Sri Khajasab S/O Nabisab Nadaaf vs Smt Aminabai W/O Sayyadsab … on 4 March, 2009

Karnataka High Court
Sri Khajasab S/O Nabisab Nadaaf vs Smt Aminabai W/O Sayyadsab … on 4 March, 2009
Author: Ram Mohan Reddy


:2: ma: HIGH com? or xARHA4iéA1§;§;Fj%: . [:  =

cmcurr BERG}! AT GULB$£§31§ TL] « V %

EZL§f§'ED T}-{ES '§'HE «rm D;%1'§:"  

aE§0§§, 'V %u: :W .A
THE: HG%3'BLB M%e.gL:S?§fi駧; 32:3: '£u€'£{}E§iAJ?;'f;RE§BY

WEE'? pE,+1'z3*:Q:::  {G'i§'EgCP{3'}
BE"E'W'EE3N: H T %   '   %V

3. Sri. ;<naj.a;sa:;V.3%,/.:;j§"a%;isab%'z»:ac1aai'v"
Since: dé:'c;:%aslt:.r;?«;:--}3j,%? his igffl  
Abdui ;»S/E)" {,a:ié-ééihégjasaigb Nada?
Agii --33   .pz*ivaté"s<:r13ice


'V " 1%., 'S3Hi'. ;%I_f1iif3abai
' V. "%';ffu..4Sa3?'3{afi3ab Aitrsaaré;

V -J;_'~tg@~4E._y::::3rs'; €)z:(:: Househizld work

 Rja  Bijapm". : Resgondem:

 (By S:i.V"'}:} I5>.A1nbedkar, Advocata}

" ms writ petitian is filed under Arsicxes 225 and 22:2

" _ kzzf t-ha": Constitution of India praying to quash the erder on

   i.A.EI dated 04.38.2008 passed the learned Ki Add}, Civil
 -»J-udge (Jr. D21.) Bijapur, in Ex.N0.2"7/2008 vid-3 Aflfifixilffi --~
 'K'a1"1fi etc,

This Writ petiiiim cmizing on far preiiminafiz" hearing
in 'B' group, this day, tbs Court mads the fo11owing:-

f %**R




The Judgmam debts: fin _–E}§éC£i;:i{51*;

No.27/2008 an the: file of the .

Sivision) Bijapm’, ag§”iev:,§§.. ‘sf: c:osts of
E54009/~ while d;__i\.92.I};1iss;;’:1.2,L§:A’JIA’-.,_§£i2′ ?:z§,: §orafie:=:r dated
S4. 33,2008 E135

2. :;1€:v.1,’1:§€}.:_fé%”jfhfi–fi;§:titi0I1er submits that
{ha sf vaxaéious ciaim an”

5%. _ “V3 ‘§;»-.e5; Sf the C.P.C. iiufiting to
Rs.§3,i3: {}:S?L,’? £éi*z:$.iA’s’§i’«:.:§’ui§–sactior1 (2) and tlfierefore, the

imp;2$it§on’4.€)§.¢§}3%$ Eés’4C.*0O 1′-» while rriisnlissing IA-2, bf;

iiilé’ éiéttxfizgg C0311, is; in excass of the §;:v&–‘;scrip£i(z11 in

I C?C. Laamad ceunse} for file respcndent

s:u*E;13:1it.:é’E;;%1;é:t he has 11:: 9b_§ectio:1 to rsduct: the cost £0


3w {:1 Viéw of {he fair S’i,1bII}iSS.i0f3 made by the

_Eea:”°n€{i czozmsel for the respondent, withoui: examining the

Ii}.€§”i'{ er dammit of the c0:1£€:nti011s gm: fsrth by the learned



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