Territorial Army Act, 1948(PART-3)




1. Officers—(a)Eligibility—The conditions for eligibility regarding

nationality for a commission in the Army Medical Corps

will be the same as applicable to other arms and services of the Territorial Army.

(b) Qualifications, Age and Medical fitness-(i) Only those medical practitioners with registerable medical qualifications recognised by the Indian Medical Council under Section 11(i) of Indian Medical council Act, 1933 and registered in India under one of the Provincial Medical Acts or possess a foreign medical qualification recognised by the Indian ‘Medical Council and are in Medical category ‘A’ will be eligible. Candidates should not have attained their 40th birthday on the date of application. This upper age limit may be waived in the case of released ex-Indian Medical Services/Army Medical Corps and Short Service Commissioned Army Medical corps Officers if the interval since such

candidate last served in the Army does not exceed five years.#@(ii) The upper age limits will be relaxed to the following

extent for grant of commissions in AMC(TA) :–

(aa) Medical Superintendents/

Dean/Head of the Institute/

Civil Hospitals/Matron……….upto 45 years (relaxable upto

52 years at the discretion of

DMS at Army HQ).

(ab) All other categories of Officers……upto 50 years (In the case of

ex officers & ex JCOs granted commission as Quartermasters/Coy Officers, the age may be relaxed upto 50 years at the discretion of the

ADGTA at Army HQ).

#@(Auth—81655/2/GS/TA 3(a)/1014/SO II/D(GS-III)

Govt of India, Min of Def dated 20th June 1972)

(c) Method of Application and Selection—Application forms for Commission, IAF(TA)—9, duly filled by the aplicants in their own handwriting, should be sent direct to Army headquarters (TA Directorate) together with necessary documents in original or certified true copies thereof in support of age, qualifications previous commissioned service in Indian Medical Service/


Selected candidates will, be medically examined by a Medical Board arranged by Army Headquarters and a list of finally selected candidates drawn for commission in Medical units of

the Territorial Army.

Note—The above procedure for submission of application

forms and selection of Medical officers will not be applicable in

the case of Railway/Medical Officers applying for AMC(TA) commission

in Railway Engrs (TA) units. They will be governed

under the same procedure as is applicable to candidates applying

for the grant of TA Commission in Railway Engrs (TA) units.

They will, however, be governed by other terms and conditions

as laid down in this appendix.

(d) Nursing Officers

(i) Qualifications and age—As for regular Indian Medical

Nursing Service Sisters.

(ii) System of Selection—Same as for Medical Officers

but the selection Board at Army Headquarters will

include the Chief Principal Matron at Army Headquarters

as an additional member.

(e) Terms and Conditions—As for officers of other arms and

services of the Territorial Army, but the rules of promotion will

be as laid down in para 39.

(f) Retention and Promotion Examination—Medical Officers

will not have to pass these examinations.

2. Junior commissioned Officers and Other Ranks—(a) Method

of Recruitment—As for other Arms or Services of the

Territorial Army.

(b) Terms and conditions—Same as for others in the Territorial


(c) Educational Standard for Enrolment—

———————- ——————————— —————————-

Trades Educational Standard required

——————————- —————————— ———————-

1 2

—————————— ————————- —————————-

Laboratory Assistant Matriculate or above with Science

Technician and Radiographer subjects as optionals, or equivalent.

Male Nurse Matric or equivalent.

————————————- ————————————————


——————————- —————————— ———————-

1 2

—————————— ————————- —————————-

Nursing Orderlies

Operation room Assistants


Mental Nursing Orderlies IV, V, or VI Forms or 8—10 class or

Sanitary Assistant Dispenser equivalent.

Special Treatment Orderly

X-Ray Orderly

Clerks General Duty

Storeman Technical

Store hand technical

Stretcher bearer I Form or 4 to 7 class standard or equival-

General Duty Orderly ent.

Cook Hospital

Cook Unit


Tinsmith May be uneducated.

Equipment and Boot Repairer


Brick layer

Painter (Unit)

———————– ————————————————– —————— –

(d) Only ex-junior commissioned officers will be recruited

directly as Junior Commissioned Officers ordinarily. Junior Commissioned

Officers will not be required to pass the retention

examination as laid down in paras 42 and 43.

3. Period and System of Training—Medical Units—As for

other Arms and Services of the Territorial Army.

Training syllabus and other connected instructions will be

issued from Army Headquarters from time to time.


Army Medical Corps, as applicable. The copies of certificates

or documents should be certified as true by a commissioned officer

of the Armed forces or a civilian gazetted officer.

**Candidates for grant of commission in AMC(TA) (other than

OC TA General Hospital) who satisfy the conditions laid down

for commission will be interviewed by selection board composed as

under, at their normal place of civil duty :–

President – Assistant Director of Medical Services Area

HQ not below the rank of Colonel/Representative

of Deputy Director of Medical Service Command

HQ not below the rank of Colonel.

Members – TA Group Commander at Command HQ.

Station Commander or his representative not

below the rank of Lt Col.

Head of the Institution where TA General

Hospital is being established.

(i) The proceedings of the selection board will later be

confirmed by DGMS (Army).

(ii) As regards the appointment of OC TA General Hospitals,

in case the Medical Superintendent of the Civil Hospitals professor

or an officer of an equivalent grade from the Hospital applies, his

application should be forwarded direct to DGMS (Army) for acceptance

and issue of Gazette Notification. If the Medical Superintendent,

professor or an officer of the equivalent grade does not volunteer and an

officer of lower grade only volunteers then procedure as in para 1 above

will apply.

