Mohan Lal vs Bhera Ram on 28 April, 2010

Rajasthan High Court – Jodhpur
Mohan Lal vs Bhera Ram on 28 April, 2010

              S.B. Civil Writ Petition No.8757/2009
                            Mohan Lal
                           Bhera Ram

Date of Order: 28.4.2010

              HON'BLE MR. PRAKASH TATIA, J.

Mr. Moti Singh, for the petitioner.

Heard learned counsel for the petitioner.

The petitioner is aggrieved against the order dated

10.8.2009 passed by the court of Civil Judge (Jr. Div.) & Judicial

Magistrate, First Class, Pali Marwad whereby the trial court

rejected the petitioner’s application seeking virtually striking of

the counter claim of the defendant or separating it from the suit

of the plaintiff on the ground that the plaintiff filed the suit for

specific property by giving its complete neighbourhood which has

been admitted by the defendant in the written statement and the

defendant in the counter claim has claimed relief for altogether a

different property which may be belonging to the defendant. It

is submitted that it is not permissible for defendant to seek any

relief other than the relief, which has relation with the subject

matter. According to learned counsel for the petitioner,

therefore, the counter claim can be separated.

I considered the submissions of learned counsel for the

petitioner and perused the facts stated in the counter claim. In

para no.5 of the counter claim, the defendant specifically

pleaded that plaintiff do not want measurement of the plot in

question and wants to encroach upon the defendant’s plot and

this is so because of the reason that other persons namely Om

Prakash and Kanaram encroached upon the plaintiff’s plot.

Therefore, the plaintiff wants to take possession of the property

of the defendant in the garb of the present suit.

From the facts mentioned in para no.5 of the counter claim

it is clear that it is not a case of dispute of title rather it is a case

of disputed identity of the property and location of the pot and

defendant has pleaded that he is not disputing the petitioner’s

property but in the garb of that claim if plaintiff wants to

encroach upon the defendant’s plots then it is the defendant who

is entitled to relief for injunction by showing that the plot for

which in fact suit has been filed is in the boundary of the

defendant’s plot. All these facts can be decided after evidence

and cannot be decided by way of application nor the counter

claim can be rejected without deciding the pleas taken in counter

claim. Therefore, the trial court has not committed any error of

law in any manner.

In view of the above, there is no merit in this writ petition

and the same is hereby dismissed.




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