Sri Ranganath vs State By Sira Police on 23 October, 2009

Karnataka High Court
Sri Ranganath vs State By Sira Police on 23 October, 2009
Author: Huluvadi G.Ramesh
5- we-Mum raw nmmnwmn-= nzwm uwumi.-Q-r-umunAznm' nmrn UVLHKI us' amltmamsxfi "mm: GQIJKT Q'? KAIINATAKA HEGH COURT 0!' XARMA'mKfi. 'HIGH CQUW

xx wan 313$ sonar cw KARNATAKA AT EAKGALGRE ;_.
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nawzn THIS THE £2? may ax ocrosna, z99g~.;;g; j.

was HDN'BLE HE.JUSTICE Hnmvvfisx é aé§E$Kf",@ 

CRIKEAL yarxrxax NQL§05if$$g9
sax nanaaxamx Va~. 3
Ala 32, sio K.KAxBazaH *~ %r
RIO Efififififlfifififlkflfiah –

sxaa rofiw ;*_
rvnxua nIsTnIcr;'”;,

V7.:{ fiET:fi0§$R

(By Sri : V E s:3§i§Aa§:gfi;fgfiv§~%;


swarm BY SIRA 9d§I¢E … 325293935?

~-W,A{3§as:i:_A §°aAgaKnzs&HA; ans? 2

A %; ca:_p;% FILED UfS.43$ c&.9.c BY THE

Aflflfiflfifg ran TEE PETITIQRER ?RAIRG THE? @315

; Hfl§’§LE’CG&EE may BE ymfiassn To ERLAEGE wan

~»_v.PE$Kt QR BAIL, :3 THE EVEHT as 313 ARREST Ifi

}g’cR;x2 R6. zszxzeaa 03 Slfifi. ?GL£GE- swawxoy,

*_r§gKsa, 393 was Qfiffitfifi §fE!S 1&3, 15?, 143,
323, 324, 504 mm 3%’? Km SEC. 1&9 GE’ 1%.


1% QWUN? W?’ mmmmm mma QQQQY %fi.RNA’?’&Kfi. Hffifi UZWJET @F KARNATAKK W63′-3 COURT OF KARNAVAKA MGM mam’ {W KARNAWMA HWH C0332

Ems PETITICIN comma ex»: FOR 09.3339″ ‘1!Z’I~IZ£S
nay, Tam caunm mans THE EGLLDWIHG: ‘” v4>


Betitianer has sought, f5:£ gzan: @§f

antieipatary bail in .¢¢n§&¢£i¢n gkifig. fiximé”;

N<:.251/2009 of Sira §i's2[;i«.:e§ ét:a§i§n, Tumkuz:
Diatrict for the @&1fi§qfi éifiénges fifinishahla
urxdez secsiqna 143k,%%k%14%'i,Tk 12::é;j%1k%%;%323, 324, 504

and 307 rsi;a£§ :1i%3tit2; –Sé;¢'Ei§n. 1'}i'§*—-~¢$£ EEC.

2. .H&a£§§R.€hg.* ;é&£ned.5 counsel for the

petifionfix §fi§.§h§°¥§§ih$d Governmant 9lea&ex.

3.5=The4aavérf aéf attributed against the

. ‘§éti£i§n§; is Efiét he assaulted tha injured an

1* §h$ k§a§M£z§m tha lang anfi chppax.

I_ 4.u”§§éérding ta the laazneé Caunaal fax tag
‘VAp§%iti¢n$z all tha injaxiea are simple in

3afiure and saught to allaw the patitian.


ws wmwwaw wr mmmwémmmm imam vuwwlu. WI’ mmamnamma mum mam-M EM” fifikfifiwafifl, ¥*i§€.§?% COURT 9? Kflflfiflfflfifi fiififi CQURT QF K&RNA’?fiKfl HKQH Cflicml

5. On p$rusai af the wanna cartifi¢at§; it

is Sfififi that there ia a cut and; ia¢¢§ét§d,

waumd on the chaek and ales an_t§§,t§$§¢rai_ ~


6. Having regard §o_ €h§V_ £§§fiB»w;and-

cixcumstanaes of the ¢g$§,’th9.§¢rit§bner to
surrender bafiore E$§-¢ofi#§$fi$§ c9n:t anfi mave
for r9gu1a§_§a§l gfia’§h§k;3§%néfi $agiatxate cf
the ¢on;e$g§$i§dfi;%Tt§J§§fi§ia§x the case of
the ya£i§i§n5;,f§§fl§iafi§_§f bail by impasing


?. .A;c$id§ngiy{*§fie patitisn is diapoaed of.


%’°f mp££~*


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