Sri Gangaiah Naidu vs The Bangalore Development … on 26 February, 2010

Karnataka High Court
Sri Gangaiah Naidu vs The Bangalore Development … on 26 February, 2010
Author: N.Kumar



Dated this the 26*" day of February, 2010 

Writ Petition No. 3980 of§f280ij8    V


Writ Petition Nos, 4602, 5142,  5494- 8488;-= 84558457,

17861,17862,17863,17864,1?865,l79§§?l7949 18524

W11': Petitigg §\I4")S;";3,:€'-i9_~,2;2....7...;9.«="2273, V2:2j§:_,,..Q275 2276 2277
2278 4478 448';$__;4gz8g;_4;38'-1.', 5804.' 5805, 5806, 8: 13819 of

 .. ~'Nr'ft~v}?5é'£i'ii1;on 18§;;8'454--9£_2'bo8 {LA-BDA}





Writ Petifion'-- N 0.8898-.  "ERA-'I3DA]
BETWEEN}  ' " "  

Sn' Gangaiah N.VE1.i"d_'1.,1V " 

 .Sor1 cyffiferrappa Naxdu ____ H .

80 years  '

 166; Pip.<3lin€: 

S8ra.1f;k:i s'(3;8L€.¢ , " J ':9 V Nagar
Ba13.gai0re --' 560078
Since»._§1ece8s8tf:..--E3y his L.Rs..

T~ ~ u._ 1{,a} Laksfimamma

H * :,Wife"of Late Gangalah Naldu

__ Ally ar,e}.resI'ding at "  A
 A" ' #.166',«..P'ipie}.ine Road
 Karra.,kap_1,1ra Road West
Sra1'a1;k'ia.GVa:e,»v J E? Nagar Post

 _  'mo:

   V  ;1"*he Bangalore Development Authoxfly


Mb} G. Rajagopal Naidu
son of late Gangaiah Naiclu
46 years

He) G. Purushotham Naidu
son of late Gangaiah Naiclu
44 years

Md) 0. Mohana Kumari 
Wife of M Adikeshavalu Naiclu 
40 years

He) G Bharathi Babu  
Wife of D. Surendra Babu  
38 years V   

1U) K.Char1dramrna . = ~   
wife of late (3., NarayeanaswamyryNairhr' "
50years    -  

Mg) N.   y  
son of la;e'i.GNarayafle;_sxMaIhy Ifiaidu

Ifh] N. Bal'ajiV 

son  late G..v_N'ayrayan:a's'J.}an1y Naidu
28 years % . V  

Bar_1g'a£VQre'--~ "_:36()~:O'78 . ..PeUti0r1ers

 . {By Sri N S Sanjaya Gowcla, Advocate}

  Chowdaiah Road


. .. .. ...,_.....-,v-.-w-........_..,.


 .. VetThe'B..angalore Development Authority

K P West. Bangalore
Represented by its Cornrnissioner

2 The Special Land Acquisition Officer
Bangalore Development: Authority &  .. _.__ .
Bangalore ...Res_gg'ondents  '

{By Sri B V Shankamarayana Rao,  i
for R} and R2] "  5' -- 4

This Writ. Petition is filed undei<__Ai"tieles 226' and :22'? 
the Constitution of India. prayingto quash the orderrdated 23"? '
February. 2006 (Annexure--C] passed» by th''sp_ond'ent~2.

Writ Petition No.4602 ofj2_QQ6 {:;A§Bi;$A_} 
BETWEEN:  i "  " "

V. Muniyappa V o _  V   
Son of late VenEiaté;jsHariun1ai"ah   " it
Aged about 57"fearsv~--':*_V V    V V
Residing at l\}itid;fi1_a;i'_1apalya Vivillaged
Vishwan_e.eda_rri'~JPost1::;, .. " _  ' "  V 
Bangalore -- 56009}    _ -- ...Petitioner

-- {i3yfjVsfi"i~i§ig;:a.iah, Advocate)


- .o..Sta§-e of Karriataka
V  By its Secretary

" T 'l')ie'1jart;nle.r1tI'*of Housing & Urban
._ """._Deiielopme;rit

A ' M S _}3ui}.d.iing

Bantgalcre -- 560 001

V KP West, Extension
'  Bangalore ~ 560020
Represented by its Commissioner


3 The Special Land Acquisition Officer
Bangalore Development Authority
K P West Extension H  
Bangalore ~«« 560 020 ...Respond_ents,_ a

{By Sri N. Prasad, GP for Rig A'  
Sri K N Puttegowda, Advocate for R2  .

This Writ Petition is filed undhei' Articles 

the Constitution of India, praying t0':.dii:eet'Athe~.respor1de'nts*to

regularize the private layout existed: at N'o.32,}:'3"* OAIAI.'
Gidadakonenahalli Village, Yeshwanthapuia Hobii,"'Bangalo1'eV

North Taluk, as per the resoisution date_d"'t28--3¥2002 vide
Annexured by respondent~2. "   7

Writ Petition No.5142 of 20:}e.i;e_«;3._;':3;_i1;igij*    _
1 D1'. Hafee;}it1r:?ahrii:a:n 1:  V. "" "
Aged abo ..1"t._(3?:1 ..y1ears._'--.,. __  _ _
S/o late_A--iAl;du1'Azee1"f_' ._ " '

2  Shaieestiifé 
Aged about  yyeiarsi'=.___  *
S / 0 'late A Pxbdu.1v.1'.3iZ€'€:'5  

3 Sri Naj eebtir A
V, Aged. about 50' years
- .__Sa'/C,tf1;El[B A AbduI"Azeez

* T Peti'nt3',on..éVi"s_ igto 3 are
._ ".._Resi'dents'~of"No. 13, 1 Floor
A V 1'7m dmairi,-'vm Block
Bamgalore --- 560 034

  4" do  K Ganesh Babu

' "Aged about 42 years
S/o Late Krishnamurthy Shetty
R/0 No.23. Ground Floor


Model LIC Housing Colony
Bangalore «~ 560 079

Sri T S Somashekar

Aged about 52 years

S/o late Srikamaiah

R/0 Tavarekere Village   ._
Hobalapur Post :
Thyarnangondlu Taluk

Bangalore Rural District _

Smt. Shivamma

Aged about 76 years 
W/o late Gurusiddappa 
R/oNo.135/A--35  A' _ A  V
9"' Main. Sadashivanagar  *

Bangalore «« 560 08!}  . if A ...Petitior1ers

    sit }iégcil;§.;Ad}.}¢'¢'ate)

The Bangalore Development
A'ut.hority' ' f  A   " _
T. C'nowcIaiah_Ro'ari   "
Kumaia Park West S  l
Bangalore .: 560 020

.. Represented' "cyV_its 'Commissioner

: = .. Tnagtlpeciial Land Acquisition Officer
' , Ba ng;alore*vs.Developn1ent Authority

_  fir Cfrowdaiah Road
' .__Kuma.ra"1.-'ark West

Bangalore «~ 560 020 ...Respor1derits

(By Sri V.Y. Kumar, Advocate for R1 and R2)



This Writ Petition is filed under Articles 226 and 227 of

the Constitution of India. praying to quash the in1pugne.--r:_i_ order
dated 232-2006 vide Annexure~H by respondent~2.   *

Writ Petition No.53l9 of 2006 (LA--BDA)

Sri G P Rajendranath

S/0 Sri G R Prasad

Aged about 35 years

R/at N0.1922, Southend 'C' Croats-s__
Jayanagar 9 th Block      
Bangalore -- 560 069 A  ...'i='etitioner

[By Sri K{u§nia1:_Advocate)

1 Bangalore De3i*elVopVri~i:ent 22 it "" "
Authoijity 2'     _ _;fik;»'Wesi"   ._ 2' 2
Ba_ngal,or'e_  _  

By its Co'm"mi_ss3ioner"'~«.__ _ '

2 Assistant  

{Landl"Ae:;u.Visiti_ori}. " H

Bangalore _Dev.elopnaent Authority
, .l}§L1r1iara Parkwest.
,__Bangalm:e .. ..... ..


' Kumara ---Park West
Bangaiore . ..Responder1ts

{By Sri V Y Kumar, Advocate for R1 and R3)

2   Writ Petition is filed under Articles 226 and 227 of

22"»__"thel;Constitution of India, praying to quash the impugned


notice dated }O«~2~2006 vide Am1exure--E in
No.BDA/DC/LA/SLAO/44/PR/649/05-06. --
Writ Petition No.5494 of 2006 (LA--BDA]
1 K. Gangahanumaiah 
Aged about 48 years
2 Mahadeva
Aged about 40 years
3 Dasappa @ Dase Gowda
Aged about 38 years
A11 are the sons of La£e_'1<fis1§tnapp;1~~  
Residing at Farm I-{Ao.u--se'» A . A _ A   " A
C0nstruct_ed_'in--. Sy.1j§Jo.  of  u ' '
Heroha11i?_Vi1Lage _ r  = ' 
YeshWantfiapura_ I~IoI;31._i_  _ _
BangaIVo_re«iNo:rth '3"a}.uk."_' to  ...Pet1'tioners
A  _ Atdagéabhlgshana, Advocate)
1 State o15"f{arna1.aka'-

V,  its Secretary

_ '-..D'epa.rt1'nent of I4Ioiising 81 Urban
,  Deveiopment

 _  _1vt.s"-23ur1'e:ng5
" ._  .13af1gaivore.;?560 O01

""Bar;gia1or'e Development Authority

Kumara Park West

 .. , Bangalore M 550 029

Represented by its Commissioner

A " -- Bangalore

  AND: '- .

 l j BangallorenVbevelopmen-E Authority

3 '1' he Special Additional
Land Acquisition Officer
Bangalore Development. ALiihor'it_v

K. P. West Extr1..  " .3. 
Bangalore -- 560 020 ...Res;§0*ndenLs  .  V'

(By Sri N. Prasad. GP»ViTor RI: ,  
Sri Ravi G Sabhahit. Advocate for _ar'id R3'),   f
This Writ Petition is filed, Linder'«.Ai*t.icles  arid 2.27' ()f'''.'

the Coristitution of India. pray':'ng---to direct the i'esp~oi*ideriis not-
to proceed with acquisition pr'oi;eedi11gsV" iii 'ariy manner in
respect of the Lands measuri_ng_  acres .13 in
Sy.No.165, 2 acres 6 g"untas."in 'E3y;.Noi;-.._l66 and H1 acre 27
guntas in Sy.No.167 of'-.E1erohaE.jly; \'f:'ll', Yeshwanthapura

I-Eobli, Bangalore North Taluk.
Writ Petition No.8él55go1'-_2OClA6(ib,r§+BDZ§)vd"_j_'~_uV'.  V
BETWEEN: '  V ~ V  -- 

Sri S V S Subramari}'a1_;Gup1,,a' _  "
S/0 late Sri:"SHV 'Sriif1ivasfa'She»t11fy
Major. 52 years . ' "   
Residing at No.i.2 '

Vasavi T ernple».St1'eei. 
Visveshwara Purarn" V 
Bangalore' " " V V

. . .Pei.i1.ioner

V d  ._Sri Adarsh Patel, Advocate for
    _M[s;_Holla <3: Holla, Advocates}

  Afiumarapark West.
.. Bangalore ~ 560 020
"  Represented by its Commissioner


2 The Special Land Acquisition Officer
Bangalore Development Authority
Kumarapark West
Bangalore -- 560 020

3 State of Karnataka
By its Secretary
Urban Development Departn'3en,ty '
Vldhana Soudha  ' « y_  , _V  V' «
Bangalore  a  --;'.Respo:idei1t's-..' if

(By Sri KN. Puttegowdaf A.dvoca'te lforVRii5vari.dv 
Sri N. P1'asad--v.c.,r_GPb for R3).  h "

This Writ Petition is filedV,m1dlerllixrticlesl226"alnd 227 of
the Constitution of Indi-§l...\'«.pl'a.yifl§gVliO._"q;,i'aSl"i the order/letter
dated 19-4-2006 passed' 'LFf:e'y»'Speieia.l Land Acquisition

Officer, BDA, the respondent¥2yVhelreln E'Anne§;t:;%e-J).

Writ Petition .Nvo;F§5l_{i;6_;of"2:CQ?;€};;{1htA;g§5:i;);*9i_}_ . H

Smt. Saivigeethavlilviohan » '

W/o Pathi Mohan "  M 
Aged about 35 years '  s3_;_é:f;w




SI'”l P N Praveelnfl. H _
Aged about 4} years”-~ M
Residing at No.25:3.._ ” to
Middle Scho’ol_ Road’ _
Visveshwarapijrarn –

__ Bar1ga_lore’~ ” & V …Pet.itioi1er

_v _ B [By Sri N. Rajanna for
= _ ” _ A. – A’ Holla <3: Holla. Advocates]
AND.' ' V.

A it _ 1 ‘l”‘Ban.g”ai’ore Development Authority

Kumarapark West
A. , i_Banigalore ~ 560 020
” _ Represerited by its Commissioner

The Special Land Acquisition Officer

Bangalore Development Authority


Kurnarapark West
Bangalore ~ 560 020

3 State of Karnataka
By its Secretary
Urban Development Department
Vidhana Soudha ‘
Bangalore . . .Re-sp_o’nden:ts.

(By Sri KN. Puttegowda. Advocateloi’ R1 A is
Srl N. Prasad, GP”lfo1’VR3} ‘ ‘ ” ‘

This Writ Petition is tlledl._un.der A1’1;icles 227 of’ A

the Constitution of India, p1*ayingVto quash “the oijder/letter
dated 19-4-2006 passed by t_he”~_Spwecial Land Acquisitioii
Officer. BDA, the second “respondents-vide’Annexure–Ci.

Writ Petition No.8_48l of 2’0os1:’:iA:Bi9AV_1 Q’ 2

Sri K V Vish\é»ra11*:%_1_t};a P1’as.aldaVA_’ ._ 7

Aged about..5_l”yrea1″s::;, ‘

Residing at A’ A

No.49, 23?’ Cross ,

Gavipuram E2xte11’sior;._jf_ ”

Bangalore –“‘5_6O V019 1 ” _ …Petit1’.oner

Ms. Aparanji Dinaliar, for
A. M / s§”‘l*i’olla 8: Holla. Advocates)

l ‘ V BangaloTr_eiVDeve1opment Authority
“”K’u1iriara1i5ark West
Bang;-1lo1*e – 560 020
l .. Represented by its Commissioner

The Special Land Acquisition Officer

Bangalore Development Authority
Kumarapark West, Bangalore — 560 020


3 State of Karnataka
By its Secretary
Urban Development Department.

Vidhana Soudha _– ..

Bangalore . . .I{es}§~:1;1dts

{By Sri G.K.V.i\/Iurthy. Advo(§ate”fo1′ a.1::i I{t§!._: I
Srl N. Prasad. GP_fo11_-R3)’ – ”

This Writ Petition is filed’ ui’1de1’V’A;*t1eles i2’f;A{:i: mid o.fV ~
the Constitution of India, prayfigigéto quash–._the ‘order/letter

dated 19-6-2006 passed by the Special”–Land Acquisition
Officer. BDA. the respond€nt–2 3Ii–de.}fLnn’e2gu1’e~G.’–A

WI’it Petition No.8462 of 2oos'[;fiA.–i*;3i3Aa:it’-«


1. SI’iD S’Nii’an:jar’1_V V __ _
S/ o D E; Sat_i,;’anafayg1i’iC_’ ._ V
Age.d.~55″‘years1i:;, _
Residing”2;LNo.’263–/32:? _
362%: Cross. ‘sifi–’– ~ ‘
Jay’anaga1’ ‘ _ i’ .

BangéIIo_1’e f” 5600.11 ,

2 _;Sri os. Amgi

– KA.Satya1iai’ayan
, Agedséifg yea1’s
= T ‘Res’ir:1ingii’ai_t 310.256/to
._ “‘.._6?~””CI9oss,’~I.Block, Jayanagar
‘ V Bangaltoreitw 560 O1 1 …Petitioners

[By Ms. Aparanji Dinakar. for
M/s. Holia & Holla, Advocates)

Bangalore Development Authority

K’urr1a1’apaI’k West

” ” Krishna Roads

Bangalore ~ 560 020
Represented by its Commissioner

2 The Special Land Acquisition Officer
Bangalore Development Authority
Kumarapark West
Bangalore »- 560 020

3 State of Karnataka ..

By its Secretary
Urban Development £)epar1:ment :

Vidhana Soudha V . A .

Bangalore _V …Respon.o’e–nI.s~ti

(By Sri K.G. Laxmipathi, for”R–il_and
Sri N;?rasad;'”GP_:”for”R3)

This Writ Petition is-ii.led u’nd.¢r”A.ftic’l€”s’.226 and 227 of
the Constitution.–of*-Endiia, pr_aying*tco.VVqua’sh the order/letter
dated l9w4–2Q€_)6 fp’a_ssed. by the ;.s’pe¢’1’ai Land Acquisition
Officer, BDA.; the_’respondeni:.j2~irieéyjein A1’1nexure–G.

