P.Vijayakumar vs State Of Kerala on 7 December, 2010

Kerala High Court
P.Vijayakumar vs State Of Kerala on 7 December, 2010




WP(C).No. 30264 of 2010(G)

                      ...  Petitioner


                       ...       Respondent



                For Petitioner  :SRI.G.D.PANICKER

                For Respondent  :SRI. ASOK M.CHERIYAN, SC, KSEB

The Hon'ble MR. Justice C.T.RAVIKUMAR

 Dated :07/12/2010

 O R D E R
                          C.T.RAVIKUMAR, J.
                     W.P. (C) NO.30264 OF 2010
               CONT.CASE(Civil) No.1156 OF 2008
          Dated this the 7th day of December, 2010.


Writ petitioners are petty contractors and contract line

workers under the Kerala State Electricity Board (for short ‘KSEB’).

This writ petition has been filed mainly to redress the grievances

relating non implementation of the award of the Industrial

Tribunal Palakkad in ID No. 27 of 2002. Further prayer is to issue

a direction to the first respondent to appoint a Deputy Labour

Commissioner and an Additional Labour Commissioner in

pursuance to the request dated 25.5.2010. Evidently, as per

Ext.P2 award the following directions were issued to the


” a) 25% of the existing vacancies as well as the vacancies
that may arise during a period of five years from the date
of this award shall be reserved for appointment from
among the petty contractors and contract line workers.
There shall be appropriate percentage of communal
reservation within this 25% in terms of Articles 16 and 335
of the Constitution of India.

b) The management shall in consultation with the State
Government nominate an officer not below the rank of
Deputy Labour Commissioner to prepare a State-wide
seniority list of petty contractors and contract line workers
who had worked not less than 1200 days preceding the
date of this award and the same shall be published on the
notice boards of all the offices of the management from
where this category of workmen are deputed for works.

Similarly an officer not below the rank of additional Labour
Commissioner in the State Labour Department shall be

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authorised to finalise the seniority list after conducting
personal hearing of the workmen who have submitted
objections to the draft list and the final seniority list shall
also be published in the same manner as stated above.

c) All persons whose names figured in the final seniority
list and who satisfy all the qualifications for appointment
of electricity workers as per the orders of the management
which are in force as on the date of this award, except the
condition of maximum age limit, shall be eligible for
submitting applications for appointment in terms of this

d) The maximum age limit for appointment as per this
award shall be 50 years as on the date of notification
inviting applications for appointment.

e) The management shall be free to formulate and finalise
a recruitment procedure incorporating the above directions
in consultation with KPSC as per Sec.3 of Kerala Public
service Commission (Addl. Functions) Act, 1963.

f) The KPSC shall be authorised to conduct a suitability
test/interview and submit a select list of successful

g) The management shall comply with the above directions
and ensure that the selection process for appointment
against 25% of the existing vacancies is completed within
120 days from the publication/pronouncement of this
award and appointments are made within 60 days from the
date of publication of select list byh KPSC.

h) If sufficient candidates are not available for filling up
25% vacancies in terms of this award, the remaining posts
shall be treated as general.”

2. The said award was challenged before this Court in W.P.

(C) No. 28836 of 2005. As per Ext.P3 judgment the said writ

petition was dismissed with certain clarifications. Against Ext.P3

judgment two writ appeals viz., writ appeal Nos.627 of 2008 and

615 of 2008 were unsuccessfully attempted. The former writ

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appeal was disposed of as per Ext.P5 judgment and latter writ

petition was disposed of as per Ext.P6 judgment. The Special

Leave Petition preferred against Ext.P5 judgment by the KSEB

was also dismissed. However, the respondents have not complied

with the directions in Ext.P2 award as clarified in Ext.P3 judgment.

The sum and substance of the petitioners’ contention is that the

3rd respondent is bound to comply with the directions given under

Ext.P2 award subject to the clarifications made under Ext.P3

judgment and the fruits of the award and the judgment shall not

be permitted to be deprived of.

3. I have heard the learned counsel appearing for the

petitioner, the learned Government Pleader the learned standing

counsel for the second respondent and also the learned standing

counsel for the third respondent.

4. A contempt case has also been filed on being aggrieved

by the non-compliance with the judgment in W.P.(C).No.28836 of

2005 dated 16.11.2007. It has been brought to my notice that

with a view to draw a seniority list in terms of the directions in

Ext.P2 award from amongst persons who are included in WW 23

and 24 referred to in Ext.P2 award, the Deputy Labour

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Commissioner, Ernakulam was nominated as the officer. In fact,

the said nomination is in tune with the directions under Clause (b)

in paragraph 48 of Ext.P2 judgment. Evidently, the Deputy Labour

Commissioner is nominated to prepare a statewise seniority list

of petty contractors and contract line workers in terms of Ext.P2

award which was clarified as per Ext.P3 judgment. Going by

Ext.P2 and Ext.P3 an Additional labour Commissioner has also to

be nominated for the purpose of finalising the seniority list drawn

by the Deputy Labour Commissioner. After finalisation of such a

list qualified persons from among those included in WW 23 and 24

have to submit their applications. Obviously, as per the

directions issued under Ext.P2 award the eligibility and

entitlement to make such applications are limited to those who

fall within age limit specified thereunder, viz., 50 years.

