M/S Ibex Gallagher Pvt Ltd vs Sri N Harish Bheemaiah on 22 September, 2010

Karnataka High Court
M/S Ibex Gallagher Pvt Ltd vs Sri N Harish Bheemaiah on 22 September, 2010
Author: Huluvadi G.Ramesh



DATED TI-{IS 'THE 221»-1 DAY cm  

'rm: HOFFBLE mm. JUS'I'ICE-  4 'mm':  
 . no.~51*a;%2c@_   % %
BE WEE:     

Ita registered Head C}fl'x;9"at f *   
No.175f 54, I?a.j*£11:}.Taaj?i1as;=_R«€;a.-2:::i,   
4'  ~    
Mr.Ra_je.,sh H;R;:   

S-Io.  . . . APPELLANT

  "   (By .'4Siv'fi"I~.i::;'j:1"I.' Vidyadhar, Adv.)

% A3:-LN; €I~Ié1i'?£:I1..13heemaA      ,
'-ES/Vo';  52 years,

Pmp. *£?r»9s?§:=:zj'V'I'-:5;:b;~~Ir1dia, 110.531,
 Road-;jNr3.ar Double Tank,

 _LaxIizipu;°*ar_:1--,V'Myaore--04. .. . RESPONDENT

_ Criminal Appeal is filed u]s.3’78(-4) of Cr.FC
V to net aside the Judgment and order of acquittal
29.2.2003 in CrI.A.No.818/ 2007 paased by the XXVI
ufiddl City Civil as Sassions Judge, Bangalore City, acquitting
, respondent/acrzuaed for the ofl’ence pf under %tion.13-B
ofthe KI Act.

This Criminal Appeal coming on for hearirg this day,
the court delivered the fiallogzyxgz

mas appeal is by the oomplairmnt by

the order of acquittal of the respondent ~–

the XXXVI Aden. City cm and s<g35ior_saJ;1dsge§,%%a

Criminal Appeal Na.s13/2007 – * V

2. A complaint was tVhe
rmpondent — accused afV’AC1§aque iasued,
which is dmwn_on % R;a.1,52,7oo;– lent in
commotion On presentation of
the with an endorsement

After isauance of aged

to he filed. The learned IUI.ap}3t1’ate,

the basis of the complaint filcd, has

and sentenced in pay Ra.1,63,DOO[~.

xpay U16 amount, the accused to suffer SI for on:

V’ out of the ordered amount, an amount of

shall be remitted to the State as fine. Aga.1ns’ t

, the accused preferrai an appeal in Criminal App-aal

110.818} 2007. The Appellate Court on the ground that
nothing has been stated by the complainant as to what was


the amount due, opined that the complainant has failed to

prove the and to discharge the liability, was

issued and therefore, reversed the finding of !A:heJ:f

in aoquitting the accused. Against Which,


4. The, lower of
Judgment noted the aV1v: E;:.D-1 Written
by the complainant it is admitted

that stopped the practice of

that, the complajxlant allaeg

on fencing mate:-na’ I was supplied and

. E;-aflae, t’heyV” “”” agreed to aupply on cash terms in

1s}_:):1’Vt¢;:_ bf Also, a request was macie to rebook the

Ex.D-2 is the subaequcnt letter of the

‘ to the accused. Thereafler, Ex.D–3 was. sent by

‘arécuscd to the complainant, whercin a bkanl-: cheque

with date and amount was encbsed to enable the

V x conxplajrlant to draw the total cost of that materials and it was

hoped that a punirtitve wouki be taken to supply



materials to Tata Coffee em, Aooorditlgm the accused
requested to send the matxariefls to Tat:-1 ooffiese. Theflppellate

Court having noted that no ev’n:1ence is

supplied the material either to the accused 0%

ami also in the absence of proof :Jif”‘é1tx:21}1}:1t

documentary evidence, held that A

cannot be believed. mum; fine year
2002, signed blank oheqge theaccused to the
complainant and that pmduced any
accounts materials auch as
Exhibite»./’D41 ” ly, the Appefiahe Court

formed the accused has rebutted the

the complainant has failed to prove

the lower Appellate Court noting the

we sent along with Ex.D-3 for supply of

that until and unless supply of material is

there is no enforceable debt. However,

%% upon the order ofthe Trial Court that if accused

. tn cent: as security, there was no necessity fiur him

tn give a blank signed cheque and the accused ought to have

given the cheque a1:m1unt,it has opined the


Trial Court has committed an error. Accordingly, the
Appellate Court opining that the order of the in

perverse, acquitted the accused.

5. In the case on hand, although

convicted the accused and orde’1?éAd”‘ta&_

Rs.1,e3,0oo;-, what is X

question was issued in ‘ busmea° Va
tramaction and thfi A<.)pir1:';-ii a blank
cheque ought not to £113 accused to the

the cheque mentiomn.g'
the V Court having noted the

fie complairmnt and the accused

o"u__ceI*ta:1nV; 'aocumenm Praduced i..=.-., Exhibits 131

mapped sendmg' that'. n:1atena1' on credit

aocused sent an advance blank cheque

% supply of material, that it was the boundazu duty

to produce the books of accounts to allow

VT the mater1a1a' were supplied and despite that, if on

u x presentation of the cheque, the cheque was dishonourcd,

theI1onlytheaoc:u.sedwwou1dbeIiabIe andintheakaenne of

such material being produocd. he has opined that the order of

t11e’I’rialCourtis erroneous. _ 2

6. A1thou.gh, presumption is available!

of thc ommplajnant, the accused is shown to

the presumption by adducing cogent

the documents which are in df e J

between the accused ans!
Exhibits 13-1 to 13-3, documents

produced by the accuaea’ the DD to the
oomp1a5n£%for*%é?az1ci%%%1é5.30.00ot- and also Exhibits
13-14 to _– for which the witrnass for

the .’pIu;e;i;de:d hia ignorance. The accused

made “”” H snrnce-° re attempt to rebut the

. Eézasoning given by the Appellate Court is that it

apac:Lf ” ’11: stand of the comp1flJI’1B11t’ that the mater1.a.1′

be supplied only on such payment and atoppad

VT the materiah on c@it basis. Hecessm-ily, the

‘ eornplairxant ought to have shown that the materials ware:

supplied, but no documents have been produced in this



regard to show that t.hc:re is a Legally enforceable debt. Might
be the cheque issued by the accused to the complainaxxt for

supply of materials was dishonoured an the

Appellate Court, but the oomplaiiumt failed

material and failed to prove the Q3 Ea’

error on-rnm1’tt.cd by the AppcI1a£e.__ ‘A J

findirg of the Trial Court.

Accordingly, the


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