Writ Petition N5’j.i:,84é§E:g;”o{:’2olo5 {LA¥B”i5A)

Sri P R Ragl’1t_1_nathVVV” _ A
Aged about 61 “years.

Residing at No.7/2=._

5.’ B, ‘ ‘ ~._
“Bangalorev–;« E}6lO_O’Q4 …Petitioner

{By Sri N. Rajanna, Advocate for
= M/s. Holla 82 Holla. Advocates)

Bangalore Development Authority

Kurnarapark W est

” Residing No.63

Bangalore ~ 580 020
Represented by its Commissioner

2 The Special Land Acquisition Officer
Bangalore Development Authority
Kumarapark West.

Bangalore —- 560 020
3 State of Karnataka vv
By its Secretary ..

Urban Development Department.

Vidhana Soudha . _ —

Bangalore ‘;’…Resp=ondet1ts

(By S11 B.V. ShankarnarayanalRa’ol,:”i’\_elt=.Q’cate i”or”R’l and R2;
Sri N fe.r”R3} _

This Writ Petition isfiled 1}i*:1ciE.ei” A:ti{:’ive’s 226 and 227 of
the Constittition–of’–India, the order/letter
dated 19-4-2006 jp’a_ssedi by th_eSpee’i’a1 Land Acquisition
Officer. BDA; the.ifespo_ndent52~herein A;’1nexu1’e–I-i.

Writ Petition ‘iii5j;:s4eiii;’ bi ggo;e_”iL2-i§’BDA1

Sri D N Praifeéen ” B
Major.VAgeci 43 _\(ea:”.s.* ‘
S/o L)._§_S Nagaraj ”

V. 7, S,hanka:r_ lvintté Road
“Shanka.rap.uli’ain_ ”

B”anlga_iAore’ . . Petitioner

B Sri Uciaya Holla. Senior Advocate]

Bangalore Development Authority

Kumarapark West

._ j” ” S./o Na.garaj
Aged abovut, 45 year’s
“Residing at No.” 152..

B it _ Bangalore[– 55.0 070 …Peti’tioner

Bangalore — 560 020
Represented by its Commissioner

2 The Speciai Land Acquisition Oi’fice1*
Bangalore Development Authority
Kumarapark West
Bangalore — 560 020

3 _ State of Karnataka
By its Secretary 1
Urban {Development Def::artn1e1.1t
Vidhana Souclha –_ a I

(By Sri M N Ramanjaneya AClvocate- ._l:orlRl and R2:
Sri NPrasad-,”‘CrP_:for”-R3} ‘

This Writ Petition is~fi..led u’r1’ A;-:;¢’i’e’s 226 and 227 of
the Constitution “-of India, pra}{i11gf’ to quash the
order/letter beaijirig. _ i’€.o.BDA/.0’O.AAf{1§A]/V.BHOO.SWA.A/
A4/PR/727/2005706’Vdateda.V1″*E3g4′-i2CO6.– passed by the Special
Land Acquisition_ (;)ffice1*. the second respondent herein

Writ Petition No.8él6l3:of i(£;A»BDA}
BETWE3EN:”‘,_’ ” * *

Sri D’, ti}. Pradeep lkarnai’ V

29:_h”cros’s.« ‘1~v7}-h-:5;/raili Road
Ban:1,shan1_<ari -. if Stage

(By Sri Adarsh Ganguli. Advocate for
M/s. Holla 3: Holla. Advocate }




1 Bangalore Development Authority
Kumarapark West
Bangalore — 560 020
Represented by its Commissioner

2 The Special Land Acquisition Officer _
Bangalore Development Authority &
Kumarapark West 1 .

Bangalore ~» 560 020

3 State of Karnataka

By its Secretary

Urban Developnient. Depa.:’tfn’e1it ll” — _

Vidhana Soudha _ Va 1 ‘ V l’ l ‘A _

Bangalore vA’_;u,.Re_spo11de11ts

(By Sri fo’i’:vRl and R2:

V Y”–.F{uivjnar, fol’ R3)

This Writ ll/’\1’ticEes 226 and 227 of

the Constitution of::;l11di*a; -pray’i’ng.»to quash the order/letter
dated 1V9-4~2UQt3., pa.sse.r;l’«by tlae Special Land Acquisition
Officer. the ‘r’e’s’po1;.de’nt¥2 herein Annexure~G.

Writ Petition i\io.84;f36_ oAt’._2oo6 {I..A«BDA}

‘ V._VlllSri.b}I{A¢V.i§iianath

~ V Agevd» about 63 years
A Residing at No. 1504/l
“~3I”€’ Bloelil, Jayanagar
Ba.ngalore ~ 560 004

‘ ‘sn T V Nagendra
V’ S’/o S1’i’l’ V R Gupta
60 years
Residing at No. 1504/}


Middle School Road
Visvesvarapuram V.

Bangalore — 560004 …i”ei.ltioner

[By Sri Aclarsha Ganguli. Advocate lbgf” 0′
M/s. Holla & Holla. Advocates) ”

AND: –

1 Bangalore Development Authority 0 ”
Kurnarapark West ‘
Bangalore «« 560 020 __ z
Represented by its Commissioner

2 The Special Land filequisitioln”Qlf}{loer..¢
Bangalore DevelopmentAutliiovrify AA ”
Kumarapark West ” 1 ~ ”

Bangalore +560 020 . if

3 State of . 0 0 llll 00

Byits .S”ec§’etary?; V ., _
Urban VDeV5e_l{»)pn1enl:_Delp artrnenft”S_oudl1a_ . .

Bangalo’1eI,s~_V , — …Respondents

Sri C}_La§§1″nip~alhy;”Advocate for R1 and R2:
S L’:’31_’l 1′-E’. Pi’a.’3ad. GP for R3}

V. .’_I’l1lisA.Writ leeiltion filed under Articles 226 and 227 of

-%3.0ns_titui1ion oflllntiiia. praying to quash the order/letter
dated }.S3-<§–200.6 passed by the Special Land Acquisition
'f)_fl7ieeI*; ..t'l:e Second Respondent. vide AnneXure–H.

Writ Petition: :z§'¢9;s862 oi' 2006 (LA-BDA}

4 '._B13:"rvw:::a:;§1?_:.:_

0' Algella Shashirekha
T\/V./O–.SI_:'i A. V. S. N. Murthy

–..fAged about 55 years

,Residing at


Market Road
Bangalore — 560 004 …Petitii;–ner

(By Sn’ V B Shivakumar. Advocate}


1 State of Karnataka
By its Secretary _
Urban Development Departmerlt A
Vidhana Soudha .4
Bangalore V ‘

Kumarapark West _ —

Bangalore — 560 020 V _. V __
Representedtby itsvfiormfnissioner «V = , =

2 Bangalore Development Prtitnorlltyflv ‘ – ._

3 The Special Lfancl Aeqtiisitlon Ol’fi::er”
Bangaljolrelv Development “A;_itl_1ozf3ty. ‘
Ku.maralpaiik;»’Wesi,’ ._

Bang–alojre,«– …Responclents

{By-~sr;»a.N’;-a.r¢_£as_,ad, GP for R};

St’? Abdull &1aCler.'”A’clvoeates for R2 and R3}

This Wrlt .I:5etit.’1or1.”§sA.I5″1;lecl under Articles 226 and 22? of
the Constitution ‘oflnella. praying to quash the notice dated

V’ ‘E.9~4’:v200iEi.v1de AnneXure~P

‘:\,1–g’:i:.?ét;:{t;g.vN£)’;e~9§3~76 of 2006 {LA–BDA)


‘ ‘VT V Prasanna Kumar
T S Venkataramaiah
= ‘ Aggged about 63 years
” _Reslcli:1r’g at No. 33/2
“Sreienivasa Krupa’

VA -Plampa Mahakavi Road


Bangalore — 560 004 …Petitioner

[By Sri V B Shiva. Kumar. Advocate) ~

1 State of Karnataka ._
By its Secretary
Urban Development Departrnent
Vidhana Soudha l’
Bangalore — 560001

Kumarapark West ‘
Bangalore -560 020 _ _ V AA
Represented by its Comrr1isps1oner… .

2 Bangalore Development Au .._g

3 The Special ~I,.a’n.d Aflcquisiiio-n l*O”ffi_oe.r
Bangalore Dg%Jel.opn’2.erlt Authority
}{umarapa’1*l<;V'~fe':g;t ' V: _'¥.+ £360 020 .. …Re-spondents

._ _l 1 " C'j_(13_y 'Prasad. GP for R1;
zsri" K G LaXmilpatl'1y,"A_c1vocate for R2 and R3)

This mg pe£ia1($rl._i's,:fi::ed under Articles 226 and 227 of
the Constitution, ofellndia, praying to quash the endorsement:

_ dated«fl.9–4*–e2006 vi~:1ev__Al_nr1exure–P.

"".w*r5,£ 'eat'-1*a.;3r; j§_o:."9977 of 2006 {LA-BDA}

B"';r::*1*£*.2;;:§:'1x::""_~ll.__ –

V B _ N P Srinaih. 'V

'SH/o Sri N i;;.Papaiah

" V Aged eaboizt 46 years
_ Residirag at No.30
l e.M'a,rK*-sf' Road
V; Puram
'vBa:r1galore ~«« 560 004 …Petitioner



The Bangalore Development Authority
‘1’ Chowdaiah Road

Kumara Park West

Bangalore ~ 560 020

Represented by its Commissioner

The Deputy Commissioner

Land Acquisition s .. =
Bangalore Development Authority
T. Chowdaiah Road ‘~
Kurnara Park West V
Bangalore — 560 020

The State of Karnataka _ _y .

By the Principal Secretary _ -. .2 .
Housing and.Urban_Dep-artment ‘ jy ..
Vidhana Sotidha _ ” « –

Bangalore’ — 0071 ” Respondents
{By Srij_K_; Kri’shnal’jv’Advoeate for R} and R2:

” ‘ _N.–.__Prasa’d,.._GyPV£or R3)

This Writ VP’ei’it.i:o’n_ ‘1’sv.§i1’e.c1* under Articles 226 and 227 of

the Constitution’of”l;ndia;;__pDpra3ring to quash the orders both
dated ll–7=.2,006 issued the respondent-2 in terms of
Annexu1fes-L and M in so far as the relief confined by site Nos.

147 site No.1-48’a’n_d l53only.

v”._yAVv’rit”Petit_ion ‘No”.l’_5604 012006 {LA–BDA)



3/ S Rajagopal
Aged about 55 years

* it ~f’Vaikuntarr1″

No.20, Ranga Rao Road

3″ Cross, Sharikarapuram
Bangalore « 560 004

tithe’ §3on:;.titI._;t”1oriof India. praying to direct the respondents to

–Vresporidents to issue katha certificate and eoiiect taxes by them
in respettof the schedule property.


2 Smt. N S Jeevarekha

W/0 Sri N R Surendranath

Aged about 52 years


No.20. Ranga Rao Road

3″1Cross. Shankarapuram u ;_. .

Bangalore – 560 oo4 gt…Pet.i.ti’one;<S_'"1 2'
{By Sri V B Shiva Kt1m21r;J«\.dyoc*_ate}"it 2 B

1 State of Karnataka

By its Under Secretary »
Housing & Urban Developnient
Department, M S Bt1§.lding”s 22
Dr. Ambedkar Veedhif _ 7 V ‘
Bangalore — 560 001

Kumara_V}:?ar1«:§’:rE’West}. _ _. V V
Bangatore .56’0′–.O20.yjy~:–..vy _ .
Represerited its _C.or”n’missionpver

2 The Bangak-re “_DeVe1op:Ttent«ritithority

3 The Speeiialfiandey Aed’ui:si€’.io’:1 Officer
Bangalore Devei.oprr1_e’r3.t “A_L1thority

Kumara Par1{._[West_} _
Bangaiore …Respondents

(By.Sri.N. Prasad, GP for R1)
‘ Tlusis’Writ”‘Petition is filed under Articles 226 and 227 of

thecmnply the notification issued by the respondents
dated.” 24»-.3–2C–U4, Vide Annexure-H and further direct the


* ‘T ‘-«(By Sri K o Laxmipathi. Advocate for R1. and R2:


confined to site Nos. 23. 24. 26 to 30 {‘7 numbers} in the
Suprabhatha Nagar Layout.

Writ Petition No. 18974 of2006 {LA-BDA)

Smt. K Y Supriya Murthy

W/o Sn’ K Y Hemanth Murthy
Aged about 41 years

Residing at No.8, 24″‘ Main Road
15′ Phase, J P Nagar
Bangalore – 560 78 ;,.I3e.Litfi_one1* H

{By Sri A. Nag;arajar’E\?a§{:_i’u..Vfimlvocaiéi’-A


E The Bangalore.Develop’rr:er;t Arjrhoritgg. ”
T Chowd3§1’VaI1′;1jROad’:–. _
Kuma1ja”‘P’a1fK~–‘.N’_est Q V” .
BangaIore«:~}~ V560 ‘ 2
Represen’teé its -CVo.r_n1Ii1ssio_ner

2 The Deputy’ C:orn’111iSe_i[o”n.ei’ –

Land Ac’.qu’1siVti’onr_ ”

Bangalore vDe”velop1r;e’r;et Authority

V, .]’K.uma1’a Par}; West

~ .o..E3ang,aiore – 566020

By” “Lh”e,P1 i.1j’e’ipa} Secretary
V Housingand Urban Department

-V idh.aI1a” Sou dha
Bangalore —- 560 001 …Respondents

Sri N. Prasad. GP for R3)



This Writ Petition is filed under Articles 226 and 227′ of

the Constitution of India, praying to quash the order dated I L
7-2006 by respondent«2 in terms of Anr1exure–Q with respect to
the schedule property.

Writ Petition No. 16987 of 2006 [LA–BDA}

Smt. Sheela A Kharche

W/ o P G Kharche

Aged about 54 years

Residing at No.706, 7*” Main Road

HAL 2nd Stage . 4_
Bangalore ~ 560 038 A’ _y __§Petiti’oner

[By Sr: A N NaiAd’u.V’Ar1vocate) A A

T Chowd’a;’ivah5Road’ V’
Kumara Perri; West if
Ban_ga1o’fey¥ 51soy,o2o’ ”

R€;presen»tecl byfits _Cornmissioner

1 The Bangalore::i)evélopn1e11t”Ai,ithorityi

2 The Deputy CovrAn:1_1is.silo»n er
La11d’ACq:1isitionf = V A’
Bangalore Deve.lop:ne’1it Authority
Chowdaiah Road

_ 5___Ku;n_a1’a Park
‘ . 3 Bangalore._– 560 020

3’ _ 4S’tatef.lof”Karnataka

V “By the’P_rii1cipal Secretary
“”–Ho14’sing”and Urban Department
Vidhana Soudha

_ Bangalore ~«~ 560 001 …Responder1ts



(By Sri Abdul Khader, Advocate for R} and R2;
Sri N. Prasad, GP for R3}

This Writ Petition is Filed under Articles 226 –a”I’1–d_””£Z_.’2’7Z of
the Constitution of India, praying to quash Kl’1€2″”O.l’_'(ZV}€.._I_fd’ dated

11-07-06 by respondent–2 in terms of Aianexure’-‘L eonfi’iiie_d”–to _
site Nos. 3, 17 to 22 [7 members} in St1.prab.hatI£ia’_ £\3aga.i1V

Layout. _

Writ Petition No. 17858 of 2006 {LA–I:3IV)A§.’_Ai ”

Srnt. K C Nirmaia

W/ o Sri Late Sri K R Chandrashekarfifxupta
Aged about 49 years A dd — 5 V. ‘3
Residing at No.3-O, 7″” ‘B’ Main Road’ _
Cyber Arcade, 4″‘ Block. Jayarlagar ‘

Bangalore ~–~ 560 A …Petitioner

Nagaraja ‘Naidui Advocate).

AND: ____ H
1 B_ar1ga1o:i’e- .,I:)e\{e’iioi3’i*r1e’nt Authority
T Chowdaiah Roa.d ”

Kumara Parkwest =
Bangalore 44 560 020
4I3e’preser1ted.__by its vCommissio1’1er

x’I’he’Deputy Comrnissiorier

” ~Lar’;d Acquisition

-.’_BangaloreDevelopment Authority
Chovfidaeiah Road
“=}_{ur.na1’a «-Park West
Bangalore ~«~ 560 020

A I State of Karnataka
” –..By the Principai Secretary
Housing and Urban Department


3 The State of Karnataka
By the Principal Secretary
Housing and Urban Department
Vtdhana Soudha

Bangalore – 560 001 .

{By Sri K Krishna. Advocatefor RE ‘
Sri N. Prasad. GF’for’R3_) ”

This Writ Petition is filed Lmder_Ar_ticies arid” ‘oi:
the Constitution of India, prayingto quash t’hei.orde~rs_;_:iaied Ii.–_*

7-2006 issued by the responcieni;-:.2 in tern:sjVoi’A11Vnexure~Q

which is confined to site No.44i’measVurir1g4A6’28 in the
Suprabhatha Nagar Layout. —

Writ Petition No. 17861 of 2006 ” .

