Sri P R Ramachandra Rao vs H A Vithala Murthy on 5 January, 2009

Karnataka High Court
Sri P R Ramachandra Rao vs H A Vithala Murthy on 5 January, 2009
Author: N.Ananda
W"m'M"1 Ilkvan wvunz we mamnnwmkmnm §"W'&JM""i MWJUKQ WW WWKWWWKMWK WEWW MUWEM $.33?"   


    pemm is a_1ed u;s.432 cr.P.c  go
 t§_1,Jas-1:': the pmnmadinga mzitiataed agafit the petltnoner m.

31 'mm mGHcoUI-'tr 012' KAmA'I.'AKA AT 
mmn '1'!-fls Tim 5%: my ea? JAHUARY  %   % :7 %   _



Major    " 1  
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H.A.V'zt:1m1_a   %
 "   s

 at ivinffilwi  Cross
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C;C;Ke.563I 05 on the me of the Pr1.Civ'il Judgts (Jr.Dn.}

 T »a_4;.~;d JMFC, ct-mmarajnagar.

This pedzitizm  admhsianthis day, the

Court male the followim:


Trmmh the nmtlm is Zbtad ff»; :i’i:::ig_ %

taken fur final dhposal with consenfiof

for partim.

The 1:1-151′ court hag ._$: m_tI1eA
Ear efi’er1<:es punishabie IPC.

2. It is    mm ma
raised  The

mmpmixzfint &<:+c-*ummt in favnur
of the by the bank under

of Financial Assets

§..~;d soeuray mm-mg Act, 2002 is false.

ed 119.1 has fmged argue." tare nf

recanied the sworn ata1mn=..~.z1t

VT ataiasm-mt af fathezr ef ccmp1a'mant and amino

' afiafim of the brothers of Gill-1193331. mm. The


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nan wwun: urn wwunnwmumuwm i"N'|-a'§'Il WWW"! W? mmnwmsmmm i""NME"$ £,,,¢;,,}wi:p;§ gjpgw ggtggfimfiafififl Wfiww fififiwfiu?

to hold that accused Real and 2 have

ofience punishable under Sections 463 in

4. It is seam from ”

forged dam: court
below to record a petitioner has
committed has rsaceisned
fldavm instead of
mcurd1ng’ adapted by
the ~ ” provisions cf Sec.2GO
Cr.P.C. The fiarumt be eusmhed.

}’5.k % I:’1._fi1§; I pasa the fanowzmg arcier:

-2.. -un”~ra.I|’ml’I I m


0l’dfi’ Em. re.-apwt of petifienmf accused

.nu:;k5;’sg: aside.

kj mm is mmamiod back he an ml-mi Maghirata

rnmnsfieratinn frnm the stage of pnwmtdatian of


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aamplaint in the light at’ the obsermtio%dc
and in acmrdnnce wk}: law. ‘ ‘

s..Z..§§..I.. ._l«sII.:.|<6§ a.!..u;..s.!….us1¥rs. vi: ….:…IL.!l.. ….?Irun| ..I..sI:._n.._.-r..rr..Iu rt; :,..s.!……s…. ._…….l._ns ,;.§;..,_rs,._.;E,S…§.. .0309. rf,,.?2_……. .,…..$…,.. …:r………2..n.yrnrv:r: …:., .I;.i…i..i. nr.'..Il..|.|¢. zgrasssnsvsérrll In… ,,1.iir|…r


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