N Sarojamma vs M/S Govardhan Theatre on 31 March, 2008

Karnataka High Court
N Sarojamma vs M/S Govardhan Theatre on 31 March, 2008
Author: H.Billappa


mm nus 'ms 31" may or mncn  %


ma HON'Bl.E MR.    & '

:   7 I  


1. N.Sai*oja_jm;n"a,'*w--.      .
A9ed3t>¢Lrt%s%4% '
aw/0 IY'Y3s'r3pa _' --
23. Svumifiifig 5?'  %
Bangafom-22_.  " 

 2.  ..... ..

._ "  60 yérs,
%  3%'/_'cs= I;vS§d»3shiva Ready.

3. A  p.A.a¢pan»;a may,

 Agedamm: 41 years,
".-Nib Prabhakara Rfidy,

%%  Govardhan,

Aged about 39 vars,
S/o Lsadmhiva Raddy.

2 am 4 are r/at No.895, 4"' cm,
16"' Main, MICO Layout,
B'm II Sage,

Bangazore --- S60 0276.   1  %  T 1 

(Common in

(By sn Yoganarasimha,   " 
AND:   A.

1. M/s.Gov§rdhanmeau»e,...[ 
AFirmofPa_rmmrs,VV....._jV.   ' '
45/2, xndssaiaa suburb.   A. 
Yeshwai'3tha_pur, .T'un1kyr Read, 
33"?'-"°'3'    «' 

2. M/s; unsted0xvW!..%:a. Pvt. Ltx!.,
, -- by its Managing Director,
  46:2, Yesmeanthapur, Tumkur Row,
 aangam - 550 022.

    Toots (Pvt) m,

. '  by Em? Dirwtor,
 4.6/2,.'(esmvanfl1apw, Tumleur Road,
 - 566 022.  RESPONDENTS

35?. M/s. Gmmsdhanv lheatre.

A firm of Partners, 46/2,
Induwial Suburb, Yahwanthapur,
‘Turnkur Rom, Bangalore ~— 22

by its Manning Director.


Lnarayana Raddy,
Aged about 63 years,
23/1, V Cross, I Main Road,


Bangalore — 22.

C.M.Krishna Raddy,  
Aged about 58 yars,  

S/o  Redd?-_     _ --.. 

C. Mvaradaraja     " 

Aged about 65 yams,-1

Both are  1' H .


 '.  Sn      ..... .. 7

"  50 years,

A ' %  {W/6 c.M.Monan Raddy,

. R.faEt..§’»:em”arwjaIi, No.55/A,
%% 13″”C§m3s, IVMain,

“‘ 3-

” Since mi by his U25.

Aged abwt 52 years,


wlo Lm R.Samnal:h Kumar.

(b) Dhanaiakshrtfi,

Aged about 30 years,
D10 Late R.Sampath Kumar.

Boa’: are residing at M02911,
1″ ‘A’ Main, Shixmahailép
Bangalore — 10. V

7. R.Kuppamma,
Aged about 32 years,
W/oLateG.Raja Raddy, %
No.49, III crom,c,~a;aupu:~am,
BangaIore–~21. * –

8. M/s.

546/2,’Yae;€!fnn{a:1tha;)u;, Tumiaxr Road,
Bangaiare ‘- ‘

9. M/s. Eariaofloy 1?::ois.{Pvt.) Ltd.,
5 by its Managing Ezirectm,
yj apur, Tumkur Road,
” — 560 022. RESPONDENTS

‘V Sr. Contact for
‘ _ 5.LJ%h, Adv.,, for R-1)


gum R.s=.A.’gp_aga 1.3/5. 95 Riw. onder 41 Rule 1 of cm

against the judgment and cmee dazed 31.3.1999 passed in
* 1108189 by me V Add. City Civil Judge, Bangalare,

— cfismiming the suit for dactarafian and .