BETWEEN:  "   ' 
Smt. A K Chanrira  '      V 

W/o Sri A S KriSi¢7?E1n1ur£h§<.': ' r
Aged aboutVj48'~yeai*s;_ _ _ " "

Residingat No….353_. 292″ May ‘ Road

7″? Block, Jaya.:1agar_V ” _ ‘ ~
Bangalore. &– 560 062. _ _’ …Pet1’tior1er

‘i”{.By S.rifA Nagaraj a Naidu. Advocate]

” –The.,4VB” Deveiopment Authority

Tichowdaiah’ Road
. “Kumai’a}f_ Park West
“-«.BangaI.ore – 560 020
Reptresenied by its Commissioner

A ‘T he “Deputy Commissioner. Land Aequisitiozi
* Bangalore Development Authority
T. Chowdaiah Road



Kumara Park West
Bangalore – 560 020

3 The State of Karnataka
By the Principal Secretary
Housing and Urban Department
Vidhana Soudha ‘
Bangalore ~ 560 001 b …R.esp’oride&’1tsA.

(By Sri U. Abdul Khader. Ad\}o4Ca1:e’for tailing
Sri N. Prasad. GP for R3] ‘ ‘~

This Writ Petition is filed’ A.rti«c1es.u2_’2£§’:ali{d 227 oi’
the Constitution of India, praying to quash the order} dated 1 1-
7-2006 issued by respondzent.–2xi’n=f.erm”‘ss._oi’ Annexure–Q which
is confined to site –_meVasu’r.i_ng”~4570 SFT in the
Siiilrabhatha Nagar Layout. ‘ * ” -.

Writ Petition No,  
BETWEEN: __     - '  4' "

Srnt. N Raj_eshwVa1'iV1.;,_ _  _

W/o Sri’B N’ i\ia.1idaki”finiar*._”
Aged about .53 years-_y 4′ _ ‘ ‘
Residing at No. 126/31 l€~.{“‘Maii1 Road
BSKIStage, ‘ .

Bangalore — 560 …Petitioner
l A [By §ri’z¢;–«PJagaraja Naidu. Advocate)

I The Bangalore Development Authority
CE’io’;*.«%daiah Road
Kurnara Park West
x g Bangalore -~« 560 020
‘ ‘Represented by its Commissioner

bl”l’he Deputy Commissioner, Land Acquisition
Bangalore Deveiopment Authority

Banga;_1o’re,- 56063:}


I ”

T. Chowdaiah Road
Kumara Park West
Bangalore — 560 020

3 The State ofKarr1ataka
By the Principai Secretary
Housing and Urban Departmerit
Vidhana Soudha V — . V V .

Bangaiore — 560 001 « __..Res;por_idei1ts’ ‘

(By Sri G K v Murthy, Advocate for R1 ai””R2′;
Sri N. P1’asatd-,..__GPlot’-_R3)V A ” =

This Writ Petition is filed Li”F’Id€1′.uAI’ti.C16S’ 226 émd 227 of
the Constitution of India; .prayi&n’g’t*o_:quas_h the ‘o’r’dei* dated 1 }’~4
7-2006, issued by the redsxponcienitV2.”~-in~..iterr11s 0fAI’1I”1€XL1I’€.’.-Q.
which is confined to siteiNo.4i;.,.7n’1ea_st1.tfing4585 SFT in the
Suprabhatha Nagar Layo1Ai”_t,” ‘ ‘ is

Writ Petition 17{;=fsé3’:’s ofwgooe,4;

BETWEEN: ” — ” ”

Sri C Marljavppaf. ‘V _ _

S/ o Sri Chikka1jRa’Re’ddy”iV_eV .. ‘

Aged aboiut 4.0 years __

Residing at*No;247}’ 181.1% Main Road

Wilson Garden V ‘ ”


It {By Sri A Nagaraja Naidu. Advocate}

1 Bartgalore Development Authority
‘1’ Chowdaiah Road
‘ x j Kumara Park West:

‘ “£3ariga1ore ~ 560 020
” Represented by its Commissioner


2 The Special Land Acquisition Officer
Bangalore Development r\utho1’ity
T. Chowdaiah Road
Kumara Park West
Bangalore — 560 020

3 The State of Karnataka
By the Principal Secretary J _
Housing and Urban Department. ll ‘
Vidhana Soudha ‘ ” _ ~
Bangalore — 560 001 V …Resp;0n’dentss

(By Sri K G Laxmipathi, Pi.dlVaCate fCr_lR*la
Sri N. Prasad¢___G.P_i”o..1j R3] B i

This Writ Petition –:’.sfi”.’ilecl’._ uni-:iller’V–Avr.tiCl_es 226 and 227′ of

the Constitution of India, prayingltcsl order dated ll-
7–2006 issued byVresp0r.1d.eni:e2′–inate’rms&”ovl” A11nexure–P with

respect to the s(}h.ed-ale 1;j=;I’Op€Ift3?. u

Writ Petitionifil

S/0 late Sri Parame;s.hwfa1*a Heégde
Aged aboutu5l years a B
Residing at N’c..24/B,’,15~’-,” Main Road
5%; Phase. ,1 P Nagar’ ‘ ‘

Banga;'{ore__;»~ 560 078 ———- …Petitioner

Sri A. Nagaraja Naidu, Advocate}



‘V1 l’ll’l1.el’BVan§alore Development Authority

. T tjhowdaiah Road
” Vrliuinara Park West
a _ Bangalore «W 560 020
it Represented by its Commissioner

‘ . . . . .


2 The Special Land Acquisition Officer
Bangalore Development Authority
T. Chowdaiah Road
Kumara Park West
Bangalore ~– 560 020

3 The State of Karnataka
By the Principal Secretary
Housing and Urban Department ' '
Vidhana Soudha _ _ y W'
Bangalore ~«– 560 001 …Res.p.on'dents: '

[By Sri U. Abdui Khader."Ad'i2=oeate f'o.r Ri.ar1d'_R2;

Sri N. Prasad_,___G-Riioir R3] ' 1

This Writ Petition 226 and 2.27 of
the Constitution of India. prayi–ng!to._quash'_j.the order dated
i1~7~2006 issued by the 'respo~ndent:;2, in terms of Annexure~Q
with respect. to theas-ehedzuiej p_:ijopeVrty',j-, pp
Writ Petition:'i§io.:of"2'Q-0&3' {I,A§~Eii3A)i
" " ' *'

Sri P S CI:Vaneshan'u< -.

r S/o Sri PR Shanmdgarn

Aged about”4e9 years a ”

Residing at No:36, 9,9?” M’ain”Road

Link R§oad;.Ma11eswa1’am V

i . . . Petit’ionei’

éfflyvfiri A. Nagaraja Naidti, Advocate}

Q ‘V1. ‘i’ii.eiB_angalore Development Authority

A _T Ci”:-owdaiah Road
‘» V Fiumara Park West
V’ =.B’anga1ore u 560 020
Represented by its Commissioner



2 The Deputy Commissioner. Land Acquisition
Bangalore Development Authority
T. Chowdaiah Road
Kumara Park West
Bangaiore -~ 560 020

3 The State of Karnataka
By the Principal Secretary
Housing and Urban Depa1*tn1e-int
Vidhana Soudha

Bangalore –» 560 001 _ ….Res1;;Aondents’ ‘

(By Sri G K v Murthy. Adttoeate i”o’r 8
Sri N. Prasad. (‘or R3) ” i

This Writ Petition is i’i1eo’* unider and 227′ of

the Constitution of India, praying’ to qquashff order dated
1 I«~7–2006 issued by the resp.o.n,de.nt~–2 in te’:”m”s»_oi’ A1’1I’l€XLEI”€-Q

with respect to the schedule §prope”i:ty,_V

Writ Petition No.;1’%é4sibi”7:ao0eij;-LAigabaijt ‘
BETWEEN: , tttt – 2

Smt. Jaya P}¢_Re_ddy V’ .

W/o Sri Prabhakar Reddyf ._
Aged about 51 ‘years V’ ‘V A = V
Residing at No. 152, 271’} ‘;v1a’m Road
5″” Cross,’ j1~’3′ Phase ~


Bangalore 560 b’}’8V …Petitioner

Nagaraja Naidu, Advocate)

” ” ‘T The Baiigfaiore Development Authority

V. 1″ ~ Chowdaiah Road
‘ Kumara Park West
Egangaiore –» 560 020

M ._Represented by its Commissioner

2 The Deputy Commissioner, Land Acquisition
Bangalore Development Authority
T. Chowdaiah Road
Kumara Park West
Bangalore — 560 020

3 The State of Karnataka –

By the Principal Secretary V
Housing and Urban Department
Vidhana Soudha T. , }
Bangalore -~ 560 001 ” _

(By Sri U. Abdul Khader, Ad’v.oca.te f’o1;’R«.E.Vai1dVi§R2;

Sri N: ~I§f1*asa,vd”.MGi? R3}

This Writ Petition is $11 .

the Constitution of India, ..p_r3,yi11g’V.epto quash the order dated
11-7-2006 issued-_by_thef_ respond.en~t{2 terms of Annexure~R

with respect to ithej;1sChed4u,le1property.’

Writ Petition Nq.’:– “£949 §f’2oo’e*- {i;;{i–B§3A)

Srnt. Jaya~.P. ‘Reddy * 4»
W/o Sri. Pra3ohakvar”R_eddy’ _
Aged about Slfyevarso ”

Residingvaet. No. 152., 271-” Main Road

‘V V 81 .._Phase “”” ”

J,Pi\Fagar B _
‘-Bazigalfiregg i§~.6iO\ C278 . . Petitioner

Sri A. Nagaraja Naidu, Advocate}

p ‘MD: A

it it Bangalore Development Authority

‘ =.’I7’Chowdaiah Road
‘ Kumara Park West

led’under_.A1’tiCE’es. 226 and 227 of


Bangalor –~ 560 020
Represented by its Commissioner

2 The Deputy Commissioner. Land Acquisitioza
Bangalore Development Authority ‘
T. Chowdaiah Road
Kumara Park West
Bangalore –~ 560 020 ._

3 The State of Karnataka
By the Principal Secretary .

Housing” and Urban Deptartment
Vidhana Soudha r ._ . -‘
Bangalore – 560 001 K …R’e.spon_ci§ents

{By Sri K G ._Ri and R2;

Sri N. Prasad-,. GP

This Writ P¢1.:jtiQ..n is:_lfi1¢d_j’;§naé;€”,A;§u’cies’V 226 and 227 of

the ConstituI;ioni_’of }l_ridia,”-praying4_ l.ol’quas’h the order dated
11-7-2006 isst1ed”l:1y”*the re’s_p.ori~den1,–l2_ in, terms of Annexure-Q

. with respect to the:_ s{»:_hedi1le_Vp’rfope’i’ty.

Writ Petition No: i’s524_lof 20t(§T6v…{_IA~lBDAl
BETWEEN . . *”~*<"»=

Sri S C KishorelE'{un1ar..'«
S/o Sri 4553 G eChengalv_arayan

'Aged avb__oiutb_–32 years """ "
'Residing at Npo.44-7, HIG–1, 5"'? Main Road

ERI .'3el1'ed1L1le'i'»{loga;'3–air

». Represented byliis GPA Holder
Sri S G”‘Che.n’ga}v’arayan
‘S/so late Sri Quruxrappa Naidu …Petitioner

[By Sri A. Nagaraja Naidu. Advocate]


Aged about 42 years
Residing at # 36. Model LIC Colony

Bangalore 560 079

Vmocl Kumar

Son of Narayan M

Aged about 37 years
Residing at # H39. 15″‘ Main
8″‘ Cross. 1 Stage

1 Phase, BTM Layout
Bangalore — 560 029

Annapurna V B .

Wife of’N K Subravrfnaniyamllll ” ‘
Aged about 39 years _ _ V
Residing atl#160, III ewes–.=’
V Phase. Banashanlzanf ‘HI Stage’ ”
Bangalore .—.580 085 I A’

G K Sa;u;’hy’anaga’lal<s.lfi–I}1i*~. V _ V
Aged a'i3.01il/$0 yéars. . V
Reysidingg #"iQQ.9."–351.** 'D' "Cross
Jayan–aga.r ll d
Bangalore + 56004:"

Prashanih_vK. ‘ S

,, Son ‘of Sanjeevappa
._ V-.e.Aged: about 33 years
, Residing at # 27, II Main Road
* _ ea ‘e;;oes,eVe1I”stage
._ ._Vija’ya”nagar”

‘ _ Bangal’o1i_t:’– 560 040

G Mahadevan

.. ,_Sor1’ofC M Ganesh

Aged about 55 years

” Residing MP’ 16/} 3, P Block

Nandhini Layout

Circular Road
Bangalore — 560 096

7′ Shankar Subramanian

Son of late M S Balasubramanian

Aged about 30 years

Residing at # 15. 5″‘ B Main

1 Floor, Obalappa Gardens __

K R Road, Bangalore – 560 082

8 Lakshmi Venkateshwara [Guptalg it . A

Daughter of V Sathyanarayaiaa Gupta . _ ‘
Aged about 40 years ” . .

Residing at # 706, 15′” A Main

7″‘ Cross. BSK 1 Stage ” – A
Srinivasanagar _ ._

Bangalore M 560 005

9 .l~INHarish _ _ A
Son of H Narayaifia _ V . llll ”

Aged ab0ufL37_<yearsV__ _
Residing at ,# 5.8;_Kirlosl:arv_Colo'ny'
1 Stage;r–Ban;ga1ore§:,3»~~.5€Q 'O79 " A …Petit1'oners
l*{By– Sri Advocate)
AND: A it it
1__ V The }:f3ar1gaIorel'l3evelo'p:nent Authority
' l . T Crhovcidaiahé Road, K P West
_ . E3'a.n_gaIvore __
F{'rrted its Commissioner
'I'lI*u:=,.lSpeC.i.ali' Acquisition Officer

Bangalore Development Authority

Bangalore …Responder1ts

A if" K N Puttegowda, Advocate for R1 and R2}


This Writ Petition is filed under Articles 226 and 227 of

the Constitution of India, praying to gram. the order dated
28~8~»2006 vlde A.:1nexure»B passed by the respondent-2.

‘Writ Petition No.2272 of 2007 (LA-BDA]

Sri Krishna Kumar Madarkal

S/o Sn H Narasinga Rao Madarkal

Aged about 50 years

Residing at No. 153. 15* Floor, 7″} Cross _
Teachers Colony, Kumaraswamy Layui;i’t”*« .

Bangalore W 560 078 ‘:.4..,’petitac;l3_ep I

(By Sri A rajaf éldmfocate}


I The Bangalore I)eve:_1op:;me’ht”A1i:.}f1or_iiy?
T Chowd.aiah5R”oadv 7 » .

Kurnanii Pzifigwest, A
Bangalore ¥=–.51.’E_7’O 0250* __
Rcpfe’Sen§ed byfiliiis Co1’n1nissio’nVe1*

2 The Special Land AAcc’1’u.isit.ion Officer
Bangalore DeVel’op~men’i Authority
Chowdaiah Road”

I F;:1Jf3~’1a1’% Park”W ‘

_ ‘iBarig;l_I¢1::_– 560 020-


” A i’.he–V}f?rin=cipal Secretary

-.’Hou’s1ngfand Urban Department
Vidhana Soudha
Balrigalore — 580 O0}. …Respondents

V’ = ri«By Sri K N Puttegowda, Advocate for R1 and R2:
Sri Narendra Prasad, GP for R3)


the Constitution of India,
12006 issued by the respondent~2 in terms
which is confined to the site No.97 measur
Suprabhatha Nagar Layout.


