Requested The Government To Relieve The State Of Chhattisgarh For … on 22 August, 2000

Lok Sabha Debates
Requested The Government To Relieve The State Of Chhattisgarh For … on 22 August, 2000

Title: Requested the Government to relieve the state of Chhattisgarh for contributing three hundred crores rupees to the fund for Korba-Beena-Katni power line project.

श्री पुन्नू लाल मोहले (बिलासपुर) : माननीय सभापति महोदय, मध्य प्रदेश राज्य की कोरबा-बीना-कटनी विद्युत लाइन परियोजना स्वीकृत हो चुकी है। इस पर नौ सौ करोड़ रुपये की लागत आयेगी। इस नौ सौ करोड़ रुपये में से तीन सौ करोड़ रुपये नये छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य को देने पड़ेंगे, जबकि नये छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य को उस बिजली परियोजना की एक यूनिट बिजली का भी लाभ नहीं मिलेगा। मैं आपके माध्यम से सरकार से अनुरोध करना चाहूंगा कि कोरबा-बीना-कटनी विद्युत लाइन परियोजना के पास होने के बाद बिना कारण तीन सौ करोड़ रुपये का आर्थिक बोझ छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य पर पड़ेगा। मध्य प्रदेश सरकार पहले से ही २२ हजार करोड़ रुपये के कर्ज में दबी हुई है तथा इसके कारण नये छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य को भी भार उठाना पड़ेगा। इसलिए मैं केन्द्र सरकार से अनुरोध करना चाहूंगा कि इस परियोजना के कारण नये छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य पर जो आर्थिक बोझ लादा जा रहा है, उससे इस राज्य को बचाया जाए। केन्द्र सरकार द्वारा इस पर रोक लगाई जाए और नये छत्तीसगढ़ राज्य की आर्थिक स्थिति को सुद्ृढ़ बनाया जाए।

MR. CHAIRMAN: As has been decided, the reply by the hon. Home Minister is to start at 1 o’clock, that is, now. I am, therefore, not able to call the other hon. Members who are waiting to be called for their issues to be raised during ‘Zero Hour’.

SHRI PRIYA RANJAN DASMUNSI (RAIGANJ): Madam, I was not in the House. I was given to understand by my Deputy Leader that yesterday in the Leader’s Meeting, it was decided that the hon. Home Minister would intervene at 1.30 p.m. today. So, obviously, we have advised our Members to be punctual at 1.30 p.m. Later on, I came to know that again that it was put before the House to prepone the timing.

I think, if this is the way the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and the Treasury Benches want to cooperate in regard to business, it is difficult for the Opposition to respond every time.

I know, the House is supreme and that the House’s views should be taken. If it was decided yesterday that the House’s views should be taken, there was no question of calling the Leaders to the Speaker’s Chamber to discuss and decide that we would do it in this manner. It should not be to accommodate somebody’s convenience but it should also be to accommodate the convenience of the entire Opposition. We were told that the hon. Minister of Home Affairs would come and intervene at 1.30 p.m. but now it is being taken up at one o’clock. How can it be done? … (Interruptions)

MR. CHAIRMAN : This was announced by the hon. Speaker.

… (Interruptions)

SHRI PRIYA RANJAN DASMUNSI : Then, I would say, with all regards to the hon. Speaker, that let him not call the meetings in his Chamber. … (Interruptions)

THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI L.K. ADVANI): Shri Priya Ranjan Dasmunsi is correct when he says that yesterday it had been decided in a meeting in the hon. Speaker’s Chamber with the party leaders that there would be a lunch break at one o’clock for only half-an-hour; and, at 1.30 p.m., I would be expected to participate in the debate, whereafter Shri Dasmunsi would reply. But it was only ten to fifteen minutes ago that I got a message that I must come to the House because it was again reviewed and the hon. Speaker has said that this item would be taken up at one o’clock. It is therefore that I have come. I have no objection if this is to be taken up at 1.30 p.m. … (Interruptions)

SHRI PRIYA RANJAN DASMUNSI (RAIGANJ): Madam, the List of Business also says that this would be taken up after ‘Matters under rule 377’.

SHRI L.K. ADVANI: Many times, it happens that the House, on the basis of the Business at hand, decides that it would forgo the lunch break.

13.08 hours (Mr. Speaker in the Chair)

SHRI PRIYA RANJAN DASMUNSI : Mr. Speaker, Sir, we have issued whips saying that the hon. Minister of Home Affairs would participate in the debate at 1.30 p.m. and all our hon. Members should be present because a division might take place. In the meantime, if the decision is changed to take up this item half-an-hour earlier, I am helpless. … (Interruptions)

MR. SPEAKER: We have taken the sense of the House also. The other remaining ‘Zero Hour’ matters could be continued tomorrow.

… (Interruptions)

SHRI PRIYA RANJAN DASMUNSI : Mr. Speaker, Sir, I have all respects for you and cannot question your decision to take this up at one o’clock. But I would like to say that in your Chamber you took a decision taking the consent of all the Leaders that we will continue discussion on this Motion at 1.30 p.m., followed by the reply and voting. Accordingly, we have issued the whip also. I saw in the Order Paper that after ‘Zero Hour’, ‘Matters under rule 377’ would be taken up. But now you have taken the consent of the House and changed that decision. My appeal to you is that you should not discuss anything in the Chamber but always come to the House and take the consent. … (Interruptions)

श्री मुलायम सिंह यादव (सम्भल) : अध्यक्ष महोदय, मुझे कहने में कोई संकोच नहीं कि मैंने ही आपसे निवेदन किया था। यह बात सही है कि डेढ़ बजे का समय तय हुआ था। उसके बाद मैंने किसी वजह से संसदीय कार्य मंत्री जी से और आपसे निवेदन किया। मुझसे यह भूल हुई कि मैं मा. प्रियरंजन दासमुंशी जी को विश्वास में नहीं ले पाया और इसलिए यह शुरूआत एक बजे से हो रही है। मैंने कुछ विशेष परिस्थितियों के कारण यह प्रार्थना की थी जिसे मैं दोहराना नहीं चाहता। श्री दासमुंशी जी को विश्वास में नहीं ले पाया इसकी वजह से कनफ्यूजन नहीं होना चाहिए।

SHRI PRIYA RANJAN DASMUNSI : Confusion will be there if the Motion is moved by the principal Opposition party and you try to get it taken up earlier and we are kept in the dark. You have come into the House and suddenly this has been done. Is it proper?

Mr. Speaker, Sir, I cannot question your ruling. But this is not the way they should expect co-operation from the Opposition all the time. We have given specific whips to all our hon. Members, including the Leader, that the hon. Minister of Home Affairs would speak at 1.30 p.m. and that all of them should assemble here at 1.30 p.m. If it is somebody’s special convenience to take it up half-an-hour earlier, that does not mean that the decision could be changed.

MR. SPEAKER: All right, we will continue the reply at 1.30 p.m. Please do not make it an issue.

… (Interruptions)

SHRI PRIYA RANJAN DASMUNSI : The hon. Minister is prepared to intervene at 1.30 p.m. He is not in a hurry. You can dispose of the ‘Zero Hour’ now. … (Interruptions)

SHRI SUDIP BANDYOPADHYAY (CALCUTTA NORTH WEST): Sir, can we take up the issue of freedom fighters also?

MR. SPEAKER: Anyway, we are already fighting in the House. We can take up that also!


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