**(Auth –No 65689/GS/TA-3(a)/312/SO-II/D(GS-III)

Govt of India, Min of Def dated 19th February 1971)






1. To ensure that officers on probation have sufficient military

knowledge to justify their retention in the Territorial Army

on completion of 4 years service in accordance with para 42.


2. Officers of the Territorial Army will be required to pass

the retention examination within 4 years of the date of grant of

a TA commission.

3. Should an officer fail to pass the examination within the

prescribed period he will be permitted to resign and if he declines

to do so will be removed.

4. An officer will not be obliged to take the complete examination

at one time; the test(s) and the written paper(s) he may

wish to take at any one time will be left to his discretion.

5. An officer who passes in any of the tests, written or otherwise,

will be deemed to have passed such test on the first day

of examination in the subject(s) at which he finally qualifies.


6. Any officer who, owing to circumstances beyone his control,

is unable to pass the examination within the prescribed

period may apply for extension of the period. Such extension

will be granted by Army Headquarters (DTA) and will not exceed

one year. Applications for extension will be submitted through

the normal channels to Army headquarters (Territorial Army

Directorate) giving full details of the reasons for which an extension

is recommended. Applications will be endorsed by respective

higher formation commanders.

Any officer who, having resigned his commission, before the

expity of four years, due to change in residence, again secures

a Territorial Army Commission, will be required to pass the retention

examination within four years from the date of his being



7. The examination will consist of 3 parts i.e. Part ‘A’ practical,

Part ‘B’ written and Part ‘C’ oral.


8. The practical part of other examination will consist of

the following tests :–

(a) Tactical exercise without troops involving a platoon and

other equivalent sub-units of other arms. Practical

map reading will also be included and questions covering

administration in the field.

(b) Foot and arms drill.

(c) Field formations and field signals.

(d) Range duties.

(e) Weapon training i.e. instructing a squad on any of the

small arms and in case of units other than Infantry, the

main weapon of the arm with which his unit is armed.

(f) Qualify in the annual musketry course (s) as laid down

in these Regulations.

(g) R/T Operating.

(h) Technical Training—(i) A written and/or oral/practical

examination in technical subjects for officers of TA\

units. And officer who has attended a relevant technical

course at any Army school of instruction will be exempted

from qualifying in this subject.

(ii) Officers of the Corps of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers

who possess the Engineering degree of a recognised

University will be exempted from the technical test.

(iii) Officers of the Corps of Signals who possess a degree

in Telecommunications Engineering of a recognised University,

will be exempted from the technical test of the

retention examination.

(iv) Officers of the Corps of Engineers who either posses an

engineering degree of a recognised University or have

successfully completed the normal probationary course

as laid down by the Ministry of Railways (Railway

Board)/port authorities for the particular appointments

that they are holding in the Railways/Docks and IWT

and have successfully held that appointment for one year

after the completion of the said course in their own department

will be exempted from the technical test of

the retention examination.


9. The written part of the examination will consist of the

following tests –

(a) Administration—

Questions will be set on the following—

(i) Promotions, transfers and discharge from service, other


(ii) Office organisation.

(iii) Pay system, other ranks.

(iv) Hygiene and sanitation.

(v) Regiment accounting.

(vi) Ordnance stores.

(vii) Documentation, other ranks.

(b) Discipline—

(i) Enrolment and attestation.

(ii) Summary trial and punishment.

(iii) Courts of Inquiry.

(iv) Disposal of offences.

(v) Framing of charges and charge sheet.

(vi) Powers of commanding officer and Coy commander or


10. The oral part of the examination will consist of general

question on Territorial Army Regulations.


11. Ex-officers of the Army, Navy, Air Force, State Forces,

ITF, AFI, Defence Bns, Border Scouts, DSC and AIRO who

have a minimum of 3 years previous commissioned service will

not be required to take the examination.

12. An officer who is not exempted vide para 11, but who

successfully passes a course(s) at any Army School of Instruction

in any of the subjects prescribed in the syllabi will be

exempted from taking that subject(s).



13. The number of examinations to be held annually will be

as the discretion of the Area or equivalent Commander/TA

Group Commander.

14. The period(s) taken for the examination will count

against the period of annual training as prescribed vide Rule 20.

15. All question papers will be set by the Board of Examiners

and approved by the Area or equivalent Commander. The

question set will be sufficient in number to test the knowledge

of the candidate and will be confined to questions relating to

the candidate’s own unit.


16. The Board will consist of a President of the rank of Lt

Col and two members of the rank of Major/Captain of the

regular Army.


17. If an officer fails in one or more subject(s) he will be reexamined

only in the subject(s) in which he has failed.

18. There is no restriction as regards the number of times

an officer may present himself for examination in any test or

written paper within the prescribed period laid down.


19. The Board will forward results of candidates who have

passed the examination wholly or in part, to Area or equivalent

Commander together with a copy of papers set. Names of successful

candidates will be forwarded, through the normal channels,

by Area or equivalent Commander to the Director, Territorial

Army, Army Headquarters.







1. To ensure that junior commissioned officers on probation

have sufficient military knowledge to justify their retention in the

Territorial Army on completion of 4 years service in accordance

with para 43.


2. Junior Commissioned Officers of the Territorial Army will

be required to pass the retention examination within 4 years of

the date of grant of a TA commission.

