Sri Manak Chand vs Sri Babulal on 3 January, 2011

Karnataka High Court
Sri Manak Chand vs Sri Babulal on 3 January, 2011
Author: A.S.Pachhapure
_ is .
7,'{) E{AM:3N ma, " ._
32:} £3215} .m;3.(;> 1*" :-3 .i§:wxRs


SHA3.\3"II"l?*i} NAGAR,

3. SR}.I.3RA\'£§E~IN I{U1\'L%°\R,
S / O. }§3.i\E?>{E 1.35:1."

ACEELID A3Z3{.T{_?'}' 22 YESARS.
RESIDING A51" §\E'() . 

2?") CROSS, LAK."?5}"§1\/II R()AD,
S§"iAN'1T'H 1 NAG AR ,

4. (}YAN{.',IH.AE\§ D.
S / O.S'{j KM RAJ . 

€3A;RRYE£\IG BUSINESS IN '.1"§§:}:':I*.1TI-,1«:,';~5L:._  ;


1.s'r FLOOR, f~U&JA'I'H.A {1OM:Pi;E:2'<L_' V

A.M.LAN}E.';. c1--«11<::5§_I-m::1*,'~-.

5 AE51~~1()K }*%}}}i1E&7_ ~  ~
3/ 0 R1(?K19L.'&i3'AQ¥~§AE\EDf¥;}}\IN--_ 
AGED AEEOUI' 35 Y_--RAP<'i_+) "
'i"'EX'I"ILI,1 'MI~:Rc::-I: "ET f -~ ._ ' 
AT 1.ASI{E~i'M1""EfRAT,)INIE (,0 = V 

E) K LANE' I«:1f ' ' '

_ 1%AN(7;E%;I,C')E?:E£

:2 ;{1;;§E2:s:--1:\zA zvI.L.:r:z"m's-'

{iA£¥1E¥<"¥}'E'x§(I} 'i:3l':.F':§IV " CS Ag'?
M /53 .S;.'sOTvIU .$ésA:f::~:I-2: CLEENTREE

 V . E.4{AI)E*i;I'*.. A.1iéA_r€:'@vz£<:N'I's E\E{f.).I
  '.E3A8AI»'§3A R;fj}AI3, S:"5{"I21'xN'I'I~1I NAESAR

V. F? x I L" ~3'\:'I.€j}I"'11/~".E"~'a*LAI,,-


--  AC; 31;} at-3(>1.1':* 5:5 'f§'~3A§{$(

'NI3 1 1 3435/2008

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5 W? 1 ::a4.;3/:2(){;8

Thfi’. petitiorlers have c:13e111<3:'1g;ed the order on I,i&;._{\3'<;_2
filed under £119 pmx:-'is1'01'1s of Order VIE ?Rule. 11

§.he e1ppIi<:a1.i0I1.

2. Tilt-3 i’act.s 1’e3,ie.vant for the p3,:rpg)sc fr;)f” ‘p._11
as under:

3. I will “refer to ihc pa1’€:i.cjs_é<sV_p'e_r 1.héir- .r_z;1r1k beibre t.h(-3

Court below for the }3L1I'f)(§Sf?~"(3,If (;(3r1':«;;'g;.;»;i'c«§V1'<:<f:§'~

4. The .V13éii’t–i;:):1e;_’rs ‘i’ie;’ci.;.1″».asje ‘£16,-1’cV11daI1Es 1. and 2

w}1ereas'”i”és;3o§§de1ifé:”*§ ‘ E3:IfV1′{Z¥. i2 ‘:a’;LVe” i,he p1ainti£i”s in the suit.
bear’ir1g \[\/,;”ii. i’.itLtted by resp0:.”;.d::2ni:s .1. in 3

herein seeking i.i1é:.V rciiczffl of .p:31’t.ii.ior1 2113?} sepa”ra’t:e, possession of

” ‘~ ._1T.hei:””s1he1r_é= in $139 s:::.i..1§’.__3;;rvc)p”p€t1£t§{):.1ers3 who &Ti1’€i £191.}:-?,11c1a1:1t.s E smci 2, have:

£’:<.}I1:[§f_$i'1€?xCI' 'ffkfij cc)nEt3;'1di;1.1.g ihext: 1.}1e1'E-: is 210 cax.1::~;e: cf ar:,%;..i.~/.u»»./.a»»» «”r’2.\’\\\’*’/r’K)¢’\<//«\"I»%.

5 \VP 1 1343,/2008

p1"ovisic}ns of Order" WE R1,1E<~_=. 1'1 CPC :'e.q:.xest.i:e1g tic) 1'e;;€3:-"__1_. the

plaim. as it does; not 1'e\.~*ea1 a cause cf z'1.C.UO§'I,

6' plékimiffes filed a suit, for parE'i1,i01'1 _

p0sses;si0:1 of their share in 1'…he 31111. $c:h_€:'(iu–E..e:'~..pi'<2pe;'ti6;s

mem:im1.ed in Schedule A to J and :=1f.he:-peefiu's;2;E.' rji'-1e.E'1'eV'=p_Ea:'§1i;«

reveaés ihe firste dei'e1'1€1.9m1;.' f}_i1's'i. 15i3i1fiiiI'§' 2?ze;»1'cE'e11e Re;jnia1_

are the ¥;1'1'ree sons of Late,Mis1*in1é; cfz.1r1m;AT1.'he life 1:ime of
Misrimai, the joint. f'z11I;'i§y <:d;1$»<:1 '2:. fiym Wh€I'€ii} the
members oI'"1:he fa:1ai1y, i.<-3.. (me;.B–£tg§3;I€fi3a§. W/o.Misrim211.

{mother of first. ;;_:}ia{i1:11:{,:ff e{;'1dg['i~r'§ai. 'de.ie1:%.'da_:1i:,}, Gopidevi, Wife of

Rajmal, the _§"%rSt'VVxie.[e11(:12i';.f1ji,°'a.1'1¢;3. one Ka1'11'j1a1, 21 :':s't'.1*2mger to the
fa1'n.i.1y xx-*e1*eVVi1"}dL1C*{.ec'i jiiegilitflerss of the said f1'1*111 which W213

c21;"ryI'r1g on tihe blzsizi-tésS–._axI'E:ez.' 1'13 (:(m.:~3i:'ii':u'Ie1'0ra in '(he yea? 1975

-=.i’1’1 i’:hc;¥\s,/:i12,1{“1T’}(% of £\}'[‘;’,/7s,_,__E\r1’§T»’Eisrin1211 and C0m.p2m.y. K21I11.ii21.1, a

“v_&;1:z’:;1’§_e1′ _re£{i~-.f1″<3z1'1 {the firm in $98.1 amd {he firm vvz-:53

'Vg'i.fe of .{:7i'rs2'é;_ pia%.:1'{'.iI'f{11he sseciorlci pia1'1'1i.ifE'] w'<:*;I't": i§'idL.E{.',f'.{3f{,i as the


r€+’.§(>:£?1’§:3£.i:At4<:;z§'~.28. 10. I981 whe'1:'ei1'2 the fi1.'5sé €.1efe1':dzm Wife

(9? I%2§z1;_§':11:11, E;3z%;:;%.(?{1':'1¥i3a1i, xxmza: uf M'i81'i1':1aE 2,-:1'1(i Ni:'ma§a §{Lm1£::*i,


fi:~3.1.a1i.Li1.€ 112:5.-3 sE1a1fe in {he 1.z1’1c:Ei’vic§.ec§ i:z1t’€é:'<::..=3i. 13L,;:'c,s'I':a&:ed in 1.he=_

