Sri K M Shivamurthy vs The Bangalore Development … on 27 May, 2009

Karnataka High Court
Sri K M Shivamurthy vs The Bangalore Development … on 27 May, 2009
Author: Mohan Shantanagoudar
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EN FHE 3*'*§I§5~% COSQT G? KAR§\}A?fiKA AT B§.?\§§AL3§E

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mg z-«:9:x:'g§.E ;sAMa;s?IcE §a%G%-§Af\§ 5HAm;:&4;3:«;w:;;é;;%}a(,§;':2.«

ma? ?§31:':::o;~.; E'x3r:>¢35?§;*2OG8~w£--§§'A} ::  _ T _:     

fietweea :

%4;.§'J§, E§:{':7z*:samz3.r*£;%:§;

Rgaii :{b<}:'3;: 43:") yea1's

fifa Eyézxuiasédgiaggsa

E'°«§'<;«. £41., §§'5h Mair: Raaai

6&3; P711335, 12"?' Stage T  V. .  , » _

Féagarbhavi, B&s;1ga}'ié.:v«3"*i_-:'--'F'_3';u "      __  Pe::':éii:'2f3:"

{ §::§1; f;~§':'i R 'ail '€.;1Ei_;é:i3 (§f2:gTE:§:i%a:z:'{é':2:i2»: 

Wu 'i'%3;:9:' ;*:%a3:;.g,a?;if}z*:*;  ifigvaiapmflnt
A5'-,¢1f.%10fity; =5: ";:§§;_',§*:s Cammissionér

FE-$a.'{:'..:.}..ifl§m;!(:iVé:§..";f!:§.E}*v, }¥€_:;!a{3;
%<.,F. ..§é¥€*.s'£., .%§a_;:rga§m*€«5é{} Q29; .§§~%e$p0I1£i&m.

  §L':§s' Sri  Eéaiaxaj, Aciv.,}

';*:E1is Writ. Peiitimz i3 ffiafi umdsr fisrticies 22% 85 22'? 9:'

T " fiéé Constituiien sf mafia praying to quash tfia
V ' andarsement daissd 1'?- 1~2€Z':€38 issucid by {ha rfispgndent at


Tilis Writ Patitian Gaming on for prekixiainazy hearizzg
in 'B' grafmp this afiay', the Ciourt made tht: foilowizig : 


Petiiiezier go: himseif registered as 23;: *

aiietnaezxé”. sf Siifi with resp01*1(:i€3:’€~ 3.14:’:-sic’-5:” £fC€iI’:0i:1.i§:afi§,: V

Wsakar Bastian C£?S§Z€gGI’§?. %i€ “; £i%3.S”‘T iS§S2.;éd._ §v:’a£§1.

:’:’1 card as gar A1″;r1ié:2::§ii.~.§;–’51.A’.”s)3:: ‘I.’gTfL{}V;”1§’%;)€’;}’£;’: He”

fiied an appigizraiisri far J–afiioaggant §;%”‘s§L:€ iri’ }6a1},.a§,hank33€
em mags an 1991<).2<;{;:;L Efi's: fiiifififiéassfui. E-£5 flied

gecami a;3_§3§%{:,3;.€:é:}m._ §a}§*:* _,a'§gi;3t1';}§e.:*':%:_V €31'? Sfie in furtmzr

€:~:{€:2::3;'.<)i; sf'§sz:§'3.1:'3g2:;;§£;ré:*T.;:i1{'i Banaaiizamkazi {:91 Stage an

i-%J:§.£*:'.3i};%, :"%'h_;é ::a;é:éi§;1{i._gi:*é:'%§i§':};3%. aisst} faiiad. 'F§'.1e1'€:af'{<:z", E516

'"~fi§€t{§,_"4'3'EiE} E1}3§}§i{",'f8L§i€3"§'I?.«' for a§.§.§)$1'z1€:nt Sf $3}i{:€ 311 Sir

7:v§.2;i:szz¢s.§:;g%;,«=g:~::e§::§a La3»'<m{. ml 21.11.2:”: £3′ 8%? T&£’\§isv&:shwaraia§2 £,a}-zaui am 2€::.%§.2{}{};~3;.