3. Should a junor commissioned officer fail to pass the examination

within the prescribed period he will be permitted to

resign and if he declines to do so, will be removed.

4. A junior commissioned offficer will not be obliged to take

the complete examination at one time; the test(s) and the written

paper(s) he may wish to take at any one time will be left to his


5. A junior commissioned officer who passes in any of the

tests, written or otherwise, will be deemed to have passed such

tests on the first day of examination in the subject(s) at which

he finally qualifies.


6. Any junior commissioned officer who, owing to circumstances

beyond his control is unable to pass the examination within

the prescribed period may apply for extension of the period.

Such extension will be granted by Army Headquarters (ADGTA)

and will not exceed one year. Applications for extension will be

submitted through the normal channels to Army Headquarters

(TA DTE) giving full details of the reasons for which an extension

is recommended. Applications will be endorsed by respective

higher formation commanders.


Any junor commissioned officer, who having resigned his

commission before the expiry of 4 years, due to change in the

residence, again secures a Territorial Army Commission, will be

required to pass the retention examination within four years

from the date of his being recommissioned.


7. The examination will consist of the following—

(a) Drill—Platoon drill including foot and arms drill.

(b) Weapons Training—Supervision of training and range


(c) Tactics-Command of a platoon or equivalent sub-unit

in situations likely to be encountered in the field (including

map reading, verbal order and message writing).

(d) Organisation and administratin including discipline upto

the standard of a platoon or equivalent sub-unit.

(e) Technical Training—A written and/or oral/practical examination

in technical subjects for JCOs of TA units.

A JCO who has attended a relevant course at an army

school of instruction will be exempted from qualifying

in this technical examination.

(f) JCOs of the Corps of Engineers who have successfully

completed the normal probationary course as laid down

by the Ministry of Railways (Railway Board)/Port authorities

for the particular appointments that they are

holding in the Railway/Docks and IWT successfully held

that appointment for one year after the completion of

the said course within their own department will be

exempted from the technical test of the retention examination.

8. The examination in all subjects will be practical and oral

and will be conducted in English or in the vernacular whichever

the candidate prefers.


9. Ex-junior commissioned officers and their equivalents of

the Army, Navy, Air Force, State Forces, ITF, AFI, Defence

Bns, Border Scouts and DSC, who have a minimum of 3 years

previous commissioned service, will not be required to take the



10. A JCO who is not exempted vide para 9, but who successfully

passes a course (s) at any army school of instruction or who

does an attachment to a regular army unit and qualifies in any of

the subject(s) prescribed will be exempted from taking that subject(


11. Non-commissioned officers who pass the promotion examination

for havildar to jemadar and are subsequently promoted

to JC rank will not be required to pass the retention examination.


12. The number of examinations to be held annually will be

at the discretion of the Area or equivalent Commander/TA Group


13. The period(s) taken for the examination will count

against the period of annual training as prescribed vide Rule 20.

14. All question papers will be set by the Board of Examiners

and approved by the Area or equivalent Commander. The

questions set will be sufficient in number to test the knowledge

of the candidates and will be confined to questions relating to

the candidate’s own unit.


15. The Board will consist of a President of the rank of

Lt Col and two other officer members of the regular army.


16. If a JCO fails in one or more subject(s) he will be reexamined

only in the subject(s) in which he has failed.

17. There is no restriction as regards the number of times

a JCO may present himself for examination in any test within

the prescribed period laid down.


18. The board will forward result of candidates who have

passed the examination wholly, or in part, to Area or equivalent

Commander together with a copy of papers set. Names of successful

candidates will be forwarded, through the normal channels,

by Area or equivalent to the ADGTA, Army Head-quarters.

19. The names of successful candidates will be modified on

unit(s) Part II orders and the necessary copies made on the

candidates sheet roll.






1. (a) Officers—As laid down in para 2 below.

(b) Junior Commissioned Officers and other Ranks—As laid

down in para 2 below.

2. Officers—(a) To be passed as fit for a commission in

the Territorial Army, a candidates must be in Medical category

‘A’. The height, expanded chest and weight will not be less

than given below—

———————— ——————————— ———————-

(i) Arm/Service Expanded

chest with

Height 5 cm ex- Weight


————- ————————————– —————————-

Cm Cm Kg

Armoured Corps . . . 160 82 50

Artillery 162 84 52

Engineers (Except Railway, Port, Docks,

and E&M Engrs units) 162 84 52

Signals (Except P&T Signals units) 160 82 50

Infantry 160 82 50

AOC . 152 82 48

ASC . . 160 82 50

AMC (A&N Sec) 157 82 50

AMC (Other Sec) 152 82 48

EME 160 82 50

Others 157 82 50

——————————- ——————————- ——————–

Notes—(1) Minimum measurements for Gorkhas, Garhwalis

and Assamese for all Arms and Services will be as

under :–

Height . . 152Cm

Weight . . 50 Kg

Chest expanded . . 82 Cm

Expansion . . 5 Cm

(2) For Madrasis minimum expanded chest 81 Cm in all

cases, provided the range of expansion is not less than 5 Cm.

(3) At the discretion of the Recruiting Medical Officer

standards for height may be relaxed by two Cm, Standard for

the expanded chest girth by one Cm and weight by 2 Kg for

all Arms and Services.