delivered the foflcwing:-



These two appeas filed by the plaintiffs am
against me judgment am decrees dated 31.o3.1%999kk

by the v Addi. City ma Judge, Bangalore, in


2. By the impugned

court has dismm-zed’ we sure: ésgj*o.s.§to.11ea[m9Tand

granzea ;:d9;19-39 for 1/8″‘ share with symbolic

.?..f that, me appeIIanm–p|am’fis have

% 4., mead the fad: in o.s.no. um/39 are as

% x erimnas planfiff, 1.5% may, med suit in

‘ VA .~.0i.S.No.11G8/89 for mandatory injunction and p<%ion


preperty. According tn him, sat sdzedule is a
portion of see No.1A, which has been aimted up hia1j;bjI,:t:fse

erstwhile C.I.T.B. and poesssion certificate .

on 31.08.1970 and Lease-cum-safe' "–7ai:=}a 'V

executed in his favour and he

enjoyment of sine No.1/A. It is , s;seeaeme kk

property being a port:i§Jaa.'1of_Asi£:e'V' "of super
structures and me and

5;. ex: the piaintiff, i.e.,
six emers purchfi the

p . 1% j'iar}d«e§_e eueepe and it memes in at same Sq.H:.

partnership firm by name M/s.Go\ardhan

_ 1" defendant and it mme into existence from

_ i9e.9a..19?i and dzereaflaez it took on lame the wjacmt sine

regmrea lame deed dated 25.05.1973.


5. 111eo:igindpiaI?nfiffw$orreof|iveparju{&s.of

the 1* defendant firm. Later on, the

mm others refired from the 1%

partnership was reconstituted on

defendant built the

piaintiff permitted the first of ms
site and thus, the 1*’ “if: possession
of the sat ecnee.-ee was built,

some up in the sat sctmule
property,’ go er things of the 1* defendant.
net out a poruen of the mining to me

they are in occupation of me suit


‘me 1″ defendant is in permissive possession of

‘ scmule property and has put up etmcmres in an

% cf time. me plainfiff is not a party m the connect or

any understanding betvmen the defendants intense. The

plaintiff is the absoiute owner of the suit scheduke propmy.

The 1” defandant has mzproved pmpeny,

8. Vacant space

is part of site No.1A has mad by “turd.

shoring bricks, on
mabariais. The plainatfis max works by
name Govarflhafi No.1 suddenly
turned injunction

9.’ has filed its written statement

firm: defendant is a nagmed’ firm fit-.u:aed’

1c};9.197:L22.%% As per the registered sale deed dam

& & iannag irv{Sy.Nos. 4511A and 4512A of mhwanmpur, Bangalore

Taiuk, bearing Munidpa No.46. He mad the property,

a favour of eight persons, namdy I.Sadmhiva Raddy,


I.Narayma Ready, N.Radhak3-ishna Ready, N.Nagaraj,
C.M.Krishna Reddy, cmvamamju Raddy, R.San§_9afi:fi_:’a’nd

Smt. Kuppamma, through regimred sale

2.5.1959 and 5.3.1971.

10. The said 8 to

Site No. 1A measuring East tn no
South 0+170’/2 and the work
no the plaintiff and contxibiji;ed.”éq§.;aE’£yv…”j’i99’f34ainfiff became

in §_.e., Site No.1A. merem, the
piaintiff mam dated 9.3.1971 agmmm

joinfiy. The agreement damd

9′.S..’19.7:”1._:vis.,’a::fi$gistered document and site mm has been

hesg;95oe:§u9y %aha possasm by an. The plaintiff is not in

“‘-..¢xc!t1siv§1~ possession of the site No.1A, mucmm the suit

r property. Since 25.5.1973 the 2″ defendant is in

and enjoyment of the site No.1A as twee and

super-smxrmrams, fiencing, and stone piiiars have been put up

by the 1” defendant.


11. As per the docummts dam-.1 2.5.1959, ..s.3f;19?_1,

27.7.1970 9 9.3.1971, eight persons including

in possmon of three hits of land beafing ” ‘V

9 46/2A. Out of eight

N.Radh|a-ishna Reddy and gm”

deed in favour of their’ _an{A3A hoiding
2/&e’=5ha1’e. .

