Smt Uma D/O Virupaxappa … vs Muneerahmad Dastagirasab on 2 December, 2008

Karnataka High Court
Smt Uma D/O Virupaxappa … vs Muneerahmad Dastagirasab on 2 December, 2008
Author: K.Bhakthavatsala
MFA 2\§o.953;"2G{}8

DATEQ THIS THE? 230 my GP BECEMBER*..'é'G(}8 V    



MISCELLANEOUS FIRST Abéagg N§5';9s$a,:2dQ 8~:.{rv:'.r) 


Smt. Uma, V V
33/ 0 Virupaxappa MaI;tI'.::snnava;§'  -- 
Age: 37 years,      
Occ; Tailoring ans} T1.1i£io:§{C§1asses,  _V
R'/0 Gokak,     
Dist: }36lgaum.~V' """        'V Appellant

(By Sri F V Pati}, "A¢u:.,,VfVo'r 


1. A1V'!ufi.eera%§1;13;:ifi§. Dgistagirasab,

fgfigez Maj9f,--._A«  «  
 'Qatar: Drivézxf and  of Bajaj

'.:Aummckshaw bearirig N0.Kfi»-23/8233,
« ~.§a_}a1 Galfi, 

 A _  

   EQEW India Assurance Co. Ltd.,

By itas Sr; Divisionai Manager,

 V  'Cl:1b=Road,
 _ Sfilgaum. Respondents

Sri K Kxishna, Adm, fer R-1)
(By Sri L B Mannoddar, fidvz, for R-2)

MFA No.958{2GO8

This Miscellaneous First Appeai is filed under ‘1}’.e.the
Motor Vehicles Act, 1988,, against the judgmem and. -dated

16.8.2807 passed in MVC 240.1521/2005 on the filcof __J1i<"
(Sr. Divn.) 35 Member, Adé. MAUI', a_11oj;i:i:;,g the "

petitien for compensaticun anti seeking e11ham:eme3~:1t ferecozzxpeixizesifiien.
This Appeal coming on far hearing this' "d;_21y', the:1e1:€vefed; fi2e
follewing; . ' -, H V


The appellant] claixnggnt i,1::£”M’ .1vESf;.5-1,{*:V2%{}”O5 on the file of Civil

Judge (Sr. Divn.)[.yA§d§l1.5:i :h:I}§C’}’,_;* gj3o1;a1′:;,. ‘isfiefom this Court, for

enhancement of con3;}e3:.$éy£cion_. ”

2. heaxneci V.Cez1n{seV_°f. Vief _ é;5pellant submits that the cimmant
had S11St3iH(:{i.£~;;TifiV(}:u?3 end resulted in permanent disablement

to *:% h¢”‘e;x:en£’ f4-=i:’~:»<=3«_ withweweference 1:9 the right upper lime, but the

. Tiiburiai VVli=aé compensatioxl towards permanent ciisabiement

7 other k:eads..~ ~ A

"I'he'_ ciéiimant filed a ciajm petition under Sectian :66 of the

Act, 1988 seeking grant of compensation in all amounting

§§$;'.$;flG,0O0j~ contending that she was 85 years oicl at the time of

"'.VV aEeeniéeI1t, earzxing Rs.5,0()0/aper month by doing tailoring and tuition

ghe had sustaineei grievous irguries. It is further stated that size

was izx-patient for ten days; and spent at sum ef Ii'3.2$,{)0G/- {awards


Es«-'£FA Na.958f2i}{}8

medical fiX§€}LlS€3. in suppert of hsr cage, she has got hersgiiféxamhieé

as P.W’~1 besides examining Dr. B A Matte as; P.W–2_i_:@arked

Ex$.P«1 to I124. The respondents have not adducad,’v_Aj;fg;1?1g::;1§;g1.’es?iCIc1;c€§;.__

msurance policy has been marked as Ex.¥3f11. A 3

4- E11 Pa1’3§3″3P13’9 0f 31$ juzigfflsfifit, glass
discussed about the injury P4, Woumi
certificatg “jaguar; by Dr. 8331111: there was swelling,
tenderness on the Vgif gfifimder limited, painflfl
and abrasion of lszft of right shoulder shows
fracture of a Th3 ‘fiiriedicai Officer has described
ifijury No.1 injury No.2 as simple in nature.
E’.X.P–7′ issued bf V§.1jfVBa§i”;§£ C-f Nixnra Hospital, Gokak , showed
t}:1a4t.V.s11c ‘vvadmitteki on 18.5.2695 and discharged on

,1;{)?: stated that the claimant was tnaated as in.-

::.. 13ati&z1t P.W~=2 has cieposeci that he: has assegsed the

VVi;;:}ér$:;3nen’t”fiisalfiierdént am} given certfiicatc stating that 5116 has got

‘ H1’3″C*:I;iIu1c€1}§f:371TA_.(}ziS€;;i*§)]:€I}1f§I3.t to the extexxt of 44% with raference to the right

in that absencfi 1::-f What traatmcnt P.W–2 gave to the mjumci,

t§E1&.:jev*i§ie–:z;1ce of P.W«2 with regazti to the number of days of treatment in

‘E~}’bspita§-*az1d permanent disablemeni at 44% caunot be actcepteé amii

aéited upon.


MFA No.953_;2908

5. ‘}’he Tribunal has awarded compensation x the

ciajmant at R3.3,GO{}/ — per month in faveur of the

comyensation as under:

(1) Pain and sufftt:ri11gV ,R;s.2:5f;'{3t5L3;M:5of
(:3) Medica} expenses Rs.i’::2;,e0o’-be

(iii) Loss of iucorfiri-L ,
peI’ioc”{V0ftn3a’t:t_1§_1Vc9§1:tt *’3,(}0O-00

(iv) :.oss%;;€émm:iu.«a5%%A%’: if 5,000~–G0

6. in ,~.:»f PHW-I, it is eficited that after
treatment, she ha$L’C0:r:;::l§:’£5l3A%*–;;€:€:~5.);§rerec1 and fractuxe is unitzxi and daing
h0§1ss1v1oIdv_’: agzd z§iiS{3v–…t$achi11g her own chiltirexz. Therézfore, the

TribVfi1;33V. E;:as any cczmpensation tawards permanent

:f’v=;}Aisa’£3Ien:ic>1§;i;vM’I-{éé};$i§,;gf’ii1 View the nature of injuries sustained by ‘the

sh}: §s:”s;n;£i;{1ed far proper compensation as umier:

AA ; jufi) Pain and sufi’e1’ing Rs’30,{}(}{}«QG
Medical €Xpf3I1S€’S Rs. 1E”:1,0{}{)–O{}
{iii} Loss of earnjlzg during
the pexicsd czsf treatment
and rest {Rs.3,0{)0 X 3) Rs. 9,{){)()–G€)

(iv) Loss of amenifies sf life Rs. 3{},{){){)-{){)

l\fi’A N0.958/2608
5 _

Thus, the ciaimant is erztitlcd for additional ‘Pagan of

Rs.39,0%/ -.

7. ha the msuit, the Aypeai is
the appc’:Ean’¥:/ claimant is anfiflfidé fif
Rs.39,Q0O/ ~ along with intemst as £3}? ‘V

The respondent No.2]§1gsura,iit:c. «is’*~«di:t~;~:<:t¢d to deyosit
the enhanced Co:mpensa§01;§$ Txibuna} within two

months from today,

'E'hs pass appropriate orders regarding

deposit. "




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