Sri N Udayashankar S/O Nanjappa @ … vs Sri Nanjappa @ Nanjundaiah on 10 December, 2009

Karnataka High Court
Sri N Udayashankar S/O Nanjappa @ … vs Sri Nanjappa @ Nanjundaiah on 10 December, 2009
Author: N.Kumar And C.R.Kumaraswamy
 ............ V. m-uuununnn ruur: LUUKI OF KARNATAKA [4133 calm

as: Tim mm; scum QF KARHA'i'fiI.2 16, 'E33 -:§é:f}RS$'   '_  

JA¥A£iA<}A,R, Bi*;?¥A(}:%;L&}I§E~_i Ea; --

 F '      .ug§?§Lmw
« u gm' $R§;T_gfiE§E$E§a:%$§ gm, mm



, @ gmgmrmmw
 _ AGEQ ;A.BGU'1§ €53 Ymizs
RfA",HQ.;:2;8§i_2A 14063}
9'm-'~C<)Rae,,;*2NB Bmcx

 aamamggsae 3:1.

 2;; S§a*§;fB.K.¥%&2A%H!£


V'   ......4aGE§ AEQUT 5% mm

Z£€]££' mm teams
smmzmmmma mma

mt:-mm mzzcg mamas . ..
TUlfi(UR§ 1/

----- Vawrvuv-H' wn uw-uuu--uru\r- IIIVII \-Iullullti \lI' l\.l"'|l\l'lF\iP|l\.f5 W30" LUUK5 'J!'   


3. $m:B.K. PRABHA

WI Q.I'I..B .VEI€'Kfis'I'E$H
51631:} was? 50 mm


ms REGL:L,a__R  :aJé"n,En Uzmax
sacnax 96 ::;:m~;?r:: As Q31 THE_'FE;E"-0? 'VI mm. cm
arm aI,:mGE=,._ Hmiegwgm *-{{':§7:;'3§-E-11) msmssflm
'rim 3:12:13 FQR' 1e?ERi=!4£A:§E«NT mgmymmza

*rz»;zs~  'ax mg anmssime mm
ma: i~3'.KUB~fia§_R £3" mz;:°s.zgm:: Tm mgewme;

'  magi ayirzst the J__11d@nt


  gm Triai Cmsrt. whisiz has aiamisam am

 % ma: 5?  halfifug am. the wig: éa.te&
«    gramgauzfiael hag; Ezém is mi gmwéy

 Q5 Far firm pzzgmse tbs  § €213 mtim

 refexmci is as may at: mfcrmci is in the ewna' ' 1


.... -  ...,..m. u. m-umumnnn filial"! LOURT OF KARNATAKA Hggfl C055

.3, me piaizzfzlfi N {Idayasifmnkar is the 

E.K.§a.::1jappa. 1* éefmxdant B K 
dafmzciani: B.K.Rsvan: 
possessien aid enjaymnt sf the gait  T. 

except the plaintfl. Ni»-dozzgbtaghe   e;§;1g%* k%

wt: sf 1" defem:iaut,, but  gt   at
gash ather. fig?   'Afizg  ef
the 'M1 dateé 12.:,m9&%%ag.  Smt
Bcramm ix:    fiisputing the
{She am:   he has got aj} riglsxt,
dike axfi;"'1;*1'£t:ex'seVx§:_i". ymsperiy and tiw

  'vixag    £31' intettmt: aver the  &

 £8 mzzstraitzeni 1:3 agrproaeh tirxim

  af firm '$33231 éatefi 2;.2y:3m§§s,.

$9," & " sf rrwsfimg the 1*? fiefefiarzt

4'    appaarame arzé fiiaé tizc fiamflad szafsmant af
"   He admittefi the reiatiarsship met mat $32 gm

 ""'»». .§at:itisn. Hazwgvar, he datxied tha anmzian aim: the

§§ainfifi""a patmmi find marina" Smt.Bm*amm was;

L, x


the abfiaiutse ewztxcr of tha schadula yr$pert;§:.,
aclmittefi the purchase cf the schwule  
two difiarant rewfistcrati sale: dgdg   K V' 
I-is cxxntezzdad that the said  
the joint: {may pmpe;-ma «:.-éi '_ hj;$   
and mat the  k%%A%Vg£%%  
Smt.Baramm. Ha .%%I.f:2atVthe: scheduie

$mt.Bcram@&  tine semduk
E v;;:;.V21:: i:;£ He mntsxzded that
his: motixgr meithcr she aequirmi
any s ¢f  mar any aeparate pmperty
.. G'f   am @223 siazm Smt.Sunee1:1m
 ._f¢r pmmnmt izzjumticxz against tin


