Shri K Shridhar vs K M Somasundra on 1 September, 2009

Karnataka High Court
Shri K Shridhar vs K M Somasundra on 1 September, 2009
Author: Subhash B.Adi

.~ on test ‘ ireports alleged V

.’Apgencievs T in

.___i”th’e seed itself is only for a period of nine months,

they are notfit to be tested.

2. A private complaint is filed by the Assistant Director of

Agriculture and Seeds Inspector, Mysore for an offence punishable under

Section l9~A of the Seeds Act, l966 inreralia alleging that,” by

the petitioner did not had the requisite quality of gerrn’iination.,:and
regard, the complainant alleges that, ac

percentage of germination if less than thei’’ite percentage ’80iian,d


whereas the seeds’ sample taken fronjithe petitioner,

sfpossesision shown

the germination percentage only togtlie of 40,iw’h’ic’li is below the


3. In purs?2__§ian(,3’%§,,-igftvithei,ciomp_laint, ‘the’ learned Magistrate on

satisfying himself thatthere isii’si.iffii:i’ent ground to proceed against the

accused issued surIrtnon_s.;«.At«tlii’s..stage, this petition has been filed.

4. No ‘theilearn.ed’ Counsel appearing for the petitioner relies
have been conducted by the Government

‘i\Jl’ah;ar*a.shtra as well as Karnataka, showing that, th

gerrnination percentiage is more than 80. However, one other thing to be

_ noticed in case is that, the complaint is filed on 26.5.2008 in respect

test conducted in February 2008. It is stated that, the validity of

beyond nine months,

in this case, the summons was issued in


c’ouii.r1g to the ‘cion1:plaint,. “the T.



January 2009, by that time, the seeds’ Validity had lost in August 2008
itself. Even if the petitioner — accused, who could seek for re–testing of

the seeds, he cannot get it done and in View of the same, if..’the:”t.ri’a1_ is

conducted, the petitioner would be prejudiced by the test_.repo1iit

the complainant and has no re–testin_g»~~opport1uniit’y.*dfv» l’1:,i_’_*the-s_e ll

circumstances, this Court in a judgment reported’_’in”200’i2(

the matter of SR1′ VCHANDRU OTHERS _;;it:.;u.”~i.,;,s’1’~:at:I”E OF-T’

KARNATAKA has observed that, by the~lt,i”1:nei”thAe accused. appear, if the
accused is not in a position to it re–tested or re
checked from the concerned denial of opportunity
and reiiance on and has quashed the
proceedings; “”” –

5. that, by the time the accused

appear, the validity of Vthe s.eeds”ilwou1d have been expired, there is no

J pL1,rp0s-{its cgolntinuing the

._ petition is allowed. The proceedings in

C.C.Ne’;”507,<:0os' on the file of J.M.F.C.–Il.I Court. Mysore stand

, , ., ,"qLIesheed.. V



V V” ., KNM/–


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