(4) Minimum measurements for Adibasis for all Arms and

Services will be as under :–

Height . . 155 Cm

Weight . . 50 Kg

Chest (unexpanded) . . 77 Cm

(ii) Minimum physical standards for all Railway, Port,

Docks IWT and E & M Engineers and P&T Signals units

will be as follows for all ranks :–

Height . . 154 Cm

Expanded chest . 77 Cm

(Range of


5 Cm)

Weight . . 45 Kg

(b) Vision—A candidate will be considered fit if his vision

without the aid of glasses is not less than 6/6 in each eye

provided that with the aid of glasses, if necessary, his vision is

not less than 6/9 in one eye and 6/18 in the other.

A candidate will be considered fit if he has one eye (R or L)

with vision of not less than 2/60 and with good field of vision

as tested by hand movements provided that his vision in the

other eye is 6/6 not less than 6/12 without glasses and capable

of correction of 6/6 with the aid of glasses.

Inability to distinguish principal colours will not be regarded

as a case for rejection but the fact will be noted in the medical

board proceedings and the candidate will be informed.

(c) Candidate’s hearing must be good.

(d) His speech should be without impediment.

(e) His teeth should be in good order. He must have ten

sound teeth in upper jaw functionally opposed to 10 sound

teeth in the lower jaw. Two of these teeth in each jaw must be

molars and missing teeth, if any, must be made good by artificial

dentures. Well-fitted teeth will be considered as sound.

3. Junior Commissioned Officers and Other Ranks—

(a) Standard minimum height, expanded chest and weight

will be the same as given under sub-para 2(a) above.


(b) Physical Fitness—

(i) Recruits must be sufficiently intelligent.

(ii) Hearing must be good and the recruit should have

no sign of ear disease.

(iii) His speech should be without impediment.

(iv) He should not have glandular swellings.

(v) His heart and lungs should be sound.

(vi) He should have no congenital defect or deformity.

(vii)He should have perfect movements of all joints.

(viii) He should not bear traces of previous acute or

chronic disease pointing to an impaired constitution.

(ix) Visual standards.

Infantry Artillery & Armed Corps Right eye 6/12 right 6/6 or left

Left eye 6/12 6/36

Other Right eye 6/24 right or better

Left eye 6/24 eye 6/12 or worst

eye 6/38

(c) Men presenting the following conditions will be rejected :–

(i) Indications of T.B.

(ii) Indication of Venereal disease.

(iii) Valvular disease of heart.

(iv) Otitis media.

(v) Deafness partial or complete.

(vi) Pronounce stammering.

(vii) Loss or decay of teeth to such an extent as to interfere

with efficient mastication.

(viii) Contraction or deformity of the chest.

(ix) Abnormal curvature of spine.

(x) Mental or nervous instability.

(xi) Deformity of feet.

(xii)Hernae and varicocoele.

(xiii) Enlargement of spleen or liver.

(xiv) Trachoma.

(xv) Severe pyorrhoea.

(d) (i) The medical standards prescribed in sub paras (b)

and (c) above may be relaxed for the types of units

mentioned in sub para 2(a).


(ii) above in the case of JCOs and OR, as under:–

(a) Spectacles and artificial dentures may be permitted.

(b) Minor deformities and defects such as minor degree of

knock knee bow legs, varicose veins be condoned.

(c) Trachoma to the following extent be condoned.

(i) A few follicles in the tarsal conjuctiva and retrotasal


(ii) Smooth cicatricial bands in the tarsal conjunctiva.

(This is an evidence of healing).

(iii) Retrogressive pannus, which doesnot extend to

more than a third of the cornea. Pannus is retrogressive

if the blood vessels have gone beyond

the grey line of corneal infiltration.

(iv) Mild corneal infiltration limited to a couple of M.

Ms. from the Cornea-Seleral margin.

(v) There should be no photophobia and undue irritation

to bright light.

Note—Cases which are likely after treatment upto a period of

2 months to improve sufficiently as to be “fit for enrolment” will

be classified as “Temporarily Unfit”. These cases will be reexamined

by a medical board.

(ii) Disability and special family pensions, if and when admissible,

will not be admitted on the basis of aggravation of the

defects listed in para (i) above or if disability or death can be

attributed to or can be considered as aggravated by any of these

minor defects. This restriction will, however, not apply to claim

to special family pensions arising out of death by accident while

individual is on duty.






1. To ensure a uniform standard of basic military knowledge

and technical knowledge amongst the NCOs and JCOs of the

Territorial Army, all NCOs will qualify at a promotion examination,

details of which are given in Annexures “A to I” to this

Appendix, before they can be considered for promotion to the

rank of havildar (or equivalent rank) or to the rank of Nb Sub.

This comes into force with effect from 1st January 1952.

While successful completion of a promotion examination will

qualify an NCO for promotion, it does not automatically entitle

him to such promotion.

2. Promotion examinations will be held as required.


3. An NCO must possess the following basic qualifications

before he can be permitted to undergo the promotion examination


(a) For Promotion to Havildar—

(i) Education—Army 2nd Class Certificate of Education

or civil equivalents as laid down in Appendix


(ii) Trade Classification—2nd classes below the highest

class of his category except for field categories of the

Corps of Engineers.

(iii) Must have completed two annual training camps.

Note—The condition of attending two annual training

camps will not apply to ex-havildars of the regular

Army with more than three years’ service in the regular

Army in that rank, who join the Territorial Army with

in two years’ of their release/discharge from the regular

Army. Ex-Havildars who have rendered more than three

years’ service as havildars in the regular Army but who

join the Territorial Army more than two years’ after

their release/discharge from the regular Army, will be

required to complete only one training camp to become

eligible to undergo the promotion examination test.


