The United India Insurance … vs Cheluviah S/O Singariah on 1 October, 2008

Karnataka High Court
The United India Insurance … vs Cheluviah S/O Singariah on 1 October, 2008
Author: Subhash B.Adi
.. xx-nvavnn um-wane wu l\cF\Phl'l"lIl"'|3'\I'Qa 9"!!!-Vi"! 'auhlflfilil \J'l"' Kflflfifififlflfl ¥"'§W»$'¥""fi Lwifim Q?"  

Ia' '_"§L'é'3E EIEI CEEERZ' SE'  mp §x'3.Z'§%v"*&I.£}RE

 3:1-as "Si-E 1*" my ass' mrosafi. 2:293  

333932 Q
 §«:::z«;*'3L£ am. Jazgfim aufigefiga 
m§§.xQ.324%§ my 2e§?zggg<' " L'
sarwzga «  

3;. 422:2: 233333 mmm. R=i"$'¥JR.%2*%'ETI_E m.L'z-3.',"'
;'-3iFfi2'€%.',":Ei sz:u"s*:m,2m~;f;:z'2,*_s*-«E?    
§£§.E':" rm zmmaga;-,._ '  --« V '
:.;msm,§::: m:;::32m'---:::EEz::_Ej;. L
gmwmwmawm mjxa".-.$_V:.;'.';~.:.ra,f
E€.2f3e,Ré3£B,EF&%WQEsL$RE¥¥1.. '  -  


:3? $91;  K

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3. :2-m:«;<&?=g:?a:;_2n;E£-- §;"«<:fx'~ ,SZ«2i;¥.'-'a'iR3:EP«i€
.E'%;=,.'f-rlfifié .%gw;:';'* $23 ":~5;Em::;$.%'._,

3?:£.s3é.'E. %J$;'3i'1é,}s'EBIi:,§n:.. R. 92?,

_ -ir;.;a27€;;*»:$.,,_

3€§%3§”E’%’_§€’3a -E: $1*§.IfiI’ .,


£’jj25$ ‘Egg: E; R. azfizmaz, Ame’. ma R1,,
” _ §:3fi?E5I*I, .%%:w._ 393 R2}

ma 3% FREE If/S 3:23:13 av ms ism
‘;2é;s:*~gé*a.I2:%:e:zi ‘:1?-E -zzarsmamz: mm mm mmm1e.12.2m5
*-.§;a§§;2..:: 3; ms: 2»:a.s25;:.§9se :32; Tim FILE ax’

‘R.?%TI1EZ§F’.1is flE’x:”H; J?l$$E iSR.§E’¥.§ E: ICJH, fifififl,
F.E.%..'”3″§, §@*i*%’E>’Y.Ft.,,. Ps§@.§.§Z}’E’*1′{‘.~.»T A %;”EE&~3’8P:3I’I@*¥ GE

IIIWHKI ‘9-‘\I%lI1ni ‘NW8 i\uL”‘ll\KWoF”Iil”$lVbO”I ififlflfifllifl ‘kd¢”hf0Vm|t:’0»5 ‘urn aw-nmumu

?;S..§E;€}€3§3;”-~ ?§I’£’E’I EEEREST @ 5% F23. FRQH fifi
fififi fl? Efififiiflfi TIEL SE?SET. gm

zfixg ERR samzfia ax 2&3 §E%ESSZflN mHzsf§g§;F,

EEE %.T}.I3i’§}’l3;€ $31:-E¥’.¥.”.IR$ 273$ I€fiEzE.£}”r3E2’2’G~’:–

J :1 n :3 M 3 151%:-VA

fihia is an agyeal filgsci the T1″:1$=.,2.:,?_:an:.f;e ”

fiampaxy quastianin fih£H*iia$iiit§ ifi} tha
gufigmant anfi awafi”f§a$sg§’pgf*,th$ Elaims
T£ih§aa§, Eaflfiya, in 3?? $$, 3E§@df 1998 an

1%.12a2§ae.Hi: }~ ‘.€j ° “~~

EE~ “”” “Thég £s$§@ndem£§$la£mant auffaxed
g:i§van§_£$jurié5 £3 a rggé accident while he

wag tra%$l$imgVumfiafi.éhe inatzucticns fif his

‘”%fl§3@§a§ $3 $<-:ayrasentativa ta transpart

E$gé:-fifiéffiéad amfi Civil Supgly Bepartment.