This Writ Petition is filed under Articles 226 and 2.27 of
praying to quash the order dated llw
of Annrexure-A.

ing 2948.431 the

Writ Petition N0.227’3 of 2007 {LAwBDA}


Sri S V Sivarudriya

S/o Late Sri Veera Gowda
Aged about 55 years
Residing at N0.160, 9″‘ Cross

Narasimharaja Colony
Bangalore — 560 009


{By Sri A Naga’rajatNai:ci tu~’;..Au–y_oc’ate)

The Bang-aJore”Deveiopnient;Autnority
TChoWd.aia}§.;_.Road_ ” r
K11rnar–a_ Park ‘\}’;~”est” * . ,
Banga1ore’5.6GvO2’Q – _

Represented its’ .C§or;rir:V::.§ssioner

‘_1″heyASpe’eia1AALar1d Acquisition Officer

Bangaiore De’vel.op:nei1t Authority
‘ y Chowdaiah Road, Kumara Park West
” ~ _yBa«ng,” 560 020


A ._By t.heP’rincipai Secretaiy

A ” * a.I_3angaIore – 560 00}

Housing and Urban Department
Vidfiana Soudha
…Responden ts

A “:{By Sri K N Puttegowda, Advocate for R1 and R2;

Sri N Prasaci, GP for R3)




This Wrii: Petition is filed under Ariicies 226 and 22′? oi’

the Constitution of India, praying to quash the order dated
113-2006 issued by the respondeni.V2 in terms of A1″mexure–R
with respect: to the schedule property. .~

Writ Petition No.2274 of 2007 [LA–BDA]

Sri S V Sivarudriya

S/o late Sri Veera Gowda ~

Aged about 55 years I

Residing at No. 160. Qi” Cross

Narasimharaja Colony _ * ;

Bangalore ~« 560 019 V ” _ ‘ _ ‘~.,_..P.eiIi”Lioi1ei’

{By Sri A N§1garajei.§\I2iid.u;”Advoeéiie)_

1 The Bajrigalore’i”)eVe1o’prxieni,Ai:ytho1’iiy
T ChowdaiaiL’Roa=,i ” A ~
KurIia;’a_ Park est” * ,

Bangalore ;.g!;’>..(_SG .020 –

Repreisenied V by its» Commission er

2 The Special Land ‘Acquisition Officer
Bangaiorei-Deveilopineni Authority
~ ‘T. Chowdaiaii Road
A & V”i”Kuij’ieré1A.i?ark West
” ‘~ .VBa–mgae1’o::e” ~–_ 560 020

3 ‘~ A h ‘-The State of Karnataka
»._By theP’r’iAncipal Secretary
Iiolising and Urban Department
Vidhfiiila Soudha
” +..Bar1galore ~ 560 OOI …Responder1ts

Sri I. G. Gachchiriamaizh, Advocaie for R1 and R2:
i Sri N, Prasad, GP for R3)


{By Sri K Krishna, Advocate for R1 and R2:
Sri N. Prasad, GP for R3)

This Writ Petition is filed under Articles 226 of

the Constitution of India. praying to quash the~«~~oiidVe__ifi’ flaied

11-‘/–2006 issued by the R2, in terms oi’ A1j.’ii–exLii*e~ve_’P*i

Respect to the Schedule Property.

Writ Petition No.2276 of 2007 {LA–B:; A} ”

Smt. D R Malini

W/o Sri Muniswamaiah

Aged about 44 years _
Residing at No.64/ 1. 21″‘ “C”:’QSS”:9″‘.’ ViV’ia_i,:1;
4*” Phase, 73-” Biock, BSK”IIi S.ta-gei } V’

Bangalore ~ 560 085 ‘A:{§E’3′?3til,iOi1€r

(By s.yi’_’A. Nagaraga rigiiiaia .Ad§{IoCate}

1 The’ g%;j;lore”f:DeveiopmenfV Pit: thority
T’Chowdaia;h–«.Road’g_ — f
Kumara Park ‘ . . _. ,_ V.

Bangalore — 560 ‘
Rep1’eser,1tevd by its COII11’niSSiOI1€I’

V. “iThe_BASpecia1″Land..Acquisii:ion Officer

A ‘i”Bariga1ore Development Authority
‘~ .1’. {“3_hoWdaia_h Road
Ku1i1ai.ra West
‘=Bar1ga1’o–re§+~ 560 020

— 3 .44The”‘VStaf’e of Karnataka

By vibe Principal Secretary
” Viaiiiousing and Urban D€paJ’ti’3.’1€iI}i.
r _ Vidhana Soudha
Bangalore — 560 001 …Respondents

. :97


{By Sri I. G. Gaehchiiiamaih. Advocate for R1 and R2;
Sri N. Prasad. GP for R3)

This Writ. Petition is filed under Articles 226 of
the Constitution of India. praying to quash the orgcie-r_«’c%.a_t§’eid_._1J.-
7-2006 issued by the respondent–2 in terms Anuri-e’Xi1_rei–Sv.
which is confined to the site Nos.,5,6.,? ‘and’ -8ftoget.f1e.rg
measuring 18900 SFT in the Suprabh.aitha N:1gar’LefijyoiiiV._’ ‘

Writ Petition No.227’7 of 2007 {LA–Bvi5)A} A. 5’
Smt. Kiran Vi}

W/o Sri S P Vij

Aged about 49 years __ i_ j
Residing at No.73, 3″-1 Cross. ‘

Bikasipura _ . V r _
Bangalore – 560 0778 * ” I 7’i9’etii.ioner

Nagarajakaidu. iabivocate)

1 “Hie Bangalore Dev’eio”pmeint Authority
‘1’ Crhowdaiah .

Kurnara Pai’ii.W”est_ ”

Bangalore ‘~– 560 020-9
Represented by its “Commissioner

A “”The’Speeial Land Acquisition Of’ficer
V’ * .,Ba-n_gaIo«re” ‘Development Authority
TI Chiofdvdaiah Road
~A “Kumar”a—-Park West
«_Bangai_0i?’e W 560 020

‘I”iie_S’tate of Karnataka
by ” ‘r-By the Principal Secretary
2 _ Housing and Urban Department
‘Vidhana Soudha
Bangalore ~ 560 001 …Respondents



(By Sri K. Krishna, Advocate for R1. and R2;
Sri N. Prasad. GP for R3}

This Writ Petition is filed under Articles 2126 oi’

the Constitution of India, praying to quash the ordeif’_«dai.i’e?j,_l

7-2006 issued by the respondentw2 in terms _.o’i7– Anrie§<.1ire'~oQv.
which is confined to the site Nos. 71 mezisun-'n'g._¢q20.4O

the Suprabhatha Nagar Layout. _

Writ Petition No.2278 of 2007 [LAwBl§)_Aj A. it

Smt. Kiran Vij

W/o Sri S P Vi}

Aged about 49 years j
Residing at No.73, 3"" Cross – '

Bikasipura _ 7 _
Bangalore – 560 0378 — " I "Petitioner

Nagairaja l__\ia1fjdu, Adirocate}

1 Tliie Bangai.i;re Develooiinient, Authority
T Chowdaiah *F'{oadv._. A
Kurnara Parit. VVe}st_ ”

Bangalore =– 560 C20’… ”

Represented by its’Commissionei*

o Lan’d’Acq_uisition Officer

V’ * .,Ba«ng”al’ore” Development Authority
TI .C:h=.oWdaiVa.7i1 Road

— A ‘=Kumar’a-.PYci1rk West

-._Banga1o’§re ~ 560 020

The}-State of Karnataka
V. ” *w.By the Principal Secretary
x _ Housing and Urban Department
‘Vidhana Soudha
Bangalore ~ 560 O0} …Respondents



V2 . Acquisition Officer

to f

K __By the Principal Secretary


{By Sri K Krishna. Advocate for R} and R2;
Sri N Prasad. GP for R3)

This Writ Petition is filed under Articles 226 of
the Constitution of India, praying to quash the order. _da_ted ,_i is-
7-2006 issued by the respor1dentv2 in terms _o’E7– Anr1e_5m1:fe’~oR’v.
which. is confined to the site Nos. 82 n’1easuifi_ng’~–.c239_:3 in
the Slmrabhatha Nagar Layout. V” I ‘

Writ Petition. No.4478 of 2007 {1,AuBnA_)

Smt. H N Nagarathna
W/o Sri H N Nagaraja Setty ..

Aged about 52 years is -. ‘
Residing at No.72 ‘- _ .

Shankarrnutt Para1iei’–Road *
Shankar Park
Shankarapurarn, = 4* _ V .

Bangalore — 560 ” b ” “…Petitioner

” “(VBy. Naihdu”. Advocate)

1 The I3anga’–l.ore De”Je1oVpn’ient Authority
T Chorydaiah’-Road ‘
A_ Kvtifnaira Park West …..

.Ba’nga’foi’e¥~.560 020
‘ ,Represented by its Commissioner

Ba.ngaiore Development Authority
V T. Chovwydaiah Road
_ Kumara”Park West
f, “Ban.gaioi-e ~ 580 020

‘The State of Karnataka

V’ 1′ Eéangaiore M 560 020


Housing and Urban Department
Vidhana Soudha
Bangaiore -~ 560 001 …Responden._Ls»e.

{By Sri R Sharath Chandra, Advocate for R1 A’
Sri N. Prasad. GP for R3} ..

This Writ Petition is filed unde.r,.Articles”2;2′,’*3jandV’2.2’f-Voi’ » _

the Constitution of India. prayingfto qu*ash_ tI1’e–V’o1*ciejr”dat,e«d
11–7~2006 issued by the respon.4de1_i’t~2:iV in “ier’i”ns

Annexure–R which is confined io ihe sire Nos;1’34″an=d”i35..L

measuring 5295 SET in the Supiaiphatha. N’agaieiv’Lay.ou_1,,VV

Writ Petition No.4479 of 2007 {LAl’soA: K
BETWEEN: ‘ ” L ‘

Smt. H N Nagarathna ” V .

W/o Sri H N Nagarajafietiy *
Aged about 52 years ‘ r
Residing at No.72. V « ~ _V
Shankarrnutt Parrailrel Road. — ._
Shankara Park V i ” ”
Shankarapu;rain—_ y-1 *
Bangalore «€560 — f …Petiiioner

(Byéi Sri aidu. Advocate]
AND: ‘ 1’

The Ban’ga1ore Development Authority
” 2 ‘ T ‘Chowdaiah Road
A Kn-mara’ “Pa1’kfW.est,
i3a1:ga1ore SE30 O20
Re;;)resen~ted.=by its Commissioner

__ The Special Land Acquisition Officer
V, I:5an.ga1ore Development Authority
” .A’.i’;.>Ch’owdaiah Road
Kurnara Park West


3 The State of Karnataka
By the Principal Secretary
Housing and Urban Department
Vicihana Soudha
Bangalore w 560 001 …Responden_t_s

{By Sri R-amanjaneya Gowda, Advocate for R1
Sri N. Prasad, GP for R3} a- ‘

This Writ Petition is fiied under Articles it

the Constitution of India, praying to qgash th’e”o”r*cie’ii dated ‘i.l–“” »

7-2006 issued by the respondentw2 in terms of a’s.Ai:.:ir::X.t1re-W
which is confined to the site Nos. 9,’»._i0.p}1;’ 12., 1.4;” 15,,}a:3_d’ii.16
[7 number} on 30 FT X 40 FT each to’ta1I’y. Vrneeistiifing 84UO’SeP’Vi’,
in the Suprabhatha Nagar Layoi,1t..__ 7 ‘ _ >

Writ Petition No.4~480 of 2()07′{LA~BDA_} ”

BETWEEN:  V    - ~ V -
Sri S. Dinesh    

S/0 Sri s V Sekaruw 

Aged about 22V.yeai*s.
Residingvi'at"No..iL4 1  '

2*” Street Padi Pu’du._ Nalgar __ — A
Anna Na§{3r’West._
Chennai –‘1._0i . . A ,
Represented by his GPA~hOi~d€1’
Sri S V? ‘Sekar ” V ‘

. S/o Sr’; S _\/’enugogiiefi N.a.iou

Prf:sei’1tiy;”;Fesiding at Anjanapura Village


if-anga tor-.3″ ,, A I A A …Petitiorier

‘ Sri A. Nagaraja Naidu, Advocate)

xi; v The Bangalore Development Authority

T Chowdaiah Road
Kurnara Park West



Bangalore — 560 020
Represented by its Commissioner

2 The Special Land Acquisition Officer
Bangalore Development Authority
T. Chowdaiah Road
Kumara Park West
Bangalore — 560 020

3 The State of Karnataka
By the Principal Secretary M
Housing and Urban Depaitnaeht
Vidhana Soudha B .5 = .

Bangalore – 560 00} V ‘”._…Resp_oA1ide’nts=–‘
[By Sri K. Krishna, AdVoé’ate for R1 and; R2;
Sri N Prasad, Advocates’ for R3} _ V

This Writ Petition un;de::_Arti.=:ies 226 and 227 of

the Constitution efi.i’lndia,, p_1’ayingA._to quash the order dated
ji1~7-2006 issue-d_ by-the r,es_pondent_42_,i:1 terms of Ar1nexure~Q
with respect to t3fi1_e;.lscheciu_l”e~property’;

Writ Petzition ‘Nof;2l4si’3. {LA-sloA)

BETWNEEN; ” _ ‘ ”

Smt. Mopart}:–i_ylSud}iarai1jll
W/0 Sri ‘Kotha 13’rasar1naE-tumar

. Aged_~’a’boni. 28 years ….. 14 v

Residing 2-“: No~..:;235. 13* Floor

“._V2ogM’./Jaiiae, l2fi<i«.Cross

J-.P N-agta1'.['2f"' Phase
Bangallore 4560 078
Rep. he1'~{_}I-EA holder

nsri Goyindaraj K N
B'-'«,__.'S/o Nagaraj K. N …Petitioner

(By Sri A Nagaraja Naidu. Advocate]


Aged about 3;' ~y_ears

. . :v€(J"U_3' Block, Jayanagar
.yy&Ba'nga1oi1'e.~w 560 082 …Petitioner



1 The Bangalore Development Authority
T Ch owdaiah Road
Kurnara Park West
Bangalore ~– 560 020
Represented by its Commissioner

2 The Special Land Acquisition Officer’ .. ”
Bangalore Development Autholrityg” A.
T. Chowdaiah Road
Kumara Park West
Bangalore W 560 020

3 The State of Karnataka y
By the Principal Se<:_1*eta1'v-,5 ._
Housing and Urban DeparLn'ient_._

Vidhana Soudha .

Bangalore~l5.€iQlO01 V “~..”‘:.._u..’.Responder1ts

{By smi: Kris-hlna,<-§a:l__yoc'a'tle my R1 and R2:
' _V . Pra_san_', y_GP"forV§R3}

This §Writ Peiiition'?.is filed under Articles 225 and 227 of
the Constitution' of lr:di'a,, lpcraying toquash the order dated 1 iv
752006 issued by th.e":eapon_derit–2 in terms of Annexure-P
with respect. toihe schl'e_d'u'le "property.

Writ Petition ix1o.58oa;V._¢r20Q7 (LA–BDA)
sr£"'<}d'u1'_fida.{éja.V " _ _
8/ 0 Sri Nanjappa

Residing at NQ624, psi 'A' Main

(By Sri A Nagaraja Naidu, Advocate)



V’ iVfah’a,_cle?.?a..rl5rasad

V B _Residi’ng at i\Fs’;’80. 7*” Main

H H :”‘~–_Mysore W21 …Pet1’tioner



1 The Bangalore Development Auth0r1’ty
‘1’ Chowdaiah Road
Kurnara Park West
Bangalore ~ 560 020
Represented by its Commissioner

2 The Special Land Acquisition Civfficerl ‘ ”
Bangalore Development Authority ~ ”
T. Chowciaiah Road 7 B’
Kumara Park West
Bangalore -«~ 560 020

3 The State of Karnataiga A
By the Principal Sec~1’_et;ary’._ _ _ B A
Housing and Urban Depa1’tmerit
Vidhana Souclha B
Bangai0re:{56O 001 V ‘ l.=’..Resp0r1der1ts

for R1 and R2;

V -f__ f_Sri”N Pras_a.d”,”GP for R3}

This Writ5Petiti?9n -i.s*fiIed_1i;nder Articles 226 and 227 of _
the ConstitutionBof”-~l,nd»ia}V.pli’aying to quash the order dated
i1–7–2006«issued’ by’::es_;jon_d”e«rit–2 in terms oi”Armex’ure-R with
respect to the__schedule’.prope1*ty.

Writ Eetition No.:58–ClSv_of 23007 {LA»BDA}

S”/”0 Sri . K ‘Kal.ase:;’Gowda
Aged yabout .28–.years

Brindavan 3′:”.xte’r1si0n, 15’ Stage

(By Sri A Nagaraja Naidu, Advocate]



‘Vl_l~7~2O£)6;g_ issued by the respondent~2._ in terms of
H ” A”‘–.Ahnexure4vQ with respect to the schedule property.


Milpitas CA 95035

Represented by his GPA holder

Sri B N Gupta

S/o Sri C B Nageshiah

Presently residing at Vasundhara Nilaya

Subhash Nagar _ V’
Arsikere — 573 I03 …Pe_tiiione.1f.”~ ‘

[By Sri A Nagaraja bAd’.(ot:ate’) — ‘–

1 The Bangalore Developn1el1tAutho1’ity
T Chowdalah Road . ” ..

Kurnara Park West .

Bangalore — 560 _ 3 ,
Represented by its Commissioner’ * .

2 The Special.Land i1~’_.equisiotionA”Officer V
Bangalore” Dt;’:jJi:iIfL’])l:’.’7lE}I€l§lL “AuthQ_ri’ty” ”
T. Cho_w’dai.ah…Rf0ad«.:_-.,__ it V ‘
Kumara P:1I’l£ West _ g_
B&1?.5§\a1OVf’€.9 5i3:Q.V.02-0 P

3 The State.ol”‘3{:a1rna_gtal£a”’—- ‘
By the Prineigpalljfieeztetiary
Housing and ‘U_rban Department
V_idhana*Soud_h–a ”

_]j%3angalo1’e”~–~ 560 001 …Respondents

Sifl K Krishna, Advocate for R1 and R2;
” “–“Sri N. Prasad. GP for R8)

g’Th1s_W;}-i_: Petition is filed under Articles 226 and 227 of
the Const_:1tution of India, praying to quash the order dated



Writ Petition NO. 13819 of 2007 [LAJBDA]

Mr. E Govinda Naidu

S/0 late E Narayanaswamy N aidu

Aged about 54 years

R/at No.1 161/(3-12. 9″} Cross
Ashokanagar. BSK 1 Stage. II Block ~

BangaIore«5O T’ .; .’1*1er a . T .’