T      ta 4 izzgguajm the pm-ma zrxf
  rmtrafiném flfmm fiaam  with
   pasemsian and &fi§ £ af the pmgfias
  in the said suit Qs,1~¥e,55§1;w95. an ad-

 ardw of taampanrax-jg injuzmfisn was granted


 v- -u-.nn:-un-u- "nan uvunv ur nnnnnnu-Inn ruun uvunl ur :\AmVIHH-\l\.M HIUH LUUK1 ur KAKNAIAKI3 HIGH COU5


agaimt. the defmzskmzm in aha said suit. in the. téééfi
pmcamékfig the piamfifihas stained as unde':-:    

"fiw fizmify an {the suppgrr'   
pmbmfis father wins now: hear:    % * % L
the hm~aa:;e business in    
alias M12}: xsendzirm b-usmss   

mm Milk vending   
semprzlsezi afswezuz  
923: sf tfw   
sasavai   the
fiifiim'fi's V   9? "'5'"~'3'3 fif
3%  fiéé names vi
Qefmafiaist }?*Ja. 2  ;'%F£w..2 as
@339   Beflndmg E"~Jas§4

 *1,Eha9ug7?:».. t?se azfenmz rm ms:

  E91'  'izgww-is the upkeep,
  amzzdim 3%!" aha fmzgg.

    msfi hmma;-ac


   sis: mm mm mime em
 gm gmisg, gt: mmenzea is fire
_  am fiw p£wZrmfi%' {mgr pa: up
'  ' ' 2-zsraihufi ms: Zzksikxg in apmfian
 % ruzsfmzgg mmaez-3, rrwzggw the piainfijfif

us while arwthar p§?'h:$?I was umé far his

..-.- ..-.-. -.-uwpu-up no-urn:-It Val I'\l"!.l\l'l"|lI§l\I" l"Il|.:l|"l 

busfiaass mzfi ather parfiwza ware let ant to
mama' by him. '"

The aaid suit was éismiaaeé as mt  '4v§:r1.A "  

zsmnzem. The (State er (mm 3:'  

aximittexti. :2 is submittsaé   gm 
bmuezathea; the szshecizxlfi  vi tha
glaintfi thraugh 3 Wifi was not
eazemzteé nut sf   and
body. She   and aim was
sufimirtg  Vagxzusaum af several
    mm the fact that
she was   talfimg afimnmge ef

   rgiagzed fiaud, mmégrz azfsd; u:1:1du¢

ha égvfoug; u'.v«VEfit_i;%V§suhmitte& am: me "§3§}.L a::e:2.:::1.:9ga

   a}mwm %;x   ah»---§3;*§§ mzfl mxé; wifi, mam: in

%    mt ism gm an $13 in aiafarifimi Tim piairztifi

'   put nu shéct §$mf  tlm     



 _u f<a}%¢§ win. me chmdant 1%.: same ta zmw abaigt

fimaa§§¥fi}ia11Eyaf::a*t.§wc§aathafh5m nmthmg

-v-uu-r--r1nr- vnvurvv 'u\Iun' \.rI l\l'lEli'J"\Il"|I\I'| l'Il\7Tl \-\lIJl\I ur l\l'|l\lYF\ll'|l\I"\ T1"-3!" MKIUKI L)?' KRKWAIAM  


smmeramm has med 0,s.1ie.s7'5:;2m2. cmmggg

€115 genuizrmzctaaass of the allqeé Wiil,  
which :29 pamasxag an the am ef the Cit}?...{j§,¥gv§,1' {:;w»:    
[C.{1'I-L15}. The allmatian that ii ? 

Smtfiommm when aha was-4___ph§éi§é:fly fifi:, *  .

smmd anfi an her «m1  précgsaura,
asrzrercieszt er undue:   fire;-: not
smrreci and  gig 1S§Li:.t.Bc3ramm
haé as    pmpnsrty by
 iaajm famfly prcsparty.
me  eam 1:0 be mgstema an
::.3.a.19@=j_'_;'2~s.    9:' the gab-Ragénnm},

   m the said W33} ami the 3%

:A«.a*2:A§:3¢r':"Twdg hm" signature as an attaamr

  muaah awam fif the mmzfian sf the

 V4   her fisacawai matixm wag afi mi Within
 mgwggag $2" mg ya Mmaam, was azmman am:
   mwmaég bga $mt,Baramm £3 very much within
mmxaage afafi mg ciefmfiants fraem she am cf

exwufim: 'm mi avatrrwtg Tim 1% fiefméaflz cam is

"""  '-Vvm VI Iv-nuvninasn rut.-ifl COUK

 ' 'year  

Imam? abeut mg angad Will csnky aftar am math aifjxss

mother Smt.Baramm. The amecufiaan 9f 
am by am dcfmadant mm in fawn:      
dam aa me. The a11mu'azg  

