Sri Deepak D Souza S/O Sebastian D … vs The Additional Commissioner Of … on 29 September, 2010

Karnataka High Court
Sri Deepak D Souza S/O Sebastian D … vs The Additional Commissioner Of … on 29 September, 2010
Author: Manjula Chellur K.Govindarajulu



THE 1a:o1~z'BLE MR. JUSTICE K.  A  

'1'.A..E.'i'. No.3 Iii?'  ,«  .
BI3'I'W3:»EN  J n V

Sri. Deepak D' Souza

S/0 Sebastian D' Souza   
SAC House, HaIeym'1gadyA"Po.ét :4 
M-a.nga1ore--574 146'»  -     ...AI'PELLAN'I'

(By éx§i.*<f3. vK:.'*.f; and Sri. 9. E. Umesh,
M/s. (flpbai Law'*«.I':z9."-Atiirocatesl

  Aéd§'tionai Végmmissioner of


 ' .V.CIozn32gér_c:via.;i---Taxes
 . E:;ne5'-'I;'--X?_'a:iVi};§?a Terige Bhavan

B"¢:ei-560 009  RES?ORDEN'I'

  A. {By S'r"i.. T. K. Vedamdurthy, HCGP)

This TAET is filed :1/s 16 of the KTEG Act

   §agaix1st the Revision Order dated 3.11.2008 passed
'  in No.ZAC--1/MNG/SMR-()7 83 0?A/0'?-08 on the file

of the Add}. Commissianer of Commercial Taxes,
Zone-1, Bangalore, revising and setting aside the
appeai orders and restoring the orders of assessment
and penalty of the check post authority and
accoréingly concluding the revision proceedings.


This TAET coming on for Admission this day,
Manjula Chellur J., delivered the fallowing:
J U D G M E N '1?
On our direction, the learned Government

Advocate placed before Ire the original file perteirning

to the assessment of sales tax for the 

2002-63 of M/s. Vivek Petra Co.  ._si;a§:v::sfi:.V:

'mls. vivek Petra] and the same :s'%;a¢;-grade "   '  f

2.. The admitted facts izxddflre  

the   engaged in the
busifieseoéf trarfiepdrtefiibn of goods; in the month ef

Jugxe _  desonsimment belonging to a

   M/s 'Vivek Petro ------a a registered

  .3:ieé;1erf~:-;vrrde.r7'Karnataka Tax on Entry of Goods Act,

§.;Q?9.__"t1*e§i3eported consignment of a. product called

 .. Tzragdthe' from Mangalore; the contention of the

A' "A._VVd'e1iartrr1er1t was the transit: parts which was required


":to be taken by the driver or the person incharge of

the vehicie at the check post of entry after

commencement of the transit was not handed over



at exit check post; therefore, a presumption under
Subsection 4 of Section 3.8-B is available to hold
that the consimment did not move out of thestate

but wags mid within the Etate.  
. In the present case, the tra.nsi.t.__

issued by Kannur Cl1eckPosi:, Kannu.r_"'ar:1.d'

cheekpost was Attibeie near  

goods were to reach the dos-tiliaeationt.Torrizsfiieie 'i:¥:;ie~~r

State of Karr1atakai.e., Po'i::§icherry'.V_  die oasis of'

nonwreceipt of trvij.-&:4:_i"a,~_it  gtzttbele exit

witfiin  time under the above said
provisiitzxgtotheggf 'trot  imposeri tars: but also levied

p,eé;}elty onathey goods transported. The contention

  Vt:§_1 :e:«apfiellant/assessee was apart from the driver

 2   étlithorised representative of the consigner

  Petra, Béanylore, who was incharge of the

  'A ge_ode from the commencement of the journey till it
treeehed the destination and he was the one who

H too}: not may the transit pass but was entrusted

with the duty of handing over the same at exit

check post. Therefore, the owner of the transit


vehicie was not liable to pay either the tax or the

penalty imposed. However, the order dated


by the Assessing Offlcer goes tr!”–Show

that the said defence was not accepted._éeg§i:4’e:’ti§¢’ey

proceeded to impose tax of Rs.6,6’Mr/h–H
another,674/- as 1Je11aJt;:5y;.»At»V 9

before the appeliate a_.utheri.t§*–.. in A’

130.232] 03-04. ._

4.The appeiiate aut?:…~eri_ty°–~i_1; thegvreéent case

after taking into the assessment

on by the owner of the goods
i.e., Vti’vek _Pé’£:r’iie,:’ lktiititrrgxalare, concluded that there

were no einrasionv of any tax. Therefore, on

»V:VaeVsur§_ar1ti§n.s; taxes cannot be levied when the

H ‘- f5Lssegs7«§e%r able to establish. that there was ample

er€irIe”r3,cie4’.to prove the movement of goods outside

the ‘fittate ané not said within the State. He also
“”§r’et’Aers to the release of goods of naptha in favour of

H the consigner and also ietters issued by the Deputy

Commercial Tax Officer at’ Pondicherry. The

assessing autherity had come to conciusien that all

the entries effecteci by the consigaar did move out

ef the State. Based on_ this finding, the apspefiate

authority aliowed the appeal in favour the

appellant, setting asiée the orders of

officer dated 24.12.2903.