{By Sri Rajagopala _Naidij”,A;§§d\roca1,e’}AA . 3

I The State of Karnz1’_za*E«;a

By its Secretary e- ;. ;

Department of Housing and :

Urban Deveioprnemf’ ” – ‘
MSBui1dvir1g ”

Bangalore.—-1g1′;jVL’V_ ~ ‘«

2 The BarigaioiieDeve’loVp3:1en_t_

Rep. by its -Conin1is*-ai_o11.e1– .

T. C_howdaiah’ «Road . _.

Kurx1a_ra ParR.WesL,. ”

Barlgalore ‘«-20

3 »»’M1~,_V G Bhafath…Raj

e “e”Maj-o’r( RA/of Kembathalli Village
‘ V’ ” Ar137an~ap=uf’a.. Post

‘– A “}3aI1gal7QreA’aiSouth Taluk

— 4 u1″\»”.fl.’. Raj anna

. Major’. R/of Kembathaiii Village
” Vofinjanapura Post
2 U,tta1*ahal11′ Hobh
Bangalore South Taluk


” ~10


Mr. Munireddy

Major, R/of Kembathalll Village
Crottigere Post

Barlrlerughatta Road
Bangalore South Taluk;

Mr. Ramppa

Major. r/of Kembat; Village
Gottigere Post

Bannerughatta Road

Bangalore South Talulc M

Mr. D H Maruthi A
Major. R/at No.3791, 13″‘ Cross’
Banashankari 11 Stage ‘

Bangalore -70

Mr. Pushpafiaj B
Major,r/at.l\”Fo.._l7/51 :

AliAskariRoa;dV . 4_

Bangalore’ V

SIVIJt..V£\/,{1i11i_yaii’i:;_n3_a ‘ _
Major, rx/a”L..N0§ll,6/’–1
Uttarah_alli_Hobli’.. ” A _.

Bangalora South Taluuk

lljlli/lr;E..a1\/Iarxgyapglalal ” “”” ” ‘V
Ivlajor. If/at No.16/1, Kembathalli Village

V ‘V _ “;ln;a:;ap’”-Post, Uttarahalli Hobli


._Baf1galo__re:;South Taiuk

l””Mr.v~..’’akrishna Rao

Majolf. r/at No.22. 413’ Cross

A. ,_’GarV1’dhi Gopura

Mariyappana Palya

ll Magadi Road

Bangalore «~23

..:l:TT}1¢ff’Constitution of India, praying to quash the order dated



12 Mr. Sriramaiah
Major, R/ of G-ottigere Village 81 Post
Uttarahalli Hobli
Bangalore South Taluk

13 Mr. Narasimhaiah
S/o late Muniswamappa ._
Major, R/ofKen1bathaI1i V illage
Anjanapura Post
Uttarahalli Hobli V
Bangalore South Taluk

14 Smt. Jayamma
Major, R/o Kemba-th.alli Vi’llagE:l’
zmjanapura Post ‘ 5 ‘ V B’
Uttarahalli 1-Iobli ._ «
Bangalore South Ta.1.L1k_ ‘

1.5 Mr.VChinna;ppai.’e~l’V ”

Major, R/ofEiembafha1li_V’i(ill~:1ge_ ‘ ‘
Anjanalfiura PO.S?. B’ _
Uttaral1alli_Hobli’=i::;;_ .

Bangalore So::;;.h_Ta1uk. ‘V B _

16 Mr. V Venkatasujainy. «
Major, R/’of KembathalliiMillage
Anjanapura”‘Post-?* ‘ l
Uttairahalli Hob’ii._ _
‘ ‘ _ Bangalore South Taluk …Respondents

N. Prasacl, GP for R1:

P5; Puttegowda, Advocate for R2}

Petition is filed under Articles 226 and 227 of

issued by responclent–2 in favour of the petiiioner

in “B_V»Sl”i~.El:I’1


Writ Petition No. 8454 of 2006 {LA–BDA}

Sri P S Suresh

Aged about 43 years
Residing at

No.29/4-. 38″” Cross

8*” Block. Jayanagar

Bangalore — 560 083 :3 it

[By Sri N. Rajarina. Advoeate I’o:i”l’ 0
M/s. Holla <31 l-lolla, Advocates) l 0


I The Bangalore Dex;/el.Qpm;ent_ Au.tli.oriI.y
K P West, Extension ~ ‘ 1 ..

Bangalore — 560020 0 V . _
Representedvbyits,Comriiissi.oner I .. V’

2 The Special C)~fi’ift;ei*
Bangalore Deikelopr:1en’tCAa3t’h.oA1?ity=_
K P West Extension ‘ * . 3’

Bangalore 5 1550 ‘G20

3 StateltofKarriatal«tas..: it
By its Secretary». A _
Urban Dev-elopnient Departnieni;

Vidliana Soud ha” ‘

B_a’ngal__ore” ….. .. v …Respondents

ktarnarayana Rao Advocate for R1 and R2:
ffsri N. Prasad. GP for R3)

This W.:i~{‘:Petition is filed under Articles 226 and 227 of

the Cons”titt,i’tio1″i of India, praying to quash the order/le’tter

–«.l.0’rj’:vbe;ming No’;BDA/o0.AA.(LA)/ V.BHOO.SWA.A/ A4/ PR/ 727/

4. ._2’OO5-06e–.’_dated l9~4-2006 passed. by the Special Land
Acquisitior; Officer. BDA, the second respondent. llerein



The second notification is for Banashankar.i VlvV4Stat’;e VlSS:’ti6Vd., by ~ 0

the Bangalore Development Authloritylgii.
situated in Ganakalu VillageV__va~:je the “gofhthis
notification. The plj<3liiI1i}'kEtI_f"t:f:' ~ .n0t_ifieation is: issued on
1.12.2000 and final I1VO"tl.f!'i"(:.E:l"£i"f_)ki1fllti'. on 23.8.2001. The
third notificationis for e;i<ten's'ior1vof;ftnjanapui"a layout.
The lands this notification are
situated notification is dated
29.3.200l'Vand'theifinalTn'o_tll'ieation is dated 21.3.2002. '}he
fourth to further extension of

Banashankari ..,\v/i'Stag.e. "The sites and the land situated in

.00."-Vajliisahalli and Gtihharala are the subject matter of this

pi*elimina.ry notification is dated 21.11.2002

andfinai.notification is dated 10.9.2003. The last notification

his issu'C(if1~for the further extension of Sir M Vlshveshwaraiah

The subject matter of this notification is the land

situated in Herohalli and Giddanakonenahalli. The preliminary

notification is dated 8.4.2003 and final notification is dated

9.9.2003. it'/'


5. The petitioners in these writ petitions elo”nte”nd

though under the sale deed, they haye ,a”‘po’r_tion of

the land measured in guntas, they Eii'{i””l–?}:’&1C’LtlEi-l lpos’seeasi’o;::i’ of

well~planned sites in a private’layout.” Some csi’ ltl1en1_VVl1a_vL:e even

put up constructions. and areHllVi.yliI1gV there tlaeii’ family.
Some of them had’;_ehallengedVl”‘the:’acquisition of their

lands / sitesyon yai”1’oi3I;s gr-oui”ld.s_.” V.Slli}’li’l’ll8.I’1€OLISly. they had also
approacl*’ied.,tlie “drop”th’e'”acquisit;ioI1 proceedings. It
was tl’i’eir’ specifio ” ~ieasVell”‘a1;ha_tf: when these lands are being

acquired B:D.A’.._for_ll-~’the forn1at,ion of a residentiaf layout

in O.l’£;:l:€1′ to diSlI’i’b’1:l:§”‘£1bie said sites to the needy and poor who

!:a’n–no1),afford’vt,_o purchase sites in the open market”. the

acqfluisitilofiis nolt proper as these petiixioners also belong to the

. same’ category. When they have purchased the sites.

H .i.aoq.u_.isitio11 of their sites would not be in tune with the object of

:n¢”Ac3t and the very purpose of acquisition wouid be defeated.

it ” -‘fliley aiso requested the aiithorities that they are willing to pay

betterment charges to the B.D.A. as required under law and


tg~.tvVi’thdratvthe’trV respective petitions. Accordingly, leave

ugrailtiedlualjidiupetitions were withdrawn. After withdrawal of

coiiect betterment, charges from these persons as per their

Wreiuest and to dro these lands from ac utsition. it is in
_ _ P (1

‘ oigirsuance of the said Boards resolution notices were issued to

ail the petitioners clainiing betterment charges at the rate oi’


they want those sites to be given uijgfrom and.”
payment of betterment charges, they
faciiities which are extended ta’it’he sit;e’ovvi1e:*sVoi” F
Development, Authority Layout. thei1* that the
authorities insisted, ‘the iippiitittons ftiedi chailenging
the acquisition are would not be
considered reqt:ieist’v–.vviou1d be favourably
considered “fietitions. Under those
had liked such writ petitions

chaiiengtngthe’acqutsbitionzgtiled a memo in their respective

writ petitions”£ng the 2ii;o1’esaid facts and sought Eeave of the

\Arrit.’pte._tiittons. the authority in its meeting resolved t.o

Rs.30/~ per sq.ft. On receipt of such notices. all the petitioners

andispuhjstance of their stand is that they did acquire these

for”_’i»mp§l.ernentation of the project proposed by them.

.r,V:aeqtiisiti’on proceedings, the authority thought of dropping
‘ fnrtlier execution of development scheme proposed in the said

it ””’*land. They collected the betterment charges from the


have paid the betterment charges. When they were hoping that

everything would be regularised, khata would beWi1iddefinti’t.. in

their names, tax would be collle’c–ted
be extended to them, they it impugned
notices informing the riouauthority to
impose such betterrnent.iihchargles ‘l.:lc_’L;pl~1’e-refore. they are
withdrawing pghvticie thy.-§.f’ they would proceed
with the circurnstances, all the
petitioners challenging the impugned

notices. ”

The has filed its statement of objections. T he

However, when the petitioners gave representation for dropping

petitioners and issued NOC pertaining to the disputed land as


Vfroml th’o.us_a”I”.«.ds of citizens from Bangalore has given up

“acq-lu_islit’io:fi.,notWi’thstaradir1g final notification u / s 1.9 of the Act.

b :'”coui”t to summon all the records of the B.D.A. regarding
it tlieheltterment tax collected from other citizens, it would clearly
l .. _.V:’e5\real that, in the case of the petit.io11ers, the E3.D.A. is trying to

it contend that collection of betterment tax was bad in law. In


the note sheet which shows that allthe
after reviewing the whole thing.
imposition of betterment.

and therefore, the said is and
acquisition pI’OC€€dlHgS:l;1fi€1\i€:'{).i7l£l退’d€Cl In fact,

they have also obtained aV_le:’gal ‘tlhi–sl”regard.

8. A by –.s:o%rie oi’ the petitioners. They
contend__t:_hvat’*Seetioii_ ii’ideperlder1t of Section 20 of the
Act. Ll’£f1de.i”Se3V(fl;i.O’r}.:l2Qb.lCililt’h€’ACE. the B.D.A. is competent to

collect the”betterIneriiiVt.a;2c”‘.%e1’efore, the stand of the E3.D.A. is

untenable. having collected the bettermerit. tax

The””«petiV.tion.elfs are treated with hostile discrimination. If this

Nearly seven years have elapsed i3:io”r’n’*–Lhe ‘date _t)’i7l.i’_i*1i’ti2.vl’.etter’rnent charges if
the petitioners acquisition, the
petitioners thus gave up their
challenge”toutheV1’a.eqluilsi’ilipo:ili.” the petitioners’ position
standsijv of C the representation of the
respondelritsl authority kept its promise by

issuing a noti-eeleallirig upon the petitioners to pay the

it-‘bette’rn1e-ht leharges and in turn. the petitioners paid

beltt_erlrrien*t_t”Charges claimed by the authorities. in fact, one of

the ~:;_uid_.g)~rolfquo for giving up the land from aequisiiiori. was

-v,_l’i.hat the petitioners have to give up their land which is required

B.D.A. for the formation of the road free of Cost. as

–..ljagr5eed. They gave up the land to B.D.A. to forrri the road. thus

ifagain. altering their position to their disaidvaiitagcé. Thus when

promises and reciprocal promises are kept up, it is not open to


the authority now to go back on the ‘pi’ornise_..a_nd._expose the T

petitioners to the threat of acquisiti°onfv_Ttierefbre; he conierifils

that on the doctrine of proInisso’fg.V_estoppet *re.s’pon’dents are

preciuded from going back on VA’th.eii”i’’ a’ the
impugned orders. Evencontends. in the land
which is the which was
purchased .5: it acc1L1isit.i<J1'1 proceedings.
some of and are Eiving with
their favmiI_y.A1 has not passed any awards.
possession it is too late in the day

for the=respondents'1t.oresiie from their stand and to proceed

tt"'Vith'"any-.'further acqtiitsition. Section 20 of the Act provides for

i;nposition.._AQ'i"betterment charges. When the statute provides

foriirnpositioréis of betterment charges and the authority in its

Vwisdorn" passes a resolution to impose betterment charges and

"the_»s'a1ne is given effect to and betterinent charges are

ieoliected, on the ground that the Government has issued an

iforal order not to collect betterment charges and to proceed with

~.thev-':Act,:_..c;;t. two stag'es'the authority has the power to impose
bet.teriT1e_nti charges. First. while framing the scheme it is open

to tile' atiti'1"_orit3rto decide in respect of which lands which are

V"~chargesv,__i«h which event. the same has to be menizioried in the

'a_"scherne under section 17(1) notification and then individuai


the acquisition. it s not open to ii
impugned order.

11. Sri Sanjay Gowda: ._ie’arnedA.”C,ounseviV_ apvpeaiijng for
some of the petitioners ;_contenAde.dl”that,pthe sai.dAau§thority has
not passed any resoiution the betterment
charges. The, AcquisitionsAdtjfficehrajwho has issued the
impugned 1}G{,iC§S{:1’1&t.S __itti:isd–ict:i”oi1 or authority to hold that
the resolution by Board. is iilegai, contrary to Iaw

acting thdeorai the Principai Secretary to

Revenue.’ l3epari;rn’e’ni;V iioifi-hep…Government of Karnataka and
therefore, on tthatxshoifti g,1i”C:1:lI1d, the impugned orders are liable

to be; s’et_aside’;» _ aiso contended that under the scheme of

inci’i,1ded__”tir-zder the Scheme it proposes to levy the betterment.

collvetfi be’ttei’i11ef1i: «§’.£1’_}'(.”.’:”I’Ol’l’1 these pei,1′.iior1e1″s. on the ctm’:.1’a1’y
i’misiu11ide.;fs–iar1ci’in–g of the Eaw. the bei,te1’mer11, tax was ievied and

they ha\fe.1″etrace<;i the steps as their aci, was contrary to law.


forms part of Notification u/ s 17_{i.} oi’ iVr’1di_ivVidt,_1Valu’
notices have to be sent to those persons’_A_i’1’oh1 w.h’c;;§
tax is to be collected. ii is ai’ie_f*hearihg theii-i’obj’e_cti.ons if i’1″1&”.i’

same is over-ruled. the entire Echeiiie is ftoiube }placed for

sanction. If the Goveitrinieiii acc.orci”s._ sanctioh, then the
Scheme has to be i1np1e”mienAted__ peifithe sanction accorded.

It is only after the.imp1emcntatio11&the ii’ the market.
Value of the 1a_hdi”;;.on1pfise€1 tiie.VSci1e.nie which was not the
subject matfitei’ ac’q$iisi’tionA’ViaasAifiereased, ihe B.D.A. gets the

authori_tyi—-VtoA in respect oi’ increased

Value oiifithe 21.” of the Act provides for a mode
in which vvljettermeritoi’ to be assessed and collected.
Therefore. viiheh .a(–imittec1ly the B.D.A. did not propose to

their _v1ands.*., were notified for acqtiisitioii, on 21

coI1ectedv_aIici–.V.t)n coming to know the error committed by them.



‘I’heref01’e, it Cannot be said that they eo1I1mii.’ted:’any il-luegalitiy

in passing the impugned order.