% Boramma has lot cf lava $;1*:¢1_.  'ti   V.

pLai11tfl' arfi an azmcmnat sf    has
bmucathefi the seheéifié'   ¢;~f tbs
pxagnw on  her death,
the Will,   was met
msrrmt    wag false. It ia
submittésé ._ £'3;¢$$:E"'t3d the fmjiy at his
yaurg  was vmirkirzg at 3%

_ Fiatel  for 8. mega: aa}m'j,r. $1: the
 éisfenamt, he rmignssfi. the jab and

    iaint iamay' 9:" the éefmidant in me
fiimiz tmi am plaintfi §e 


   éfiafiifiw Wm fiii' firm gchfizzée pramrty with efimt
  ' "~____"'«f'ra$i*§§1.G8.§*0G1 mzfi mm sf Elm defencianm at any
 haé any right? 23:23 fir imam: except the plairzrifi'

was: 9.3 fake mid. mt mrrmt. Tm 1&2 éefandant has been


II\.?U' WV": 'IF I\l'II'!gI'I"|Il'II\l" 'Ii\.'IIU \u-\I\J'I"§' 'EIU I'\l'\l\I'l"'IIf"'|I\l"'I lII\I" €\lIJ'l'\' \II ¥\l'\I\I'l"II"|!'\f" KIWI"! 

 wag'  E fie 

' V-n\ul$uf"\l 'ml' "ul"\|'\!'l"IIF\lx0"'I IIINFIU  Jul" '\l'I\I'Il'V!l'|I\l" 3


in peamfixl pesawsimrz and mjeymcng asf ma acfigfifiig
pramrt}? since 199:; with his family in one gr  
and 1&1: eat thug ethar porfi<;n¢ Wham the V   .,  
fiwam mm, the 1-: figfendant 

jab G2?' busixwma far his §3ett:e:r='f1;t11r¢.  ha   V.

his deafmrs am}. gosm-1 the sf 
gmrmzta in year 199?'   gat
wanted the  mm acimits am
he baa diap1;t.eL;i'§  and tkmrefcye
he sought ffir  0; 

é,   filfi {Em apyilrcatian

unfism" {ZPE far amerzurimami: of film

 A.  into  thfi éate sf
 sale dwci mmfi; aooarészg' ky the piaint

Whexz the fie&nd.ant


 wig gm ma: mm mm it marks: be

~   as 3. ymhate  anfi it shmzid he


'T  f~2::2:é.mmd inte a suit? QI3.€'& it £3 smmifiered am a

VA  '" aV:.:::an1mstaé mafia", tim piaintifi" has 12*: my the rmggaiaite

Csuri: fae' fianm tbs 335$ was peateé; fer hearing fim


--" -'W Inna: 3 In-Iur\l!\-I

mm %'~dirg why ihg case ahmfld not be triac'£": £zs.

the suit and why (leaf: fae siwxxki nut 13%  " 
suit. mm mm aeuxxael a  fat." 
stateci am tlwy Imve no  

petitian. irxts suit. Thaafflrg   1  V.

c:c:%ised into suit   the
plaintifl" fiifi the vaiuafiéfiis: gfifil  fize  fm,
M:iac.Pefifi?o2'1 I*3'9u?!-_'7v'8f  the ?1:'1.
Judge, _:V..ied;12'._};2_'§Q8 Af;:'  A

smmthzfng the s=9ahzi'§;Zg";»r§perg; 

mama the  erg 
primate efthm wiil?   "   " 
mm: the    
mmfim  her

  fiiai gmvaa that

  jam: j'wIzihJ
   $3)' the defendant

zw;  and aefmzazasnzs

'~ _;'~;g,': «:34?

: 3553.1 pmyeg that
V_  will sf Earamma is abtained
  if was rm: aaseaéfieé $25: $3" Ewr fim

 me: 'gaszfize Ergfiuernm


"  'wsizy

 A        piaiz1tifi'   ~ 

fiféza array?




 himaif aa fififli 2.21:1  '1..21a£§.

 the azztimr :3? the Wili Whs fig 333:3 the


atmtzrg Wimass as mi-2, His son 82% '§'.Krish1;.VeL:'Fa.::
adwscatzs was wca.mi11sfi. as I3'3.7-3. 1'? " 
gmduew as mm :3 I}.1?'{a}. The derezxaani T   
 ' é himaelfms 1=w-1, he   j; 

Dr.Raja:::3.r3.a am'! Dr.P.Samwafl1ifie§i'A_§s   k%

ta smak abcut the mental  at; sf
:11»: win, and PW-4 firi  an aeiwéaw far
the plainfifi in. €}&$8§q§'$5§E'!   §:~ac1um.-1 25
dmmnm   P.2i5.

