Zamarud Khanum vs The Manager on 21 April, 2009

Karnataka High Court
Zamarud Khanum vs The Manager on 21 April, 2009
Author: N.Kumar And A.S.Pachhapure

Iii THE max»: C0§}’R’2′ me’ KA.RxA’rAI{A A1′ _

narram THIS ‘I’i~IE 2131′ my OF’ A.1?Rfi§.—V.2£i39:§ ._ 3 ”

‘ff-IE HGWBLE hm. J¥I3 “‘£’.I§x”?’;. N.Kxj.2s:mR ”
‘_ V. _
THE Herram ram. .IU.s*fxc$£;4§;a,,PAc1?iHA1#URE

Mxscsnnamezgs FER:S’2?’Ai”Pé1§LL ‘_1§é;’§;g9 012* 2004 {M323


E” Zamarmii’ ‘_
W/0 Lair; Moigamed z%.:t1?;?a_r,
Ageri Hah_o u1f_ 45’ ”

S/0 Mai:am’edV_Am::war;—.___ ”

Aged abgu: 18 Years. V A

_ ‘:3. .,§s.«§{c§};a.*u€d ééiatifi, é
‘ _ ” S f()5,.§’+*IOi’1fsftfl1ed Axiiééar,
‘ 2 Ageéi l_ :’3 Years,

._ ” F._i_:;iié”&i’i3:§?_:i if5’ééE;a,
* VS;/0 Mohamed Amway,
3%-ged«._’ab0fit 13 Years.

Agapsfllants £3 55 4 are
” * Raprésented by their
‘_ , _M§.ét11er, appeflant N6? 1
332%} are residems cf
Kuzrzhtajipet, Koiar. .,. .aPPELLA.§?’§”S;

{Big Sri, S. Nfiswathanarayamx, A::iv.}

Therefore, When’. _’

7 . 4 e’~1gfis¢nt
.cAK– .1255. is ;:;ot.,

actionable negligence is not estaijh’ J ‘..’t.1;(ez12foVV1~’e ci’is 1’tt§.ssed
AggIieved””b}{ the ” ‘

said and Award,
the claimants are in appeal. A’ ‘

invaived in the accident 33:15; thr:1’°afr§1′<:– f;i"?s.;:;:' _._ é
ciaimants are not ezntified to comp-ézisazigjss
£11363 raquira ixzieiifererzce? ' '

12. T’}}.z=: mate-zial 01:: recoré éiscioges
skin merahami. {Z311 the fat€fi1}; § %;1};-*’~._he Q33 Tefiipe
baaxélzg No.2*v1AK~5.:”59S. £13. fixaff: toergk” ‘pL-30$ in Beithalzi
viiiags 0:: Natiomal I~iig’}1xx} met with an
accident and §:ubs§§g§1’11¢fi”tl_%fft’Ii5€:’ V§:V%;€.i(f;e#3V<V{i§;},fiII}t33Ci to $16 injuries
sustained in «…_111:."c2:Afé;'ie#;j' %c;su{,'cee<i, the Ciaimants
hava {:3 driver of tbs Eon}? bearing
2'~§0.CA£<Z~» I?5:3_, .A -' {he saié vehicle, caused the
accident. fziifcé I133 leaked ilfifl the Firat
§::ibm1a§.iaa._.R5§}0'zf._ ga5': 'Ei:s<..'v'£"3-It", where it is camg::::x°ic.:aii}*- memicmed
V§éfi A:.uié};’é’.Ir1e iarrfy numbér 2101′ {ha fiams cf {ha {iI”i’§z’€I° ef
gaid T§<iur;;§,§* was availahie. Emfact, in {ha FER Evan the": Iiseimrs sf
is :10: mazziiazxeai. E§x'?-3 mahazar aaé 33%,?-4 izzqaegf
210$, 29 83$}; axiem, 31':§3p<:sr€< the gziaimagzia infagtt, I315:
2:325: :10 yersmiai kfiawiedge abcsui {£26 acgsifimzi 3% 3%.

After the 8.CC§{§_€E3t, palicfi: E13235 invefitigateé ‘E116 matiszx P.W,3 :33 E135

parser; who aiiagadiy investigated the mattfir. The ” j.;1%£4;§§.t3§cti0na1
paiice have suhmififed ‘C’ report ta tilt: juIésci.ic_:§:50″:1%.aé}:.’_’
stating that the vehicle xvixich caused me acC;(i$:gfi.s ‘;§§;~-
ail. The entire case revalves arounclj tag I
haw: traveiieé in the lc>:’:j;/
ficeorémg to him, ha was {I’aV€1:§vi1%i?1′ the wb€:11 1:315
accident wok place, T116: ‘\’.*'<:§'2lZI3'_(')'§'(['..""*'tv7'i71VAI;%.V".;5:4=$'iZOp§$€a. "xii is the: next
day, he went to poiice and said camplajnt
was net producgéd out by the fiiibunai,
he does fi0£i' éhe accident. He is fully
c0;r1fi1s&(i:':Vj.3:1 Chie.i:'e2x:aB3inatio11 ht: statfiss :i§1a't

he dees 13(3;i"v.i:§I10£¥ ii?i1is:?§t€'*§éfiicEe ha was travelling, but in {he

9:933 e:;;x5z4:11:ainatio"1;.._E:Vc5 adiuits 'aha: ha was travefling in a Temga.

f3;§€fCf?i;(V§3;;*1g:”‘;I;{3 the said véhicie has a capacfiy 1:9 accmmmsxiane

2:36 -:i–2;§es net remembez’ the name 9%” the drévfir $2″ the

vx3E:icl::., he was travélking or the Cleaner, whet;

” him, Thfirefare, it is Qbszisus {hat the said wimess

VA lr%é$'(§$§aésed E113? 1:0 S1i}3§3r0Z”‘C the case of the ciaimantsg Thong}:

Eifiaurt has 3}} sympathy fer the Claimanis, who haw Zest their

isread eazzuer, but fhtzrfi is :10 j1}SfifiCaf§.OI}. is impose a iiabéiitjg on


the lnsurancit Company, which has insurezd the vehj.ci_€:f ‘net

the cause £01″ tha accident. No error is committed”h$7 ‘rib czixai

in appreciatixxg the avicience. ‘Fhe1*cfo;:.%”ihe VL

in rejectting the saici ciajm on ths gro13.Ei1§i’:’£1″}§ét fi1§§_–v_c1ain1ai;:iS–~ ]:?v1’2*:v§-,

net established that the vehicle ‘quastién sibr the
accident. The said finC§iI1g:”i$ basaé ié:’ga__I evi’d1€11z:e2A;’ We :10 not
fmeti any gwfi grouné 11$’ ‘Vi::’té’:’f§efi§~E:; wazzii considered

Judgment and Awagxi ggasssjsé V§éy’~§i1¢”i7iif52b_u1iaj,«

13. Hfillflfi, we foEs:§wii1g;” _ ‘




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