(b) For promotion to Nb Sub

(i) Education—Army 1st class certificate of education

or civil education equivalents as laid down in Appendix


(ii) Trade Classification—Two classes below the highest

class of his trade except field categories of the Corps

of Engineers.

(iii) Must have completed five annual training camps.

(This may be waived at the discretion of the commanding

officer in case of NCOs considered for

promotion before 1st January 1955)


4. Examination will be oral and the examining boards will

be comprised as under :–

(a) For promotion to Havildar or equivalent rank—

President . . A Major or Lt Col.

Members . . One officer not below the rank of

a Captain and one JCO not

below the rank of a Subedar.

(b) For promotion Nb Sub—

President A Lt-Col.

Members Two Majors or one Major and

one Captain.

(c) Convening Authorities—

(i) For 4(a) above—

Unit commander. Where the unit commander is below

the rank of Major, the OC Station

(ii) for 4(b) above—

Sub Area/Brigade/Independent Sub Area/Bde Area


Note—With effect from 1st January 1964, in the case of Infantry,

for promotion to Nb Sub, the Examining Board

will be as per para 4(a) above and convening authority

will be the unit commander not below the rank of Lieutenant




5. To qualify in the examination a candidate must pass in all

the subjects.

The minimum pass marks will be 40 per cent of the passable

marks in each subject.

The board proceedings must be countersingned by the convening



6. If a candidates fails in one or more subjects he will be

re-examined only in the subject/subjects in which he has failed.


7. Names of those NCOs who successfully pass the promotion

examination will be published in unit Part II Orders.


8. NCOs who have qualified at a course or courses at one

of the Army Schools within a period of four years proceeding

the examination will be exempted from the subject/subjects

covered thereby.

9. For promotion to Havildar—

(a) All NCOs of the following trades vide AI 39/S/47, are

exempted from taking weapon training and signal procedure of

Part I and whole of Part II of the syllabus.



Bricklayer (Unit)

Carpenter (Unit)

Cook Hospital (AMC)

Cook (Unit)

Equipment and Boot Repairer (Unit)

Painter (Unit)


Storehand GD (various)

Storehand Technical (various)

Tailor (unit)

Tinsmith (unit)

Upholsterer (EME)

(b) All EME NCOs of the following trades vide AI 39/S/

47, are exempted from signal procedure of Part I—

Carpenter and Joiner

Driver Recovery


Operator Tyre Repair plant

Painter and Decorator

Tin and Copper Smith

Cycle Repairer

Driver MT


Storehand GD

Driver Special Vehicles

(c) All NCOs of the Departmental TA units and General

Hospitals (TA) are exempted from passing Pormotion Examination

for promotion to Havildar.

10. For promotion N.B. Sub

The following trades are exempted from taking weapon

training and signal procedure of Part I and whole of Part II of

the syllabus—

Clerk GD

Clerk GS (SD)


11. All Havildars of Departmental TA units and General

Hospitals (TA) are exempted from passing the Promotion Examination

to the rank of Naib subedar.


Annexure’A’ to Appendix XIII


(General Military Subjects)

Serial Subject For promotion to Havildar For promotion to Remarks

No. or equivalent Jemadar

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

1. Drill . Drill with and without arms Drill with and without arms

of an Infantry platoon or of an infantry company or

equivalent inculding guard equivalent including ceremounting.

monial drill.

2. P.T . Table 1—6 Trained Soldiers P.T.

3. Weapon Training (a) Knowledge of infantry (a) Knowledge of infantry

platoon or equivalent sub company weapons and

unit weapons and ability ability to instruct a squad

to instruct a squad of re- of trained soldiers in them.

cruits or trained soldiers in (b) Field firing range prothem.


(b) Maintenance of Butt *(c) Method of laying out *Not applicble to AMC

and Firing point Registers a close combat range. personnel.

4. Signal Procedure (a) Message writing in Message writing as for pro-

Roman Hindustani. motion to havildar, but

(b) Ability to pass a simple of a higher standard

message/order on telephone.


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

5. Administration and (a) Sanitation, hygiene and (a) Sanitation, hygiene and

Morale. anti-malaria measures re- anti-malaria measures required

in a platoon. quired in a company.

(b) First Aid. (b) Reconnaissance of a

camp site for a company

(c) Reconnaissance of a and the setting up a camp

camp site for a platoon and or bivouac.

the setting up of a camp

or a bivouac. (c) Simple questions on the

(d) Regimental cuts for war system of pay accounteach

rank. ing with special reference

(e) Duties of an orderly to the preparation of acquit-

NCO in a unit. tance rolls.

(f) Close and open arrests. (d) Pay and allowances of

other ranks.

(e) Scales of rations, clothing

and personnel equipment.

(f) Exchange and condemnation

of clothing and


(g) Other ranks messing

and its organisation.

(h) Organisation and upkeep

of information and

recreation rooms.

(j) Duties of a company

JCO/JCO orderly room.

Note—Clerks GD are exempted from taking drill and weapon training.


Annexure’B’ to Appendix XIII


(Special Corps Subjects—Armoured Corps TA))

Serial Subject For promotion to Havildar For promotion to Remarks

No. or equivalent Jemadar

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

1. Tactics (a) Tactical command of an (a) Tactical handling and

AFV employment of a troop.

(b) Elementary knowledge (b) Elementary knowledge

of tactics upto troop level. of tactics upto squadron


(c) Ability to Command an

AFV troop.

