Shri V Raju S/O Veeraswamy vs The State Of Karnataka on 14 August, 2008

Karnataka High Court
Shri V Raju S/O Veeraswamy vs The State Of Karnataka on 14 August, 2008
Author: C.R.Kumaraswamy
IN "ms HIGH com? or KARNATAKA AT BAN*gC§AL(§§,%f   

QATED: "mas THE 24*" mar eFA»A.a:Gu%sT::ée§V3M. V':  
:BEFORE:   ' " %  

me HOWBLE M12,3U§'!'I¢;:?;E €:.,P1,KU'MARASwAé?£'if" 




% . A_5§EAR._”ER_{)ADE,A T.N.s?,m”E.

sxo VEERASWAM"?.f,V__--.'§ -    %

38 YEAR.S,5   _    

KARAGUP$LYi§, “‘Tf~§.1€__RVU zr=.;3’i’-:5′,-, ” .
NEAR 5w.ooET,._t:

TAM:LN.Aou sfmT5, _ *

. SMT.SAR)3.3l3,

We V_,Rfik3U,”-35′ ‘%.»’.E_§-.Ri$*v,»

V '5i""«_%f'agéL:;'¢!;%R.3,v.Pinata, A§\.:'QCA"¥'E.)

= 5 "§=-%£G§-§ CGU~.R"E" OF §<ARNA":'A:<A,
, *BArs:aA'LeRE.

(33,! MFi.S.RAJA SUERAMANYA E!-‘§;€3Ci’, E-‘§CGP,)




This Criménai Appeai Es flied under Sect§eri”‘-$?éA.(‘1:)?” tag»
Code 01′ Crfminai Procedure; against tffeg».1udg;”ric£§’r1t–.[fiv::d’€}jfc1er_of’ . ”
czmvéctien dated 31.122082 passed in S;’C«.£?w.,5Sf2–;?_28€:;£}V_ or; we ‘

fiie :3? the {earned KXIEI Addétianai £1~}essg’i<3::2–3 ijasdgegg Be:».2*:"§.a[A?'<:*f:'e

City, and the Order of sentence dated $333,:.20G::z:g3a'ssaé'3*:én"thé_

said case, etc.

This CrimEna£ Appeaii comE:;§"'c:,::i fgr hééréfi thfa day, the
Court deiévered the fGfiOW§fiQ2 – " "

This Criminaéé_;Z§;g;:§eaE;:”i;é;V f§:%;%dV§r§:§’_;farV’ 3?4(1) 9!’ the
Carmina! Pr0c&§’.§§a:;;:A}..;1q.§p§§f;3;é.5\§’:£qgteé! 33.,12,2092 passed by
the xxzzr %_idd%t§c;r§!’»{;:..§§f fiesgéons Judge, Sangamre
City, in §:’;3%2véct§ng A4 for the offence
;3§:.;nisha b .£_§ imderVSéec§;§§v%j§_’_53f;4- Part IE 9? the Irzdéara Fermi (fade,
undergo rigorous Emprésenmerzt fer three

yeaf7s._a’n’g;.At¢ {§”;;sf.;;;f 駔f§.ne sf Rs.1,0Q0,f-, in defauit, is unéergé

AV’Vv. $ér;zpée §??:g3r§.*s¢%z:’:§’§=:nt far twc meeths, and sentencing A2 fer
‘”4″_.’§§?i.é- §ffe:2§e.p:g}2éshah§e agnéer fiegtésn 325 Q’? the Inééar: ?er§aE
“. LC;fé_§%;,”fins?-*.A’§sentenc%ng her :9 undergs simpée Emprésenment far

§’¥7¥’=.i;§”£!§’%$. The Triaé Cami sass has given the benefit: of set

for Ezha geréed Qf imprisanment, which they have akeady




which appeara ta be natural and beéievabéei ‘?”é§.eré;fc§fe,3t€~:.g’:.

QXt§’v§”j£}d§C§§§ canfesséon made by ;A}”i”‘bafo7r_e ‘

taken into gensideratéen for the §;:’rpti5s,é of. c;;1§ii2é¢ti%§g “t%ié~%?