E§ .:fii§ 'éggéré, ha miaimad. aampansation at

VV._ £g.3,§s;Q§§;** In auppazt $5 hia case. he got
'" fiiéééif axammsfl aa £¥.1 and get axamineé the
»_"fia¢€3z, was Qxamingfi aha treatafi him, as PW.2

"«_ Vthz%ngh the fieurt.

um:-mnvu-u «aw

IIINJII wuVd’hlI\I Vivi &’m”lIl\Ivr1!r1g>Iwr’ve Aiflflwkm ‘mwfmlmwwweawx was Imrtaunu-aruumvm-m–m

:2-:3 =:§:::sr;rfi3: err 32:31:. E’: hag <34;-<39 in tha

fi¥ifi€fl£& that tfie vehifile in. que3tion waa f,

hirgd fa: tr&m5§¢:tatian. afi Sugax- _frmfi< * '

?gR.§§$gF §aR£§%t and it is fin §he_w&y*f§f'

ifiafiimg the §§ga: fxmm gadawn, andfbn'its*$$yu"

tfig fiflfiifiéfit tack glaca.

3} Ehfi :¢nt&ntianT$£ thé i%§$§£¢ cfififiaéi
far tiza Inazzzarxaa time
fif acaififint; thg’i§§ry:%&3 éH@§§ i,§;§ without
augar $3 g£%é§;{ ¥§é§§§§§e; fin; insurance
££m§amy ifi fiflt ifiagifi fifi fiay {fig campensatian,

Gamma: Es –&¢fi§§i3§g ix thia regaxd it


§aef$;_:$ %3f@zftha’§:evi$imn cf §ecti¢n 1%?

5wbwgét§immz {1% “£iaua& ibfig which reads as

‘$fifi§§§a}z ‘
neguizammats at gameias
V .m§ $2 1.3.abi1.1ty.- £13 In
“Vx§:£ér ta cagly with tha
V”~§éqfiizamant$ af th Qhagtex, a
galiwy af imsuzanse mast ha a pelicy

Ififiélii iflflti KER REE}! XXX XXX XXX}!


Cg: U


Imwmmuflw wunvmo-nu wmvuwwrumn ‘Uri I\I”Ii\l’ll”QlWlK\J”‘t !’ll\$fl”l Kakfwfii VJ?” flflflifiifikfiflflfifl

imsnxs the pexsan at clasaes at

yazss agacifigd in the §alicyH

ta th extent agecified in auh: A ?

agatiag £3?”

ii§ against any_m_lia§ili§y “v.
whiah my b$;incfirr¢dTby*_,”‘

him in res§act”wfif*_thé

fiaath af gr bddily injflty ‘vé
ta any §e£aQn;”includiug»_V9

awaer af fihg gaeds 53 his


marziafi in “th3″Rvehicl$}

Gr §amag§ tfi1afigfip;mpezty

af a t&i§fif7pa;tyf.¢aused

vby Qfi”a$i$ifig fiat éf the

3 ” gas tQ£gufihe»??€higie in a

____ §iii ‘i$§fiifi3§ ‘t§§ Vfieath cf or

. _ b¢éi1y in§firy’ to any
‘d§am3agar~ af a gnblic

–VSér¥i¢é ¥Qhicle eaussd by
V “¢t;azi£ing gut fif the use

uéf *_tfia vahicie in a
“~_§ub;im giaagz

§3§Vidaé that a galisy ghall mat
“;§e”:§g&i:eé *

V.@i§’ t¢ maven’ liability in
*A£&spect sf tha fieath, arising
.?aut ef and in the cauxae cf his
Vssmglaymgnty at tha amplayaa cf a

peramn inauxed by the pfilicy an
in raapest Qf baéily injury
amstainaa by auch anv amleyae
azising ant at and in the caurse
GE hia amplaymsnt athe: than a
iiahility zising mafia: tha
fiarkm9n’5 fiamgfinsation hat, 1923

…,…«….y. nnolvuwww ~..w-..<»..uu».. 'urn um…-.-v.m»…. Iwvllucuaaw Iewu -mm.-«mm… mix-wuuuwm/wumhdimwg » -wwmwvommomve vmwn mum-vammuum-wrzmwamur-m Inn-was mwawamaw mum &\w9"'fi«'@vv;aa"'¢9M|?"*;mm,u""u gmmwnwmgs no.