3.    sf me aforesaid
mg  an mm:-a mmaea am

findings bash :'£;:¢ "" Vst:i13ss 1:: held the W131,

*  d".:.iV2;§1.5»1§9&'¢is  ma make tbs plaintifi'

V'   {Em owrm caf the piaint mheéuin
I     a&rmai§ 3:33;: :2 am hgid; that the
' W   faiiafi ta praise that fimtfiérmmaa was '(in
K x   amber of the suit anlwéufie pmwty am: it «am

V'   a&fi?=awu£mei promty. Ga {he mrxtrary, tkm
 %  dam have mm that it is the jshzt family

pramiy af {Em fafim ef Elm éafandant H63. lam

' LJJIJNI LIT Rfllflifléflirifiri TIINJFI \..\.l\Jl\ I__ 3.1!' npvqnuiynlrtru-I suxann \.\(\on- 1.1- sv-nuxpuruursruw -nq.p.- 'saw-u.


Kmpam; am aerwam: Kea,2 £9 4. The ac£anaa.§n.T%

313:: has failed to pmua his awe :3? 'Will beizg  
fiy franc}: eowciszm. and undue infitzencc   3 
axacxztexfi nut of her awn vaiifinn. 

mi: findims. it cimreed rm s:;1i'€:__ iz1'é,.v;'$';;Na.&f:?'A}%!:?C>i3_;§.  k%

in part by imlding the win a;gk%:n;;z  m.ak]%wsa%  and
dmlinm :9 grant   %  
e.s3za.9932;29e5v   wa,§.~-   that
    'aha pmperty
and the    vflsct held Hanjapya
is met   af the suit achedulc

prcgraerty  éi1fffiis':et§': grader af fizcgizzxctioxx.

  _   said guamz and éeczm nf

%  gmmafi an a."2$sm.9932;g®vs5 whc
1   'fig  in Q,$aI°€a,85"?ij2%1 51% mm apfik
 "  mm in §§§Z£L¢1*§9$£2§*%3j2Gfi6 am':
  fig tfm sizbjesft mama? sf vaiue ix:
evidemafi graves tha Will, which    

sf mmpistely by the Trig} Cmi'ri;.._V   .

evidenca nf SW-2  fine  fif The
suapiaiaus  thc Will} is
pmwris'   :'.c~i .s3ur3d state
91' hcakfn bgtlg   and in thase
  of the 'Trial
ficurt;   rm: prevafi aarmt be

aiggtained,  . Ex 3%: asiéefi Be aim

 §i: 1atV i§*m.._§;g£:uwuf;az1ta2°}«* mifienam gradumd in

 the yalirxquiaiimeizt flmds

 gf Eer  mmpifi wit}: the



'     achefiuie prawrty aimriy éemamfiatm t%2a'£ tim
' "   sahaciuia prewrty was 22% mi?-awaited greemrigr
  mm: the jcint may gmm»:-.3; fie imid by the ma:



Gourt and thereferc the: ssaié findixg alga rwuirm 

set aaida.

12. Far cont:-a, the fiwafi     u

thxa éefmxdants suppertai €113'   


13. In tkm ugh: of fin: rival
ewnrtmztizimas, the Tcigxxmiderafinn
in £2133

:1; wrmhe: mg pfopaurfied
by em mgnzia” his
.g;;;3;%§;1§«Vggwaa: tiw scum

o£m’z+:.2§f’ % H j

siféfiiv ai” the Tm} Qaurt 3:32 firm
a §firj§w°ty gs the jnint family gmperzy

mum: – – wu-nu -wow-


ciiaputa. Insofar as mg dim mmfiutiggg, ef .
, it £3 imnmterial, wmm aims; ‘ ‘ 7

9f {kw Will is the sac}?-ae:>qu1m:%’ – ¢:f ”

$39 $115,’. Evan .V
pmm*i:y ar a sf 51 em-

gxarczener or :3. of he the
subject miter 32f ;’.% i3}§f thz Hinéu.