16. Sri Shankara Narayaiia V’Ra_o; learned’ cstounsel

appearing for the B.D.A.,.contende.d–.that, Section of the Act

provides for Collection what the
authorities L_’eolle_et.e_gd is”. charges. The
resolution charges and not
betterririenft not withdrawn the

petitio11″e_i’s’ _la’I1r:_l iro’m “aoqitiisl_tion, they are only staying away

from acquils’i1;ilon,V In betterment charge is paid by the

pet_Ltioi1:elrs v”VOl11’AIi'[E1.’.T.l.1}f.,N it was not imposed on “them by the

‘a,uth0rit,ytherefore. it cannot be said that the authority

hasno poxlife-r towithdi’a\v the levy which they have made.

i~ll:”sul:)dmitted that the aforesaid levy was lI1a€§V€I.’l,€’,l’1t. and after
.’ realising the mistake. knowing the correct: legal position. the

authority wants to retrace its steps. which cannot. be found

Sri Puttegowda, learned Counsel for the B.D.A.


‘siiibjveetz_rVnatte'”r’ -of acquisition are the lands beionging to the

objections fiied by the petitioners were over ruled and the final
notification was also issued. In other words, the Government
has “accorded sanction to the Scheme proposed by the B.D.A..

m’Thereafter. awards have been passed. possession of the land is


fault with. Therefore. he submits__.tha_t. tlieiieitis’.f1’1o”i:nei’ii;.Vin

these writ petitions and they are liable be dlisinissedl. ijf

18. In the light of and the
submissions made. the “arise for
consideration:- h V Z V 2 it h

{1} power to ievy

what stage and how the

“”” . the Act?

‘ ‘ of Promissory Estoppel

it applies to tia_.e..fact;s ofthe case?

_33_ointu :~– The facts are not in dispute. The

[.)’Cti”‘U,’OI1€l’S;”.:’: The preiiminary notification was issued. The

taken. layout is formed and thus. the Scheme proposed by the


at”the”‘peti’ttoners are to give up that much of land free of

l’the%..b’e-tternient tax can be imposed on the remaining

V”-subjeet».i;_o those conditions. they would consider the ease of the
,Apetitioners. The petitioners agreed to give up that extent of

which is required for formation of road.


B.D.A. is substantially implemented. But.
State has not taken possession ot”t:he’«l.a_n”d, at-l’1(;.’
occupation of the petitioners exceptlbiingg
few exceptions. no award .__in’ ‘of these»
petitioners. Most of t;he’.paet,itioiie:s the acquisition
on Various grounds hefore this Court.
Simultaneottsltrg if’-vthet/””‘also approached the
governrnerit dropping the aequisit;ion
proeeeidingsli_25._7.2002 gave an endorsement; to
the petitio.nerS ttatirtig’thlatjrelpresentations given by them have

been; examined. ‘They have to form 80ft. road in their lands. Ii”

extent of ianfdias is done in the ease oi’Anjanapura Layout and

V * water supply, UGD and electricity from main


20. Three resoiutions are passedéby

regard from time to time in 1*espee.l oiflltiie af0i’e_s’aid ~viézyoiits.

The first of such resolutions ‘§s_’t’eso1ution No.8.3/’Q2′;*v-in respect’

of Anjanapura Layout which rea_d§’a$ ‘fQ1}OVlF.$I”‘

“Subject No. 33/02 AV _ _ z _ _
Sub: Fixalfiort of §betier’rncerit’«.:eiftaryerg for Private
Layouts wilhi}: Arya:wp”ura.”To wns hi p.

“”” -To*wns«h’lp’*a§as formed during
the year. 2’C’»’J.€l-_200″1~.tto**de-uelop 449 acres of land

_f’cn4a_llotznen.t Sites to General Public.

. _ vThere-‘.are_vtwo private layouts existing
within “the Township covering an area of 40

V 2’lVe1*e&s;’ V

site holders of these private layouts

‘ seelcirag ba.slcfacz’.lities such. as approach. roads.

Ellrtes, have come forward to pay the betterment

Charges to B.D.Afor providirlg suCh_facl.lil’ies.



14) 6065611) 505:2: 83/02

wasfi zJc:é”~a>c:5z23’ri¢?r<I er'a:e{53§–;r§' "


5d5E>c9e3’5cx=;a%;a>. .«’j03c3.

033,;-:;(1i}cfL?’= zadgcj owaiéfl a>c3a~c:3’5~5r<;¢?r"§ s5.*3c€V.=ejz,é;#€:"'/:33; _

30/–<:€o3" eflasisbé :§v@;f35L'_ c'3€:=,fic;U V.

(gang ' :

aiodflrééuaoafl ,<,-zjgsin m';sg.<::.»a,eo5é¢a%\;. "

* A
23% #33 }:9a;);:;:§; abaacfi,
ziori £;;V ,

«ii-/’F5475 5-35,7356 ‘gsax

‘recfgsta a3Gr§§ir;«;::>




asioa~s;Uc>a;,J:v’ ‘¢3’c%a:*’3$;;é?d”;’» ;

é:55l»’a%é;’~’;»3-A * -. ..


‘V :”J){>C3}’C-.”i7:-}C.”g a3’a;\€§@fu{Cg..


e;bew¢;;_3r’€d-3: arzjggacfq 55;,;fi.%__s’*«
éoaéaegoamagfi. sicjéacj, G1? J;»%_:.~°92>.»”§_u’

§°i?_E”cD§ ;m>_ 9% :Z}»%;:”:”JFi efioé-as efléizd-raéési £;Ia:’;ei5F;-«a)(:Txgv:m,_*s;73.._

K ¢ – 7′ – 1.’ ‘

-x»c°i2\:L>’, ‘-“-‘_V}C.\1\,’

m9¢.’?:fio§ 55350235 L
njaagacfiefi max #95? 33513 afir=¢5o.1;ep=
782 M5 :7 rboafi :.g;:a. ::a;;m-5:
e;¢§,’r$tz5i&ig_ ago,-:__8,%, 599351)

saga-ma3a€o3ac:__4 .$ma__:5soas:3?.-:2\>as;a;»(:’:ia,-“»:5; z:j§::5_a;r’u3;_. 9:;

ojE3§J’€3BCj_. c5’J3._a,:>va5;-Q ‘~.?Q’c’;3D-;;;iEe§’OJ:> %O\:f€–.JEf:jF§

a)ci35\fi)53€3Qc:1,–i:_;fi;:S@ “–:§r;ri=§*;radJ” eaafaajg

af;of’:§:’_’VT’5<c2Q 2oc5 "f'r:rai;).i5'u§::’@.*”x:fi.

as ,a9q’§_>};fifv§r?’ 23<:a;;o;§5-jagoé atmjaadcj wefscajoogd

aiegaaxw o\i;:%&»&'a:ajdi”:e;::

” V _ a’e;:so:;.q;w;g’__9:%_.

1,””335?>p2~:°o1\. c-3oa92:,A;> {La 2 15«1w0o igasasrfigfis

3L'”ZJfi’v5l§§§C¥.i) ajaiwezaé 5:4») : 195~oo §;an°a=.§.r”‘§§’>¢

‘ 3. ervezfiaaaia are 3 32430 &»a:%5r”m¢w

4. 5′;-:,:i3a€.s3§M_ 43\E:?_;’f§i°r§,{-c”3E31″)2Q’3

7 5 0 as :¥:%.«-“eai%’>

-3 \.

3..-&3g)’_ ZQUEXUCCL) :;~%_f’2″€~:-”


V . 323:). oira r=25:{i2;’A ._§-.::’:’___ci> 630:-a.>a«_d)


ééri (a5.=:5:>*’&>c=a;~’ :4i:i/.j:§.:.)(.”if;’/{I§j’é3.._$_;’j{5k{}{:-S ‘


mmfié avacfl 5:1>éaT o5,4=;w*;__é:§oc3;2

750 $65 wauearfi zc?_gJc*L>w s,~se_§?’¢fi§5″é» s9a%r«*$<;iC1}_.' 3'£;:'«§527&

aD,%§a'ae1:5 asrmzafi e;a(i»;"»';éi";' «:'3.a'-5:1» s:'.rar=€=

EMS} i':_fi'C:'C,1)J§(i'/ ':';<~?_7:1C:iu,o:e'ci U»u<f52v_.a'5.} -371335

.550'/-4 * » mg/–

‘ ;”;m;f3aadc3 ,:iz§ai> zaaoaozég 28-5-2003

&>«3$a1> $009.; 177/03


:Efi<5§3FI9C&)E>5J’ aéafiraft: 530355, $605303 \.%:’)€:)i:’Q\;7’u/'{\:’y=;{:J€;'(‘|}{:},!1§£-hi).



5’e:?;_aa:~>& 55+ :Ur%r9e?–:j ;:’aiw5>r’? 230353.: e§$,aL:’c>z5e€f7 3:1-‘;:*.@:-£132» ”

§JE}f”§ .,fi@.>*5_5av

m:3aada,s; mfiwméaaévragfie .=w;_:;c:< 'a<;:§m';e::@_

fc:iJa?m@g\, 2;-uaa§a@r6d> eomafipé

RiJ€’2¢?JCjL’i?: mom ai»gdpa::§c;:2_= Visyéuegaapgqzg .éa,~ia:.;;5’;g, _(BeItc:’m1e:-at

Tax} ajzwaa magic» C’~’¢,-!;«é7. ‘ figogwj éfifiabab’

‘_dE9rI5g.%:’3J5JE)§§j’_ii1?.) _:s§r*3.:i>é§y-‘e}O}2~3c’o5d _ 5_:’a\:oafi;$i” ,2J_._<°§rIz-rvéri-€13

3E"'_iE}’V V
1&3./’ —


:34) 6:5 af3<,:r<<§E-sci).

The tAIiird——res01ut.i0n is resolution No. 104/04 in

re:”{pe{;t”vI)Q’i’I3’a;§ashankari Sixth Stage, Sir M.Vishweshwaraiah

Extension,’ ‘further extension of M.Vishweshwaraiah Layout and

further €:’;§_<ténsion of Bar1ashan}«;a1'i Sixm Stage which reads as

V' 'v_d1'aW:'eiie<:trieity i'rorIi"'S1fib«station. Wéttfil' supply from main ianes
iofihe These betternlerit eiiztrges does not include

the'-p1"ovi'-suion for water suppiy distribution. sexve1'ag;eai,

1nayouts.v__Q:'r/Recording to the detailed cost Emaiysis. the cost per

,s'q.1,_1ere meter works out to 320 or R330/– per sq.ft.. "The said


in the third meeting in 2004 heId,or1._1 11%;’J{jm§.’;2oe4_.A.¢m;1Eé»_ 2
were in 211} nineteen members cor1isiLVit1,iiteci”
and five members remained a{:~se*:;t.

24. From the aforesaid ,three’-re”soiution:s;~ we can make
out that. in Anjan3.pt1ra_ Layout;V’_Ehe’1*eV22retwo private layouts

existing within tne townehiip.eovering”an’ of 40 acres. The
site holders in~’tiéee.e private come forward to
pay better:-n’en_t—. for providing basic
facilities. sL1_el”1~._ets;»’:a;ppro.etV(,3riVroadst .vvat’,er suppiy and electricity
from tine > I’1*i>’:V.Cv1Tdt3I’-‘ to integrate these two private
1ayouts”w_1t3t1in ‘the the authority proposed to levy

betterment eharges towards provision for approach road. to

inté”;rnaE__” ‘eieetrifioation and street Eight within the private


.'”=propose*d” to” s,cqui1*e”m1″532 acres 17 guntas of iand out of which

to VVa{:og~,iire lands to the exterit 01″ 782 acres 17 guritas

V’-.ur1der”.Sy_ection 20 of the Act, they have decided to Ievy
V.’-Vdbettdetment tax. The said proposal was approved in the said

infieetirzg. The proceedings of the Authority clearly shows that


subject was placed before the authority whic_h'”‘iyas.A_a;a’pravec1.b
In Resoiutiora No.17?/O3 the “decided_tQ:”‘collectt it
betterment charges in respect of 78.v’ZVac’res El1’1C:1VA7 ‘guhtas’;Vy’]’Th–ey

preliminary notification was ‘U’3_§;..”SE,Eb_]’€Ct..iI1£’3,To.I.=€1’V.”.{)i:”U16 said

meeting. It is in respect” there were objections
which were uP1′}_F*M1._- :’.vi”‘c’1fi1″ic1 faii within the
layout as authority decided to
impose ‘V V’

25.«soi’utio1f1 NQLI77/G3 relates to the note put.

up by the 4’autho.r1’Vty.A’~aii’d__for sanction of the scheme under

Section 18 of theAc’t. it stated therein that, in all. they have

iSAL.£p heic1._j’..–As the aforesaid Lands form part of the scheme


challenged in ihese pr0Ceedi1*1gs.~””‘Orye éguch’ “cl:’;d:5’v”,f;’27/afi.5~V~o5′ — ..

” ” 5932;; apasgzaéksaaaaaama
u ‘if?2,’353′:®_
e:f3or’§r:’«’;}®:iJ $533053 19/4/06.

——– 502768 551;-ar=2x?_. mpaécxigt

_ “;2:;:3_;c’. [$0.3/1(«b), 3/2A, 3/2.8,

% ‘3?’/1;:.,;:\”L.._’3,:3’A2. 3/3C1. 3/3C2. 3/313,

“3/BE,» Vim 505:5 4/5C5 ad;§>ar”\.'<:?

_ »?_§;~–,afiad~§€3″‘ 5r61r 5603 2oca’aofi5a’cu> c§0é;i>

cg(:;z.q;a3sr$ae2aae;_cj,;, $9 mi1Jfla5ac:j5§oJae?:

r1)OF$s?3%{D’Ja§ fi’D5§:”€5rU 240’ &53″6’é55\:*ai

” ervéfajofi &>i3®_5;:iai3\. c;’3cf,3,%c’x>5:§ 5-ju«:f13»;:<aL§ 0221).:

C-«.:J..lé§f'% aaawaadaai $595551): -césaaadaacj
3:90-.%i3r"':FCL3cfi5 23::

. ‘ ervfigf *3 1. {#9 5~2§e°©a:i) ;*aai_g 2,’a.,/aq.>e3(2,LaA3;2;/
” –_ _ ?92,1/axggw/934/£25305/551/2003-04 5396305: 39/59/2003 ”

2. 55° E>’.2.’§<°(3'(1i) fioaig

a3(gfiJa.:;Q_,e5/as4/ezbeiof/85:/2oo3~o4 a.”-Jaws:
24/03/2004 \a1


a::g_mac:§_ arse 5C}E,?£’:3E§ECj§_fi. a-;aas2.2e>a;s e1>3;:j)§ .”js;or:5A
cfidodmzfioé sis means 3c:i>r”‘:’ wzemaafi. ”

(am; 539:5) em;-3 eaa3.1)afci> {2;t;az@_; ._
raafiaocd wmaieedfioaxaflwéfi) 1

‘_ _

‘ E 2§or1e:,t@m.

%_,x° cam}:-:”P’. $5533”

$0.29/4, 335%
8:66 35ai)a,’rf’iU~,.A«’
zfiorm/ado — 555

Befovre {ye .e'(‘m’ei(ie1′. the iegality of this impugned
endorseinent, it «to look into the scheme of the ACE;

and what atucieyfeitaphmeklt éeheme under the Act means:

A’.”D:E:vjELoPn/mm? SCHEME

‘.29.-.A«:’Chapter 111 of the Act deals with [Development

S(f,hern’e-ss. Section 15 of the Act. deais with the power of

‘~AL2thority to undertake works and incur expenditure for

= …«.*§eve10pmem,. Subsection (1) of Section 15 provides that the



Authority may draw up detailed schemes reierfed,

to as “development scheme”) for inc ‘

Bangalore Metropolitan Area’: ‘«Sub–§cciion (;2v)”l’é:Vov..$ccL_:iond

deals with new or additional deveEo§§11a.eni s.Ch.€::l11’1″c.
Every development scfl.cni.e:v «Section 15 should

contain the pariicularga.”1Iien:ioI’:ed_ Sé’c.t§ion 16 of the Act

which reads :~.–

“16,__VPa)*iiciilarf$V xifor in a development
§;_chen1el}” Vddeiaelopniehnid”scheme under Seciiori
{I} Vdshaligv i’he:iiimiis of the area comprised. in
d ‘ the sclierfie, gérouidefor, ~
(ci]_ihe dactjilisiiion of any land which. in the
:v”vi.opinion of the Auihoriiy. will be necessary
or affected by the execution of the

(b) laying and re-laying oiii all or any land
including me consi’ruci.ion and
recorzsiruciiori Q/’ buildings and formation
and alteration ofsireeis:

{C} drainage, water supply and eiectiricziiy:

. 2 reading of the aforesaid pravisimrx makes ii. clear

men1;:o::’ed in the aforesaid Section. Subsection (ma) of
18 categorically states that, every development scheme

ll “shall Within the limits of the area comprised in the scheme


(ct) the reservation Qf not less than j~’g::;§2en,
cent of the total area ofthe_layoL£i.jb*r:pLrhlic” ,
parks and playgrouncis aindh
area of not less than teri’per.eeni: o.f_{rhe’vI:’0tal*:.”.l’
area ofthe layoatfc__5’r’r.cViuicAamemiaes, l

(2) may, within the limll:sV”r:gjbr*esaicl’ p.._r¢fu.idefor,e

(a) razlsiraah “any i . the thority
may cbhslidér. .l’exp¢;zz:»re;l:le :9 raise to
‘_ifacilitatebei:a>r”drair:ageE«V’ ll ‘
(bl }f<firr'r:ir{gr i2bén14.4'sp;i¢és—–~;ybr the better
theuarea comprised in {he
""" " Or'ar£y'*@hinir1g area:

-. ‘ sjahiitzargarrangernent required;
I3)’ 4′ _ l a5t–::hii:”and without the limits
L4 l af(‘)res;;1it:i’~’Qt-rouidewfbr the construction

A’ “of f’lQL!S€S”.

thai” a “‘*l:§ei’relopment. Scheme should contain the particulars


(d) a statement specifying the land whicii’§s=pri>posed__

be acquired; and

(e) of the land in regardii-o__ which_ is beit.eriifient

be levied.