Rag’ mm;s$z$m

$5 af l§23;, in resyaat af the

rfiaath Qf, C523 badiiy injury ta,

any sumh.ampiey$$ m

{a} angagad in ériving tbs
vahicle, at

§b3 if it 13 a

as a canfiucta: mf =the

Vflhi¢§& G5 in efigmining
tiaksta an the wahiclag,




in tfia vehicl§,”¢§

iii} ta .afi§&£=§myg Cgntxacffial


EEp£amati¢§4mg §§éf §&fiK?r&m§va1 at
fiaabts, it i$ ,h§£$¢§f;&a§£éred’ that
tfia fie&:fi.§f $£V§$§Elf;fi§ju:y :9 any
pfizaaa §$.§§§§g& ta fiflf prqperfiy vf
a ‘§h£3é1,§§i$§T*ah&E£ be deamad t¢

§av@* b&3§~ §§§§afi by Sf ta have

3 a£$ae§A§§$ §f; th& sua sf a-vehicla
_ i§< & pubiig p2a¢§ natwithmtanding
,i§§t ":&g §ar$9m wha is déad or

«" in§§r§&=~ar tag gwgygzpy mmiah is

§a§§g@§ was mat Ia & gublic placa at

V"»;&é,t2ma 95 aha gaaidefit, 1: the ac:

ghiah iafi ta aha

&aai£§mt mscarrad in a §mb£ic'§2aae.

sarvicé Véhifilé anqagéa'

if it
mafixiaga, haing"¢&r£is§»x;


mw"«.w'\~M "unrwwwrmrmwn v-car. mnavlruukwmmwltrhblfiumw unwwrmu wm-cwvemosma mrw. sm.m"-auwx1ma!"'AHtu""\mmm"v' naawwaaa M


txavaliimg 1&2 thg tran3§szt ‘vahicla via

cgveyefiq thaagh at the *tim& af” accident thé
vahimla £13 not kave tha gmads, when it §&$ 2
&&mi$tedi§’ hired f$z’ trafi$§m£:ati5fi””§f “§he=

gmads mfi whan it was $3 th% wfiy’fiéx”1éafling7C

Q: the gagfis, it cfimaa witfi in tha §:a?;sioa5

mf tha fieatian 3%? gf th§_%§t,>_

33} This Eaurt %fi § fi%§i3i§§fl%9§axted in
znx Eflfifi 5&5 £fl@$; fin é ai%i§&§ gizcumatancea
hag helé ‘§. iah»1e. In ths
gaifi afi§é ai§§;%§h%Vi§rfi§Rfi#s yracaadimg fiat

3$a§;mg’wh3n ah¢Va¢¢:£sn: tmak place”

¢§2§*.En flfihifi ¢&S$ aiae, the larry in

AVg§e9:iafi’,%$fl. fingagad fsr the yurpese of

tfiafifigmhfifitiafixaf gags amfi aha claimant was

.$rav%E:i$§ in the vehifila as a xggrasefitativa
¢f<.;§g s$wner cf the q$d§. In auch
§i§§fi%fitanm@a, tha aaifi vahicle was emty at
ting ~:":Ȥ asmifient makas as tziifference am

'fa: fifi liahiiity af tfia insurer 23 cancernaa.


….,.m wwwwrmu ms wmnmmwmmm mrwn mwwm ME" mmawmmm. Mfifififi flfiififi? fl? W.&RNfle?fi¢§{& %l§@E"~§ <


12′: *;.’%m light af tha abzxva facts

cizcmmatmmmea 5:115. in tha l fight Gf .. ‘ _
§;:¢*§i:–:<i$z:. s.:a§ Sactiezta 3.é'?i3.;% {Ea} ef t_§*;r;=s
'€"$1}..'i£:§'.,fi$ A33; I am aif the __V:s;2inics'iiV"'€E%'~3{:

risk flf the zziaimant is I.'.2:5?–?';°-"*2*'&"_'3'C.'(t'5.23'.;3. 112gn's:5_a'r ¥.A

§::¢:»:,.r;;.3isr;$ 22:5 Sag-zztian 1%"? ':12: tftis Vbi~3,..?".B;§:::'t;«:._"<–v-…..
ficcazfiingiy, t'5£é~~._a§.:g='éa_}.u *~5:.ta:2*';:§;5 difimiased.
Tfm a:::c«2.123;¥:;– 312:1 ::.:Z;e?'p<,*={a}.%'.t'A._":;._;5 Vdi. .%:V¥£;z”2’:afi%i§f§’V€°:’1;2::i.r:1..s “Ifz:.i3m1na3.,.

I udge

‘V I H ‘ . . . . . .. ‘V


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