Rajappa S/O Tukaram vs The Divisional Controller on 20 January, 2010

Karnataka High Court
Rajappa S/O Tukaram vs The Divisional Controller on 20 January, 2010
Author: N.Kumar And B.V.Nagarathna

the averments in the writ petition where at

Pa.1’agraph{14), the reasons for delay in

writ petition has been set out in detail.

submits that the impugned orzdetr-eqiiires


4. The learned eou1i.se~i_pis correetto thisextent it

that the learned Singi*e_Jud.ge’ inihoiding’
that in the entire has not
whispered at is the Writ
petition. petition, where the

reason’s”foIi’ delay hjaaretbpeen setout reads as underr-

is” that, the petitioner

‘E ‘ ‘V has filed’: Ciairh petition before the
a;”Lab.Q’u1′ “‘C’t§iiVrt, on 31.12.2001 and
“v…su.bseq1ient1y to earn his livelihood he
Poona and worked as Labour
maintained his family still he is
ttvvfirorking in the Poona. When the
petitioner has come to Gulbarga in the

month efdune 2009 the counsel of the

stands for the reason set out by us. in fact, in

prefer’riz1g this appeal, there is delay of 8}.

6. Accordingly, the writ. appeal is

‘ ‘ V’ ” / 1 V v L



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