2 A 2/
~ t'121me at 4" c,1eim1(:lz111L

7 \?x?'}-'' "i 3343/2008

7. §)1,.1ri11g the year 1992, Rajmai, the cslciesl b:”()¥:’}1€.;’ of
firsat. p12air1t.i§’f/I’i1’s1′ ziefeaidant; $e§3ara%;t’2{i i’mm {the l’z:1.§11i.1.y 21:-“-.I.(_i the

house. pm§.)er1,y owned by the fa111£E§; at ML:£12’1ge’1″<:, t'}ié.".1.;1':1;:i:se

pmpe1"1',y bearing No.63, H0s5pit.a1 Road. E3z1z1ga1o;L'j€:; Ivkmea V'

house 10<3at:ed 21:. {he 1121E.ive pI?1(.',L"2 in R21j'22:~:.!':'11ztui E-iI1'd [:§,1'{" E43'21d«e tzf

M/ss.M.Misrir11a§ amd Compzmy at %\/I£i:{121:gj§_é1*<} was Agzfvml »vi:o..tI'1E;§

share of the eldest". brother. T§V"if;§ "2'x:j1’1 ssi1._e Vxzx,-*§*1i«Vr.:>_E1~–»x,w.;;1’é’s the*

joint, family” p1’ope1″i:y cf ‘l’.}1A__c:. first V]AT11E1VViV:I:.’IIi’f’i”‘Zfild -i”£_:fS£3_ ;}iefenc§an1.
w1r1iv:h is ciesciribed as } _ and §1.1}”‘{,h(’31’, ‘B’
schedu 1.6 px”pert.§g_w1gic11ares VEg,1.}td_$”di1.’fer*{2n!;. surxrey
numbers at zxfid; Village measuring
E.0i.a11y ziE_’)o11__1..A were ovmecl by Jyothi,
Wdya 21113 Tlne p1.a:i11t.if°fs and £,.h<-3 firsst:

defe1’1(_Ea:11′, _p111″c:i1.:1As5é:ci’ V1 Vi.1’1:1ciiviC1<:t<i sh221.'r{: 1'11 these p1"0per£.ies for

°a- V’1.*i.sVficiEéi*af:it;.:j. of — and the: p12n’.m.iE'{.’s (:1:-iim that

€__héV&3é1fiz?¥: V1’L3.I'”V{‘3»f,?’€V:”T’1-“5§,y”‘}V€lS pzarnrilzxsed far zha? bene’fi!.. c>.fj0i:’;i’. fainily”

a.I1e:§ .j’t’T%.><,,-"21:~"; pz::fs2i*1e1sseci in 1:E'1, :’121:<.ne 0f31'<-3 cief.%3.1'1_r:iar'1i" 2'13 he: is; zfisscé

;1 ~;::ar<:e«;_'1 E (E3413/2()O8

‘pr0pe1’t.y amii the p§ai111’:1’iTs ha-1V6 sG1.1g;}1’1. for their ssh.z11’e_.i.1__’1 i,h.(-3


9. In v1’e’;%w of 5§0F1}Ei di.spu!.es and ciifi’e1’e11ce;s=_ E3eV§.w;-€£:h’A ‘

parties. the 2″” piain$:ifl.’ i:1:1s.-:t1′.t.11i,ed 21 f5é.£ii.’–iI1

S€eki1’1g,; 1″na1’1da!..01’y i11jum%tion E0 (:h£..11g}3_ {.118 1’1″.21f1–z1,gc:111.?:i’3é”,.B5

the firm 2.1:r1ci c,,ody of the 13119 f1:’I__1’1 ‘and-._i1i”..}?i’E:’W bf E’:he *

sett:ieme11t., the Suit uEtir1}21’t.e1y ta_he1v<-3 'E39§%nA,.é1isn1issed
for defauit as the p1aiI11i£'.fs'c1id 'n__<fi;.;§.1t4£é11§:1..»t.13e; said $1.111. There
was an effort. to Clfectt. t.1?.'6 V§f)'a:5Lii.ii)1j".E4_hm1.1g§}'i* the eidem and a

mamo1'a11du1n–w£;s 'd1f;":_:_w':1x_. I3-};'1."a@{.h€: first defendant did moi

C()I1C€'.df;'. ' a']'1m(j"E)!i: [7I}é:¥':Lji' E1116"-0t:}1’l’}§if1I5’f,’S i.,1s1′.i1′.:’u1′,ed 9. 52,311, for pa1″i:i1′:1’o11 and

sepelraie posss:sssi0:’1 ofAi,Jj1é’pi;L>periies refer1*ed E10 supra.

~ i’O;.A’-LvAAi'{¢.1′ theVi”ti’Si’.VitL1E.i011 of 1315:’. 5-3u1′.t,, the fi1.”s1L Clefelldant

Tfi’1’e.;2.c’1v “£3.;’?: ».é1§3.33I”i’;*2z*{,io:’1 under Ehe jg3r.{‘° w1″1.i.c3i’} has b€3<?I"1 p1"odu{:=ed at: A'nt'1eXm"e F an.r:fi

's3»cu,z.ght: *f"§";x";:*tt§ec:t:i<)11 of the plaim, as '$16 galainé. cizarss mfg. cii..<scii{)s€,

x;.:£1%.:~{,~3€ of a»:*.1'.io:'2 zmd ease; the Cmxrt. fee paici is iI'1sL:1§'fi<:ieI":!; arld

;21s7{;t:.11::: suit. is 1::a.§"1"ec1 {*3}? the p'rir:cti};3Ec:s. of Ifes _j1..1.cii “i E 34:3/12.008

17;. It the <7c);;1'£e11¥;ic3r1 of the c1cé1é11ci21E1£s_.__{hat

EJ£1t,e.E\z§is'1'i:1121.1. the f';1£.§2er of the first ;312u'13'{.1'i'f had :?xc*-($.11

East, will on 2.}O.E9?'9 and as per {he ssaici Wi.11. 1&2: 131}{3}i:€:;#1.:"€%0I1_$ zlnti t’E’1″e,~ ..t;i»r2i”%;-11€iAa1;11s ‘V

have em,.1r1’1emt,ec1 1.h(i’, §>ropc::’1′.ies 15 d[§iTfe’r*r-2;’): u1;.:3éL;r»c:;(“i as;

under the Wilt of Lz1i.e.M.isr§.r11zi’L _i’n~._p21ra1A’5 0f.s.hf: _ 21i7§j;’c;i–aaXfj1′.: It, i:a–. ‘

21.150 the c:<)ni.em'i011 of }):éi'c:1.1c1;;_1_i{:A' I10'; the
member of 1he}0;'nt, i.'e1111Vi'§'3,I ar1Ac1«-_hcj long back in
the year 197435 «;m_<fi 1-eg,i'c1'i::.1.g3;:'w:scé;9;fivL;g£;$f3f then. it is also
his (2()1'1'[.f:I'ifli.'O_T.1S1: pr()p€31"E;i€S were
acquired V 1'1£1V(i', bezen '0e.q'L1ea.!;.hCd
under §,1?1vxe. amt': the'it':s under
{he Wii} :.»1'r'e_ bec1Lze.21t.hed to thenl. The

defexlgjaazi. a{im-its""{h:g1t: s;(:11ed1..1Ee '13' p:'()pe1*§y p"L11.'C'.hE}.§3f3d

§é:}i7;"117Efy S§§i~.Mz111ik Ch;-md &1'I}{1 S;*i.E}32a1'm,:iz1§ u:'1de:?r 1*<:gis£.e1"c1

£984.. ii. is 33:-arr: his <.:c)n€'e'1'1t,ic.m fhai. the

;3121i;–3.§'.i{°§'s.~ }1:;.zA'gkx;::A t3x€C11i.c*.d the 1"eI€t.z1s:se {ieeci in 1"er’€:1::s:’ anti ?t.1″1c:1’ei’re§ i,i’;<;=.m no quc-.s:e1'.i11 of e£”f’:3<:i..i.11g 'i.hC
"r§2"€i.si_{?;:*1 in {has s–:»uit. pmpe1"€':ic:=5. §?'1.1r$.1"1(;t:"1'1';are5 it is me: s;":<m.i,e11t'.i()1'1

VV <3? éhe: c1efer1<:E;21m $121.1'. in 2.riexxz' of {£19. C§iS£}'1.i.S%3S£1§ of i'1i1¢': S£.tiE. in

.§ 2'

; R I'
~ gm.

