Mohammad Abdul Majeed vs The State Of Karnataka on 11 August, 2008

Karnataka High Court
Mohammad Abdul Majeed vs The State Of Karnataka on 11 August, 2008
Author: L.Narayana Swamy
EN 'mE HIGH COURT QB' KARNATAI{§§.:«'." ' 5 \   

CIRCUYI' BENCH AT C}ULBARE'§;'1'v--« 1:j'_».   %
BEFOREZ3 " '4 '

THE :»IN'BLB MR. JUST¥CE_'L.N2§R'1%YANA'*f:§§ifA§\&'f; 

DATED THIS THE 11'£'I~i;i:s:§Aijaifsiiffzxiioég

BETWEEN:      é 2
Sri Mohammadm;d%1i:}%:2:a3e::,%:1;  A  
8/ 0 Mohammad'. Ailggiggi Rfihailiali 
Aged about-3'9 Y3?-1'§,"A::§:.;  " _  
QCC: Assistant 13i1gi;1ger%o:ggi«a:1;z wages,
In the ofiice of the A$$istaI}t'T'E'(rigineer,

P 85 D sub--1):y:'sc;n, 51da1~._  «

.. Patitionez'.

 (£33,?  S.Shasi:ry, Adv.)

1u.  '  The of Karznataka,

 Rwrgp. By its Secretary to
 .Go§emment, Rum} lfiavelopment and
"..Pa'1i'1(:hayat Rfi Department, IvI.S.fiui1z:¥i3:1g

Vt   Bangalore.

  The Zilia Panchayat,

Bidar, By its Chief Executive
Qfiicer, Bidar.

pweiitienar, it is for the Government {G take de<_::ié§if;1:c5:*--:iI":

service, if the petitioner is contiméug ifi” :~:¢1″ai§t€g,_tii};”§)ef;f2a_ner;t’

arrangement is made angi if thie–p.ué:’§:iti€:;1_er hasv-n,::2{ bean paid
salary, than Respondenfs” »f.ih”£3cted to pay the
same within a of date of rexeipt

of Copy of t§r}_1«g=;1:’:’-»’ V V’

Witf: €JE3;;e:§%3.tia§i”~t1}6_1&’:’it petitiezl is dispased.

Lea1’i'”i€.C_i C’:<}\?(i:ETIi;3it:1%iiZ"~-z?3§i§i}§}Ca"£€ is permitted :0 I116 memo

of appearanca x£*&thjn'tsVd weeks.



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