Ramesh vs Sangappa on 4 August, 2009

Karnataka High Court
Ramesh vs Sangappa on 4 August, 2009
Author: Mohan Shantanagoudar B.V.Nagarathna
MFA No.10'?8 of 2008

IN mm HIGH comm 01-' KARNATAKAL  
cmcurr BENCH AT n:--1ARwA1§   7;%    %
DATED THIS THE 4TH DAS§'.:0F--AUGif$§;53§i3§.'_'_:V«,  M' x V
"RE3Em'*V%_  % ; 1   %  1
THE I-ION"BLE nm.JUs'r:cic: jn;mHAfi 
THE Ho1~r*m.E 
MIscELL'A3NE::f§:§s 'm,:V.§§?s13o08 {MVC)
BETWEEIE; V. 3 % M    V V
Ramc§sh,*.  '  .. ' '
Aged about 35 ,yf::-ifs,' ' -~ ., " " e 

R/ 0 J . Pflagar, 
Gangavatlfi Taiuli, " '

 .  K9;:pa1*D:sm¢:-; .  %%%%% " « ...APPELLAN'1'

' V:fVE§;*VS3f:i4."R§:1§éts1:ekar R.Gt3;1jaHi, Advocate)

A ND ; '.  

1,.uSa.ri ga'pf§a, S/0 Pampamla,
AA ? agedabout 45 ymrs,
'Driver; Tempo Trax N0.

"  3:33?/3393,

R/0 Sunkad Oni, Karatagi,
Gangavathi Taluk,
Kappa} District.

MFA N01078 of 2908

12. T.Sambash1va1'a0, 'I'.I{1rshna Murthy,   L"
Aged about 40 years,     
Owner 8:. Supplier, R,' 0 Budagtxmpa . 
Kamtagl, Grangavathi Taiuk,   .. 
Koppa} District. .  '

3. United India Insurance C,¢;-Q
Sanman Tourist CQmpIex,_____  
Islampur, Gangavafn'-.11, " " L. '

Kappa} District, _   ;   
By its Manager.  --   ___ -_;..,aEsPoNDENTs

(By Sri. C.V.3I£$1:';§,'ay,di,  for R3; kk  %

"This. m?;:'sc_ei13n'e{iu,$ .f'1.1'st appeal is fiied under
Section 373(1)  ti"1¢T=1yi"Q__1;c>r Vekucies Act against the
judgmem: and'aWa1"d, £1-ated 16.08.2007 passed 'H1 MVC
NO.83/2035"QI}.W_IZhC1 ~f11€ of Civil Judge (Sr.DI1.) 822
Member,  Gajlgavathi, partly aliawhlg the claim

 "  _ patifigx; far comfigsnmtiozl and seeking enharicemant for
, 'L"t£}I3.1p€I1S§3;fi{}I1.

. 7  Viiiificéflaneous first appea} Coming can for
fmfthex nriiers this day, NAGARATHNA, J , delivered ths


Though the appeal is posted for Qrders, with the

{L'--E3Z{1S£}.11Z Qf caunsel 0:1 130?}: sides, it is heard fizlaliy.




MFA N0. £078 of 2008

2. This appeal is med by the injuIed~§Ciein1ant
seeking enhancement of compensation by 
judgment. and award passed  MVC  


3. The relevant faefé'    that on
1 1.04.2004 at about   veas traveling
on a motor cycle   when a tempo

trax bearing  driven in a rash

and Igegfigexit,1IiVéi;1nei**.das}1e(i'"a§ainst the claimant which
resulted  hgie. jiejugries. Contending that he had

suffered  he filed the claim petition

' ' . v.cempeneatio'i1 on various heads.

