Format of Witness Application for Summoning


Format of Witness Application for Summoning

In the court of _____

_____    Versus   _____

Peition Under section _____ of the _____,

Application for summoning the witness and depositing the expenses

Most respectfully showeth:-

1- That the above noted case is pending before this Hon’ble court and is fixed for evidence of the respondent for _____.
2- That the respondent/petitioner wants to summon the _____ of the court of _____ with the case file of _____ Versus _____ U/s _____ which is fixed for _____ for the consideration
It is, therefore, prayed that the above mentioned witness may kindly be summoned and the expenses of the said witness may kindly be ordered to be deposited.
Dated: _____

_____ S/o, W/o _____

R/o _____, District _____

Through counsel:
_____, Advocate, _____


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