Farukh Khadar Jamadar vs The State Of Karnataka on 29 January, 2010

Karnataka High Court
Farukh Khadar Jamadar vs The State Of Karnataka on 29 January, 2010
Author: Arali Nagaraj

DATED Tms THE 29"" DAY or JANUARY 2010 


THE HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE ARALI NA'G__A?E1::Ax§:.i_i.''~ 1% '  '

CRL.P. N0. 8193/2s 009iip' «A 


Farukh Khadar Jarnadar __

Age: Major, Occ:  5
R/o. Kahanapur, Dist: Be1gaU.'ni1-.- *   
V    V' --   ._5...Petitione1'.
(By Sri.Bahubali A, Dpavnawade,' 'z;Mi.v'o.e~ateL)«~:. 

AND: Vp'pag." """

The State of:'V'Ka1'.natai{a;'vs   '

Represented by 'Dharwa"--  

 _  v_ ...Respondent.
(By. Sri.P..fjH.Gotkhin'd_i,p HCVGP.)

frmsiici:is{iis{stpreemies is filed U/S.482 Cr.P.C. by the

1"s,_advoca'te"fo1' thejjpietitioner' praying that this Hon'b1e Court
rnay be "'p1ea_vsed¥'to quash the impugned order of taking
.._ipi'oQgnizanee5 dated 5/E./2008, passed in C.C.No.3'7/2008 and
4_e'on'seq.ue_ntly'"quash the charge sheet filed for the offences

_   U/Secs.406, 467, 471, 420 r/w.Sec.34 of1PC, in
'*f=._so._far"~.asthe petitioner is concerned and grant such other




This petition coming on for admission this day,_..___the
Court made the following: 7 

Though this matter is listed today for ‘ad:miV’sVsiii’ciin;

having regard to the nature of the

matter is taken for final disposal by coinsent of1.tl?1ei Vi1ei’arriei(ji

counsel for the petitioner and tihe_l’leVarne’d Court
Government Pleader. g

2) Perused the impugin«ed’ii..io,rd’iei-..idated 5/1/2008

passed in cognizance of the
offences puniishiable2.iU;XSeic”s.iVZi’ili6, 467, 471 and 420

r/wtSec.3-éléggjof l.PCia’g.a_i_iinst all the accused therein including

the’p_res’ent peiitiitioinnevr who is accused No.5.

3)ii’,__TIt ivS.iisiu.blrnitted by the learned counsel for the

–‘«p’.evti««t__iCu.ner th’a,t_if the said Criminal Case is at the stage of

.,,/._:’–g_h*eariing’argurnents before the charge. When that is so, the

would be at liberty to seek an order of discharge

iiiii’~v,iL”asii”provided U/Sec.239 of Cr.P.C., since the offences


alleged against him are warrant cases and the procedure for

trial of Warrant cases has to be adopted by the Trial

4) Hence the present petition is dispo.s.eI,3u_:”flVf

-~””””‘ am”

liberty to the petitioner to sleek o3Ep1ep…oi;fi’lidihsohafgle-,__laVs1T.l

N .

provided U/Sec.239 of Cr.P.C. ‘filing’pro-per~’Va1:i.pl,igat.lori

before the Trial Court.

H%r_§ :§,{r Sd/;

– ;»,r;JUDGE



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