Smt.Annapoora @ Anushree.K vs State Of Karnataka By Police … on 21 May, 2009

Karnataka High Court
Smt.Annapoora @ Anushree.K vs State Of Karnataka By Police … on 21 May, 2009
Author: N.K.Patil & V.Jagannathan
me THE HIGH cover or-' mama mm A 2* BANGALORE
BATE}? THIS THE 215'!' DAY GF MAY, 23139
:Presen;t:  V   3
ms HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE ~.;<.féA  7"   ' =   %k
And % ' '       %  Ak  
ms Ha~'sz.E ; :2. JUS 2:s¢s%v. .:AG,4;v.é;#,a  :_

WPHC §'..%5 0;? ':z0a§}%%  

1 $mT.Ar4NAmc?<:x;A  ANUSi-~!REELK__
wig KESHGRE :<:;r;AR;  .   
AGED ABOUT 23 '(EARS     .. 
:<uDLu,ANE;<.AL TALUK ._ V 
a,ar4GAs.-<:RE   -- .1 '  


5539 sri; ;ia;.s.§?§ 5*.$ c<j%gé;uL1'»3§snvoC;AfE' V)

_: ESFATVE QF,--.xA;?:N§efi"'AKA av PQLICE ::4$PEc?oR
" 3 N€«2ERucsHA'rrA POLICE STATi£"2%é

E-3:'-X ?*§'L£'fi?':E ;


 ----..%:§:<::éi.':=;:';»aeA:§ai;"HA;2 ASA ma RESPGNDENT)

,.  éhiffi W9%%C 33 HLEQ UNDER :'3sRTiCLE8 226 34 22? £33: "ENE
{3f.}%'~_z'_$T§TUT§Gi'\$ «'3? §§'§€}%A ':3?' "WEE QDVQCATE FER F?-{E r'3'ETI7?2$NER

V "  QQRYSNG 'EC: PRGDUCE Ti-§'E CORPUS {BF "WEE BETENUE 81' ?'\3i3:§'-¢'§E 53%?
.V "§'{§i$%§€}RE @ ?<.§SH{}'§3ZE %<Z!.3%'sAAR3 '%"u'HO $3 RESPG§*~i{}E%'~iT §'€Q_"% ¥f$'=i $33..
'-~;1%PPE?s§. §'~éG.224€§f2C@6 673$?'-=e'fli?~a'~'3 Di53P{}SAi_ BEFORE Ti-éif.-3 'r%QN'SLE

{7}i3URT, i-"a§'~£E} EN THE §LLE:3é§{. CUS"{O{}':" G55 THE ACCL}-ESEU QGLECE.

THEE} '~J§'r"~'%-ii? s;'.'i{E§'*.v'§i¥'l3S 931$ FQR F'¥?'EL§?vJi§E*~i.z"«'sR'z' %€Ez*F:%N*3 E'?-5%?» DAR

In the instant case, petiticaner 3

direction, directing the accused to  Eijfk

the deienue by name Sri_ K512:-;_vhotfeT@"'Kiéh'dré'K:u.{n'$:§.AA wh{;.A j

és respondent No.1 in   gfiverréiéng

dispasai before thfs tifié g’;V§*e;i*»£’3..3*.’..vr;iu$i0dy of the
ac;cused- poiice. V x A H n

2. appearing fer

peti’tio§?éf”»_’afid “?V’§_e:a:’-n*e6’~– A’é§d’iif:§c2:f1iaI Government Advocate

2§:;;3e_arixr’igj’v.§«3r_ Vfasprigfident.’

‘A – VL%aérff.éd4’:””*–.}’X£:;9i§:iiiii<:snaI Gaverramefit Advacate

',.:§3'pfpeér%ng' ffjifresfzandefii, at the Guise? aafamified mat, in

_;:u:'$u;3:'3 c*a__ :31' éhe non» ?ma%§3bEe warrant issued by fiiis

% – 7é:a¢:{%%:;nk244.2969 in zzmppeg: r~.:u.2248;2ee5 which is

§§$&_§ng zadjufiécatiah anzi whfih was pcsied an

"2.§8_5.2§8§, 2&3 }u:'§:.::%;%ic%$sr'%3i pcaiéce have arregfed Kama!'

Kfihare Kumar, gccuaed $55.! and me m– accassad
3239.2 and praéuced ifiem 'aefmre %§':%$ Caurt En aségaza sf

maductian G4? bath ihe 3{':£Z;US€d Mm. 'E and 2 before {big

Gaurt, the prayer sought in this writ ;3etit%§3_r}V". i_'d§e3 mt

$ur'vive far can-sideratfion. Hence, the writ by

petiticner is disposed cf, as .§3a_\_zing_–'bécérivté"infruc-tu'é:,%é}'~

w%th a direcficzn to the juri33r3ici–fio'ri3i p;éi%§$'§3 {-5 J

prcduce the accused éh'd.__2'§1Aéfpr'é§"th'i3":Courf Von
25.5.2009 in Crl.:»*§.§3pea3""i~§§.'1 224312603; ~*r*ne accused
Nos. 1 arid 2 are iii? 28.5.2009.


%% Tudga



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