2. Technical Sufficient *knowledge of (a) Sufficient working

gunnery, wireless and driv- *knowledge in all the three

ing and maintenance to be trades to be above to

able to command an AFV command a troop efficiefficiently.


(b) Ability to send and receive

by R/T any type of

order or message accurately.

*Commensurate with the training facilities available to Territorial Army.


Annexure’C’ to Appendix XIII


(Special to Corps Subjects—Regiment of Artillery (TA))

Serial Subject For promotion to Havildar For promotion to Remarks

No. or equivalent Jemadar

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

1. Tactics, organisation and Elementary knowlege of Elementary knowledge of 1.A havildar for promotion

employment organisation and employ- organisation and employ- must have qualified in one

ment in the field and tacti- ment in the field and tacti- of the following courses at

cal handling of a troop of cal handling of a battery the School of Artillery

his branch of artillery. of his branch of artillery. or courses run at the unit

equivalent to those:

2. Technical (a) For all branches– (a) Same syllabus as for Field branch and anti-tank

(i) Duties of No 1 in ac- promotion to havildar artillery-Survey Instructors

tion. but in greater detail. Technical Assistants’ Co-

(ii) Gun drill in detail- urse, Gun Drill and Equiplaying

sight testing, care The following subjects/pro- ment Instructor’s Course.

and maintenance of visions will be in addition. Anti-tank Instructor’s or

equipment. (b) For all branches. any other Instructors

(iii) Preparation and stor- (i) Duties of troop leaders course for NCOs.

age of ammunition in (ii) be able to carry out Anti-Aircraft artillery—

action. vehicle inspection. Radar Course, OsFC Course

(b) For field and medium or any other Instructors

artillery only– Course for NCOs.

(i) Must qualify as Driver (c) For field and medium Coast Artillery—

MT Class 3. artillelry only– Radar Course.


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

2. Technical—Contd. (ii) Must qualify as driver Must have qualified as Special course, or any

SP Artillery Class 3 if in a Driver MT Class 2 other instructor’s course

SP unit. for NCOs.

(c) For mountain artillery (d) For SP artillery only– 2. A havildar clerk for proonly

Stable management, must have qualified as dri- motion to Jemadar head

feeding, watering, simple ver SP artillery class 2. clerk must be clerk Grade I

ailments of mules, fitting (e) For mountain artillery and possess Indian Army

of harness and driving drill only– Ist Class Certificate of

of a sub-section. Must be able to ride a

Education and Ist Class

(d) For anti-tank artillery horse. English Certificate or Maonly–

triculation Certificate of a

(i) Principles of direct recognised University.


(ii) Fire discipline

(e) For LAA artillery only– 3. For promotion to Jema-

(i) Must qualify as Grade dar an NCO must—

I at air-craft recognition. (a) be interviewed and re-

(ii) Must understand the commended by his C Arty

drills employed in LAA and B Arty.

BARRAGE. (b) If in a para regiment,be

(f) For HAA Artillery the seniormost para

only– volunteer.

Must have a knowledge of

command post and control

room drills and procedure.

(g) For coast artillery only—

Must be conversant with

the duties of all categorise

of personnel in his unit.


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

(h) For suveyor artillery


(i) Drills in details, observation

and booking traverse,

working of computing


(ii) Duties and positions of

survey groups in column

and in action.


Annexure ’D’ to Appendix XIII


[Special to Corps Subjects—Corps of Engineers (TA)]

Serial Subject For promotion to Havildar For promotion to Remarks

No. Jemadar

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

1. Use of Tools Be able to-

Use and maintain the normal handimen’s As for Havildar PLUSset

of tools of a Fd Coy Use of any tool in common use in Field

Use cross-cut saws. Engineering weather or not it can be classified

Drive nails, spikes and dogs effieiently. as a trademan’s tool (e.g. Adze)

Drive pickets to a given slope Select augers and make holes for given

Know and apply the principles of simple size of spikes

levers. Fit and operate the common compressor

Operate compressor tools under supervision tools.

2. Field Geometry Be capable of- As for Havaldar PLUSCarrying

out measurements using hand , Set out given slopes using field level bening

foot, pick helve. rods and pegs.


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

2. Field Geometry Opening and closing field level and know Measure a gap without using an instrument.

all its uses thoroughly. Laying out a right Measure a gap with a “gap measuring inangle

by eye and 3/4/5(triangular) methods. strument”.

Pace given distances upto a 91, 44mm (Max. The use of Foot-Metric equivalents.

errors 5%

The use of the Prismatic compass.

Know the use of Mathematical compass.

Take right angled offset from a chain line.

Hold a level staff correctly.

` Know the correct use of a chain and /or steel


3. Basic Capable for making the following knots and As for Havildar PLUShitched.

Capable for making all knots and hitches

used in Engr work and knoe their uses.

Bowline, Running Bowline, Rccf Thumb Make :-

Single and double Sheet Bend. Clove Hitch. (a) Sheers lashing.

Fisherman’s Bend Round Turn and Twin (b) Gun lashing.

Half Hitches. (c) Fishing two spars.

Nip the end of rope (d) Picket holdfast lashing.

Use a block Withdraw pickets by-

Make a seizing on a trackle (a) a cordage method.

Able to reeve tackles (b) a chain method

Maul or pick helve as Anti-twister in a (c) principle of par buckings.



Making fast S.W.R. to anchorage of block Know care and maintenance of cordage and

using :- SWR.