12. seven others

‘U79 It came into mcmence an
1o.9.1972k97a.m1 on 13.9.1972. The

__of that he and six others had

of land and itwafs (rakes: on lease by the

been denied and it is mmaenaea, the mac

and me suit: scheduie property is also a part of the

‘ deed and the tease is for a paiod of % years mm an

optian fa’ renewal.


13. The 1″ defendant is in pomemion

of me $13; bearing Municipat I§gs.46{2 K V’

me suit schedule property.

14. In terms of 1?’ took up
I |. of .. .. in
the} leasehold jg .by an end of
ocmber 1924%% At present, the
averments in para 4 of
me am it is amended, the tease
Md Cinema Theatre and me mar

are”iit””e:~cclm’1ve fiion and enjoyment of the

1:; is aiso the plaintiff has lost his

he is not the absoaum owner of the suit

‘..=.ct1edt.-A:’:¢=1.f’:.propertw,’ and tha-efone, has prayed for dismissal cf

15. ‘medefendana2and3ha\~efi!edfim’rwfitms’3

1st*aternents contending that they are privace iirmmd eompanies


l& ,–

and they are not in occupation of any portion of

scheduie prwerty and they are in occupation c-fja
the basement area of Govardhan and 1m: L g

have prayed for dismessaa ome st§f;’.__

15. The Trial court

1. Does soie and
absolute of f’ schedule

the 1″ defendant
. ” iein pomiissivo possession M the schedule

3. “o«..4whether’~suit….scheduIe property is part of
~ ~ _ property missed in 1″ defendant and
the ‘1″…defendant is in possession of it as

‘ ” _’ §£_’$SOf?

4; the property as described in the

‘ H vipiaint schedme is in m<i~stence and


suit schedafie property as tenants of 1*'

k% 5. Whether the 1*’ defendant has put up
sfiucizures on me suit schodum property

6. Whetherthesuithasbeen pmperiyvaiued
and court fee paid ‘:5 sufficient?



7. Whether piaintiff is entitied in a wcme cf____
mandatcry injunctian? W 2

3. Whether piaintiff is mpg: from c:aameng % % _


9. Whether piaintiffis enh’§j&d”t<3. L

the suit schedule T A. .1

10. Ta what other re'{i_ef_Vif pr%a éré1if§….i§.j’3 %
entitied no?

17. Issue No.1, 2, 5, 7
& 9 in mgnegam;e;%;asue’LjNe;&3,4,5 & 8 in the affirmafive and
1ssumq.1o”&.11k w pér fina! order and oonseqmuy, has

% k% ‘c::skaé:s% traasust paaantifl-‘.
by that, the agoenams have flied RFA .

5s3;99.L % %

” ” The learned counsei fm the appeliants cwantendm

” tiéxat the suit scheduie property is a porfion of site No.1A,

which has been aemea no me paasnarr, by the erstwhiie


C.I.T.B. and the plaintiff is are exclusive

schedule promrty and the 1″

possmsion of the suit scheduie ”

plainfiff is ent:tI’ ed for Hé

issues have been rramegs % 321% the bur:$eV§n is am
plated wrongiy. Farmer; is wrormv
construed and Funmr, he
benami provisions of Benami
Inviting my atwmon ho Ex.o.s,

he siAr’ice« iwsors have not become the

‘ V. used, stating that the lwrs are the

of any cmsequencm. It is therefore, he

the impugned judgment and decree cannot be

m 2&3mmmam.mamwbmuwm&



the plaintiff was one of the partners of the 1*’ 4_

Further, rm submmed that me 5

porfion of site mm which has _ L

by the erstmzhile C.I.T.B. Ha gamma * a

sale agreement has ‘of plaintiff.
Furtmr, he submnm produced any
titte deed, iE’x.P.1 pawn
certificate agreement. He also
%%exis:enee from 10.9.1972
and it and me siee was aim
prio§*-..:.~ that, as per Ex.D.3, the

% an agreement dated 9.3.1971 declaring

and own the site mm joinfly. He also

invimd” ‘on to the evidence of PW.1 and subsumed’

