B S Swarnamba vs B.S.Anantharaman on 28 July, 2009

Karnataka High Court
B S Swarnamba vs B.S.Anantharaman on 28 July, 2009
Author: S.Abdul Nazeer


DATED THIS THE 23% DAY oimvny " "T 


TI-IE HGEFBLE MR. JUsT1cE'n§z1§é;gg   

Eeeguiar Firs: A;:>p€:ai N{).14§9----1VVf2£){??A (mIje':';:;-.. 




:5 5; swaiemrvzag  ,
£3[€}ESHAMBAS?§i_V'2'&N  I .
fifrfifl ABOUT 4,5  _    
I%,2'A'I' NG,30g'«i{.«' 'gc>VL*;';*:1s:_»:>.3:3*;._4{3;V_  ' _ ,
my MMN, c1:1.&,%;é:_A§zAJP%3;T_V  '.  

.9 L HA;~§:.:3H._ *  _   ' -
S ,1 <3 LATE P. R.La§<$I«irviAN5N'--- .. _ 

!zf"3§'iD $'s,Bf§}§}'f' :39 YRS  ' _

%":,i<;.iAEv£AN    '-
$;0,,g;aTELA.;D.R.L.A1~;- Lé;'1'~§§ jié, R.i;§..ffi$HMANAN
gaAgc=:z%rf«:;5"§e:: was

. APPiLw§:TS':9:? -72:: 4 ARE:

 V.§2;'AT i'€'}7', 4TH MAR'?
 _»:j:}=¥;¥*.1}.§AR£€JPE'I', BA£'Q'Gr5:L{}RE 28


 _ *;j8*:? _S:%.;':v::a.I§HU§~2AmTa S ?AE3&K§, Aim;

 1 ._.ga1m:f  "

Sfifs LME g Sfi;MB1%8i~iEVz%E'€
,a'4':.£:}€£i'i aazjiuifi' 63 ?'RS:

£2?/A'? :a:<1:~sz::;4::: gzzzm :~:f__Nr§.'

and 3:7, Southern portion meqsurifig__Ea.$f to 'ififasf : " 
30 feet 8 irzches'. and North '-.:Saut.h .3?f,*'e:é€,,3.   

aliattecl to the piaiztttjdffmspoizgigéiiitv_2\§'q:1,3;  
jointly and they s!1a££"§9:éé:%'~ a§2§§c2i1;_aé"owr1er$ {if
fihe said premises   not
have any fight     said
praperty is   if:  schedule
"A" as mfg  Vfeferred to as

Schedugle-34?   ~

95 am: airffize ;;rgss,i§s§§§L%%.:§éanng No.36 and 3?;

Norft}'§efi'z..porizz:z1_V_V'iriea.éur£ng East' is West on ma

 °;"sfQz'*i%i§2fzi=.si€Ie; 3 7fé{éfplus 23 feet 8 zireches cmci on
 soagfiern gavge 30 feet 8 inches and Ncmih to

Sc~.££z'%Ai Off  iifistem side -46 feet plus 7 feet and
an 'hike "--V§V{:3%em side 53 feet is ailntted 3:: the

  :"'apJpe£l:aniS jointly and they shaii be the absoiute

 ¢i.zs;_':{L§;%:%s cf me saici gsrcriéon and the respondents

T Séftali mt have any right ever’ the Santa. The said
” f:§or€i0;2 afiozfiéed :5 the appeflants is mare fuliy

descrifieci in the Scheduleffi” hereunder and




izereinafier referrezi ‘:59 as Scheduie–“‘iB”‘ properfg

The Common Passage qf’.5}’%., width running fiiorth -f -VA’
to South fmm the 4:}: Mair: Koaci up to ma j

Schedule “E” prcperty shail be cemmcm
for the Appezzams and Sn’ 8. S.R,Kri:§%znci§ ‘ ”

3, The respemfive pa.rf£ie.s’T’f*.r_;Vve Vbaéxn
exclusive possession cg’ the
schéduie “[8” praperiies, fegpecfiéeiyjg
shail be enfitied is have $:;?.1a”vV:’_2v’:?53:’~:i-‘gi?€8C§i,’i¥,?€’
scszeduze-W andv-Sched*u2’é:~5B’ “” éézaae

in their ?’€S§33V£§TfTIj’£”U’¢’:;§,’*”‘.}%?.L?,I’}:;é;E,’S€ estjéy them
exciusiveiy fa;1e”graup and
the Resg”;i0?’:é&fe:§.i;s_v ‘7a:r§ct}’:;er without me

a:-{aim of <$:1:e"g3*a'z§fi __éiher group.

4, .Pqr.rz_jies have no other claim

«- ” egg}: Vvccathgg?-j « ….. .. v

évuajgfigézeiiants and respondents 3: 3, 4
anfi ‘ $hfil§f’~ (.’f};–flp€f&fE with each ether in the

‘ ‘r;zf2.aite§49’ af”‘enjo:’yirzg the Jfacéiities 0;” water suppiy;
electricity zines to pass through
V giiéoréh-»;*§L;?2e&u£e 5%’ and Scheduie “.53 prapersies as

V’ be required far wnnecfing the $:::id facilities

V'”-._”*2o’zhepubziczme.s’ .