1 .

13 ‘W13 1. .1:§43,f20{}8

O.S.1\§0.4338/2000. the suit. :31″ the 131ai1’11ifi”s ‘nit b§g__’t11e

pr%ncip1€~.s; of res _juciic21tz1. 0’11 *;.”I1::.=s€ gmL1.:’1 plzlini a§§egi11;;” {hat the p.i;i:i-::’1%Z.iffsvv..3’s~:1fi}«:’-.

5sL.1§3p1’essse(i n’1ate:?1’i:«:1I facts and that. =1~h.r2_ 83.2.11. ‘i3y 1’.hL-.5: V

p1’inc1′;31es of _ju.diCat.21.

12. The plaimxffs 1121x-re, i’i1(:4. (V1V_1.V’E”1′;*,1’1′ (Jbje_§%i.it2:£s {Q the sa..i(1
appkic21€.ion. C()11’i’.e11cii13g a’J11’c:E’ rei”1.c3z’2i’1;i.v’:1g__§V”the pizliiii, hvernletzlts
and sought for rcj€3£?i.i()11 of this saivrgi’Vé1¢pp_I~.i.;§é1f_i0r1;_;

1.3. ‘1’lr1_<q:§–__'1"::'1A.;'~L~'1;'§' _.CQL2.rf' ._¥ie.21r_ri 'v.1} 1(:'VV"(:(i'E.E1'1S(:T§ for both the
parties and .x;.iCi£: f_0r"d'e.1'«_d'ai_t.::_c¥'""6.6;2()08 has mjegcrted me
ap1JIica1t.irg11 ._ ;1.n(}; '–";;i'%£::xie.g1«V""by– the Said order, the present

petition §:a2'iss..}L§'e::z::z1't"i}.éd1"§5y_{i'ei§iiE1a1'1t.s 1 2111:} 2.

E121';-'c: 'i"1'e;}1..ITsCi.ut'.he '1r3a.mec1 czztxaassel fur the: ]')€'L.§Y.i()i."1€',I'S

7._21I1r.f” -99.115-;:vr} zfcssp’1″’1.’t’ss. “H34-1 poinés :.1»1:n. misaa-2 for

<:{3'1'.7:s;:{dérz1€"i<%§'j;.—- zit-:23:

1. ‘V\{Y1’i’€;’:V1}1?i?I’ iht’ writ ;)e1,i.’I :01′: is; 1135.11l’1’L.£ii.I’1EE.§T3}€? in law ‘.4′
V n V\:’1.1’i;?f.i1£;*,E’ that 0rdc1* pa$sed E3}; £.hc:% Court. }.:+eE<3w
;'1i(721t:%0’1:1 {sf the pa-;;?1.,i£.i():1£:rs=.a fiiled
‘i..11i1d€:” the p1″c.m’si(::1’ of (kder V11 R1116 1. .1 CI?’C is»;

E?§”I”€111’1€O{EE:% amgi §§.I<ége:1 '? 3,2': ..


13 W1?’ 1 1:543,/:2.00s

3. W’11et.he1′ the pet.§{.i0ners; have :’1122z\:1e out 22,113;
§I.'{)L111dS to Cali for 31:15′ in§.ez*1″<:.1'e:'1(te in 1.13.9 order 0i7 1

the Court. lijelaw '?

15. Ii, the c3011i.e111’i(m Of the pet.iii{;11er:5 ti”1’1;:it.v1.§I§T1V1i.C:a9iio1f1

de.spit’,e the 1’aCt’. that ‘mere 313 zunpie n’12fl.e13i:-11 p1a(:(é_c§ (511: 1″.ecV:Q.r’dV {Cg

silew t,h.a’:. the p121.inf.ii”1’7s 13.e1v”c._ “.s–:,;p;)rc3ss.écE* Ti’;_121iV.’e:1″i\éiI Tactsé V’

:”€ga1.’di11g the <;'X€:'.("t31..i{)1"1v{}§:U'1€ S'&i'1tiAv§itYEC},_'L.h€3 éX~:€u'Li()11 of the
W11} by 1.21te.Mis.riI1121I. the '}'jr_r’ of ?£’;h€:»Vfeé;1’x1§1y. S0 aiso, it is

the contention .1′.h.é1i-.t_11e:f_é. is 1″19 j0i«1j€. i:1r1 ‘;1.y a’t all and in the

cri1’cL1n1s’tz1nc:§_-S} fhel ~.v,~v1’1″;V–‘;V1;. iL’>;}_ -pé1=:.t_i.1’t.i&mf not n1ain§’.ztinab1e.

16», ]E~’€r <:()'1:11*.1}2-<1, i,hé'–]T¢§1-meé. c:0ur1se1 for the respondents

} and 2 11.2ii=*r;j fsL1V;)13'()_1"€e.d order of ihe C()§,i1.'{ below.

Tm H 't:<;=–:–'–";:a'si<ie::" 'ih<~: q'£3.<m rcggairdingg tbs:

V12}ii3iai.r'1g1b§1Vit§{;' —1..§1e; <:0:.:I"as:.%1. §f<3r 'the: 1*es:;;)onc1e1"1.*;.s has reiied

::§ja:i§" *;,i"1<' <i}€%;%ié§im1 :.'ep:”*;.ed in AER 2003 SC 156.1 (Sa{i§1;1na

Lodh E\?:«.1i.icm2’11 I’I’1Si,§1″é1I’i(T€ C0. L’I’:,d.) wllwein 21ggai1.’1s1 gm z’de:”

V.fg;’j:”21V:’:’E:.ij1’1.;g; C’.();E’11}”_}f;’,’:”i€<§ai,i()i"§, ih<:-. V.–'I'§:'i. §3€Tj.'i'{'.i()t'"1 x.x.«-1:155 filmii zagszixisf: "she:

' i:i§%s:42'1":;=.1' an::;'i ihcr Apm; C;oz..:r"t. held f'ha~1'*i' Vv'I'1€I1 '1.E1er@ was 2.1 :*€r.:'11cé(i'}?

14 wp 1 13:18/2008

0.fe1pp<~?211 ;3I'<Widc%ci Lmdm' the, sI1at.u'1,e on Ii13'1it.<:éd gr'()111'1ds_,_ wrii

pe'L.i1,1o;:: czumot: be f}1€.1fI}?.aiI'}%3(i.

