Sri Raghu S/O Sri Sampath Kumar vs State By Girinagar Police on 11 February, 2010

Karnataka High Court
Sri Raghu S/O Sri Sampath Kumar vs State By Girinagar Police on 11 February, 2010
Author: A.S.Pachhapure
 (S1-i.,S3§;'tfVsf*;. R GI:j'1_..V¢I:(:GP(]

C'.Rl.. P.N{').8(}52 2009
{T {uh

{,'RL.I'.No.l5ES I4 2009 ('Ra


DATED '1";--us '1";---M.-3 1 IT" DAY OF Fl"-JISRUARY :16' .
BEFORE') ' '

THE HoN'BLI~: MR.JUS'I'ICE: Av.s..;éAcjI--11§Ak5i;Ri4;Vff. 

CRL. P.NO.6052/2009 C/w.C:FiL.I¥5.;AN'<j:.6€§}4A/2:009"

IN CRL.P.NO.6052/2009: ' "
Sri. Raghu.  v V
S/o.Sr:'.SampaLh KLm1a1'.   _  '
Aged about 23 years.  _'   ,  .
No.5. HOLESiI'1§§ £T302s:'%},Q1.=e11'i_e1'S,  '   
Cox Town. J¢_ev;1:1'e=.Iig1VJii. "   V'    » '
Bangalore.    .      P£~I'I'I'l'1(.)NER/S

(Srm . N . ra;:£1'::,;e.\}§:::11  33aa«.j' ' ~.  "


State by C}i1'uf11g::é§ar PbE.i_(té;._ "   RESPONDEN'1'/ S


' V.  = .'if}1'is:"(?f1~:fii1:;11 Peution is i'i1e.=.d urxder Section 439 Cr.P.C.

Ap1"ay.i'ng [IQ feIVea1s."e'v.t;'i:1e2 §3e{iiio1'1e:* on bail in S.C.No.571/2008 pending


011' AtlT1"e fife L':1'5f:E--"I'i,'m 1"? E3z11:gaIo1'e. for the <)£'i'e11crc': ptzrlisfxable under
Sec:t1"o__ns v1.aini3._ _1.--'44, 147. 148. 342. I20{B]. 307. 302 readw1'th 149 of

  ,.P. No.66:4/2009;


 v {i_i--;é1z1c£rashekar.
" V _ S/0. Late. N.Velayudham.
«~ Aged about 24 years,


(TRL. l'.l\l().b'(}52[200EJ
(IRLI-'.N().56 I4 2009 251



R/a£'.No.6/6. 9"? Cross,

Vij£1y8.l']gai" Layout.

Aciarshanaga ra. . 
Bangalore 560 018.  PE£'i'i'i'iOi\Ei3R/S  

[Smi. N. Padn'1avaLlli._ Adv.)


The State ofKa1'nataEa==i==;=.=t-~32 _ " ~

This Criminal Petitlflri '§S'..l'il€3,§-l'vLl'1.'i'._Vl'E?1'A "E-.€CEI'Of1 439 Cr.P.C.
praying to enlaige the ;)etitions,:a" on---.b'ai'l ii"1'S';C;vNO'.'_-571 /2008 pending
on the file of l?'1'C~gl7 Barigalole, for me 'oi'i'ei'i£:c" punishable under
Sections 143. I44'..:I'4.7\ 148. 342. l2'0fB.}. 301?. S302 reaciwith 149 of

IN CRL.P;i\iOv.65l?O/2U{§9:_  
Bi~:'1wEfi;1§J_ V S S
Wilson @ Vll"iS€I"'il',.v V

S/o.Sal_arnan,'"'~ ._ 
Aged a;bo:,.l.27 years!

" v i_C/ofiiowraninga Hoiisea; ---------- ~ "

2 Ban'g'a.lore,V ' '

DoclclagoW'rl'a na Pa lya.


 . . Adv.)

V _ AND 

h 4' ' ---- Tiae Sta Le "oi" Ké11'1"i'c'1LEkKa

 ljyjilie Station House (}')i'i'ic.:-11'.

 _C3-iflnagar Police Stalion.
~--...'Bai:igalore.  Rl§§3P()N'DENT/S

~ '(S"ra'.Salisi'1 R Crirji. i-ICGP.)



('¥'{l.. l'.N(.).€3052,{ 200%}
(f w.