Propertr; ctllottad to thc Respondents 1,3,4 wtQ_§_,,
Southerz1 partion cgf ali that piece and parc¢2Z_ 0f ‘

the property bearing No.36 and 3¥’§””sétt;c1t ‘eV’i§f§f”;:;f§éa, ‘

Mair: Read, 3″? Cross, Chamarcg,fc§::;et:;”;’3rin;qr;Iafé»~’ H

550 023: saw Ward No.45, -.:31ea.§t:rfii2§; Er;.=’..’:i-3 so ‘

West 30 feet 8 inches and Mar: sow; ‘affiféeg

and baunded on: A . _
East – Pm-party befififig f~fQ§’;;;3§3, .’I3.駣s}%:ging
to B.S{,R. Krft;$.h;.i;z; V ‘» __
West -« bé:_ar1%IgE~’:N0,»i¢2.,;_~~g;iriV;ef
b£3’£:;__:igi:*;-‘.g ‘£9: Sréizgttttaidh

North §- ____ Egfnszinifig p<5fi'_iafi'of2¥p§'36 and 37'
'V 7 "aZ?;r3ttetE 'in '€~hjé-Apgjellaiits (Sczheduie
. " ' ..

South 4′ 4′ f3o?”ns_e5w*ii:::r1c2_.f}?2:3t3;d
” to the apgeztants
portion 9;’ exit that piece and parrrei

._sfig;*f_§?:s%’:V;§;*>?t§;§:é}?f§3 bearing No.35 and 37: simate in

433 1;as:z.£}né~(V. ‘Road: 3% Cross; Chamarcgiapet:
Bang:§LE9_re~56G 018; BBMP Ward 5:20.45;

” ‘~ East ta West on the Norihem wide 2?’
feet p£?,£.%* 23 feet 8 izrtches and 012 the Scuthem

side Sfi feet 8 inczhes and North ta South an the

Eastern side 46 fee: péus E’ feet azgzé am; the
Wefiem side 53f’ee’t and fiezmded on:



East – Pmperty bearing No.38; belonging to .4_’

E. SE. Krishrza

West – Property bearing No.41; belonging
to EN. Srikazttaiah 9

North – Propefly belonging to thézeichiidferikgf 4′ ‘ ” V

{ate Subba Rae, passage 7e;n::E_
thereafier 431 Mair1.I€e_c_;d ”

South -V Remaining periian qf1t2§}’e6 and
allotted to the_.Respq:1de?1tsJ}{o. 2, 3,
«vi and 5 (schegmie fpfegeflyj
7′”m§~*or clarity §éE£ete}L–.izzeZieei€fng the
Scheduie — fAi*’.. 2 s§;e¢;z;§ze ;’£e»” gxéopeny is
enclosed ‘ ”

i9V’fh,erejE3re,”‘V pray that the abeve
Cempremiseeébe the suit be decreed
in ierme cgf t4§§;e._:et»s*e=eé)eA’£23;} ??zod'{fying the decree of
5K’:{;;;2»§r£..e_ “es—–«’Fina£ Decree be dzmen

”’._:g,:;e€3rriirzgiy} : interest of ”

as also the respondents are present

” the ” Respenderzé .Ne.2 – the Bruhai:

4j”*-VEa1ig$e1fef.’Mahenagara ?a£ike is éeieteei from the array

17he_§_1a1’tiee ae mt) reiief is eeugizt against it’ Learned

‘ fc0:.i:’1sei filer the parties suhxrxit that since the matter has

Beet} eetiied Ebeiween the peri:ies, the appee} may be


disposed of in §:6.”I’I}’1S 01′ the: compromise p&1:it;io1:t refkrred

{:3 abcve.

6. It is evicient fram the {3()iIipI’0}iI1iS€ petjtioxi ;. A4

pa:*ti€:$ have sigxied the seine and they adxnit _i’w ”

signed the Compromise petititm. Havigagfiv is A’

learned caunsei for thfit parties, am séégtifiiifid «ting;

C0}’I1pI’OIIliiS(i’: €:nt;€red into partiés ‘i«S:viaWf§ff11I,
just and reasonabie. (3{s1″e$seq¥¢.1e1§;:;L_xf’;”* f§}ijié appeal is
disposed 0111″; tc=:rzx1s_o3″V_t:heZxédiixfirénijitgz 1§t’:ti:{i2″‘:é:i referI’€: …__<_i§.fiCi'€fi f¥II'i]3LlgI}€(} hcitmira
stands medifieci as:eo:"fiii:gif;€'"*-Tfié sketch <z1:::.Ck}se<:i along
with thegr;;§;i;i1;"31'oI11iS:+:.__§éiiti§s3;1 silaii be Inade a part Qf £1113

{la-:_ree'.= ., 'fI'i":~€5 E§fi:$g;iS§I"§:' is direuted is draw the finai decree

aCc81;(i%i'1;gi§.»". N9-sagfiis. Sal 1



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