18. St) 21130, he relieci upon 3 dec:i:~.;1’0n Te:j5>:L-‘{3oT1f1_”i’Tt: V’

1’epc>rI’.ed in ILR 2003 KAR. 37:-19 .ES’t1ry21 {¥g;;.’_:’§~22i’111 VV

Chander R211 and (fibers) wI1er’a1_:9t–.t:::1}::iI”:g.i.ri”tQ

consiciéraiioza the p1’0ViSi0I1S c)V:”._Sa’e!.:{.ic”>:1″”} 15vCi3’C ‘2z_f1′(}vvAfi.i(:1eS’V’

226 and 227 of the C0ns§.iE.1:1iion_héEC1.1ha}.t. \vE1é.r:3..a :~3Lib0:’di11at.e
Cent’; has assumed a jL§I’i”S-!fiC~’§fiiC’3-‘=1 €§?f:.ich not have or has

failed to exercise _}’11risg:}~i’ci’é;iof1 \v’n;’.i;:}_’1 it’.do”f:it:uf1 w_hi§:E1 1t I”i’éis or the ju.risd.icii011

though é?(\’.’7E’iI”1(;i1_f):Iif;’ is”f§;{?ir1g–.ei<(m'c:iéé::f"ii1 a I1121.1'1.11e1' 1101. pe1'rnittec%
by Eaw mad 41'z1j11_1V;*<3: "of.' jL14S§T:i9_['.é pr g1'2nre injusiicez has resulted,

the Pligh C<:)_L13*1. :i:1.121y._ into exemise its sL1pe;"v1's0I'y

-V , ji§1’iSCii’L§i.i(§i3 .

‘ E9? $_d”«%§1$0. {he (‘.01ms€:i 1″€°1i§’3d 2.3903′: :1 c:§er;.:r;>;a:i£)’:”1 {if the

}”~;pe;;x.’_C&>uVfi;-..feg”§€::”i’£ft{i in 1980 [2] SCEC 3′?”8 Wésilasll. KL1n1a:1fVs,

S§’:21rar’«f;_i E31f:i–s;:3,V{i’i} whereill ii. is held 1,1121%, 21 1’£;’.vie’;i01’1 pc:’;.ii.i{m under

§’.*3€–:A(?:’i,i()11 3.15 CPC .21. :s€’}j)a11’2«:%,t;? 2′.-mcfi iiiffsflillifi. p1′()<:€€Cii1'}g fI'€3EI1 a

j j:§%1'.ii'.ic)f£–é micier' :'XI'i.i.(:§e 22.? of {"328 C011st'.i£.uti1’1 and if 2.1 2’EfViSi£)I1

; 5 WP 1 }I3:i:S;’20(}8

is not 11’3e1i1’1’t21i1’1ab1e. it (t211’1’n.()t. be 1.:”c> 1.1nder A1’i.i(éI¢:_ 227

p€’,1.if.iO£}. The ieéarrzeci <%c)um3§1:’$2.._h’;1s

(:0:.1ie1″ac§ed {.135-1?. ‘t:h<:: p€1,i1,iOI1GI'£-3 ought '£0 Ilave i'iI_e3.LZ. a 'r;*u:§\':f1'ss;i’;2-3_

}’)eiit.i{m. LEl1C1€?1′ Se<'.l:.é01'1 1 15 CFC E-1I']d 'c'1_,\.V§";'{_€§§'i}'§'f;"§f'iii}-fiitfi"P.'IfCiA§31f;t–S

29,6 0:" 227' is not ma.i.r1'i,ai'r1able In Ezxvfi;-:4

20. could. be seerl i”1’o;1}…_{.}’1~r:§ px.*<3\?i5__i<)i1ss Vc-xi' S..c_;*(%'tiV.:a1i' 115 "

CPC, it reads:

“1 ’15. Rex-‘%si0:i’~¥ _§_’E”1}:..’riVi§r-VIE: Z*”ii_gj:.i.1.>.(j’0_1.11’t. may
0.2111 for the r::3céo1.’ci of v–3_r1’y (:–ass: W1″-..i<','1"'1'– 1.32238 been
decided by 4z:1':i1:_V\,;i1.'C()tja':rt i:'S'u;1'bOf"€h.}.'V7ii';1V~1 ,(§'-,_iQ,i'Sl3.C?h E–iégll

Court: zifici n in .\'1vi';'31<_;*.I1 'nu a1"p;3(?'§211"'1_ies_ thereto, and if

S11'chWS L1bf5:Lfd§11é5'I§.E? C'c}ui*t:. z;t.;)p'E:e'i'i'é —

(3)10 hz1.vc2- exe:xctse;e{§c1_ é1'–.§iA.1";?i4s:ii<;<:r*<:.' a. jurisdi<:1'.ion so vestcich

_ H} in é"h<;: <:2;<;:1"'c.ise of 1:3 jL.1;'issd1 {raise

:1.” i}E1;§%.’:k$ 1′: E” :

i£'”mvic1e<:1 1'1'1z:1¥; '£'.h€-: High. C<)u1'%:. siahaii racm

:.:1ndr3:' 'this se«::t_.:'cs:'1., vzxry or s"m:<érs; E-123}-‘ :jn”d.e’;’

15 WP ‘1 1:343/2{}(38

I11a;cepi ~
where ‘the 1’d:3r. if it h-31d been ‘r1’1acIe in f21v’m,1.r~.r.>f; ~
the pany 21;J;)]y1’a1gg for r<-rvisiorz, wouid "-

finally ciisposed of :.he. Q§”M”‘(‘){:}’_”1:~:=1″ °

p1″{3c?e3€~tdit’1gs. 1″

2}. So. if the ap1:>Ei(::;1t’.icfi’n*–.._fi}ed é:1y’iE1e TpV:e 1,i.1j;)..:j;e1’s§ Wa_~:. *

allowed by the Court below, £.11cr:’1fl§V1″e:1i{;iVgat,i’d?n (301118
to an end. So as conic! i”1*;;_;n% “t–.h¢ A§:~Qx*isi011s 0fSecti.0r1
E15 CPC and ihe. (:0unse},,
the writ ]:><:tt:i1.'i_Vd._rl1' u or 227 car1n0E: be
I11E1iI1{.£1§£1(id. have approached this

Court uirndm: the E'f'}V',fi'!:)V-Xfl-;T:'1I~U'E"~.'$'V.€_.:'§:f S<2c€i'.io11 1 T5 CFC.

22. h()W.. 213 ih c_§..’* wrzii ptstitiorl is perlciing since for

the .1;£;;£: Exist) y€i1′:§’S, §1’1§s1.<:'21c1 of «:ii1'c:=:(:£iI1g 'U"3f'3: pe1,i1..i(mctrs3 {.0

Eip}:r:–?<3;1atI,1 'LE3*is§"*C_()L.1I'f. under S€sc:f4i01:1 315 CPU, 1 think in the

3:.mei'<-3351. €'1i'j'_g.:_:s:,:t;,':§;::i<?:? and {.0 avoid cieiajg in dissp0:~:aI of the main

. I1:1aE.i,é§':", i'i' \2.:-"<ai:V1§c} be just :»;mci p:"c)p«3:¥* 10 e1'1t.<:%:" inn} the 1"f1€§"i1iS {sf

5:: 5

‘ ” ~_,[V.hf’-Z;” :p_ei’.ii;.iV{j11 w —

17 WP 3 13423 /20023

23. ‘l’1*1e counsel for the″s has ratified uptzm the
decision report’eci in AIR 1966 SC 4 {M ;’ s.Ka10():’21n’1 G{)vi;1dra.z11
vs. C£)I}’1I11iSS§()l’1t:’:I’ of InC.o1’1’1e~t.aX. Madhya. If-’31’ac1esh, §.\§E1§f,}.’_’L’:.1’1″”.7E,”‘l11€§
£3har1da;*a). \Vh€§’f3i11 1’1, is held LzI.1de:*: . ‘ ‘V