accused QEFSGRS. The “ma! Céur£:”%2,as V§;1’s**;£1V;+.’é2″rT:.:.’:E3Ai$7«:;:»:;§.}T:ed that
there was no premadéta;§,9.:} be;:v;ag:’e§f; é§i’e.._Aaccé§iSVéd éersons to
have a cemmen in£entée r:”‘,_t’c”‘§;’ijé_’_’_.muréer of the
deceased’ The s:..v:;f2’§as.r_1c£ir;::’fgf_H§§§§éurf§*séa_:2;v§§:’Vj’éhovg that in the
midntgm whet;t§’e:*44__¢%§.ag’;asé:?;:.A_:§;’~§.e§”«”§§”._:{n.§.:;behave with A2, she
startea beatégg’5′:i;§ceé.$5e~éf ae3zE§§2…..g”§women stick used fer
wagering Egg; —-Q_f fiche deceased and en naming
ta knew abo:}i;~..J§’:ave afisa started beating the
dacease;i ;w’éth thé s;’e’.«’€>.:¢ c¥e.’§ ‘grieces ava2’§ab§e to them ii? the shed.
fiaarly was :0 shew that there was no

pre§’:%:«a’fi§.;tgt’iAovr$’fr:.zj’V_§:”:§g»g-ition to cause the death 3? the deceasada

Frergz ..t£§a:_ eézédanrce avaéiabie an recerd, E: is sear: that Al

4: -T£§’e1é’§tj}’%’£ie5Lc2.gce::asead with wwéan stick an the forehead, hands,

fir’-.?:>Aw and fight thigh aged penis ef the éaceased, which

ss *’..:7;és’1f’s’:’§de:’ed to be the vita! pan: cf the may; 55 far as A2 is

4*~. “‘:¢%iéerr:ed, it is the specific case 91″‘ the gmsaguicéozz that $335


under Sactécn 302 of IPC, the ‘ma! Ccurt afte.{_’§’e.§}3s§d.}éf§_ng’

eviéence an recard has convicted A,1″f:omr”tl§’:«a cffe::1c:e{:;:;gn_:§$7!§€a:_{b’:§e ‘

under Sectian 304 pm IE 9? theInd§$r:__P:1er§’£a§ c§:§;e; ‘;~éieg1::?e§;%’z5ie:>V»

finding regarded by me “ma! VCm;sv”‘;”:’:,:’s gv.2r’e.aj_el:’::.’.!\£$K:g§?é:.:r:d is

made wt :9 énterfesre er désggrb me ?fn:§§éVéV%’g.._;9f t£2锑!”:’E’é§ Ccurt.

11. In an appeal :.;ic”!.ii;!_§cV:;15!.§e;it: ,. fit is for the

Appeélates Court as 4ic’é’:?jQ ;jf;g»g;: ;’§3–.’gc;isf2’z’*¥.A’; §b.é %£a:t§’s7fied effectéveéy that

the prasacutforfg E5″=:;u5é§:”a:§i§aV§iy’:::%§ge and the guééi: of the

agpeiiant 5&5 E35’V§;’$?£é’:%’i§$§%§.§*$__.§L39§’Cfig aii reasersabie éssgbtsk It
is get far !,*Ir%e2uapsa§1a¥t:.?:§,?igagsfigé the agpeééate gawk that the
first Ca;.::ji:_V£*2ad4″Ec’:::a:}§*za»~§t’ic é Qrong féndéag in déspsséng 0? the

giiggzeai. i.,£».e;:’:’:’ mus£”駀:amé:ze the aggeaé racord étsefi bafsre

at-*’i*;”=€§_;”:’§ A~:§;§3.ether further enquiry er taking aédétfaenfi

‘ ‘-…..22fvé§ené;.a:__ is ¢a$§§”a}:,:§e 95 mt area ifhaaz came 29 the csgmissien an

_ _f_~«?.:,_E*.2ge ,a:2t£re”sréateréaé an recsrd whether csmgéctéan an zhe

*._’_'<:$:*3§émné'€§ prisener £3 gassiiféeé. £2: £5 awn far this Court as an

" V.'iTag3{§é§éa'te agent is examine the antére evidence, The pawers

this prevéséegz are sama as sf these :3? the "ma Cwrt. It

true that 922 'mg: Cam: wing a gzrémarsg Ceurt ef facts as ét


IL} )-

acgaased were qgzarrefléng with each other; Th.e,:f:’eL’§Q;ré;L[.:”m;heé'”ha

went and askeé them fer the reasc:n:’;o1A§V 5tf§2’a§’;-‘–;g_fa;a’:*;*~z¥.,’§ ‘*§’:;V;e._:§é§ci.?;’:f:e ”

repéy ma: “same is he ta ask tVham’.a”.__§§;* :£§;;3.’A’d§é V:§3 t”‘%t駧~

agythéng abeut we éeceasécfin”fie fives’V~.nj{:t«V”1 g};¢éw the

antecedegzts ef éeceasad Range; ,3’&::é_§s$éd..’was assesiééted an his

head, fiands and fags am ‘éézajsg ‘gheé, and as the
gear sf the shag 2¢,éja’3:v__¢pe§_:éV;V’:§2é:::fie gaiata, There
was eiectréc §§Q_§f¥.t? §§.r2__ :29 other persmz was
presarzt at §&§f§}rm”§aayb9dyy He went ta his
shed is sEei:.{§_p. ;%’i;_Q.1 was in the fiandg cf A3,
M,Q.2-wesgéfig-Qscég’s;:’::.:§§t§ §e ragg’ baiis was in tha hand
9!’ A.2 ag§;d” En $29 hand of A1,, Next day mernéng

«gfifvhte Eit§4.t§§4leA-spat and AA. and A2 were inside the sheé.

