B R Kumar vs The Deputy Commissioner Hassan … on 18 July, 2008

Karnataka High Court
B R Kumar vs The Deputy Commissioner Hassan … on 18 July, 2008
Author: K.L.Manjunath & B.V.Nagarathna

ma 5:113 3153-; C6331′ $3 mwggm AT _
mama 22-323 mg 18″‘ my 95- .:_?_r;%:,”:”..23e’z:fa
TKE igaxraaz gm. ;I.:s*5.*:aE.zé’.~«L.4

was s::3:¢’3:.a ;.=*s;;*:’si’x.ii;%gji5…_fiz.
s~:}:x.;’m§L-.–. :;;’a*6 6_.,i§§§;:§ ” ‘

1 , 2 , an ,§:121fi:;,:;’ ‘is-3;’; ‘s.;_1§_.L” Ra§ng:~a’;-§s’;.a;._,»

39 yégr$;iR1d’Gayath$i
tfhanzzfiara §’a1″.z’;’a;%;:z’:a ‘ ‘ fiffoz-:2: , .
E%3fi$fi,§i$tf ” “–”

2. $hagga*éf§ fiaxafiagagpa,

_31 years, R!oFP¢€hanahaiii
‘Viilaga;.$umbenahalli pest;

«:.sa;:a.;ga;;a3;a;«:..;~;’ Eiefahii,
Channégayapatfia Talfik,

flaS£3mA§ist. .. fi??ELL§fiTS

§33¥V.”Lj;:gé;sr§¢ate gm g K,V?i§ara5;JLm11an)

la T§é’Ba§uty fiamissignézg

“+_ Easgan 315%.; Haasan.

7 2y The Asst; Cemissienerg

Kaagan subwfiivxsiang

3; Tahsiiéax Cfiannarayayatna Eq;

Eafifififi fiist.



é. K”KwKumaraswmy 5/0
Krishnegewdag 3% years,
fl/c ?Gthanahaili village,
Kumbanahaiii Eaat,
Eanéiganahailz Kobiif
Channarayayatna ?q.

5? Maxigowéa axe lata _

Rangeg¢w&a, 44 yaar£f;_*_

2;.-.5 3?othanaha.!.,}..i v:;3.1a;’;e,_,’ _

Kumanaha;li pestg V – “-

3andiganahalli’fidbli; _V ,..~

Channarayapatna $a;uk, E} V”fn,: Rssremnsxws

(Sr:.fi,fi,manjunéth} fi£A§§¢fi R§1 fie 3}
{Advacatég§ri.R;j;gfiakar.E.G§®jal far R–é & 5}

Karnat§ka’-§i§bw C¢firtfvAut. to set aside the crfiex
pa$safi’in_%}§,5£§1 & i53£5f26G2 dated 16.2.2634.

Thi$”»A§pea; ;$’¢$aming’ GnT fox admssion this
day, M&§JURh¥E J. ééliverefi the follawing:

.. ….. ..Jfifli3MEfi§:

. 9 g§§¢;;a§tS are quest1©n1ng the legaigfiy ané

coirecfifiésé cf the ordexT afi the l&axned single

“—: :T€”!A;d,,g”e ‘~::{a.ted 15.2.2934 in ‘¢«:.,§,5292 as zsszszafiss.

fl ‘Afaré5aifi= writ petitiofis ware iiied. by R–é & 5




for mgulammatxon pmviaea they . the

pxovi. signs cf Lanfi Grant Ruggafi' – ._ "t,he;;:a:r_

appiicatieas sat3;3£y to f }A::'ve:=»§:.:~1},73§,-:;.*,;fi.3e;.T " &;31§%;3i'.§: ":z;n4;.

authaxzized oe v_–V_é;Ea.s = ¢x;$§fin.%.t§efi
a serieus exizgax in di;fa:c§:*3:§.§g ‘.?r.f.3:cg’ nQt t:;¢
Qcnaidax tha ay§l,i.§atJ,1fd.i11§ tiGf’V’31V§-I5; ‘éither aside: tha
Lazgd €~r:’a_:{»;;;” V’ Karnatajm Land
Revenjgg 1 ta file an
ap§l:§._Acatic;.IV1 ‘V’.iffiit; ” «sf reg11}..a;73.zat,1ea aniy
becau:’: e’= §.’;.sV Em: is woxking as viliage

aaggéuntant .. _ 5: I in the revenue department.

he xequesta the ceuxt ta set. agide the

leaxned Judge and xrzcsciifiy the sang

§sn’:-;4;:f..ta;_i3.;§;§_s*L 1::A3? direaztgng the gQ;1m’;itt&a ta 39:35:63: the

ap§l;:;gé;1t1@ns at the appaigiants aisc can zzaerits ané

.V;;;;:4″‘A_accérdanae with lawg Thmzgiz an attmwt is mafia

by the aemnse; fisx R-HE a 5 ‘t9 sugport the oxdar

gassed by the leaxned single Judge, we are -mi” the

opinian that the Learned single Jndge has co::§:§:i.tted



an ezrarr in mjzing’ ax; ab3exvat;@zf;j”””*t§;:a.f:t’T Ehg

apylxcations 9:” the appaiiants b

aansitiered if they are ilxelgéadtifiées ‘Qjf”.VV«.3fi;1;;_,a;;ge V

accauntantg’ such obsaxvatidn a;ccor§::i;;1gi” ‘:9 ‘;*::;s is

witheut any va;1d zea$6a§E, V$h§fi*-ia§7 §fiéa nét
Frcxkzibit a. 1:»er$»::=.1?.. ‘®s?i:f”a:. 1:;””A-an*é.:ut:;a:’-ggzect;
cultxvaticn ta ‘ m%k% ,iflgnh : %§p;;cat;Qg £9:
ra>§u;a,r:§.zat1§:f§’ 311$ the a@::§,.:.i;,;Qns
iaid agwg fin §§§j$%;é gewéfigé $$£ and Ruies, as a
¢3.t;z&:’:;’_V4a§:’..V.V£*.:3;*”;V:.i?V¢:_§_ entsigtleé ta get an
®rfieri;n_h§$ £3§§u#i%fiaac¢@rdanae with law, fiaraly
begausé §§me’¢fi §§§V%éiatives axe wmrkgng in tha

revenaa aayaftemt sauna: be a dafiqgalifimatxcn far

~,thé%’3§¢a$$%nt§ ‘fifi mxa finch appi$¢ati@ns at to

._e:1§;L.;;é¢A:.,_ “~?,i;eV’ja5§:.t11ex-.1t:.e,s to xeject the appiicatmns


R’V “é,[ in the rasuit, this appea; is aiiawed in paxt.

u” ;§é$ cf thé Learnaé singia gnége in diregtzng the

E”-j afitharzties net :9 canagdar the appi;§ati@ns of the

aype;lant3f if they are tag reiateé :5 the vxilaga


asammtaxztsf xaizm , shivmmjegmeda and §axas . A4

is mmby deiatefi am. wa «arm: the ¢:;1:m;i.ttee_

mnsider the ayyixaations cf the appeLiav$V;tsb”a;§..V

as E-~s§ & 5 an rzerztg and 3.12 aefgordange with

V I . _ T — . ” ‘azzzazea


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