“E-3&1” Shah J,: W’}’1er1 the joint fanli§§,f’__s’i,:fi}:.11s’_?r. ‘
is $r3ve1*ed and {hrs right:-3 of-< '§i."I'1c–. &1:)e1§i.i<3.;.=i3' VV
crystallised and :1 m€1nbe1* ac:c1"uir<j'sTif1e in't.efést" V
of 'th{–: other in any i'LC1".!–1 'Of pf'o g)é1*ty t',1:r"m1:g:;h«.
arbit1'a"tioI1_. ag1"ee11'1eI1t. C{€'€:1fi.(§i';~,Of' .C:£)L£,f':.1_:
private auction, tljgre is 21– §.1"€¢*~33'1'3='~:€L'F (3*'f"i}'3i§3I"VtA':,';§iJ{,
from one to {he ']'11" {,1'1§:;'i;E..:. 1i)~:§;~pé'1.7i;y and the
value paid or taken irfi.r3_V :;:Lbi:Vbi111.i',«..fT_V'(")fig}Qtguisition

of t.1/mt i11{,e6<;'s1;_woj;i1c1 1j_Q:r;11§3;11§2j-be:r€:g£}.rded qua

t.hV£1t": s}é'21;ir§. 33 ;1{:i.'§i.211 c:(3S.VEV.V"t.<) the acquimz" for
i:héA_p'u_rpCs3_eV but the v211u@ of his
own V':-"fig;-':1"e.§ ii; d{z'f.e:'::ii'i.:1.€d by the a(:E.L1e11 cost, to

$..'ne _i'21z11;'V}y;'' ' " "

A in the de(:Esim1 I'(‘?[)()1’T€C1 in AIR 1966 SC 24

{Cgsimtli$e3é.€)1}<3z< II1(:o1";:1<:é«t:z31X, i\!Iadh.yz1 P'1"21::iesE1. Naggp1:a'1f and

Bh21EEde1:%gi,' Naigg.:~1.11.' veg. Seth {3<)v1"1'1draI1'1 Sugar 2"»-'1i11.s)., ii: has;

$366-E1 h§’d– 5}; {he A;)c3:>;; (“_”,0L1:”i ass L,EI}d€}”3

Joint” §”ii;1ci1.,1 famiiy 21:9 s;’1.1»;:h <:zm;'mt. be a
p21::"t.3;}e1" in 221 fim'1. ii ma}-'. }":<3weve1*. i.E1'mug}1 iis

}§a2.:1't..a €'.'I'"11.€3I' izizm} 31 'valigi 1:)afl;':1<3.r*shi§} with 2;:



. …. .,. ., ya.1-an’-a.)«;nv);.v\~M-rnnv\\A-«a.v;r\\aI}.»G.\*§~4V»5’z\?,(1e«’£$C/A

‘- d= ‘ 18 WP ‘2 1:343/20053

s:’:1’a11ge1f or wi£.’x1 the ka’1’t.a of £m()ihe1* f::m’1i.1y.
\V}f16:11 Ewe k:«3.:1’t.a:s ().i”c1iFf€1*m1=£ f21r1’11’1.i€s L’.o:’}sI)i’£.1.1te

21 p:;u'”L1’1<::'s§1ip ihc: 0%..1'1e1' I"£}€fI1'1b('31"S of the f211'3"1i1i:ts V

do not becszmu-1*. part:1e1*s 1}1011g§}1 E.h€ karma 111igIr1'i. .

be§e ':50 1}1r_~s1n."


25. “1119 Apex Court in the c%eci.:si0n.z’y;:1t)Qrtc:§§ A§1£3{_’_§9/Q

SC 2456 [Prakasll Chanci Shamla ‘ié%,¢r1c§ :01}1e19s- I’

Nath Shzlrma) has heid as 1,1I1ciér.:_

“B. I”I.ir1du I,.21__\=v – J01’_n:t :i’21m’i.1y ~ U1’f1′<;EiV\_-jiciAe5:i
mernber can carry sepa§–;:i; é" of his


“”” ‘VI1’i–.?:’*;fE'{ 297″”‘[E'{‘;)ndi1-anT1 Bhiku Kirdai V,

Kris-3111121 VI%3’11’iE4<'_hL,1' by LRS}, 1'1. is held that the

yroperties a;<:.q11'éred~_ by br{)i:h.e1"s after sex»-*<:r21m:e in st.a't:us

" 2 "{3E1I11.17_;'(}':'{<.'D$ trig: bbed£z';.._1,11r:' joém, I'ami]y p:'()p<:1*t:ir;:.:~s.

~v;"§ &1*:1".§3 Of1,hf:?KjL1dg1T"E(3I1i.? the: Apex C.{}1.1:"€. has hcid
ass ¥;,;'1jf1ri§<:?1': _ "

“E …………….. ..Afi.€1′ {he ,s3evc:1″a1?1c:€: in
A ‘T ..§s1.z1iT1.:s, 21.£i11’1i’t1′.c2c§£y. the a;)p<;"rIIant: hacé }:}'L,1.I'<37:f:21se-7ci
*'ii.c3;11'1s3 5* 7"" amd 8 of' }''21m 1 B Q{'I}1.<3: p12:u':'1*£: in his;

ms.»-"11. §mli.vic1:.tz1I :'1:=m'1es;. 'I'}"1c~:2"e§"0re, ih<)u;gh ilhfz'.

19 WP E 1343/20()E%

a1;)peI.I21t..€% <:0L1ri. E2215 ciubbed those p'rop€r1.i..rz1g1’a13h,».};QI3’0f

Shall be dectiareci to be :~?:€1’Ef~”E?lvcT§_C11.,'{i:L’-*{*,’,fZA.§:”pi’f)}§€?ji’fi€3S” ‘

of the a_ppe1£a.I’1i.. ……… ..».f’ _

28. En AIR 1985 SC 157.?:é;L’Vw{.._” gig.Raian;§}:ajnd:’:;)arba:~i1a:

vs. Co1nm’is$2’0’1.1cé1′ of I11cem”cr.’I’21..§§:, E\z’iiaJ;1-h.ya’3″?;r21d<::s11), it: F1213 been

held in para 6 of thej11dg:f;}§:i'1i,_Vas§ _tirider; .' '

.2; Vv{:EE:1'::et'.i.1. P11″:’:L€1; “3éx’4.&’ ‘ ‘I;i*1a1fg ri’1embc~,rs sf tine
jaint i’212i”1£.ij’,.r 2″u’1lr;1 c:vé’t:1_ (:0~1:3arEI1erS can, without
disfxzfbilig .fl1’é”s1.ém:1’s..the ‘joint fa1n1i.Iy or ‘£11.16:
c:<)pe1':*cc.:iza3*y; '_c'1{:?L"}i1'i!7(§:*S€:I)8.'I'a'{.E3 }:)rop<:rt.y or run

;i.'1I'C§€§)€11d€.U 1: bt3s.i.1iess for i;he;m$::-lves. ……

' 29E' A'A_IvE?; 1998 :50 40: {M./s.Ras11i}~;; ml and (30,. 'J55,

C<}1i'1"r_:2i$é§i<5I2,:i1* §){'°. I11::01m3~»T.aX., O'ris::s–3z1}, iha? Apex C<)'urE has

:)bSei"v&(i.–__'é,1és ~%3i'1.cier:

“A12 HUF’ carmoi: be in 2:. ¥_:vet.i.cé:f p<)s'ii,it3r${)I1 1’103’1’1i:’1z1t:e(3 by