§;e:€, ‘ Qa;;*%ir”§é_;:_ Aééés cmsswexaménatéon, he stateg that he has

° .;_¥9£’.seen the ‘éecaased gmrzg ts arrack shag, Qeceaseé has :29

301?’; frég own. an that éay, as usual he Siam: by 9 Qflack in

“- ‘_fti}:e%:2§§’f:zt, Gr: hearérag the imstie, he came cut ef the shed,

firs: saw the damaged he was beaten with a bambee

gitécic, which is at M,a,3$ £)e-teases; has sustaénad severe!


iréjtzries. M.Q.3. was :2: the hands efA.:E.. M1052 ~«-a §::a;§:<[:;'sk.ea?Egg?

grreparmg the rag; baéis was in the !j.3'n'cé::. of -ea 7

bamhoa stick was rzewéy purchased 2hé S§2 ég'::;,. §s£$.;%:£%..gFg;.V

meméng, after hearéng the busé§.g ";2g we ;r;t.$::«~.,t[5veg #2? A1

and he saw the deceased Qyéng §g»&.::§:'§Ln. t}:-e's§1e;d§."~

1?. P.W,3-Laks?hm§ the wffe cf
PaW.2' She has deceased Ranga
was aise 2.a:sri,::gasa§;f’,~i.§/jé%?§.%” h;_ss§:a”sé’de~::€;’s..2Es*eé with the accsfied, but he was

5%; ‘3§&sayV ?av;{“:§§e:%%’.-._Té:§s witness has tgrned hsgfiée. Laarneé

Adé:té’e:'{Ta«§.,?,1?,’ £:f9s’§;¥exam§ne$ Ema wétnass. flaring the e:ress-

VV’.*–.exasnénat’§¢2’§, fienées the sQgges£§<.'m past :9 her the: ghe has

_f%sé£=4ar§§'[*s.L,§é*;g..§;*:ci5en: ameng s;sz§§§: her husband am deceased was

haw; and acccrdingiy, she has stateé before me

. A $5:

§C’e3~a’s: per Ex,P..2. There was efectréc fight in the shed. Quriéng

“smss-exam§na:§:>n by the warned defenca Ccurasei, she


‘km. 5

apprehended A1 and A.?. and brought ther.r§ 't:f. i:§j é 'pc:¥§'<fs:sVV


24. P.W.1Q-Maratha is t.e:e..;¢;afe”%of%§:;a;:ea’$é;g,gt;ew3sa%ys.;’

that Al to A.3 and her husband y\;ér’ §’e€_»the.’sa:?f1 :e vvivfiiéasge, A.1

was Ma¥si:ry.

25. P.W’.9-‘S33s2kar;:’§§V%§gé:r v;I’§3:’§§Vst§gat§ng Qfficer.
He has skated§’:: ‘.!3V§$:-é:%;{E&é;;f:.;;§~~.j;§*;§i: sn’2103,2063!) he was
working a5- ..59.;5§&*.é飧é«I¥7;:,. .~_é*’…j1.’P§€:3:~VEA£c5’e=;Yeshwanthassura Poiice
Station. gave a comwaént as per


by the £eamed Magistrate at 11.09 a.m., on 27.$.2%;’-2£2%;>t:¥& “§’:%§.§A

gtatement 9!’ Ganesha whe £5 C.W.5 an7d7 ‘w;h§2 was ggagngaea as

P,W.2, was recsrded on 27E§3§.2906; §;a}t _f’?2e

recaéved the same or: 29.G3.2VQG.§’;*~..%?.W;2=.has$5 his

evédanae that deceaseé wa-s..V.assa.uE’té?.§’jéifikgis Eeéd’, ‘h ands and
Eegs and éater he déed, {inside the sheé,
thg dsor of the s?1;e,d w_as an eiectrécz sight
and therefczre,thV1a”*”V_5§i::st.§e. Next day merning
P.,W,1 had A;§– 53.3 were in the shed,
But, in spitjaef :9 state his name in the
statement as’€’i2.§”pvefé®4V’§§gh:%:_”.§»:§tnesseé the incicient, He came

:9S<new,.fi§éétL'~deceés$:§gégsé on tha next gay when he saw: the

v'§*a$!:§Aej,'«.,§;ftev§'f 'A«¥3e.a;:Vf'%–z:;§ the bustée, $18 went cautséde the sheé.