.’4 in his evidence has admma that site No.1lA was

jointiy. Further, he submilmd mat he withdraws are

T of benami. He aiso subnwru-ad’ that, by virtue of B<.D.3,


He also subn-am that, one Radhakrishwa

N.Nagaraj have executed a gift deed, in favour _

M.Geetha as per mam 04 am mjeWpia#nti£F~’~

mm tn the said gift me. ,;l’s£:.

plaintiff 5 mpped from daifirg

mvm: my atmnuon tome

that, in view’ of the cannot ciaim

firm to aiso subrnithad

that, “it is mm, aii the sews

Imsa,S’*A_a&~ sine No.1A and cm-efore, me

palaiwff the mcdusive cmner cf the suit

% k% he subnitted that Section 60 of

also mum in the way of the piantiff

daimirrgi He also swarmum that an the :w

% snagaahéve filed the stat for mam he summ
_ % 1′ plaintiff is mpped from damning pcmmmn and
the impugned jmgment and decree does not eat:

furirrha-term. Healsaplacedrfiiancacnthedwsioncf



the Hm’ble Supreme Court nepomea in AIR
573, no amend maze the plaintiff “

exctusive ownership to the suit    e

subrmtnea that   equity and
law, me law     that the
allotment      aflctrmnt rm hm:
made in    because we plaintiff
the     that there can be no



60 of the Easernemt Act. He also

tenant cannot deny the titie and the

owner can maintain the suit. He at-so

that the lease cum saie agreement provides that

r shat! not aiienahe the property and therefore,

agrmment centrary to this, cannot be of any

consequence. He, therefore, submimd that the impugned

judgment and decree cannot be sustained in law.



22. I have carefuliy considaed the subrnwon$___rnade

by the learned counsei for the parties.

23. The point mat asises for my

whether the impugned judgmen’c””‘amj’_ 2


24. It is rdevant suit

injunction and possess .igzfl..__ . is the

property. According in
him, the wit’ ” is a portion of site No.1/A,
wnicgrsnas ‘ _% asmea% t£.$:him., by the asimhiie crra. He has

% produced Exhibits P1 to P7. In his

vA’;;!%:inflff has stated mat see Nc.1A wm aflotted

bo”‘h§m,».f erstwhile CITB and possmnfion cmfifimee wa

2139. no mm and he is the exciusive mama’ of the suit

maty, which is pat cf site No.1A. Ex.P.1 is the



have ceased ta be the partners from 23-2-1977.

xerox cepy of the lease deed dated 1255- K

Lsadashivareddy, I.Narayanz§keHdy; 3 -I ‘A

C.M.Krishnareddy, C.M.Vamdarejareedyfl=«

Rsampath, in faveur of the first1Eieife:1dantVenc'{:it:§

25. The first derekseant suit schedule
property is adjecejjti-tc “Municipai No.46
and Lsadashivareddy,
I.Naray;gr}gv C.M.Krishna Raddy,
N.Radhei<riefiné Raddy, Kuppamma

and 'fiougfit 5: eézeeiring site Ne.1/A and therefore,

the to the paasnurf and contributed the

in pursuance of that, the plainfifi has

_ accA;1:éredv."vt!':e.LA i.e., site No.2/A and thereafter, he has

"an agreement dated 9-8-1937: in favoer of

'I';!V\Vi'a'ra§ranarecidy, Nagaraj, C .M.Kn'shnareddy,

VT :9' 'Nkladhakzishnareddy, C.M.Varadaraja Reddy, Kuppamma and

V U Sampath deciaring his intention to enjoy and own the



property jointly and each of them have got a ;eha.re.
Thereafizer, two of them, nameiy
N.Nagaraj have executed a gift: deed, in
M.Gee’d1a, as per Ex.D.4 (originai
signed the gift deed as a
Lsadashiva Raddy, I.Narayana
Reddy, C.M.Varadaraja and Sampath have
executed a leasedeed, i:ri”‘Fa§’.euffefijtiieihfieeiétiafendant and its
partners, ieasing out the
proper§es…beann§¥.;::E:A:N§_’ and also the suit
scheduie_ the piaintiff cannot ciaim

that he is exeiiusive of the suit schedule property

v _ancF.’:Lij*ie ‘frem’ doing 50.

