favour of t.hé:»4fi'¥ respbfitieilt is liable to be set aside.

: <3tfV;§xe'H1§9&é hand, learned Advocate Genarai

Aa?;;3p:5=i;31*i£ig"'«f§§1' .AViVfef§p0née11ts No.1, 2, 3 and 5 submittaéi that

_ 1:10 1*i<3tifi_éa£%§3I§ has beer: issued under R1116 81% of KMMC

" .§§a£e$ a1*1<i"£I1e 415% respendent beirig State Gre, the order passed by the respondent — Atifhority is


7′. We: have given careful consideration to rim c: ji1tk3::11;”i0:I1$’

urged by the Iearrled counsel . i”t;::;’

gcrutiraized the material on recnrde ”

8. The material on rficford wetiid. éisarig’ ‘Sh0wfiI1at the 431
respondent is El Compaxfif, the State. No
notification has .RLi1<~: 3A of KMMC: Rules.

Mere fact of the 431 respondent

subseqzifint of the petitioners -~ appellants

herein woixicf mjf way help to the petitioners -~

43* respoxldent, which is whom; owned by the Staj,é§.,_4: wVoL11d

not itseif iead to any iI1f€I’€I1C€ of bias. ‘I’h¢r§ftj19:%.;;’

regard to th-3:: above said materia} o1f1m:rc;!.’,”*i;=a::’: :1’_xoId.ti€1at.L_fl1e

order passed by the learned Sirizglg

does not suffer from any ei’3wf§r….V’0r ”
interference in this intra”..c0urt..–aL’>ViAQ’}§e*&}_,LA we hold
that the writ appeals vA:’f1s1’e1fit and pass the
immwmg % %” A K 4V3
jN§ §4§g§gg _f”


Chief I 11Sl.’iC%




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