suwmim; ant A sf share ta

whfiz’ ta damnci1′:t3g upon

the nature ‘has ziatiam” to fin with ‘aim


” 355; ‘V 1’3 ymwéuse emmutiun 3? the Wili,

m? than the = I-

W5-\Kl’VlM¥fi§’!V~’i’ “ii”¥!EU’!F”Il”!I’\l’- ¥”lI’%i”l”” Mvwm’ 503- :!Il-IIrIsIvr\Ir1n\r- – u

Ttgfze § 5fi:’xt iaa @311 3&$aS£ The mkimum ma}

5% $33.11 g§m1J;1é& ix: E’: ahmzfi he

” mm by an image: am alfwuié Tm gamma by

undxar Smtian. 58

Sf firm Esvidew act 52% camkieé with. Hcwexm {fiat byL/

up»; -yarn”; V. .v1n.’,’!flnH “ID” you”,

£25331′ Wcuiei as: be sufieissnt. ‘fhe pmpoundcr

arm aim has to safisfy the rm t _

Sactfiasn 63 zrsf the Hindu Sixmessémg 393:.

16. In the instant mac,

am 1:135 win is nut duly M
auwtijng Witmssaa 1’I’;y$ 1’§;?§i£)2’33i31€3; mt
‘ & in the Gaza wintnessm
mmtionea in t.§*xn’:’:?§fi12 law was Will
carttrzat be that it was mt
Judge, aw-2 the
smifie «sf maid fie trmteé 32% an

attfitirg his eviécnce: is suficient ta

_ %§ge% W531, In the flntire 3:’ mgmmzg

mfwwm ta the said t The

Trim} Qmzrt apwm ta be} in the

% gséammz am, am ficfmfiant has admitmd am
A ef the win and he has set up the page. of
. “u£:d;ue infiuczzw, fifmzé, nfisrcprmmmtian anxi Whafifl he
” mtahliahthecasepmdeag timwiliis said ta be
gwsaég RZ1ght.§_j§ thzg Triai Smart rsjcariati tbs aaidk/’

– ….. . – -u…-.. . uuvanu vu uv1nlIMlHl\M HIKVH


this widarica af mm is has be sameegatassé by this

than £3???-2 is an atmtirxg witzms and with .

tha will would be pmmci.

£3. The qu&ti=an is wh¢fi1¢§’A1’£h§~A–‘§§ida£:§4AéA ‘cf

is must warfixyg prcvm ta gm
argument was SW-2 w:~:§.s;_a new
as an evidmxne
rsarmct 23¢ um evidmm
of 3 an sir of the
Caurt §§fififion, waightage and
rams: 7m hm qmarrai er éiapfum an

this p3fQ1;::c$iiié:1_. 311?, $2 33121325 times, when admaatw

Cam”: sf Eaw the man sf
};f tlmir essifiaztwa has ta 11¢ aarefizliy
mw what 32; the mmug’ af
~’ ‘.’;駒it;§si;&tii£:s2′:;;:’ iaanziflmzzmx and tim mmnm af me warfl

attmtzzzg’ wimms.

1%,? Itfim&$hac%und§ktus fiw

afiifdfirlkiéfi sf DEF-Q ami the V33} Whiah :23 markw 3.8 Ex.3~

A-EXEEA cot;

.. .w…..-…w. -mm mum or KARNATAKA men coum or «A:-EEM

4», 1: is in Emfmh. It fm many typczd. Gr: csach pag¢,we

find the thumb immwsmn sf the
bcttem sf catch thumb impr%§§;3»n 2
mmxtirzsrzed ‘at:%fie:d by me’,

cf EFW-2 with ciate. in all Es:’s%’. :1’$£:~;ga§.

Iiafi again we find in    me',
slgnamm, 12.2.1998   can the
hotixam again    by me', his
signature    iwe atmting
 is mm otha" than

film huséfanzti 3 éané the: amend ‘E mm

am am; gag}; .:}f::f:’Vt§1aa zamm, 1: is £11 this

the srai avidenw an

ufieé fix ward. ‘scribe’ mt’ ‘attwting

% éggggiaaag hsmazr in the aafifi um Hie

VV ggfwg-,sr1;Ep7i£$i 2%.:..§:s¥”.V’en1}* flzat mi’ & §&’fi%§fi W319 223.3 attmtm’:
‘S33 tfitfimf which :25 namiiy mt the jabs

.421 as 3W-«1. in

flan-it:-ehiaf 213 has séatasé that 13.33% 351% ‘W33;


-.-. ….,.. ……… VJ!” nnnnalflnn men COURT or KARNATAKA men cous

accented by Smt. Beramm Wlfwil she was

mentafly saund an Em own wifimut any fUI’i3fi_§_

cawka and umlua infiumme frogs. a1:1§.€i$-:::»:1§£: u ” =
said W531 cam to ba rqsnkmefi
Gmcxe 91′ the Sub-Reg5sv*ar,