(.7RL,I'.N£J.ii{i 14 2,005) 6';

CR1..I'.§'é(J.()'f§7{'J 2009,



'i'1"1is Crimi11211 Peti£i0r1 is filed under Sectiorx 439., C1'.P.C.
p1*ay:'ng to release the petitioner on bail in (,'rin'1e No.16?!/2f)O7 of
C}i1'1'11aga1' Police S£,at1'(}1'1. I132-11}g_{al0:'e. now p<~.=1'1<1i1e1g on the'f'i1_e'««Qi""!,Vl1e 1
Add]. CMM, Ba1'};_§aEo1'Jf 'E3eg>1.iC1'1s
143. 144. 147, 248. 3:22. 12(I)(£:3}. .'3()'?' 302 1'ee1<.'iwii.1-a 1.«-$9 <i1""Ei§'C-?._A 

'l'hese C1'imi1'1a1l Pei.Hi011s 11e1vi11;gM.e!3ee11 m};§;:--d* »i;i'n(1.'1'e:;e1'v¢(II~

c0mi11_a{ on for 13101101.:1'1'£:'_f:'A§--,/'§.'c..j'*:?;b»_'purlishable under
Sections 143.:..:«4}§»,'i:-.147ii', "i%4'8V.::  S307. 302 readwith
Seen-on  . A  . V.

21' As ail' v *..heVse4.13t%1.i}i't>V;_'1s.per1.ain 1,0 the same <:ri1'11e, they

are taken' 'tpge Lhe1*»fb:5¢o;1'si.d'e1:aiion .

v~5;3.V_LAThe faC{'ss«rf_e1evan[. for the purpose of these petitions


.A'--._The'}5_e1;iii:=oVI1ers in these maélers are Accused N031. 6

- and 1?. fieespeéctively. The 1'212:1R lodged a (r0mplair11' to the

_ G'£.ri'i*12iAgar i--"'oli(:e s1.aiing that A('('LJS(:'.d N0s..1 and 6 hatched a

 §'3']é1:1 to commit. the murder uf \-"'e1'":§<y the deceased and others

and hired the Tata Sumo vehicie of the complainam and went



§'.5\'U.E3()5~2 2009

C?I{I,.['.N<':.E36l4 2(}()';') {it

CRL.I--'.Nt),t557() 20€}S}.




the g__§1'ant' oi' bail. i*'t.t1'ti'tei*:'i1m'e. they SLtbi'}1i1. that a false Case

has been filed agaiiist them and that so tax' as the }'.'1"e~'V.t'E"§.E',."(')~.lV'71.V€vl_"' in

Crl.P.N0.6052/2009 is cxoncrerned. he 

N032 to 5, 7, 9, 1} and 13 to 15 ,haVe  i

this Court in Cri.Mtsc.l\}0s.668/2009.1'_"69'E3/iZOQ9.,': tbs'/2:609.

1227/2009 and 1443/2009 ai§dd"'t'hat on the pr1ii1Ac1i«:;jie'VVoi'"parity;it

he is also entitled to the bail.  1'éVlV:1A-,iLhtfl_peUtiOI1f"3I:SVfifijbrflfi that
they are innocent. persty-i.ii.:$_;1t«td ._have been wisely
implicated and  "residents. having
movable  to attend
the trial I"E?g"1.€ti~f:}t1'i::}e"'  the bail stating that they
are i'eaciy  any Conditions that may be

imposed fog: their'1*eie"as'e{  it it

  le'ai'i'1e_d_¢.vi--iigii Court GUVt'I"i'1I"1'1€l'11 Pieader has

V'1_0p'p"0s_Ved..Vtii1ee._«petition and sttbmits that the petitioner in

 is the main accused against whom the

-- m0t,ive has been E11.t£'ibLlt'E',d and that he was intending to cause

 t}e_ath"'of the deceased Venky as the said Venky had caused

 dieiath of his two brothers and in Case. if the petitioners are

-«.4:Vreieasect on bait. there is possibility of repeating such incidents

A by the petitioners and that even the party men of the deceased



(,',RL.P.f\E(3.657(} 2009.




Cr1.P.No.£5052/2009 is dismissed. Cr1.P.I\E(‘)s.661-4/2009

and 6570/2009 are allowed amci {he pe1i1io1’1e1’s in i.hves:e\’.;:_ases

are ordered to be 1’e}’d on bail on their c>xe(‘a.:1_.z7fi’g’a.V_’p–€fs:=;_§iaAl

bond for a sum of Rs.25.000–O0 each with 1.$3f()”s.:(§:i*.i6f’i1:Sul’C§i€S, a

each for the likesum to the satisi”a1cfi;j.or1:QI” ijh€%–.C.}31ii*t 4b(4i a_yv
the further following COI1C1iti()I1:3:

(1) The petitioners sk’V1’§?3;E1_V’V’;?!’_£ten(i’1′—L_1V*1Tt3′ Cb;urt
1’6é§uiarI)/: H S

(ii) The p€[iLi()1’1(?I’S ‘[‘ssE1a1..l r1fo1 -::’:au’s{:i:a§1y threat.

fOI'(_3€.; or (:j'()€IfCi_V(:.)9:} prosecution

“”” ‘vV1′:f.:’j_l(Z’S S::iE_:’:.’:V:’V;

The ‘I.’r’ie’.=}. dVi.:jé'(t’-1.€d’ 10 t3X}’)(?dil€ the disposal of the

case and C’.'”OIj1C’1L1€:1fV3 t’h’VL”A }JI’efe1’ably within six months from

V the c3f’c0mfm_11:1ica1i{)n of {he order.




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