Therefore, it is clear oz_«ii;Wofivs–:lilies’Eahdiproposed to be
acquired some land is l’_r.i:1_’i’ihebllexecution of the
scheme, son1e§.viahdi3 execution of the
scheme. buii by such execution of the
scheme; “”” lands are to be notified
sepa1’atleiy.” which will be affected by the

execution of-._ihe’«.ihe Authority has the power to levy

a – b€tl.Ef’m€.lfi tax. hi « -A i

H ‘– (5) of Section 17′ provides whai. the Authority

~V shoiiid. afier issuing ofa notification under subsection i7(l}

“poof the Act. An obligation is cast: on the Authority to serve a

. notice on every person whose name appears in the assessment

V’ “list of the local authority or in the land revenue register as



Authority to ievy betterment tax and recover by xvayVoi’..t}:u<_V. the

benefit which that land owner or building owne:"'ge§$–.vyttiho'e1t

any efforts. The object \:itt.h_.y.\vhVi2c.-htttthese:
enacted are very laudabie. god no Ceirl have any
grievance whatsoever. VJ'-Er'._1z1V:t'§1~'¢f-{)re:,–_.t"i'1et:_b Authority does not
need this developed bAu,i1c:1'_in.g 1a'r'Irv.1.'.V"':byr'–V"inCludix1g in the
scheme, before owner of such. land
or buiidingite intention on the part of
the and then hear them before

such taxis ievied, '' 3


20 of the Act deals with Eevy of betterment

taAx._4VThe. has been vested with the power to levy

V’-.}3etter”1ne’nt Tax. What is a Betterment Tax, is defined under

V”–h_A:”3~e_et’i'(_>r1 2(d) of the Act, which reads as under:

” 2{d) — ‘betterment tax’ means the tax

payable under Section 20 in respect’ of an


it “‘–Authorit;’y. is the date”ot commencement of the execution of the

,._.sté1f1er11e:,:”‘and” of the completion of the scheme. To levy

\,coInplet;ed in all respects, as it may not be practicable. When
“-the development scheme is sufficiently advanced to enable the

it amount of betterment tax to be determined. the asse-ssrnent of


betterment tax on two types of lands. They
which will be affected by the exeet:;ti6h”e-{the (hi
any land which is not requiredjfor the
The condition precedent for ‘tax
increase in market va1i,1e__of ébhfifiquéncfi 01’ 313
execution of development who is liable to

pay the thefoywnei:.oi” such land or any

ggson havinf tin-tereet therein”. ‘ _»

tax payable is provided
under st1b–Seeti’on l'{AA».’l7§y’l~.loi’~..§ection 20 of the Act. The two dates

whic15_._,are ifiipiortant to taken into consideration by the

the Authority need not wait till the scheme is

. _ exaf1’i’pl?ee,~.


betterment tax could be done. In order to assess ‘bett-erinent

tax what is to be found out is, wi1at;isajt3ne’eaya£1t1Ve OfV:th.e”iA§;a11d

prior to the execution of the sch.eme.V” yaluiilr of the

land on the completion of 1 scheme.
However, if there are purpose
of calculation Q[‘pei;[€lTI1€3I’1:K.t: the building is to
be excluded.” is to be taken into
consideraticn buildings. If there is
any in value of the land is
the basis tax. The betterment. tax

leviahie shail;–ne”v.third of such increase in value. For

{:a}._= of (b) Market value of {:2} Increase

‘ ‘ V 1ax1d.p’ri:é:;’Ac:i:o the the land on the in the
“‘exec;u.1’o”n of completion of the market

_ theschenie scheme value

. 100/– per sq.ft. RS250,/~ per sq.ft. Rs. 150/»

per sqft.

Betterment Tax — 1/31″” of increase in value

1/3 X150 = Rs. 50/– sq. ft.




39. After specifying the rate of bet’Lernie_;:it.:;a:Xn

sub–section (2) of Section 20 of tlfiemMAc:;«,atL1e .;1;e§is]_e.I::u’re= 9

provided for the assessment oi’Vbetter’;1:_1en_’VL tax by the ‘.a{;L.horiiyV

under Section 21 of the Act whic-hliieads “as. or’

” 21 *l:)Lel’€erment lax
byt}1_eAulho:’é{y} V

. ll ag45pec’ir”s”to” lhe Aulhorilgy

1: _V sc:fle’n’1e is slgficienlly

“”” ‘”-io”~-enc1b’leV–‘lhe amount. of the
be determined. lhe

4′ lALl1:hoqri!.y a resolution passed in
.. behodfoleclare tllalfor the purpose of
dele;’m_in.lrvLg such tax, the execution of the
,4:”s.chen1e shall be deemed to have been
cofflpleled and shall thereupon give notice
writing to every person on u.>hom_ :1
4′ notice in respect’ of land to be assessed
had been served under sub~secl’i.on. (5) of

Section 17 or to the successor in interest of


such person, as the case may be, that

Authority proposes to assess the ‘7’

of the betterment tax payable tn..respectV–tof ._

such {and under Section 20} t ._

(2) The Aut’hon’ty.__s}’:att bv

the amount of “tax VpVagVabtfe”‘by
each person corlcerned .Vaj’ter’g.tutng such
person an:opportuntty’- heard and
such person .c_st1a-LL? months
from the in writing
H sect}; Aut.hon’ty tn

torttingj ujheft-her~._ hart’ V he accepts the

“”” _ _ ‘assé;’sn1ent.’-._ ‘

* if -~ 5 the assessment proposed
4’ is accepted by the person
” soncerned toitilirl the period specified in
sutd¥sve.stion (2), such assessment shalt be

‘ « final.

{4} If the person concerned does
3 not accept the assessment made by the
Authority or fails to give the Authority the
information required. under subsection (2)
within the period specified therein the

Authority shati make a reference to the



District Court’ for WCi€I’.€3I’Ti1.17f’ii’I’t_(,t.::”.,the«.

betterment tax payable by ‘_such”per?so.r__i. ” _ ‘V

40. Therefore. the for the’
purpose of determining _,-3 l1,1Cl’l that ‘t}1€fii’£€Cu[i0I] of
the scheme shall be deernedii’ completed. The
deciaration by of ‘5″ Authority is a
condition tax. The said
resolution.Vc;i:1.1be;»V’1p;;ssed’ development scheme is
sufficiently on the subjective satisfaction
of the At1t’h4orii:y.xV’ the Authority cannot fix the

am,0j;into’oi’ betterrinerit tax payable. No such power is conferred

ton,tiiefiixuthority. Elaborate procedure is prescribed under

SeeEiOn” of”‘the Act for the assessment and fixation of

bettermVent=”V’tax. It is incumbent on the Authority to

meti.cuV1ons1y follow the procedure prescribed under the Act

‘ Tbei’ore determining the betterment tax payable. Section 21 of

it ‘ ~ the Act do not provide for assessment of betterment tax, by way

of general or common order. It is because the increase in the


sop t}te””£i’Lithority under Section 17 coritaiiis, a

statement’isrieocvifgfing the land which is proposed to be acquired

levied.» obligation is cast on the Authority to serve a notice
every person, whose land is proposed to be acquired and of
d’ the iarid in regard to which a betterment tax may be levied.

Wfdlven the person whose land was proposed to be acquired for


value of the market value, may var_v..from larid 1 1
regard to its location in the layout and ::lhe’i’ad1va1itages its’-gaiinied
by the execution of the develo:p’m_ent scheme ar:1’dA{ host

relevant COi’1Sid€l”c1UOi1S.

41. Therefore, of individual
notice to “th–ei«iar1d to be assessed
under to the successor in
iriteresvtddot to asses the amount of
betterrrient of such land under Section

20 of the Heredit is to be noticed that the riot-.1f1c:atioi’i

atnddwof th.e’b§1″aEi3d in regard to which a bettemient tax may be

the execution of the scheme is notified under Section 1′?[E) of



42. Sub»~section (2.) of Section l
the procedure. the Authority oh-as. to i’ol.l_ow in the
betterment tax. The p1’ocedt1re’~bres_cribed. ‘iVs’t:he’:’:principle of
“Audi aiterm parterrn”; “should have

an opportunity of being as aforesaid
individuai person shall. be
heard and by such person
assessfsdtllketebinéiitgn’ mind’tlieflisrihciple enumerated in sub-

sectionz'{.2] of said assessment of betterment:

tax shouldl”disclos’e the”~~basis of arrivinf at the amount of

i_v_bet.tern1en’t tax payabkdand the same should be w;.itin,g”to person. because the assessee. has the option

toacceptl not to accept such assessment. lf the calculation

j on éthebasis of which the tax payable is determined Is

:fi,reas.onable, the assessee may accept the assessment. The law

contemplates that such assessee should inform the Authority

it with writing his acceptance or denial of the assessment. within

three months from the date of receipt. of the assessment, order.

Z _____

tax. The betterment tax determined
V . under 21 shall be paid Within the time stipulated by
,lti:eel_Authority and in such number of installments not

exceeding ten as may be specifiecl by the Authority together


Sub–section [3] provides that, if such..int_iInai,ioln” ~ _
of assessment is given in writing «three
months. the assessment shaltbeeonie’-.i’inal.
order attains finality and the stands
crystallised. _ V _L

. 43. Sub–section the Act provides a
remedy for pe§.rsdns”wh:o the assessment of
betterment does not accept the
assessmelntllto thellfitithority his acceptance in
Writing shall make a refierence to

the Districtflourt forddeterlmining the betterment tax payable

_V S:eeti_0n 22 of the Act provides. the manner of

a”st1,V1c’h lbettefinent taitllland the mode of payment and mode of

default in payment.

–.sh~al.l=be levied or collected except by authority of law. Entry 49

A .. List If to the Constitution empowers the State Legislatures to


with interest at such rates as may beA»p,1feSC1filbed4I.::l of _
the Act provides, the mode in which t,h’_ei
be recovered if there is defa13l_t”‘in payineiii.
Section 24 of the Act declai’es_:that liability to
betterment tax under éection 21 or payment
of the said tax after 22 shall not
debar “land concerned. if such
acquisitionl purpose of this Act.
Therefore, the Scheme of the Act

clearly declines what}?:_4bet’tctrnent tax is, at what stage the

bClftE’5i;.T).<3_fll be assessed and calculated. the basis for

Article 265 of the Constittition provides that no tax

pass laws in respect of tax on lands and buildings. The



Point No. 2: ~ DOCTRINE or’ t5:1zoM1$f$oRi?i’Es*r_::;j_p_;5E3_..’

46. The doctrine of p1*oOrri’i$sory’estoppel_ :’s..j;;1:¢§s¢d into’

service to sustain the advantage:l’aocrL;ed to petitioners by
the representations in 2. BDA to them which
is not in dispute.__ T’1*1ere.fo_r.e_,fit know the scope
and ambit of it is applied to the

facts of the lc.ase,l;_

.Tl’1’e Apexi. ease of COLLECTOR OF

BOMBAY SC recognized the exposition oi’ the

_ princfiplee of pi*om.issory estoppel for the first time as under : m

H , Kcomrnitled. if the resolution can be read as

H & the Government be now allowed to go
._ representation, and, 1;/’ we do so, would
‘iii: nolil*Vl:rmt€9unt’ to our coumenancirig the preparation
oj’—ltoiidl can be compendiously described as legal

fi”C1Ll(i which a Court of equity must. prevent being


SCv77§l«E’3v]iI6»’herel’lt wa§1’_1j1¢.1d as under : —


meaning that the grant was Q;r.m1c:;’rt’¢;é”tg:a:;:,’
case would come strictly w:tt’’–Athfe
est-oppel enunciated tn Section thegl.£’3utdei’1ce3*. ll
Act. But even otherwt;9e..Vg:l””thgat
merely the holding out of__:a-pt-o.rjjtse..’th(ll_nogvfirent

will be charged tr: VCiv§o:2ernmer1tAn’1LLst

be deemed tn the “ojT,»lttgats case to
have bound’t.hem§;elue3:l;tofu,lfi.l_ ttf ::.l..VV’lCourts must
do and good
faith, ltensifil their pcftoer. ”

48f ” 4Su13v%sV’e§’«;’V1″,1ei:etV1:3V};rVe._:this”principle was built upon in

UNION of mrnmltrsll AFGHAN AGENCIES [AIR 1968

V our jurisprudence the Government’ is

A not ‘ e}éernpt’ed from liability to carry out the
representatton made by it so to its future conduct

AA ._and it cannot on some u.rtdef£n.ed and undiscrlosed
“ground of necessity or expediencgfatl to carry out
the promise solemnly made by it; nor claim to be

the judge of its own obligation to the citizen on an

°’′ were called upon to surrencier 3. portion of the iand

of road, the iand is surrendered and roads

V’-sought :t:o’3~be withdrawn on the ground that. it is not sanctioned

and without authority.

” irstiy, that they intend levying betterment: tax in respect oi’ the


completed. In the instant case such’
The same was communicated to allvit:hefbe~i’:iet’ic~ieti*ies :.{t1eTs§iid .
resolution. They were Called tollipety
the representation of the p:u:1isuetiti(1e of the
demand made thereof. petitics:ne,.19s’– paid the amount of
betterment tax levied and payment is duly
received and ~ Thereafter. the
petitioners on such representation

by lint?’ 051$/’ Cgemanded but also made

improVen;;en’tS, ‘co11str–ttc’ti.ons”‘ on the property in respect of

which the bette,1’me1it tax is levied and collected. In some cases

are»..t’or1nVed:b;y’lthe B.D.A. It is thereafter the representatiozl is

55. The representation made by the B.D.A. is two fold.



sites and lands in question as they~do_notflneede .l;11c°s.sn1e*_Ior’ .

execution of the scheme. Secondi3:f;.&t.hesite’and:lla§idl’l_t:o.ytli;ers
have to pay at the rate of Ma’
case may be. The question conferred
upon BDA under the to “o_et’te’r:;{1ent tax and at the
rate specified or the orproniise is contrary
to law or the of the B.D.A to

make’? The answer isparti.elly’*”yes”gand partially “no”.

is the charging section which

confers power onlthel to levy betterment tax. Section 2}

casts; an_obligation’ on the BDA. to pass a resolution declaring

.l’*thVa’t” 1l°.or35″tl1e Apurposlellloi’ determining the betterment tax. the

_eXe_cistion&.loi”‘..sthe scheme shall be deemed to have been

c’orr:’pleted..”_’i-t also mandates giving of notice in w’ritir1g to every

person V-pro’p’osir1g to assess the amount of betterment tax

V'”payable.V__li’herefore. the representation made by the B.D.A. is

on the power conferred under the statute. It is not
l contrary to law. it is not outside the aut.l1orii.y or power of the



B.D.A. Therefore. the B.D.A can legjt1i.IIy1;1tely’be” V

its promise to levy betterment taxiby;’gi*.?fng<tip 'and

land from acquisition. as the7site andxlancl owne;'s..chave paid»

the betterment tax levied and ibroplerties thus
altering their position.A"«-._€l'ot1r':ts justice by the
promotion of honesty qllas it lies in their
power. Since clo:l'etri:_1e.x estoppel is an
equitable the equity so requires.