E.K.Prabha her daughm has
as an attwting ” had lot of
me ané 9:’ am lave
anfi property in
his the awrng of
thc: dream by advaeate Sri

Lggn 9? deoemfi Baramms

F ‘F’i’se may amfm rim win but aim:
V” asf the clamsed Bcaramm as the

Emum: dm2.1.:9§& Tiwgh him Wii}.

gas Exfifln Beramm was mt aufiérim

A 32 Emit}: fsr any mead aariim m the
as the wax. in am mu the ciirmfieitzs cf the
V are wmqly shown; The atker mnfienm at’ the

‘filili may E3 aarrmt mcept the fiirwfiaxza. A: the tim éf



nu-nu 1:-uu-uuw lll\Pl”I \.\J\Jl’\.I V)!’ RHKIVHIFIRH “‘”‘Jl”‘ LUUKE OF

wrimkg the Will, faimaefl, Eoramm anti Kampaialg

living mgether. He was 2325′: mriwu fig H
thfi germ daughtw of Borax: wife >
dauglimfis aaughm and she is
Yogalaimiimi, Ha aimed mag: %

mzarrmt to say that at his was
amm He do mt ms¢.; fsgggz was written
and whs ww mam: @216 Will. He
fiflr not his marr1ag’ 3.

He mm, It is not
mrrect fig 5&3; ‘fogalmhmi pswszzadmi

Baramm A izfi £2″: his favaur an his

F am hek%%wi§mgmy the aaughm af Yagaxmzm

in him fawuz: Ha aeilsznfc.-sé. the

was aufiéring fitvm several

% $316 9:’ mmzm at gm was He mum
that awmrg aw paezfieng ef the szzit he

% ma axwuwfi by Kemmazx and gat tha win
by r £ He dezzied the szgtisn that

3333 Emma? about “aim WE} sigma ‘ -‘

gw-uu1r’Ill’\l\i’l l”lI\9I”F LL’UKl”

‘ @u1::i haves Ema

. fizz’ mt ‘
mm afhez’ timn me éanghmr of the éecaasufi

was pmmaad at £133 izisfiafien $.I1€i ha wax

ting am gfmwzmneon of the win: Ha aha _
whet war: all prment at tha time of u
He denied mg aummaan arm ax,- . *
after Bcramm arfi gf§t, 1i§1r.=:.V V.

in his famm ta amié givixxg
me win was kept in by his
mm fathm. At file givmz the
key as an ting

23.3″ éo not prom the due
mmnégm hefd by am mm
‘§’ria} Jggagg time gvgéagamtmg wimc-sass: is the Will

:3? the tmtator and
92? the twtator, em ef the
i éied an i&54,I§% axfi tbez%m

But 3,§{,P’rabha W83

afive. She was mt . Ha reaserm

tlm saié; wimms whee


—– ur- IIl’I§’\II.F\If’|l\I”‘ I”!l\7l”l \…\JlJKl KJT KHKIVAIAKA

V am

22; it ?n in this § we
whethnzr the eseiéexmc sf’ mi:-2 Sri V %
afivmcate who pcnepared the Wm

LT}?! cf Sm’: Bcramm primxfw .

mam1′:rmtian~5::1-chief he the
;::~}ai:1tifi’s paternal Smtfiiémmma
sirme the 343% 1B£3~.’§'”_ had with her
huaband, ‘: ‘ January 1998.

She ‘mtmfiling the
seheciu1& _¢f-‘fizc p]aintifi’ fmreéu. As

per hm thmugh the dncumenm

pmpertyg he firaffedg the WEB
mast’ fine aantfints af the Will anci

in the Iamuaga imswn as her £45.
. £213 saw gut; her

he atiaafieti Em: LTM axfi it

3;-i K and Smt. ax;-kabha
the Wifi. * he gamma the am cf
Smtvfiéramm on fhfi 3.9.3: page ef the WEE}; fit tbs t,-Em;

“‘ “‘V-‘ V-‘-‘\”‘_’.\n– -u-uu-u–u-r1pu– -eu\.a- uvvn- wt nrsruirurnrv-I trawl! uwwns \Jl’ avwunuwp-nrrnnpq !’||\J8’I 593;”; ‘gr M”[‘fl§HM “lb” Lgufi


zlistanaa éf his muse anti tha husband. oféi.rg:

Va 1%.. Few days wfiere thaa azszecuticn af
cam: is 13109? Srn:.Bcramm. Ha: husband;.V§§1;’;2:;gii:t .,

an as sane and he £n’b:’adu;cva&:;:’BB#{‘:,”E€?