K was {mt §T§§{z%.%;€{§ iiha fiiéiég: in ‘£§:1£: fmirth aiifzmpt. :~.z§iSz1 as

grazfi’ sfizmi-,:x: 13¢-*:«’§:~ E * aa?ii..E1 22 View is iiyzow tbs: $tai’.us 9?


aiieimazzt 91″‘ sites. The I’€SpO1’1€i€I1t infemnsd the p€titi01″1er

by fzssuing an andorsement Vida Ar1neXure~’1}’W._4’tiTat€d

1′?’ . 1.2008 that the I”€S§}C3I”}d€I1’fL has treated t.h€:;’_’éitt§?:::1.pff;s.VM_

the petitigrmr for aiiamnefit af sits as 0I1i§,}”‘*t;’*z§f§f::?:: ‘aétemfiis =

{and not Lfmzr attczmpts} since 7.:ha:*e 3iS fi2%StV&k_e”=::;l11

:neniienir1g the app§icati0n’?Vn:La1n1bé:;*.. sf V 951% %1;1*

Ceimrm 940.23 of ths appéga-t§Qn_»_ Qfé.9.20L33.

Questiazzing the. Said e1’3{§:;>rsé::)3:§:::.t§’§§ir§’2%;.:1:1e:<m"e«'i)', this
Wfiii pétifiiizx is "

‘2. ‘:_’i”h€ %£a§.f.s§)..iica*5ia;1 dated .26.§.2£¥{,};% is

pyeducad égi-.–. _§;11I’1€:%i_{J.§f:;”Ef.’5§ The said appiicatierm 13 mafia

-‘”~,.f%:* :_.,j’f{s%._H’th ‘A in Eleiumn $50.2} 03’ the said

;,§;3§i§;1€:a~t§<3§3;*z,:V"igfisvr. peiitimzer is requirsd 1:0 fzmiish the

ap5pi'i'£jafi0g'1?'»L:i§J;ii11§)ers of 1136: eafiiar attempts, apart frat}:

dai:&, mgistratian iitzinbez', éimemsian eta, iiczswfivm", the

"«§:}t:fi:iii€;_aer, instead 03"' Wlfiing ms 3}'.)§§iCEi{i€}fi number of

K mfrd afttampi in ma prascfiiéaed ::0i:.:nm, has, €33: ixzistake,

fzzzfigztiazzigsré registraiign nzzixibéir. Since 315 cerrcct

appiicatian number was not :£hrthc0ming_….i::». §;cth,i1::1:{3,

num ber 21 of the appiication filed by '§t_gf'..peti§i{§;;ef' 3.1?

{mirth aitefizpt, the EDA did Izéfi: ;i'i1_%:<:3'é

the third attempt made byflje pétiiiéiléf.

airaatsé; the attfimpts made _peti%tioije:;’:as;:’:;3n£3f three

though the pretitiaxler 131’_%;1d§2.Af0z.1_;”.éiétsmpts.

.3. it is $1′: kigitioner has made
fear %;.§1m’bers and other details
fuI’z1isi§.ed'” éattmg the BBA gin: are
azscaesezg in petitisn. The memo fiied by

the £€a1′;1éc{“‘ s::0’11I;$76:i e§);1;3(*:nVa1’i4r1g an behaif of the peiitiamer

V’ al0:”i§W»i¥§1 {he efidixnsémsiit dated 28.2,2£){38 ciear.§3;’ reveal

5″-.v’ . J


gum her of the third attempt. “i’he resp0ngi¢;ii§” the

St£3;’€E,}t0I’§«’ autharity shouid be magjégriimjgifis ‘% _ “its

approach. it. shouid not havfii »é<::i:;'e{i. {Q0 -1 irwhiég

deciding thé fate of the a.}QpIiCfi'.:.i(}i1._ fflefii Eheyv §é'ii9§iQner

fer getting the site. As '€V;§3e« '§§${iti0ne3r fias
applied under 1. 'SȎV%:ti0r1 quota,
kéavizag regard tq the facts and
:1 sa’§ eg:3rj;___g§1″e$h treafing the attempts made by {ha

‘ ‘;3eii?§_iQ:1t::,f “::2,$ “four”. Accordingly, the fbiécwirig aréer is

§:%3de: f; V

The respondent is directeé {G cafisiaiigr $16

V’ “a§3p§ic8;€i§:1 fiiati by $115: gaetitiaziez’ far afiettiizg the sita

? mafia? §:}CG;”i€3fi”;§Ca§§f;’ Weakfir Sectien quarts. treating the

{mm bar SE” attemgazs made the petitienéf as “fair”? The

– 5 ..

miséake committed by tha peizitioriar in entering the %.>:m:2I1g

appiicatian number in Coiumrx. No.2 1 of the appiication {of

ffliifih attempt} is harebfa condanéd. Cnsequer;f;i};*,. the

€3″i{§9E’S€3.1}€3fi'{ Vidfi Annexm’e~’D’ dated 1?’. }.§§i}é)§:;VV’._§w;j1″c%~s




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