?$W.§.,§§;".,.:;;Ag§ié ::'%?§?é%"Véham {ha wife of ?.W,2, She has ytateé £5:

e:;'§§§:"2ce"~– t %2iai she has net geea A1 ta 52.3 assawténg tha

Side has further gtated én her evfidersce that her

"'4.V.:_':iz;g§;bjs§2fV§Vd"'ehazsirad aczcazsad but her husband was sent away by

VTté:§'.g"a'a:'at:zsaé' This witness. has been turned hostéie ta the séée cf

presecutéeru Hewever, she denies the sasggestézrm put to her

that she aimzg with her hasbané has seen $3.51 :9 A3 assauitézeg


the deceased with M.Qs,1 ta 3. She aiso clearty*'%ézra:§Ai§VL'§"r§%

evmence at page 930,2 Ehat after se§:.«i'n'g—-the*'.'qu_.afi*;%i._ Efiietafizeéa '

the accused ané deceased, hersefl' ankd hs;.ifsl::; a:*::,i

their shed and went to sfeep. j .

27. Gr: careful perzzgal ofAVth~éV:.’£ei :rEdeL;§ce.’c§}f’5~”;.We:§§.1, 2 and
3, $1: is foam that there *t9 the effect that
after seeigzg the A2 with the
deceased, h;§§§;ei:§dV~§?.$5;_v..?.VV_f%§Lzrnecf to their shed
and want if: “i2*’.~ #V:f:s£afe to piace reiiance an
the ev§de:£’c_ e sgfx sf pmsecutéen witness
digcéosa in the efectric fight. The
:r}s2est:g;§m’?guagegzty. 393: Qrepared the sketch of scene af
V5-!jé” A_§;!:s}§,,.,.;state%’ in his evidenae that, damaged was

assfiai-,«i ac_i1 é:’§-:v4§:’§s{V_§s§éa<§', hands anci §ags. This part cf eyidente is

" ::'e5q£:& $i2«d wit' aiu§fsit:§rzc:t, Ever; zémzggh he has sgeken about the

'" .–1'E1%~';s:§Vs:I1':a:AA3t;,, $hte'v.:téc§e piayed by each of the accused E235 mt beer;

»4 *VSt3§é§V"c.§.e§é:*Ey in his evidence. The evidance a? 9.33%.; is net

"[.§¢§:}t;§§§rate¢ by téze evédamze ':9? any ather witness, rrmre

pafiiigzzéariy 9.W.3 wbe is his wife. The azaiéencg sf ?,Ws.1, 2

" and 3 wheiare matariaé witnessgs $9 :39: carrobarate with each


ether. There are éeceneistencies in their eviczfeece. P.W,$ seems

in his evidence that they epereherzded A31 and A2 at the

Yeehwenthapura Reiiway Station, whereas P.W.1 hag

his evidence that they were ereeent at the spet.;'..':.£f"éev-;:§e'ee:§§.§ee

exeienetien is ferthceméng as to'-<'wE:-ye they "e!4ere'–.i'.:":dst.é

eeprehended en 2"?.3,29OQ at 8 Q'cEeé'§; [Tttzerelévng

they were present in their shed; Vb

28. The ether eeeeet the&c~e–se”L_:é*s’t’%1et it ie”eeee3e en the

extre~judécie¥””:;eer§§essV§’éi:;:; “‘§’.§}”e ?%§’e’§””iCeert has same to e
cenciueien i:§3a:’t_ a’«:c_:V:;2.é%.”~’3’c!.VV’e:fe=.,§;,:£§ty ef the effeeces aiiegee

egeinst them.VV’L”-«fee V”:§”§i§eA§~.,_:C;e«;:irt eepreeéeted the evidence 0!’

e.*”:'”V-3*”i’f$.1..’fe_§;’%§*.,e.’.?.,…_ te t;eme’ to e conciueien that there is

¢e;f.reE3.e£et§\ie”péeee–.ef evidence in respect ef extra-fiudiciei

Z”e.___J,cer:feseEe’e, eP;%;’§§e;j;e7%3Ves eéeeriy stated fie hée evidence the: ;’5e..3.

_: ..e_;’4e;=§;’ed te béeerieeéry in Temiif but he has emitted te state the

C.”-ef::ef;i:tAA§e3e’ uttered by the accused in his eempéeint,

an peresei ef the evidence end etee tee materiei

*-_§Eecee org recere, it eiscieees that the case is besee era the

ifcércagmsteetiei evidence. The efieeee maiden: teak mete en the


3. His baa bang stands carmfial. If the amozséfi c,»f_j.

fine is depesita by A1, the;”éaE’rm; “s;’hafi§’:

refunded to him”

4. The apgeai filed by thé’~§éc~3nd “a’pp etwV¥a_%’:t

dismissed as net presged,



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