How to maintain a balance between studies and extra co curricular activities in a law school


By : Akshita Sodhi of Lloyd law college

Greater Noida.

Education is the one of the most crucial national activity. It is the backbone of a country’s development. However, games and sports are also crucial. We need more Saina Nehwal,  Sania Mirza, MS Dhoni, as well as we need more Kalpana Chawla, Salman Rushdie: Indian author known for his contribution in English literature, Amartya Sen:- known for his contributions in economics and sociology.

Maintaining a perfect balance between studies and extra co-curricular activities in a law school is a very difficult task. The more we give time to academics,  the more difficult it is for us to give time to extra co-curricular activities. What are parents want us to be? Obviously not the machines of wealth. The real purpose of our college life must be to maintain some personality traits in ourselves which can’t be done through studies only.  We can gain a good personality if we keep a perfect and striking balance between studies and co-curricular activities

The following co-curricular activities are great places to begin:-

Debate Team

Taking part in debates is important as it will help us to gain confidence and to acquire leadership quality.


Mooting helps us to improve our research as well as speaking skills. It will be helping out those who want to go for litigation in the future.

Library activities

You can study several magazines and resource books in your leisure time in college.

Various clubs

There are various clubs in a law school such as research club, environment centers,  legal aid cells and there are our own different benefits in taking part in different clubs and cells.

Common myth

There is a common myth in the minds of most of the students that to obtain good grades in academics,  one needs to quit extra co-curricular activities. According to a study undertaken by the US Department of Education, students pursuing extra co-curricular activities get higher grades than those who don’t have interest in extra co-curricular activities. The same study also proves that a student could get good marks in academics  when he participates in various co-curricular activities irrespective of the background they have come from.

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket

Some students come to university primarily to study,  go to graduate school or pursue their dream job. Others come primarily to play soccer or the trumpet. The most successful ones take their classes seriously,  yet find time to discover and participate in other activities. By taking part in a variety of activities and opportunities, you not only grow as an individual.  but it also helps you out to build your resume. What do you want your resume to look like

‘’A student who has passed his /her five years in law school from CCS university with 66% or any xyz university with no debates and moot court,  or any active participation’’ or ‘’A student who has passed her/his five years in law school with 66% and is active participant in many debates, moot court society.  part of an NGO, a good social worker, and speaker. ’’, the choice is yours what you want your resume to look like.

Common Tricks

Now you guys shall be wondering it out how is it possible to maintain a striking balance between studies and co curricular activities. See there are simple tricks to do studies and extra co curricular hand in hand.

Be peculiar and picky

Don’t join every club or center which exists in your college.  Always be picky and peculiar about which extra co curricular activities you want to join. If you join that club in which you don’t have any sort of knowledge or interest, it will drain your personality and confidence. Choose wisely among them and then focus on them.

Take rest or breaks

We human beings have a tendency to get bored very soon when we do the same work over and again. So, it is very important for you to take a break during your studies.  don’t study the same subject continuously. Take at least half an hour break from your studies after every one hour and give that half hour to that extra co curricular activity from which you can get leisure whether it be dancing,  singing or drawing.


Focusing on your goals is very crucial to make your dreams come true.  Giving the right path and direction to your goals is the best way to achieve success. Don’t let your mind wander here and there. Keep your mind constant on things you want to do.  Don’t leave one thing in between for other things. Suppose if you are playing basketball, so don’t let this game in between for badminton. Try to focus on things you really want to do.

Develop a plan

Developing a schedule is very much important not only for your college life but also to get success in every field. You need to work by maintaining a proper plan and schedule. You will miss out some work if you are not working by maintaining a schedule.  Moreover, to avoid hectic situations, planning work is very much important. You must maintain a plan about on which time you have to study, for how many hours and on which time you have to play, for how many hours. Try to complete your work according to timings you have maintained in your plan.

Study in group

Studying in a group is a yearlong practice which was followed by our parents and grandparents and still followed today.  It is a very affluent and effective way to get good marks in studies. Studying in groups not only distribute your study load but you can find out easy and different methods to a particular question or problem. You can also enhance your social skills by group studying.

Resist temptation

The real trick is to use unstructured time in a better way. If you spend that time chatting or hanging out,  for all of your long periods of time, you will be needed to study. Fitting some of your homework into short blocks and forcing yourself to stay focused can free up larger portions of your weekends and holidays for fun.

Adopt the right attitude

At last but not at least, I want to end up this article by suggesting you that we must always develop a right attitude towards our work. As it was a well saying, ”two things define your success, the way you behave when you have everything and the way you manage when you have nothing “So developing a right attitude towards your work is important to give a right direction to your dreams. It was a Chinese proverb that ‘keep a green tree in your heart,  birds will automatically come there’. So for maintaining a striking a balance between studies and co-curricular activities, it is crucial to act positive and think positive.


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