(a) Bulldog clips and double throated clamps Know parts of a double bent trestle and how

to assemble it.

(b) Timber and Spunyarn. Operate and maintain a winch.

Joining two lengths SRW without using Capable of construction :-

clips or clamps

(a) Gun (b) Sheers (c) Derrick

Able to make :- Capable of constructing a crib pier.

(a) Square lashing.

(b) Diagonal lashing. Preparation of timber piles for driving.

(c) Lashing a block to a spar. Be thoroughly conversant with the use of

Using S.W.R. or cordage. mechanical and hydraulic jacks of all types

Know how loads are taken by steel cribs. and with the methods employed for lifting,

Know method of joining steel cribs traversing and lowering heavy girders by

Use of tubular scaffolding means of jacks.

4. Field Defences Should be capable of- As for Havildar PLUSFilling

sandbags and beating to correct size. Be capable of

Laying a small sandbag wall correctly. Constructing various types of skin revetment.

Be able to know- Sizing of deliberate weapon slits.

Principles of revetment, Positioning pick- Erecting concertina road blocks.

ets for barbed wire fences. Setting out pickets for standard barbed wire


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

4. Field Defences Know types of barbed wire fences, principles fences.

-Contd. of fastenings and all knots. Setting out a tack from a simple sketch

And know-

Main principles governing field

defences. Principles of drainage.

Principles of concealment and

simple cam-ouflage.

Know and be able to construct all

types of-

(a) anti-tank obstacles.

(b) prepared defences e.g. pill,

boxes, dug-outs, Bunkers.

5. Field Engineering Should know essential safety precautions. As for Havildar PLUSMines,

Demoli- Name and recognies all services explosives Be able to lay a ring main in Cordtex.

tions and Bomb and accessories. Be able to lay out electrical method of

Disposal Know how to assemble Fuze, detonator and initiation for use with ring main using

primer. Fixing of simple charges. correct joints in cable.

Be able to test safety fuse. Know names and methods of initiation

Know how to initiate and make simple joints of all types of prepared charges.

in cordtex. Be able to set and neutralise all current

types of iginitors.

Know names of parts and assembly of comoutflet

equipment. Be able to test an exploder using a

testing set.

Be able to use compressor drill for boring

holes in masonry. Know sequence of latest hasty

mine laying


Be able to use an earth auger. drill and latest standard mine clearing

Be able to reconise our, mines, fuzes and drill

igniters in curent use. Know the principles of fixing chgarges.

Be able to arm and disarm our current


` Be able to assemble, use and turn one current

mine detector.

Know how to detect mines by the prodding


Know the principles of ignitors.

Know the sequence of neutralising all our

mines and booby traps.

6. Field Engineering- Be capable of –

Road Laying a hand pitched base.

Applying tar, bitumen or emulsion to a


Preparing concrete of a given mix.

Construction of waterbound surfacing.

Preparing shuttering for concerete to a given

level and the principles of laying concrete.

Constructing simple box culverts.

Know the general use of Bull-dozers, Angle

dozers, autopatrol and backcter in connection

with road work.

Know and apply the use of a standard Track

material, fascines etc.


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

7. Water supply and Should be bapable of- As for Havildar PLUScamp structure Starting and stopping current field pumping Should be capable of cunnecting plusosets. meter pumps for series or parallel pumping Assembling and using field unit equipment and operating the set. hand pumps. Fit up and have working knowledge of Joining victaualic and screwed pinning upto water tank truck. 101mm by using correct tools Carry out Horrocks Test.

Reecting and replacing field unit pattern Erection of improvised water tank using water tanks. tarpaulins, fabricated tanks, etc. Know how to work syphon. Care and maintenance of pumping sets. Elementary knowledge of concreting, carpentry and plumbing as necessary for construction of camp kitchens, ablutions and latmines, incinerator for both temporary camp and bivouacs.

8. Bridging, Rafting Know names of component part , and seand watermanship quence of construction of-

(a) Assault rafts.

(b) Close support rafts.

(c) Cl 550 rafts.

(d) Cl 40 rafts.


capable of taking command of the following when hand and power propelled :-

(a) Assault, boat rafts.(b) Cl 5 rafts.Fit and operate Propulsion unit.Know “Rule of the river”.` Operate a storm boat.Know a method of getting

a cable across a river Make up simple improvised rafts. Keeping boats to any given position. Know sequence of construction of FEE trestle. Adjust FEE trestle transom by using jacks.

9. Bridging Bailey Know sequence of construction


(a) Launching Nose.

(b) DS Construction.

(c) TS construction.Lay grillage and understand principles. Know method of loading ` equipment in lorries of Bailey Pl.


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

10. Bailey Pontoon Be able to recognise Class 40 Special parts and knowwhere and how they fit into bridge. Know sequence of construction for a floating and an end floating class 40 Bay.Know sequence of connecting rafts and bays in floating bridge. Lay out preventer tackles for landing Bays. Know method of loading equipment in the lorries in  Bailey Pontoon Pl.237

Annexure ’E’ to Appendix XIII


(Special to Corps Subjects—Corps of Signals(TA))

Serial Subject For promotion to Havildar For promotion to Remarks

No. Jemadar

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

1. Organisation and tacti- (a) Organisation and same syllabus as for pro- NOTEScal

employment. employemnt in the field of motion to Havildar but in (i) Clerks will be tasted in

any one of the following greater details. the office organisation and types of signal section. filing system of an orderly

(i) Cipher Section. room of a field/ststic

(ii) Technical mainten- unit commanded by aance section Licutenant-Colonel.