23 ‘.–*«’P l. 1343/ 2008

{he E~£LJF}0i.r1:”-5 21 13ar’t:;1c1″s11ijg). the 1f>arir1ership win
be b€i\-‘\—‘f;’.€.'{1 {he nt>1T1’1.i11.21′{‘ed pr:°:1″so1’1 and ?;’.}’16’, ()’i’h2_u’1.ners of the firm. I’~iz1ving regzxrci i,c1 *’t.i1%’f
definit:i01’1 of “p2ir[ne1’sh1’p”‘ and “_pa1’f.11f;’,i’S’ .ii
110%, possible {(1 hold ifihai. 2m~» .f:jIUE*”

f§uc1tL.:aéiI’1g body of ir1cEiv*iCEL.:21i,<:a, )’I1_di\”iCf”t¥.%A,”i’1″‘v.})£?i1′”‘§.1′)#i§.’_&3L: H:
camaot do ind1’1’ec’€1y w1121Vt’ ‘i1;:’€%:1,z3r30; (’13’V1A”:ei?;t,1V;\}*-.–VV

3. Kama or any o1′.1’1er 111c%111V}_:)_¢}’ ‘L.IE1_vr-3. E-EU?’ jVQi11.s 5a
part:nershi.p, he ca:A_1_ ‘c 10 oggixj ‘i1,_S éfi§ i11diVidt.1£11.
I-{is rig11t:.s and o1.§:1<-gr
p21rt:n<–:rs 13}; E3;i'ri':1:f;%§"shi:;) Act
and 330:; :§T*ii1_1(I1?1<" .IJ:;';.xa}: W_' ha.-1.t'éfé'1'"'i'11ay be the
I'e121tioi;:sI1.';:fi_,.l5E§f&a'eéfi::}1ri' 1~!:IJF * 3.1'1d its n0minee–
paVu"'i'.iié:*,T. the HUF nor
afiy 1";1(3L3*.113 tc%1":"'z)_f"'{T.h€:–Ji-?'iI.JF" ' can (:}aim to be 21
;321r§:.iz.¢i4 ,0? ' .wi1fih_ 11.1.9 pe1riner5sh1'p
'U'1,Pc:L1g1§'v f'1._ x1.f.I”;–iz’1Ae’3e.V”$'{i}1ere the€;a of am HUP’
VV i1’1’t0h ____ __g}21:’1.1:1€1’sI1.i1:) z1g1*ee11’1c::’1%: with 21
A s;sf.1_£2i1:gr-:;?’~:§1e Kzxziei a1<:me in {he eye of §a_w is the

V };T}"E;§T:V1',]E'{€',i".f':"'.V

A 30.,'§"1iij¢:V–{$<)1.1;'1se§ hasa :'e{'e:-:*c:<i 1.0 11:16 {ie,o1'sic}.z:s 3"r:pc}rt.ed in

9,005 I'-UR'A§:§CV\r' 3603 (St:aE:e: of A:ndE1ra Pracies-git amcfi E%'I'1£Jt1§'i€F 'J.

V"%fiS1}f;§;:1:3}12113(Era R210} and {2(}O'7] 4 SCC 22!. {A.V,E-'21p21yya


2] WI' 1 1343;'i.3008

Sasfgry and othc-.z's Govt. of EXP. and (athezrsj wh€.1*c_-_i_n the

(;rf§€ci oi" fraud has been di:~i~3C'ussed by' the Apex C':o1.1ri:, .. "

31. FLm’.her. Ehfi Apex Court. in 2.: d€’CiSi() I1_”1′(;'{3’Q.i:’f.~:”f€”l = if; ‘V

(1977) 77 SCC 4627 (‘I”.m~v-1nc1a;uc1a;~:.i””T:\,i_:.Se§§t,y’a;>Vé»i:«.i1arim1

anotht-3r) has held as under:

“The ‘1’1fi.a} C0ur’t rf1z.:$f{‘*~..Mb:”€rz’iVé:13b€–fA’E:!f32i%;;Ji’i”
on at 11’1ea1r1ingfu} f 110 folfmutlilvVa=.§<:z1dii1gfjf
piainii ii is In21.nifc2s§}ji«vex.'%1t:ig)'1;;é*<an.§f§ " ::1e1'Et',1(-:§sH in
the sense of 3-201 disc:}os'i:n§'f'va:(~;1'e21sj!i*i:;§h isf) sue, it
shouid (3-1'dffi* 'V1I. Rule:

1.1 C.P__C3__ ggmund
m(211t4id3gc:d ‘t.}1éf€:’i11 blevez’ drafiing
‘iiEL:1’Si§.)’13 of :c”v¥.W(:’f1h1SC of aciiorl, ih€
(:c) U_1f’t “xmi:31_ an-_ the first hearing
by €::{:1%:;_I1ir1viI1xgg’ see-‘:’1’ch.i.ng1y’ t1’I1dt’,1′ Order
C.E’.C””a1(:{Viv’i:t:;t j1.1(fge is {he answer to

‘ -..’i’1*.:’?%?i3@if§Ssi}:»}§{}’}::w :suiisD The “fzfial C{31_.:.3.*:.£~: :.v’:.’11.c.i
V’ ” .. Vi:2–se_Vi:é§t: ‘m 1}§<t_;"a1§;'.iv'c:13; cm. _L:f:,1, ‘1’11e £'{, s:~;i’.21;ggc. “F216 E’7’c:na.1. C(}Ci€ is

at] :’css;o1,1:'(:ef:,:1 c3:’1’1u::wL.1gh to 131éts:~:t. sucth 1″:’1r:’1’1 (Ch,

‘ s 4_ X§:lH§:’iI’1C§ IYILI:-‘Si be 1.;’igg;e<::1 Ei§_§E}.'i'I'1Sf i.k"mrm."

32' F'L1rt1"1<;.=1f. in pa:'2:1 5' ii. {:sbsse:*v<2c:§ as 'l.1I'}{i€'.}"Z

2;; 'NF 1 l343;'i20{}8

"5. We have not: the: sligiléest. hesita'L.i.{)1'1 in
c<)ncie.rr111ing €13:-2 pe£,i'l,i011er for aha gr(Js£::~ abuse
the p1'c)cess 0? the L':0Lu.'%i I"(?}3€I-,1i.f3CH}' L'
1m1'ep<:rnt'ent1y 1*es301fE.(:<:i 1.0. From tile s121t.e:11'~;fi_"_{1 ' "
the §'a.Ct.s §()L11'1d in "tile j1..1dg:1'_1_e.3:1'i.:.__of V'
C0L13't., "ii, pre, is 21 Bagram. 1i’:i.;rVi”E]”e:: é:, of not
disctiosixggi g{;?”c’:’_}Vc2¥_V1:’*¢ $’5ii<;%;"""1"1e should
VI} Rule 1 E CPC
i}.ié-3,1"ei;"1' if clever drafiing has
the' i};viLis'3' 03.1,_ '(.5f.:c:1 CJf'E1LIS(i* of 21Ctio11, nip it. in

EH6 bufii" zgvf. the fi:fs£: heari11g by e:s;21111ir1i;1g £116

._"§?§2:;;'_i_i}§,' _:::€;-12:1r(:Vl?1iI1.g1.y' under Ordei' X, CPCL 1'-':11

21:'i::£'xz"i;sst'Judge the armwer 20 i1"re:'sp31 625,2:-m’;iLf1i1′}§; i’hx’;: ;}:1:”?;.;,: 21%; the firs,-:i4 he;1§”‘i1’1g; -$3

é}]z:{“c’: ‘{)€}g1,1:33 §i£,ig21.1,”Lc)1″1 cam be .s.aE1<3§, down at. files

ea-1i*}.'ji.c*%;'£ stzigyé. "I'1'1r3 E7'£=na1 Code is 21130 1*es3c)z2'1.'<:ef1.1i

_A<::I-:3()I,1§__{iz to i'11€;'.C'.'{. 5-such. men. {Ci",XU zm£i :1ui:'e~:i: be

'{.1*iggc%=:*€:(i 2:g21i;'1$i'. T.h<'3:m. In *.,1"1is.; aitzetsssza. the Es.-*,arm=,c§
J':,1{i§.§&: in N18 c;:{)s.~s£. z'c:a.l.iS€*<:;i w1'1z1%'. €}€é1’g:% E§€Ti”I’1f:–:iE*C§_


🙁 3;?’ .