Admittedly, the post identified for such appointments is Electricity

Worker. As per the award 25% of the existing vacancies of

electricity workers as well as the vacancies that may arise during

the period of 5 years from the date of award were to be reserved

for appointment for among the petty contractors and contract

line workers. Ext.P2 award is dated 15.12.2004 and Ext.P3

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judgment is dated 16.11.2007. Nevertheless, the petitioners are

yet to receive the benefits arising out of Exts.P2 and P3. There

can be no dispute with respect to the position that further delay in

the matter of finalisation of the list and failure on the part of the

3rd respondent in calling for applications in terms of the award

from the finalised list would result in denial of the benefits of

Ext.P2 award to those persons who would cross the age limit of 50

years on the date of such invitation for application after following

the requisite procedures, in terms of directions (d) in Ext.P2. In

such eventuality, as per the terms of Ext.P2 award, such

vacancies would also be treated as general. Therefore, according

to the petitioners the matter cannot brook any further delay and

any such delay would hamper their chances of getting an

appointment in terms of the directions under Ext.P2 award which

stood modified as clarified as per Ext.P3. The said apprehension

cannot be said to be an unfounded one in the facts and


5. Obviously, for complying with the directions under (c) and

(g) of Ext.P2 award and Ext.P3 judgment the Deputy Labour

Commissioner is to be nominated for the purpose of preparing a

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state wise seniority list of petty contractors and contract line

workers and an Additional Labour Commissioner has to be

nominated for the purpose of its finalisation. The final seniority list

is to be forwarded to the Kerala Public Service Commission on

receipt of such a list from the Additional Labour Commissioner.

The 3rd respondent is to formally finalise the recruitment

procedure incorporating the directions in Ext.P2 judgment which

stood clarified in Ext.P3 judgment in consultation with Kerala

Public Service Commission (Additional Functions) Act, 1963 in

terms of directions (e) in Ext.P2 judgment. In fact for a proper

implementation of the directions in the award, 3rd respondent

shall formally finalise such a recruitment procedure before

finalisation of the final seniority list. On receipt of such a final

seniority list applications have to be invited from eligible persons

who are included in the final seniority list. Appointments have to

be effected then, against vacancies specifically reserved in terms

of direction No. (a) in Ext.P2 award. As already noticed with a

view to implement the directions in Ext.P2 Government have

already nominated the Deputy Labour Commissioner as officer to

prepare a state wise seniority list in terms of Exts.P2 award and

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P3 judgment. There is no dispute with respect to the liability of

the respondents to implement the various directions in Ext.P2

award in terms of Ext.P3 judgment. At the same time, as noticed

hereinbefore, any further delay in the matter of its

implementation may ultimately disentitle the petitioners and

certain other similar circumstances persons from enjoying the

fruits of Ext.P2 award in terms of Ext.P2. At any rate, such an

eventuality has to be averted. In the said circumstances the

Deputy labour Commissioner, Ernakulam who was nominated as

the Officer to prepare a state wise seniority list and petty

contractors and contract line workers in terms of the directions in

Ext.P2 award and Ext.P3 judgments shall draw draft seniority list

in terms of the directions thereunder expeditiously at any rate

within a period of one month from the date of receipt of a copy of

this judgment and forward the same to the KSEB to publish the

same in the manner and for the purpose, in terms of Ext.P2

award. In the meanwhile, the 3rd respondent shall formally

formulate and finalise the recruitment procedure incorporating

the directions in Ext.P2 award that stood clarified by Ext.P3

judgment in consultation with the Kerala Public Service

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Commission as per Section 3 of Kerala Public Service Commission

(Additional Functions) Act 1963, in terms of Ext.P2 expeditiously

to enable the first respondent to implement the directions in

Ext.P2 award, in terms of this judgment. As already noticed the

said officer is only to identify the qualified persons from among

those included in WW 23 and 24 in Ext.P2 award. In the

meanwhile the first respondent shall nominate an Additional

Labour Commissioner in the State Labour Department for the

purpose of finalising the draft list to be drawn by the Deputy

Labour Commissioner, Ernakulam in terms of Ext.P2 award and

Ext.P3 judgment. The Additional Labour Commissioner has to be

nominated for that purpose by the first respondent within a period

of two weeks from the date of receipt of the copy of the

judgment. Needless to say that the Additional Labour

Commissioner, Ernakulam shall finalise the draft list in accordance

with the directions in Ext.P2 award and Ext.P3 judgment within

one month from the date of receipt of draft list. On its finalisation

the 3rd respondent shall take immediate steps for the purpose of

calling applications from among those who are included in the

final seniority list for appointment in terms of Ext.P2 award and

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Ext.P3 judgment. It shall be done within one month from the date

of finalisation of the final the seniority list. In terms of Ext.P2

award the entire expenses have to be borne by the 3rd

respondent. The writ petition is disposed.

CONT.CASE(Civil) No.1156 OF 2008:

The above contempt petition has been filed alleging non

compliance with the directions in W.P.C.12473 of 2007 read with

judgment dated 1611 of 2007 in W.P.C.No.28836 of 2005. In view

of the judgment in W.P.(C) No. 36264 of 2010, this contempt

petition is closed.




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