(iii) Terminal Equipment (ii) Havildars for promo-Section. tion to Jemadar clerk will

(iv) Stores Section. be tested in the office orga-

(v) Operating Telegraph- nisation and filing system Operating Switchboard- of an orderly form of a Operating Section. field/static unit command-

(vi) Line-Line construct- ed by a Lieutenant Colonel ion/line maintenance sec- or the organisation and tion. functions of Records

(vii) Despatch Rider sec- office. tion.

(viii) Wireless Section. (iii) Draftsman will be tested in the organisation or drawing office.


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

(iv) Carpenter’s and jointers will be tested in the organisation of a carpenters shop.

(v) Drivers Special/Drivers MT will be tested in the maintenance and employment of the motor transport

of a major signal unit.


Annexure ’F’ to Appendix XIII


(Special to Corps Subjects—Infantry(TA))

Serial Subject For promotion to Havildar For promotion to Remarks

No. Jemadar

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

1. Tactics Tactical handing of a sect- Tactical handling of a plaion in one of the operat- toon in one of the operaions

of war (simple quest- tions of war (simple quesions). tions).

2. Planning To draw up a training pro- To draw up a training pro- All pamphlets required for gramme for a two week gramme for a three week preparing the training procadre course for trained cadre course for NCOs of gramme will be made avaisoldiers, based on training a platoon based on train- lable. directive from the platoon ing directive from the comcommander. pany commander.

Principles of good instruction.


Annexure ’G’ to Appendix XIII


(Special to Corps Subjects—Army Service Corps(TA))

Serial Subject For promotion to Havildar For promotion to Remarks

No. Jemadar

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

1. Organisation and Organisation and employ- (a) Detailed organisation The knowledge expected of employment ment in the field of a pla- and employment in the a TA personnel will be toon/troop of a division field of platoon/troop of commensurate with the Regiment, Army Service a divisional regiment, training facilities available Corps. Army Service Corps. to them.

(b) Saving and protection of a field supply depot of

AT/MT harbour.

2. Administration Animal management (AT Animal management (AT

personnel). personnel only).


Annexure ’H’ to Appendix XIII


(Special to Corps Subjects—Army Medical Corps(TA))Serial Subject For promotion to Havildar For promotion to Remarks No. Jemadar

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

1. Organisation and Organisation and employ- (i) Organisation and emplemployment.ment in the field of a com- oyment of one of the folpany of field ambulance, lowing units in the Field or a section of a hospital i.e., Field Ambulance,consisting of 100 beds. Field Hygiene section antimalaria unit, casualty clearing station, staging section,

general hospital (up to500 beds) and convalescent depot.

(ii) Outline, organisation and function of military hospital and AMC Record Offices.

2. Stretcher exercise Bearer formation, prepar- Must be able to train and ation and carriage of organise stretcher squads.stretchers. Stretcher improvisations.

3. Evacuation of casualties (a) An outline organisation (a) Siting of bearer relay of the chain of evacuation posts, car posts and adof

casualties from the front vance dressing station.


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

3. Evaculation of lines or a base general (b) Recording of casualties casualties—contd. hospital. in the field ambulance.

(b) Rest stations in divis- (c) Instruct other ranks in ional/Corps areas. methods of evacuation and layout of medical aid posts in the chain of evacuation.

4. First Aid (a) Structure and functions (a) Shock and its first aid. of the body. (b) Must be able to inst-

(b) Field dressings and ban- ruct other ranks in the dages. first aid.

(c) Frectures, Thomas Splint, Improvising splints and slings.

(d) Injuries to joints and muscles.

(e) Bleeding, treatment of wounds, burns, cuts, bites, blisters, snake bites and their first aid.

(f) Drowning and artificial respiration.

(g) Effects of heat, cold and their first aid.


(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

5. Hygiene and Sanitation (a) Hygiene set up of a coy (a) Hygiene set up of a

or equivalent, duties of unit, duties of sanitary, sanitary, anti-malaria squ- anti-malaria and water ads and water duty per- duty personnel. sonnel.

(b) Vaccination and inocula- (b) Water supplies in the tion. field.

(c) Disposal of excerta and (c) Intenstinal diseases, caurefuse.ses and general preventive measures.

(d) Layout of temporary (d) Venereal diseases and and permanent camps in- their prevention. cluding latrines, urinals

and water storage.(e) Hygiene and sanitation (e) Must be able to instruct f barracks, dining halls, other ranks in elementary cook-houses, canteens and hygiene and sanitation. barber shops, Antifly measures.

(f) Hygiene on the march and care of the feet.

(g) Causes and general preventive measures of malaria including personal protection nd anti-malaria



Annexure ’I’ to Appendix XIII


(Special to Corps Subjects—Corps of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers(TA))

Serial Subject For promotion to Havildar For promotion to Remarks

No. Jemadar

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

1. Organisation and employ- (a) Role of EME (as laid (a) Repair and Recovery

ment down in Army Order 763/ organisation in an Inf

49). Div.

(b) Functions of Inf Wksp (b) functions, organisation

Coy (as laid down in Chap and establishment of an

I paras 2 (b) and 5 of Mili- Inf Wksp Coy.

tary Training Pamphlet 30).

(c) Chain of Evacuation of

Equipment/Vehicles in the

Field (as laid down in Chap

II of Military Training Pamphlet




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