V if of the defendants two witnesses have

M V’ . and eight documents have been produced.

his eiuidence, D.W.1 has stated that site No.1/A was

1′ in fawur of Sadashiva Reddy and he has executed an

we original 0g Ls?i1.{(J’1 Li €>< «36

' » " 'agreement dated 9~8-1971, a per Ex.D-3/iand as per Ex.D.3,



has aise stated that property bearing No.46/2 and 11A beiong

to the to-cnwners and aii the ccmwners have contrib_uted.._:the

amount and the propertia have been leased in

defendant No.1 and defendant °’ ‘V


2?. Em)-1 is the ext’ta c—t…of ttregiister

shows that piaintiff i.e., others
nameiy I.Narayana and I.Raghava
Raddy have f.rom;;tHe: 23-2-1977.
Ex.D-2 is the constitution ef the
firm. H330 Lsadashiva Raddy,
I.Naraya’na .Reddy and I.Raghava Raddy

have vretiret:l””frc_:’m V1%:ii–1e ‘E’_isrm§»LV Ex.D-3 (original Ex.D.6) is the

dated “””§’–8-19?: executed by the plaintiff i.e.,

in faveur of I.Naray-ana Raddy,

V Raddy, N.Nagaraja, C.M.Krishnareddy,

4″=. ‘C.,M,Vata£}araja Raddy, Kuppamma and Sampafla dedaring his

a._é’z’ntes:tAi’e~n ea awn and enjoy the property i.e._. site No.1/A


deed as a consenfing witness. Thereafter, I.Sadashiv.e

Udarayana Raddy, M.Geetha, C.M.Knshne*~

C.M.Varadaraja Raddy, Kuppamrna””‘ and have.&*hh

executed a tease deed detect 25-5–41e9:*3_htTas

favour of the first defendant ewey 1’

‘are the joint owners. In the ‘firs: defendant

has put up the construction Now
the plaintiff ‘Vheilis of the suit
schedule ‘ a h ‘

2V9,’ ” contended by the {earned

counsel apgtneflz-zhntu, defendant No.1 cannot raise the

r .pIee._jof henarni, vfiewof the specific bar under section 4 of

fact remaire, the piaintiff, by his conduct has

Ehnzention to enjoy and own the propety joinfiy

thereafter, has signed me gift dead as a consenting

A and ewereafter, has executed the lease deed aiong

..w%th the others stating that they are the joint owners.

V Therefore, the plainfiff cannot contend, he is the exctusive


needs to be moulded. He also submitted that the t31ai ‘Co.L:rt

has granted 1/8″‘ share with symboiic

1/7″‘ share with physica! possession and therefosfi, teiief’ ~

needs to be mouided.

32. As against thés, the learned coon$el’: for’;

rfipondent contended that the as
there is a renewal c|ause{j~« that teal Court
has rightiy granted 1/8’*v’A.s!*3.:a’_rje énoi..Lthéref;o%e*,’V”it does not can

for interference. i V’
‘IA coneidefed the submissions made
by the !earned’coon.§§e§.eFor.:t::se «parties.

_ 34, ‘it reieventto note, the trial Court has granted

‘ V’ ‘A1/8″‘ éhézdfe with syrntioiic possasion. There are eight sharers.

uha’$%e gifted their share in favour of their sister

M.{3″eetna’.’ Therefore, the tea! Court has granted 1/8″‘ share,

Therefore, it does not cat} for interference.

.’ Hovveizer, in so far as symboiic possession is concerned, it


needs to be modified as the lease period is ever and vacant

space is aiso avaiiable.

35. Therefore, the appeal is allowed in

judgment and decree passed by _:.-he ‘*

O.S.No.1109/89 stands modified gsanerag 1;’a%*e %

physicai powsion. etake steps, £n
accordance to



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