V Raghu vs Smt. Shwetha on 10 March, 2010

Karnataka High Court
V Raghu vs Smt. Shwetha on 10 March, 2010
Author: Mohan Shantanagoudar

W. WWWMW mm Wm: W mmmmm amw cmmm’¢’§”mg’ssm£m mm mum’

as: THE mm; own? as mmazram gr ameamzza
DATED THIS THE 10% my QFMaRCEj{– ?é0i%%”9%?%%


THE 1~iOK’B£E MR.JUS’.€I{3E M03513 .

V’. Ftaghu

S/c. Late Vishwanam -. V ”

Aged about 35 years, –

9./at Na.2915,,»
12*’ cam %

h b ‘”

Mysam permowerz.

(By sr:;a4.x:.;;~ha:Tét:A;[&d9.§ %

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wzgxr. Ffiagms,
$&b~u’t’: 2?? Yfirs,

Rl1a£.J{§£¢3l,;?é$§;,:,”£:§”*’ Crm,

_M¥$$t’e;. azsmmem

flflflflflfl $§§=BI

M This writ pefitfsn is flied under Article 226 8. 227

‘téw Gafisfimtim 9? India praying ta: quash the arder

Wwwfiwmmww Am immmm ……M..

,, v¢’VulV’*¢vflH\5I W mmummm mum mwum’ W mmmmm WW mm”? m mmmnm Maw coifig


paawd by me Civil Jame (Sr. ma.) and 364%,
Namangud an I.A.Nc.1/09 dated 21.12..26OQ”=._ln

M.C.No.29;Cz8 which is prwuced and rrzarigasgt-._fa-$1

Amexum—E and ac.

This Writ petitiarz is coming on fo{§’rs:%e=.i£’:1f§:::?{a2ryV-“‘–<'
rmafing this day, the court made__fi3e_'fo!:¢wifig.:v- A

mmm is the husmnajwr 3»
has filefl a petificen for the
Civil Cour1:(S1'.Dn..} at l born out of
the weduleck. – rmpondcnt

— the mattm, the Caurt
“W has * mm at

%%R;g,3,océ1- fiaAar$th_H.,wir&eh imam me szrcbr a§’
m timchikl

A ‘ §et&fl Rs.8,5-+3;-= pwmthas hisym
€23 th peti’®@§


smmmm wwwawmawmm am. u:.nm…. .

mwmwmw we zr\m”‘%a.wmtWs.Wfl.m:v”3m,>Is.ta””m nukvmwlnm mwuwwa -wg»-gs: aw-muewwswwg–mw-m. an wmnmvwwm Mn nman”nmLuwsx”\2na1s¢utr’I¢ quuwun wmlimmummnsn vmra mm-M-mm-m=mr-raw-« wcrmwwua wmm-wmw mum rmn:r*wa.§zz<v2.g»n'a§ msruwwawe. w..mmu.,y'm,,§



The sand’ mninfim’ 11 canxmt __,;*_4,;i ” ‘
me fact that the pefitiamar is }iab}§__
mat the child aka. as.a,mg, ,,%%émkm:q+1;

the Court belew tewards ‘f$:’ .: tbs
respomgent as well as safi to he on
the mgrm-* am. IfIa=a;;<.:ve,f.;'E':§§:':n.g§ugfi not 2»

sum-saw wi_thl'~.. fl if %

%%%% ag the Sam'


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