5. The revisional authoi;:;ittfif::to;>?£_

by way of suo«-metto :fe1;f_i:«sioéxx;_t’a’;:1d

cause nmtice to the him to
explain the con.tei”;.ts. of jgfifice. assessee
appearad before jvtiatuthority and

subfiiitetiiihé fiowever, the revisional
authteritty of the appellate autharity

as_in1pré’p¢_’r .a;r;a<itA'*§$z?ts.iné1dicia1 to the interest of the

mjrentia' """ Ultimately the orders of the

t were revised and set–a.side. The

'efders.t§f.V.aiissessment and penalty of the check post

authgéity were restored.

6. Sec. 18$ :31′ the Kamataka Tax on Entry of

Genés fiat, 1979 reads as undar:

\ “~JrA\

See.I8-B»-Transit of goods by road
through the State and issue of transit


[1)Where a vehicie is carrying goo€i:3s”‘.o

taxable under this Act,

(a) from any other piece outsiitiet A
State and bound for anyglece c–utsi.'{i_e: ‘i1V.1fi’_
State and passes throng}: $ta_te’:A ‘V j

(by and which gooaseer¢.mp¢¢t¢aemtr’tt

the State from en§f”‘~.plac.e .__outte’i§ié~._t”i:he’:

country and such go_oV(_isV axje beingcarried
to any p1ace’o4_1§:tsid’e “$’t,e.i:e:_, the driver
or any other persofiéine-cIierge_’.. of such

vehic_l_e.q ejhalfzii 3 necessary

a:a~:r§d’..Vv__obt;ariVVt1 a transit pass in

zdntplieete’fcottt=:§i-oing such particulars as

mey_VttbeV’p_rescri$ed, from the officer~in-

charge ‘A the first oheckpost or barrier

. L}vtfter««_._his entry into the State or after

m¢eex-mat has commenced from the

the case may be, or from the

Z ‘officer empowered for the purposes of

eelbwsection (3) of section 28-A, upon

interception of the goods vehicle after its
entry into the State or after movement

has commenced as the case may he.)


(2) The driver or the person-inw

charge of the vehicle shall deliver within
the stipulated time 3. copy of transit page

obtained under sub section (1) to ”
officer~–in~–cha.rge at last checkpofi.’
barrier before his exit from the Statei. tt

{3)If for any re;,’Afjv

carried in a goods Vehicle-..Aere, ai’te’.:’entry=–4

into the State (or eft,e’r._+eoIti1I§e31ee’:ne–:it”of:
movement, the_._..Vi§,_v ma.y«.b_e)J§not
moved out ofthe the time
stipulated in owner
of the ogms otvehtseleeoevshazz ‘tn;r:;:sh to the

omce; ¢ogsterea 15. this behalf the

reasons’ ‘4..__:e:.:.c.Er1 delay and other

pettieolerstify thereof and such officer

‘ ‘V shall extfteizjdue enquiry extend the time of

t suitably amending the transit

fitovided that where the goods

x ‘eet1’§eé by a vehicle me after their entry

“ the State, (or after commencement

of movement, as the case may be)
transported outside the State by any
other vehicle or conveyances, the extras of
proving that the goods have actually
moved out of the State shall be on the

M ‘xfk

awner of the vehicie who originally
brought the goods into the State.

(4)13 the driver or any other perscza
inwchaxge of the vehicle does not

with sub-section(2), it shad! be

that the goods carried thereby _113.9_ée:.b§é_.{:exn1_

sold within the State by the .qfirn£:: 4
anything contain~»§_<i«–.._V in '7-,thisV

vehicle and

assessed to tax by tfi'-a_V'tofficeVt'~etin1iowte;red
in this behalf 'in_'_th¢Atj$te:§¢ribgAd manner.
(5) If the tbierfnér.¢'f::'th§tt'tra.1ii3ie fails to

obtain the: tra;fisit:j.~aV5.3.':'tas tparéxvictied unéer

:V4t,5ll-.11'v'~StV.¢t3';t°""fi:"'5"-.t3t"t fails to deliver the

Same as._t}3tc*fi'é.§d"'.under subsection (2),

A _ _ he tshatlltbé liahié to pay by way of penalty
sum afi0t….exceeding (female the am-aunt

.,;&fVt.a:x.l_eviabIe on the gooés transported.

T’ The amount of tax and the
v_petj§a:=i1ty ievied under this section. shall be

~~ tn:-covered in the prescribed manner.

Explanation: In case where a. vehicle
owned by a. person is hired for
transportation of goods by some other

perscn, the hirer of the vehicle shall for


the purposes of this section be deemed to

be the owner of the vehicle.)”

‘2’. Presumption under sub-«section (3) of sec.