24 ‘NI?’ 1 1,343}/2008

34. Now, Lmder 12.1.16 provis:eEon.s oi’Orc1£3r VI} Ruie I ‘1. CPC,

ix”: case,

(21) Where it does 1101, disciosae 21 {:au:se “of-.

action: _

Kb} Where the relief ctlgximecigis €._i:’r1’cieEifllurytfi

and the p§ainti.1’f. on 13.r::in..g :’ecfL.1§:’éd §3};»’ f§VV3z*’.?f

Court: to c::c)r1’ec.£.. the \J’c1h1£1i’vT'{~?1uI.1V”‘1?~Ji'[Chi1’§” 23. €,’i:1?:i=2 ift,

be fixed by the COL1,'{“{,, 1’ai1s-{*0

{(3) VK/here the reliéi t:l2ii’ii1C_d ;V’*Ef£_~i.vv. pxf0per1.§;

valued, bLIiL.:U21,_€ p?.’;11″11Vtj §,.?riii1._§:1″1V-L1«pdn paper

iris1.1fff<éi.é1'1t1f3:..__s'é,an'1péx:§_, and the p1air11.iff, on
beifigg __tI'1»<: .='CoL1rt. €10 suppiy the

1'equis1t¢ sia.n1-pw§,.ap'éir"\vi't.t1i:1 :1 Lime {.0 be fixed.

V, 333,-V' izhe Coiiz"_';, fails to (E0 550:

:\N1″1′:3.1fe the ss’1.1E£. :1ppt3:a1rs {mm i.}1.::;*.

” ~–.V3i.éi£€é’n.¢:’:i;”ii’: ihe plaim. ‘:10 be bz:1r1*e<:,i 3.)}? iaw.

. Tfhé plain: can be 1'€jCC.i€.d if the plaint.

V A is 1’1:.::1, fifieci in c§up1i<:2?:'i'.r: a'1:1d \–'€1Tlf3i'E'f [E16 pE.aini'.ii"f"

_ .i"ai1s to <*;::»;n'1p1§5 :s1.ib»1"z.:d<3 {2} 91' rule 9 and ésub–

11116: {3} of R1116 9 A.


the Couri has an 8.u’t4h0rit.y to 1″€rje<tt 'i.h.e p1e:1.i1'11'. 21f¥;,t:t1* its pc:':t_uSa1.,

' i.'h;a.t. the p1a.%r:i.. in qi.z<;t$'1 Cci:.t.'14:1 E"i{)1. izaivcé bee}: I"E3jE%('.'E€',€,i uridnéaf

/ .

25 xx? 1 E:34I3fi2,{)O€-3

35. A113: how. so far as 1119 Iasii. two gi’Ol.1}1C1..f5 are

ctoxicerned. it is ‘1’1.ece3s;sz1’1″y for {he Court: to give E-Hi 0pp’0ifi1u_ii’i:y

{.0 submit iéie c§’.e*. copy of Lhe piaini. or ‘L0 (T.(.}’1.T1:f)1},-‘I’;\i’i:i_:’i”f;~,?j.i<§?:r'

pmvisiomfs of Qrcier '17 Rule 9 CFC.

36. Noxxg the: perilsai of fhe. p:’o*c_i5éi'<)_r1s_: of'\..-'iR1.1AV1é',

1'1 CPC reveziis specific gf0'L111dS 0<i.}..E'h€ lyasirs 0£Tx?C~::11i(i1}1, éi V

can be I'€j€(?t€d. it is 3'E"§:'€""..-@111 'yiiii I'1ii'[:4t'VT1:,'}",1§i{. EC')"iv1"I'EC'1" :C)Ll?, as to
whether the plaimiff has z;i«_§,'.{.i()11. to izisiituic:

a suit or t.i";.21'é.     will have to be
looked int-_0    piaim. and not by looking

in to 1.136 “L1′”i’€53″”}’}€:{‘iii(J1’1t3i’S. 113 €8.36, if the
perusai :f31:’€’:}”}Lt’. .caus-36 of aciion. where it is in

respect. of L11§;~ fl’1€ ;3:*:)pcri:’.ic:s701″ S0fI’i<f3 p1"ope1'tieS, the Couri has

'J10 2-ja"££'i.h()_fi§,}af to r7<–?i_'ji:::f.:_jL___1f.;h€: p1a.i.1'i'i; iiricfier the 1TJ£'()ViSiOi"}.E§ of Order

'\fE;I'i;?2i'1,1;.I<:i–. _: '1. i C::£éC.__

'i*i:§v3..5'z:0iii1se1 far "i.i"1.z;*. res}3ci11c§er11,$ has relied upon a,

" 'dE".Ci-5§§CJ'~I1:'.33$" ifie Apezaz €01.11": r€:}3{)x"t,ed in AIR 2006 SC 3275

f {I\{'E.VC%z,.si'i2cias «$2. 0125.. I;'{ais3a11"21r2§2-iii 8.: C)'1"$.} x.-vhe.3¢<;":i:'1 ii: is held

in .-

§ .

. ,. N- I1I:K(d)’\/\§)}\§§’/t)x’>”/”1/)A””!|6l4§>4’An”l”‘//’$)

gf; WP I E343/2008

Order ‘\fH.. Rule 1.1 of ihe Code of Cr;vi1 Pr0Ce<:i1.1rc3.. The C(}.g.'1*t an
that s;':'.age could I101", ha1ve been gone imc) 2-31.11 y :iis;13'1,1.t.eci–<
of facfi btu while p21ssi11g an 1″de1* oi” gr:;.u’1t.

i11ciisp1.11.ab1;_;u 1’1. cam. ._ M x ‘ . u

38. 1*”11ri’.he1’r1’101’e. in AIR :}A:?’é1’f
V. K.’1′.Esh\=vam. Sa 63: Ors.), t.1′;rv:_ “;:x;f§)xris%i{;:t{s
1}(d) xvere taken into Lto:;side1~a{;i_g’_§:{j:-it i;j % paras 15
and £6 of the decisicm

“15. Order Vj1{‘;”i’«1:,i.:1f3 ‘:.m_1}”c$I’v_t1f:’c§i_C’k)de has

limited 21Tgfi1j1’i}.::.2itir,s1:{.–_ It€L11f11s”t’.’ Ab€ Sb0.’,%fI1 that the

suif. :iA1E1d{%;7 é1’ny lfigiw-;’*&”‘;L1Ch 21 c:onc1us1’011
rn ‘u.s1′,’–be l’;<(b)41i1TV:'[§¥;~': averr11e;'1t.s made in the
})1ai'f11._.Lé'IT)Vii't'§:':c:f1'E:~ {*1a%{'£iS§S Order VIE, Rule 11, in
put' o134'i"1"1iV< )V11_;.VS1"1($'1L;s1c"f"'i'1()t be mixed up. V'\F}1<%re2.1s
€511; ;:é;f;_x;'e1'1 "E;:'c1£V~%__::____A .2111 zi1pp§icai,ion fen" :*€;;'c%1’1. of
‘ v , _V :p1a.’i i’1iVr}’1z,1}I be fi1ec::1 on more illan <)n<-3 g§1"0'L:1nr:i
SL.1b–C1E'iL1Sf3S élaereofg 21 c'ie21r
" f7i:}di.1ig'3.;i'.<§ é.h21{'. efik'2<::. mus-:1 be ; 21$; 's?v"r1;}:i:
" "':V{v)":'L;1.a}{1 U136 3*::%ie,\Wa::"zi4 {Rim it1v()1~:.i3':g <?123.1,1sc? id} of
Of£ic}.1' VII, E'<ZL1§<3 11 GE' 't1'1e Cede is; the 21\r€rm'1r Ehaii. pL1’1’1i>0:3e, 1.herc:~.
<:a1'11"10%.. be an},-* ackiiiion or :ésL11:3i':ra<:1.ic)1'a. Ab$€:;'1c:<::

of j1.1:z"iss<:iis;:1'.§.{)1T1 <31': the p;;1r1.. Q? 21 C'm.zri': tram be

27 W11' : 1343,-'2(){'28

i.n.v0ked at diffi-31*e:1'1t. 2-ind :,:1'1dcr difff;'?€I}T.

gbrovisions of the Code. O1"d<:rr" V I1. {hale '1 E of mi?»