There for enforcing the said
representatilon. is sanctioned under

law. It isqlegal is not tainted with any illegality.

lnqso determi’nation of betterment tax is

.ths;B];)A has resolved to levy betterment” tax at the

raterof and Rs. 40/” per sq. ft. The said levy is

l’._y.contra-i_*’yll”;.to Section 21 of the Act. Section 2(d] defines

“l.”betlte~:fment tax’ means the tax payable under Section 20 in

l respect of an increase in the value of the land rest11t.;ing from

the execution of a development scheme. The betterment tax


V’ ‘=.;§et:ern?1in’e the tax paylable. After such determination, the BDA>:;llu 4fl1C’lt.}Wfl€I’ of the land and site the betterment tax

V.,whethe”r_ Ci’ not he accepts the assessment. When such
“assessment is accepted by the person concerned. such
l assessment: shall be final. if the person concerned does not

accept the assessment. then the authority shall rriake a


represents the increase in value of the land
execution of a scheme. The betternient V
of such increase in value. it is
Section 20(2) of the Act. Section Ellldeais

betterment. tax by the autho’ril:yu.””* the ‘auutho1’it$«’§ decides to

levy betterment tax for.~the::’puvri}ose.l.’t)§p:/éfiiterniiiiing the tax
payable it has anoltice lsubisection (1) of Section
21 of the contain a proposal to
assess bett1e.rrne1jit’,Ht,ax payable. It is only after

giving an’ VVopppoi’ttin1tyV.1/§..,,i1:l”ie”ownei’s of the sites or lands in

‘respect..of which bett,errnent. tax is proposed to be levied it can

assessedv… l’i”%_1el owner has to inform the authority in writing

reference to the District Court for determining the betterment

‘~..r.roo’in{‘fd.i”v. any adniVi’riisti~ative action or for doing the thing

statute otherwise than in accordance

”._which. “this tax is to be levied and coiiected, the Authority
strictly act in conformity with the said provisions. It
i isgwell settled that where a power is required to be exercised by

certain authority in a certain way. it shouid be exercised in

tax payable by such person. Admittedly. in
the said procedure prescribed for asJs.e.s.srr1en’t”o’i” . 1
is not foiiowed by the EDA. if the
ihvahd and ineffective for ;1o:i{¢e;3ap1i;:m{¢

requirements of law. it would hot –constitu.te a promise or

representation for the» the rule of
promissory/epduitatile _”:.4Suiic.l’1VViahcourse would render
the mandatogjyf.#§;jovisio11:sVA”‘:o’f eriact.ment meaningless and
supe1’fl.uous’; it “v;rf}iei:eEi.tl1e is pied by an e11actment. the
authority has to.rac\[.bif;–.:_:’:aeco1’dai1ce therewith. particuiarly

where the prcvisioris areiimandatory in nature. There is no

theijevritliywheh the Statute meticuiously provides the mode in

that manner or not at a1}. and all other modes of performance



are necessarily forbidden. {HUKUM CHAND SHYAM__._LAL vs

UNION OF iNDfA [AER 1976 SC 789}.

58. Therefore, when the statute defines'”nie:3.nt”.

by betterment tax, then.’iiicoiipoija:te’s-fa.:c’harging section and
also provides how the calculated and
the procedure 0.1:; V t:;’V1ef’b:e’ttern1e11t tax and also
provides tile fljperson. affected by such
statutory provisions. if the BDA
passes a particular amount as

better_—‘”i1.ent wivthout “any basis and contrary to the

“‘vmarzdatoi’3r “i’equirezii’énts of statutory provisions and then

_r_.ni3,}~:_es– _fa’=._representation, it is neither a promise nor a

represei1tati’o’n’dVi.i1 the eye of law to attract the doctrine of

*promis”soii}’ estoppel. in determination of such betterment tax.

‘i.Vpu.biic’_«interest. is involved. Any action of the EDA contraiy to

such public interest i.s unezaforceable. Therefore, the

representation of the BDA to give up land from 21cq_ui.sit.io1i. as

it is not required for the execution of the scbenie, is not outside



its authority’ or power. It can leg’itir_1:rat._e_ly r 5′

promise and is enforceable against {the
of betterment tax is not in aceo_r’d_.a11ce”wlth
contrary to law. It is deither ilfehresieiltation in
the eye of law. Therefore; the be held bound by
the said represe.r1tatiorl.~– Therefore, the
BDA has to” jaceiordance with law as
indicated to bay the same if
they arising out of the valid
represeritati’orl namely giving up their land

from_acquisition.’ –


‘ contended by the learned counsel for the BDA

yggqatldis collejctled is the betterment charges and not betterment

f tax arid, therefore, the aforesaid provisions have no

ap’p’lica’don. The power to levy should flow from statute.

Qthelwise such a levy is without the authority of law. What


bettefinerxt tax is”–le\gf_i_al;>ie not only in respect of land which is

acqviredv a.nd_1″1o__t required for the scheme but also the lands

. there” is ‘ho .StElj)Slal1C€ in the said Content.io1’1. It appears the
“issued the impugned notices on the ground that they
h’ “acted contrary to the provisions of’ the Act: without

V’ ‘knowing the correct iegal position and. thei*efore. in law they


the statute provides is the levy of
not provide for levy of bettern’1e.r1t.1’_’_cha1ges:”‘
describing it as b€ll€I”TI”i€I1[‘>V£?.fi?3l”gC$i.”
absolve of its responsibility of in with the
mandate of law. Therefore,_Atlli_ere’substance in the said

contention. ‘–_ v_ «V

80. It (:OI3t(:§fid(:E’,C1_,’tl’1’E3,§,”‘villfivVBEA has no power to

collect bettermleet.”c’h’arges;..i;i”–i?espeet of the land which is the
subject,m’atte.r’f5of ae;qiiisiti’on vul’h’ie;’i’V’is yet to vest in the State

itself arid, thei’efoi~lg§:’f-~ a mistake and the BDA want

to retracellits v.step_s.7Tlhi._s’ argument ignores the fact the

vlvhilehfare ll_l’ikel§;”lto be af’feeted by the acquisition. ‘I’herefore.



have a right to retrace its steps. out ablove; . l

taking a decision to give up from alC;quislii’io1″t.l
acquisition on the ground thatll_i'[..1§
the power and authority to i.t’V_visll”‘–/*i.: of acting
without authority. The’re:f’o_1fe;f_Loi:i’ they cannot go
back and 1’et’raCeathe power to levy
betterment.ta}% manner provided
under the There’fore. they have
to retrace st.ep¢VVihVs<J.lHar..vas_t}_1eWt3rocedure they have followed
and the"(galeulatiorhihey.:_:lha§}e made in so far as levying oi"

betterment tax. isioone-erned which is permissible in law and

l .the'y– areperrnittedtomdo so.

V x " l_itxlwas contended at} the persons to whom the

notifies werej' isistied are not before the Court and only a smeill

portion snared before the Court and the majority of them are

these proceedings. Though in these Writ Petitions

each" of the petitioner is seeking for an individual relief. the

V Wgrant or refusal to grant such relief is based on the findings of


this Court regarding th.e power of the BDA to

tax and at what rate by interpreting ‘-oi’

statute. It is not dependent on the=,A_factsio:i’ eao’h..’C’a,se’t.V”V-Thatis

a common question of law which arise for cons’ideration; in a_1i*.

these Writ Petitions and, therefore, once ‘theiaw deciared,

authority is bound to giy-e irrespective of the
fact whetheijaii that are before this
Court Cha11engi:’ngrt_their» Court is granting reiief
to thenror’ ndot; biegthoseiCjiieisions who are not willing to
pay the7-betternvae’n-‘ti’Chatter eaicuiating by resorting to the
procedure=prescribed’ and as directed by this Court,

they bean give u,Vp’th’e advantage of their lands being given up

v.froIr1_.”ae:guisvittioi’1. H ‘B’ut,’Vif they want the lands to be given up

ifrotniv.aCqiiisVition, then they are liabie to pay the betterment.

cha1*’C.’be ‘Eeyied by the authority in terms of the provision

of th’i–s Act avsgindicated in this decision. The)’ Cannot avoid the

*2]*nabi1:t;%.t *


62. It was also contended on behalf oi’ the—- .

Section 24 of the Act do not debadreé
the land Concerned if such VE:l.C{T§t1iSit’i01″i!’iSV Iieeessaiijy £301″ dthe
purposes of this Act and, therefdfeivdthe Auiii”;o’1fi’ty is}ju.stified in
refunding the betterment ‘i_ev’:'[ed :c’:01_1ecte<:l and proceed
with the acquisitizm. SC£*iieri5 24 AQ'{.tiie'_Aéi},i*eads as under: ~
__ 5§¢:it;…ete.,:f¢' no . to future
acguisit_§9g,_– it ' «.VV'V}AiCCé'1!5I;Cti"id?€V of liability to
::étiér':~:=gn.: 'z;n1::ef'sub»s§é5t3:ion (3; gr Section 21.
0}'. p'agnieiit':t'of "tax cgfter deterniination
under iSecti0ri"' not debar subsequent

X qcquistitiqdn ' '::hé"° {and concerned, if such

vnecessaryjbr purposes of this Act.
ha–re perusal of the said Section makes it Clear

thafeveii .etfte151'c01Iecti0n of betterment tax if the iahd notified

f for acqtiisitioii is given up from acquisition as being not

"_:i'..neCessa1§z, stiii it is open to the authority if such iands

– hnecdines necessary to acquire the land. With the imposition of

mbtetterment tax and collection of the same. the acquisition



proceedings initiated in respect of t_he~la_nd c;on1le’sAs.t;o 2;i”n4end’t;V_y L’ x

the authority wants the land again
fresh notification for acquisitiovri–~.V.ancillthen
the land. This is clear ~:__t’h_e isubsequent
acquisition” used in éflgce-.tyi<1%fy1x~~-A._<£g§v1§Alfef:O}'€- they have no
power to returnathe .?roc.eed with the
acquisitiory virtue of the said
provision, to levy betterment tax
and gitre 11'–oh'1:.'acquisition. they can continue with
the earlietj' 'land without any substance. if

theyy.-intencéi" land. they should issue fresh

' ._nAotifiaca5tion"*and thenlllproceed to acquire the land.


x y 64".-flli"lie three resolutions referred to supra by which the

resolved to levy betterment tax clearly exposes the

is Wcaliousness with which this power of acquisition is exercised

by the Government and Authority to formulate a scheme of


lVeXefcise:d'ivi'th_ more care and caution. The law provides for

Ae–lev;y-oi'b.etten1icif}.t charges in respect of those properties which

"««.__l"»develo1§Iir1__e'nt of a layout by the BDA and provides for levy of
l"'betteifiment tax after hearing such land owners. The said
N ptbcedtire is rarely followed by the BDA. On the contrary even

those developed land or buildings are included in the scheme

providing residential sites to needy “:.–l, .4_law”._Vis ‘ T
observed more in breach. It clea’i.’ly
blissful ignorance of laws b’ut>lal’soV scant ilawl
clearly points out the in the of the
scheme by the BDA in ii. is obvious that
before notifying tlhe land”for.acqtii.s’itionV.; attention is not
given to fincixflit li:.é’.”.: ll’, in the land which
falls buildings have come

up peopAlAe’la3V’e_i*esi’;g..__ and what are the developmental

activities ‘which has”tal*;ei” Though power to acquire is

not diiisputedl the “said ipower before it is exercised should be

fail ‘vvithin~i;h§e scheme and which is going to be affected by the

and notified for acquisition. When objections are filed pointing



out the said facts instead of giving relief

persons, in most of the cases they «.oienie’cil’:o
which they are entitled to in law. the coni;it’ary, the lands
where there is no cievelop1ne’n:t” hdroppled froml

acquisition. obviously extraneotis ‘Veonsideratioln. Money.

power, nearness to the se’at»olf*power and host’ of other factors

come into full’ fa-a’y the for dropping the

T acquisition _ ‘facet breed of professionals.

as a ciass,” –h_a3;:re coijiie ‘into existe’ri’ce who have specialized in
the art», of geti;in:g_Vthe”=._lands’ denotified from acquisition
proceedings” hPoVlit:i’cians,” ih_’i:reat1c1’ats, land mafia and other

professionals a”r’eV_all partners in this lucrative enterprise. That

hoiv5»~.iii Bangaloretinext to IT industry. this real estate

gbusgirieslsv.»_ most attractive and lucrative business

re.sta–l,tinVg «in.._people who are nothing in real life have become

si;in’i:.ing__v’rich? and powerful overnight. Thanks to real estate

V’-.busine”ss.’3~ The money from this business has spread its

f’i:eni:a’eles in all walks of life. thtis polluting the health and

— ¢1;g1tt1’i~e of the society. After considering the objections, when


professionals who again become ,acti\re Ejehiiidf’rhVe._’_scene,

indiscrirninateiy lands are denot.iiied, (§:bv’ionlsly’;’
a price which is not accountedl_ai”.ywl1eAfe.V _

65. When the statute 4l”‘e>'<p1jessly'* _states.} it while
implementing the scherne tlie A:–ut'l'io_i'ity'vfinds that any land
notified for re§4;n:'rv'edVVl'o'l* the execution of the
scheme, Section'_».2'O'"einf5'owei*s…tl1em"to levy bettennent tax.
Even if"tl'ie-C}'OVeni§'f:*eri't.swantsmtohdenotiiy a land after final
notification,' w11en:"suVch"l'an(l.9lare denotified a duty is cast on
them to a11d"eol'i'ect,. the"bJettern1ent'. tax. When the statute

provides for Ofzfifitlififirlfilill tax on a land which is effected

by ._':a'Cqt1_i'sition and-won a land which is not required for

'irn'pleVn2er1'tationof the scheme after the acquisition, non–

'e0ll'e.ctio'1'17_olf_i:1ette1*rnent: tax in respect of a land which is

denotified i7r"on1 acquisition is an act which is illegal and

:"eontrary'.—-to law and against the public interest. Such an owner

l'oi"t»l1e*l land walks away with his land with all benefits accrued

% .. No.15 attached to it by virtue of the developmental scheme and the


'V"d.eiiberate1ylVi' ignored. It is a matter of serious concern which

r–.re-qtiiresvt"i.zn'rne';liate attention by ail the concerned who have

Win protecting public property and public interest.

_ One instance of arbitrary exercise of this power of
l acquisition giving up the acquisition could be gathered from

the resolution No. 177/2003 referred to supra. A perusal of


formation of a layout by the BDA, ‘ _
become a gold mine and he
public exchequer and the inrioce-_nt at
which has made the real Bangalore
lucrative business and of unaccounted
hard cash into the systenigi neither the
Governmentnor in this regard in
spite Qf the has passed an enactment

providing suffic!.’en_t_.V’saiegtiards._’ The oniy inference that could

be drawn isnot not aware of the iaw but, they are

the beneficiaries Voflsuch illegal actions. These provisions are

respect f’o~r:thel ruie of law. well being of the society, interested



the same shows an extent. of 1.532 ..l..7_ac:resl KV21s’.’:vnotii’i’ed -fvorl»

acquisition for Banashankari Vi Phaise~’l7ulrt_h’e1fl’_I§:te:1slio_n.

After issue of 17(1) notification’=under>.tht: Hret:eived.Vl’

2.258 objections. In the enc;uii’y:it- 11O’t.i'(:€:(_lHll’l8.lfii§ they have
notified lands in respeet..l:”ol”A of conversion was
passed for non¢agriCu.1t.1iral in some Cases
unauthorisedӎ_ons31ruetihns had been sold.
in some Cases’ farnilies were living
and horticultural operations.

Upholdingtlie persons an exterii. of 782.17

acresewas mien lu iron’: at: uisition and on] in res eel. of 750
. .. q

hvacres 1.A9.[1j’i–.. notifieation came to be issued. lt only

Callousness on the part of the BDA in

drawin 5 u develo ment scheme and virtuallv there is no due
tp _ .1

ladiligeneel and no proper homework done before formulating the

i,:llS2hel’m_.e. Though right to property is no more a fundamental

l right guaranteed to the citizens of this country under the

Constitution of India. still the Constitution recognises such

right as a Constitutional right under Article 300–A of the


is {dill In the light of the aforesaid cleclarations, the


{a} All the Writ Petitions are_par!”_ly

{b} The decision of the a:u1.horiti;; to ‘g§i’i>e” jlifoni

acquisition the lar_icls,V_ LU_l’liCl1.”-Clfve riotified for
acquisition collect bett’errhen»t’ charges in respect

of thesame :r_bheldo V

(c) The ‘Ctec’isioh_ of the “aLlth.orit_i_;H.flto collect. betterment:
%’:¢x_.’ar:; rate} or Rs.40/~ as the case

be?asllresoloeciulby them in their resolutions

ll Jbocly of the order is declared as

2 “or1le* aliithority and consequently any levy
.macle”on…that basis is also without the authority of
and are liable to be quashed and conseqiterltly
V l of withdrawing such levy which is more

est in the eye Qflaiu would not arise.

impugned commimication issued by the authority to



these petitioners iFtfOI’ITtL’I_?g..I’i}f1_.{3fTl _io’rece_ive”bdc}c E’,-he” » 1

betterment tax paid is i’ie;?.’eby”q~:iasi1ed.

(e) The authority shalt’ initiate” .ttpprop17£ate. * s
under the Act for ‘bettern1eriVt’ttix respect of’
the lands Vangijorivvtevying the
betterment Qf the Act or the
Zarjtds’ are acquisition on the

igrozgtridhthat i’t5i;s=i,no–t.,’sa1y white irnptementing

V 20 of the Act and
it pat/able and Zevy the same.

U? dnzoitnts paid by the petitioners and
it V;oerso’ns.V___mtt=ho are stntiiarty ptaced which are in
A with the authority shall be kept with them
shalt be adjusted towards the betterment tax

to be levied after foilowing the procedure and

payable by such owners of Sands.



(g) Those persons who are. not e.

betterment tax to be LSEEI1
law are at ll’b€I”Ij_1j”vlG_ .Q-a}€(e’ b§C}f gibigkg,
up the benefits “;.”:25,fvv’_A;h§»vi?clec£sior1 Qf
the BDA. . V L .



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