. '  te the said petition, the iI1s1zra:1ee

 eoeipaiey hadiapeared and fiied its written stateneent denying

 v.e];1ege.t;ien made in the claim getitien and sought its


MFA No.1078 of 2008
: 4 2
5. On the basis of the above pleadings, the 

framed the following issues for its consideration}: '   

"1 ) Whether petitioner preves that   
being the driver of Tempo =Ne.__KA-, 

37/ 3393, drove the  in Irish _c;ir:§r_/2 negligent I'. 
mannerand caused the affcideraf? " 'V   "

2) Whether respondent_ Nos? ;5:'ovessV »   

Trax bearing No.1?#37/3393’npt’vin’ieoived in the

.3) Whether for compensation? If
so, what amorgnt

In case, the ciaimant examined

hi1;1.s;eIff? .VJ…E* doctors as P.Ws.2 and 3 and

335.9,: to 81, while the respondent did not

V V”eefiidenCe. On the basis of the material on

fsesrgg ‘I’rib:.1na1 awarded Compensation of

ARs.5{},¥§”O0/~ with futtire interest at the rate of 8% per

from the date sf claim petitisn till deposit. Being

= –Viaggieved by the meaw award, the claimant has


preferred this appeal.

MFA 140.1078 of 2008

7. We have heard the learned fine

appellant arid the learned counsel for

insurance company.

8. It is submitted ‘Cf ‘the lgéhst

had suffered shorten§I1g of leg by 1- Ex.P.5 is
the wound certificVe1i:eV:s” and examined with
regard to the pe;’cen£a”e- tile; and, further, he

was eaxninsgu business, but the
‘}’1’ib1;1i1a1H aV€%e1’d4ede’_’ 3 meéigte compensation on the
heads”«Qf” f10ssV_.”<§1'V.f1;:t);1I*v«:~" earning capacity', 'pain and

sui7E'e:*i1LA1g' }iu1::cii 'nef aWa1'ded any Compensation with

.regertE's:Ato'V%' 'less efeinenities'. He, therefore, requests the

A Geu rt;..fe.Ve13ha:1ce the eompensatien.

§e'r con'u"a, supporting the judgnefit and award

..of_. the 1. Tribunal, counsel for the insurance company
A' '._Vs'ub'Amits that considering the nature ef the disabiiity and

" – 'izhe assessment of income of the appellant, eempensatien

MFA No.10'78 of 2008
: 6 :

has been awamied in a just and proper
éoes not call for any interference in this appeél;’
10′ Considering the xeivay,s_pbm.issiefi§::,’V”:fheV
point that arises for our COflSi(3.¢IE3:iG;l
the appellant is entitled V V

11. From the it neticed that
on account of the and, as

per the Wognfi fhe Tribunal has

noteéi met ::WaS’ev.§IioIitening of right lower limb and
that “waV’s to an extent of 30% as per

but did not consider the said injury

»A e.e1::se«efi;e_nt disability as gievous and teak the whole

at 5% only. However, We feel that taking

the ..iifV:ee’i:ee of the appellant to be Rs.4,{){)0/- and

” ~ AAe;seessiz1g the permanent disability at 10% 3.11:? by

eipelying multiplier 0f 16, a sum of I2s.’76,800/- is

‘ awarded on the head ‘loss of future eaming capacity’.

Simiiariy, on the head ‘pain and suffering’ instead 01′

MFA N0.10’78 of 2008

Rs.1,6-O0/–, 9. sum of Rs.15,000/~ is awarded; the
head of medical and incidental
compensation would be Rs. 1§,Q()’O/~.’_\.1;;1.A4,: 3:
permanent disabfiity ”

coxnpensation on the headjose’-of:
Rs.15,000/-, therelqy of
Rs.1,21,800/– msteazffor awarded by the
Tribunal. shall carry
interest afeiee 011 deposit of the
said ¥sun:; it%Aes :;a:1 to the appenant.
reasons, the reassessed

e0:1§per:sat:ie n” is as fiaflows:

e Pain ‘siifiefing Rs.15,00G/-

A “‘ chaxges Rs. 15,060] ~

13.58 eff earning capacity Rs.’?6,800/ ~»

Le3s’~ef’:3:e1eI1ities Rs.15,000/-

Total Rs.1,2 1,800/-


MFA Nc.1078 of 2008
: 8 :

13. The enhanced compensation shail cany.-interest

at the rate of 6% per annum from the date cf’.
deposit. Out of the enhanced compensafiafi,.
Rs.50,000/- shall be ciepositedf any 1
for ax} initial period of five:

be entitied to draw the inifierea-t
amount. Balance :4 be”1eeAlea4sed to the


% Sd/.;






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