Code} om-3. Q.'{'CIE?1' XIV. Rule 2 ar1<)E'.h(:*r.

16. Fcuz’ the §3uI”f}OS(‘_’. ofim{Q§§;1’1’1g.§ Cii*{‘1’c%r–:V-‘.I§;””

Rule 1 I {(1) (:>f’i’.}1é: Code. no 21i;’1(‘}:?1;_1t (gE’ eéJi:(<.§Cz*1.(§e'

can be Eooked into, The 1iSSL}€S4WQIT.I§1'l€I'i'f. L3'_,f" the'

Ialeattcr which may aris';t:__bt3t\v(-3e.I'1 Vi,tm_ "

would not within the 1"é£sJ:»n 91' {.116 cdurt:

1:hat Sielgc-:. AH isstiea shgili 1540*} ?.)€ f’hf3 suEjjeVt:1,»
matter of an order u:ficI_€r té%..(3’V¥’s:21id_j3r<}x5-rifsiozl.

The, ';3.1fi};_'.xci_p§ es Z. of 1<.e.s" ff;-'–'L1Vc_Eicfia1.a, when

atI,rz1ci.§:ci, xy-'6;.s'1=!.'_¢;? "b«':':1EV.EiI1()'§;h€-if Sufi. in View of

-Sc:ét:i():1″ ‘}~?; pf Cétidé. ‘I’Ir1e C}’.S'{iOI’1 invoivillg 21
mi.§§_ed” 4_ oth61*-.cvidC;’1 and file: order pa-1ss,i’ as 2-1
1, ., _pre1ii;1i)f3.;§i’3,!__izssaura or at, the final 11€ra;”1’1’1§;g ‘E3L.1{I.3 {he
x7;;:c:Vst§Vi:’§(§1: <ir2~1m1()i bi? d€:'i,E'.I'I"£1iI'1.€Ed at 'Limit

A u A

"The Apex Cesurt in AIR 1999 SC

'1 128
K (':3.'R,i1{I'.1€l(fi"}21I}dI"EEi11 V. E.V.J21I'1akir21.mz1§1 and (}i'.}1:?1°3) hcicl 'ihai. if

" _1,h..:3 ';:§2;:A'i:1t': di::<;c:§_ost;=,:.:s $116 <32-i1.1s<:? <3? 2,1.(?'£4i(,')I'"1. w§";.i(:§'1 if L.1;'2?eF)1.1t.i.€ci

33 wv 1 1343fi»ZO08

uId void €1€C§’.iO}1 amd r<:}'er::?;.i()I1 of;'} at I,i1r€%5h0§c1":mder

Orcéer VH Rule I. 1. {a} '1'1’t;}ust.i1’ied.

40. In (2005) 7′ SCC 5:0 (Popat and }§:c_}t;£e’;::k1.z-). A_PfijI:A:i%ri.§}K

Vs. S{.a.t.c Bank of India StaffAsso1i1;%V’i11gfiV1ifi%garCf
zweriricxlis rmick-3 in fl”1€ plzrini. iVI1′ h<-3§d
that the rE:j€(Eii0E} of '{'.h(f p}';2_§;1i, 11'z1'<'i[':e1A*.'V}':i'I'1;:"-.V=:"p';j<::viss«iLit:s ofjO1*der VIE
Rule 1.1 (d) is in'1]3r*0per:éiés; i'i: of law and
fact. H ' 2 '

41. SQ~’.’ri”4II1£é1.iCL1h)ié$ .,§:x:1’rm’r1a.iion of the diCtu;m laid

down by the }X}3T€,V:a’rtifi.:ic:1:1 is

Vi~?s.9LV1V,;;,>;_’n1′,V fC)_1:: ii§..:: _}pIz.1i1’1t.iffs f§”()II’1 1,}.1:: (i€?i”fi;§}’}€i€}f}_'{p’%rD in mspect. of

ti1vr:*e.’§3§f{3′;3€:1’t:i<3s in ScthedL1Ie A to J, 11116 ;3Iz1i11.t.:2H'.$»-$3

g2;§ver1 1",}-he '=pa.ri;i(::~11z1:'ss as 1:} 9;-fly and .1"10w fézcy a:"r:=: c3z':i.i1.Ied {.9

:fé;Z'r,1€é ;éa;}-"1_a1"e :1: 'H19 suit pz'0{.)<:1'i':.'i€55. 'I"h:



E ?a»«.,’___ (4,,

29 WP E. 1. 1343/2008

pi21Ez11; Crieairiy disC1c)se a ca.’ of 21(71j3’3 for the i:1:~3′:i’tuf;i0n of

the suit”. £1. 11121}; be that, Late~..M¥Misri:1’1a1 has executccé [2:44_’\a’~:’_i.11

be.queathir1g the ;.)1’0per’i,ic-rs to c1if:l”e:rem’. pc1’so1’1:”~.; ().x?__ i.}1aifftkjcaftg’

are reiezxse and evcm iai~:’i11g; fimo cox’;$’ié:§}T’;1€:.ic>n«i;1″;a{

Defozzndani: No.1 not 21 m<2n1ber of 1:119 3;-«mi: ié:y:'I'1i};'y;*- {E*ré'53§3 233*.'

aii I}1E1iI€f}.'S which wili have to bé. –::.r1sic’1e1_*eE;1 ciL1:i’:1″g
of the {rial and not at the ini.t,i.:11 é1i;«21gc.VS0, T’:’i211}Cou1″t cm
app1’eCiat.1’0n of the l’I1?,1i.(:’.v1’i7»,’;?..1:”‘()I1″_l'(3Q()1TE§§”hftld that ihe plain’:

disciosess a Cause Q1′ ac€’.1Q1_1V__:é1nd~§_n ;f§1té’~.ci1’i§11.r=.=1si.2=.11ces, it was

justified in .’c3V.:i’-}1′)1::,ikC’}(3V..JE.iC)’}”V1 =1 ‘t’’l,ii.i0ne:’s.

Iii”:=:h{: CiF'(é€Lii21$:{2’§i’1LTE3S,.’IV'””dO not find any grounds to

Cali for amy int’.<T,91'£'£-:r(:~:"1"<:§:aim. ;i31*der of the Couri, below. In that

vic;{é_si?§1:i in {ass t’.?d cé’f’sfl.1a:mrir1§;:


‘ A “The }:§<':%E§§.§–i}§} is; i1iE?5I13§SE%Ef€i with c£:s"i.:s.a.

Sfifa; %

” ‘3 E’;

i,h<–: <:


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