18-B of the Act Imdisputedly is a refietteble

presumption. Rebuttal presumption

the person @inst whom the jmpug:3ed–:.1o.r:&’e:reeztieu

to be passed by the checkqaoet

to satisfy the authoritiee ‘t_hatVthere

of payment of tax. If the fiitention of legislature

were to be that irres.3.eeet’tva+t_»pef:it;ent of tax on the

goods” et;ies’tior;V;*-‘ reba;itta.I presumption was
avaiI’ebIe.’_ to “then whether those goods

were stxfbjeetedv-_to–. oa§ment of tax or not wouid be

A Irrvieifi of the fact that rebuttal evidence

to be brought on record by the party in

woulci be open for him to establish that

. ‘State.


in TI’ was hanéed over at exit check post or

A the goods in question did move out of the

Therefore, presumption of sale within the

State would not be avaiiable to the revenue.


8. In the present case, the contention of the

appeilant corrsieteetiy was to the effect that along
with the ériver of the vehicle, the owner of the

goods also traveller} because the consignor ei:ide.the

consignee were one and the same. Theref§t§’,’V»I’

entire formalities at the cheek

after by the representative o§fA_ther4e5gAeor§s{§.’.’Renate

driver who normally woeulgi be’._tliiterat’e

know the details. Appmerrthf in this the goeée
haé to move from V1;’§i:£i;r::ga’_ior–e,’te.__1§o1z(ticherry, outside

the oitheeetion 18—-B contemplates
that Vteet by the owner meved out

of_4:k,1e s£ate,’h’e obtain transit pass, i.e. the

0£..theH;A5ere5en in charge of the vehicie. The

‘Vt§;reett:m;§)”tieh’_i.under sub-sec. (3) as already stated is e.

re.hut’te3:vt’f9resumption and the appellant relies upon

_ the “erect of the assessment at’ the coesignor er the

–.._”eeeeignee of the geods.

9. It is also not disputed by the revenue that in
View ef the notice sent by the check~post offieer

pertaining te M/e. Vivek Petra, investigation was

made with regard to the accounts of M15. Vivek

Petro and even intelligence wing of the revenue also
made a thorough investigation both at Marzgalore

and Pondieherry, so far as the Business ,

Vivek Petra. The material that was

the asseeeing officer at the time of” of

assessment indicates whetepverj’ T :t’}1etf-ee.___y;we;’e

imported, Le. a pro<i11cttV_c'a_1.ied–"ifiepthetteaso

sent to Pondhictzerry 'aecoefinted at

Pondicherry. It evei:,_'b§f Central Excise

_at 'Whatever duty that was
payatfle to Excise Department was also

paid.. gs gaiexivthe' of the assessing authority.

. V. _W!i:.ez%r§'t*z:aIi'ce thevvtteoeeessing authority who took up the

proceedings as a part of the

Ain_ves_tiget:ion into the missing of I or none

_ ecceutiting of'1"Ps. at exit check post, so far 3.5 mils.

A' 'eAV_V"£'i*u;?ek Petra is concerned, it was satisfied that all the

goods that were imported which were meant te be

sent ta Ponebieherry did reach I'ondichery and not

even. a. single incident the reeeame was able to

establish that it was sold within the State. He was

justified in saying that the assesses i.e. M/s. Vivek

Petra had accounted all the goods”t3ere

imported by them and nothing escaped

In that View of the matter,_ yczlten

rebnttable evidence, the apj3ellen.t’ re1iiee:”uj:;on5.”t’ti1e

assessment oréer pertaiitieg int’

the absence of the Departr£1en’t..nesteiaiieingi that the
consignment in queetiorzefiitluiitotuieove outside the
State, revieigoxtal iiot justified in
sett:ir:ig’t’e.ei:de e’z%§.l’ersA”o§”‘tV:l1e appellate authority.
As revisiorzai authority did not

even, diecees the rebuttabie evidence relied

the owi3eVr of the vehicle and whether the

“eseessing authority had reached finality

‘er Vnotr. ” 1

.._1b.-»-” 03:1 the other hand, the learned

..Crove’t’fimeot Advocate is fair enough to bring to our

“‘._tzio’i’Aice that the order of assessment pertaining to

= – 3. Viva}; Petro was the subject matter of sue mote

revision under section 23., but the revisional


authority confirmed the said order of assessment of
the assessing officer. When once the order of
assessment of M13. Vivek Petro has reached finality,

it would not be open to the Bepartment

the presumption uncier sub–sec. (3) of

still avaiiabie and the same 1s’hoot.;e§ug.¢§§i;rrnrivsawt r

of the above discussion and

opinion, the appeal desérv,§s._tto
Accordingly, the appeal, i$.VVa1§oWeed setting aside

the order of tiztf _Ar;§vi;$i.oi:a1.t’.A:”~authority dated

been recovered from
the o{;2péllafit_tVéVit2:§é’r:’:L:’iowards tax or penalty, the

sa§:t1’eeo..sh2rV1″£’-»”refilntied within three months from

reoetot of a copy of the order.

Sfii *

” V “oak


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