Wantad tn mzescutse the Wifl.

$2. ‘F1:11’s avid¢r:e¢;–~<§f been
a natural evidence 35 the mm:

case, We hag: ” his son an
admcate, the parties ts the

Sub-Ragiéfi-a;eV : – jt1?;,5’_”””*&é,;ac1gzment r@z%er-ad,

flan’ 1 frze Sufifiagswar 31:16;

an tha gama firés written but DW-‘:2 de 11:):

That awn;

has asmamazxy siatafi be :10 mt

1 wag» drafifig Hg fig rm: iamw

‘ Emé given fimfiaefiiam far fiat

was rm: prmezzt at the fimsa Cof §m the
V V. at firm time af rawktreatian, Em zrasmfi ta iwm tlxat it
amfm by Sri smzrmml T112 ms: &

aiwamr is, ha knaws Udaysksanm sizfm 19 yaarsé


threugh éi cemmmn friend, BW’-2 fatlmr says few d.;§;ys

print tn the drafing of the WEI, he met
ané her husband. Eiis sen saga kc T’
for the ma :0 ymm and nw-2 wag; T

k3C2£2’§9′ Wm gm: the W111

mm {:3 apyreciate the of


23. nv:4F2%%%mm%’k9 V’ % am am’ {sf wrifing
the Will the flily nmmbezrs
am smug: ta the famiiy mmbem.

fie-tm _ ~Va_.bvs:ut dgtafl is 1931.1. He tcdd

the W133. in Kannaéa, She told

anti explain about it. Tfmrefom he

vi’ the Wifi in %mda arfi aha

“=5i’::-j 4 _ §n1§;Lzh,éu: £i: ta mrrwt am mm aim put the thumb
as has fienfififi the thumb imgarwsiszszm
V She mid him she wanm m ge tn; the Hatary but
” 6.9 mt lmm whefim they subsequently want to the

Rorzary $1′ mi. Qnc T.K1″‘*m}1tm fm his sot: mad he is an

— \u\auau- ‘aw gug:-usu.wr:nrIu:r- 1-:-van» \..~n.v-was-aux wuru -¢\r’.IUIoVI–11r’1owu”‘- – wu»1rwu-u- Vur- 1>IrII’IroVv’IIIr1|IIr”- uuuvuwn…’.,”.’gu

“5 %:’c’\’\”‘ V-‘WI’. Q’%’\’\I”I”‘II»”WK\”‘-

A if; was


aévncate. fie imidezififxssci bexfars the Sub~F§Qiat:f;é3%T

anti he statefi the 543% by ageing dccument

has fiefiieci the suggmien am: his mew

hafi identified beficsre the sumagg3m.$[

same is knew whee is ficm “the V.

fiflfli ‘V&I’}«’ Long fim. He :19
ar the hasryeficiarye an it ‘a
atatsefi’ ahcut 2 £}I’,_3 af tha Will
Smi.:,Bcrmm$: iacefific te his games.

He finm her
about W131 and it was mt w”ritte:r1

my by $3 asiwsi by the

ha hag stamd he mrjzmt say

wag written an 1:323 data mmtierneci ix;

5332″ aswim fine énfiumnmg he man

‘:33 §7;és,t§’ $11 which it was Wfififiikg Re eaxmt say

an §.2s{§E,gi§§? 33 sstamfi its; ‘aim

««%pe:§:’.m. Sn3’£,.3$::amma infafmzfi him that her am is

H V Imci-zim afier her r$ she wazzm in axmute the

‘$232 in fawn? af grazifi semi He aéxéaeii ha? wig; aha £3


‘”” ‘–“H” W n-HHNHIMAA mun COUR’

aaz’y*§snmersve§ewt§1%” fiwmflxewfii,


writirxg thc Wiii in famur of tha granfi sax} whcn sh’§”i§

hmng file 5611,, aha mlé hm that she want Y A
m gs :9 km” gané; 3921. He baa plmdafi Eliifi.
about his songs Eticipatian by
wkmtlrxezr his stun Kfimhrxa ”

win. His son mm «am. af
rm Win, Hg hm
idenfiiad before #113 rzarxzmt any
vflmz he an mt lmaczw
whether afihirs. He had
prepazw-me mam the ma. He: has

nut he waa the acribe af it: as

F m mm” Re fie mat think

Wrimn as scriba amt firm ii of

Subrw” tram fie mi izmist Ea writs

_ ‘ aeribe, ha hafi mt mmztlimmd in ‘Wmt
%%m§: En the mm ‘ he has

in asrfiam m appreciats that evidenm, it is:

-‘ t–an—r -v-uuvr-1—nr~ -nu-I-I wvvu_-< vs ww–urn'–su–wv-v rIu.rI~ -u.\.a-sauu an su-uuvrsn-nu-I 'll\J'l' new": I…" nransin-nu-u\rn lil\JlI \_l.}'Jl'\l gr |'\p||\j'(a\§p'|\I.i f1"_,g-1 Lqduq

24. Tha: win sxzm beam tha aigrmmre am

5f the tastatar 02: a1} pngaess. Below iiha LTMS A’
haxzciwritixzg has stamd ‘attmtfi by me’; >
YE there. Beiaw the sigrmmre is 112% j; T.

LTM in bias}: ink, the was-6. LV’£’Z*:1_. 01′ k%

in ‘thim mum, in order m aim-.k’nc:§gu:er% Bw~2
was prment what: the :§’;$:é;i.__’the gignature and
he has raafiy 3.’siI.’&$tadv_.’*.V’a.i3f:!.”_ ev1d’ mma

as ‘ ‘ ?:andwrt’h?ng in
gngasn % fig file flnzmb mmic as

5.. $3 §m&wr£r?ing 1}!’ mt.

Em fhfii ”

V. ef ihé wards ‘atitmttsé; W ma’ and tha

Véarmma’ aiaarizy irzéimtag ét :35 mi: the

V4 Véiftim mg mm; yarsfin, $352 is met able
n$a§%_.’§§” &t}1&r tfw wards fiffivi of Eavramm? fmmci an

is in 151% hanciwritirg at me: ‘ant faotuaiiy
fiat he mm is write like that in fha yam’; mt an

that éay, Thm he Ems deg-aacé as mfier:

I ll\II I \a\uF|Ji\I

mm war: was wzrifien in the ajterrwen mid I

dc: net kaww the time and it may be V
PM 1′ da net remanber m what £”I3?¥5e2

éelitxefeei that W231,

Tim Wm acaardixg In him ‘m V.

his dictatinn and the gs im
ebtaizzxcei on 12.1. 19%; w§a¥:s; in
at abszmt 4 happen
tmrmirm. is the will
show fur refisnmzrian
an 12.i–:f_98}_ –A _ and 12.23% pm. by
Smt.B0ra§m:.”.1®; mriderm :39 mt infuse

_ V 9:: 13%; V

2 we imve ‘zine IJFM af the testator

gr: §%%§~gg-mg me fiiili wag am mm m gm 9? cm

” the Sufi-R@%nV<ar ai mge Rfifil A
af tkiese We gets af LTM is a naked eye
that tin IXEM 'bakren $32 :23 S*:.zb–Ragu%&'m%*



IV V-:9!-IN! ’51- I’\f1l”\IiI’1!U”II’\r” IIUI-I3′ V-‘ufIJV””\Il I\r’1I\i’Gr’1!U”I!\r’- rIuInI’- Vuwuvwlfl-I


fsmzd er: eaeh page sf 31¢ Wifi. In ihia centaxt, ‘th,;r=

avédemm :35 his 5913 $33?’-3 3135 3.533%
has atatad the Will was neat. rwstcrefl an T’ K
writtaen whereas the a=r1dorsemr1t1; 9»A§;

shaves it was mgiamma en kj:2%.a:.923[k%

was grwgzited for
and awsrditxg ’59 his ‘>ews:{a*s at
aka: 4 gm on petiiicxz, it
‘E 1:m3::1:i€:neci_ pmfizztnd far
mgmaang Vfiiate on which the
¢;§’ put an the bottom.

The said in the méfiszrzace af men. 21.

by W3; 13:; In factg, maxizing ‘dim

‘tagiljfiggpiicaféssn far amendment is am 3::

12,1333 Es :2.1§a. 2: is in this

V Véga Emu: in am whatbsr thfi evifierxxza ef
Ea esnammé. as an afimtirg wimm and

__ fie awegterzi as pmvam’ due axactisn asxf thfi Wiii.

27. It is it”: this ecsnmg smzght is reiy an the

judgment af ‘Chg Apia: Cam”: in {Em ems «aft


RA!!AC@9R.A Ann aamns, xapmaa in ”

866 151, whe:rc=in it Wafi hekd as undar:

Lshlulii Ur !\l-\I\l1.P’ur1Iu-I »»u.u- av»… …, … -.-. __ …

* 9. so fw as the pmcf.af1§éi} ‘gFgx.Br¥¥$;7}4_ ‘
dam 1-7-19.5.5 is me’:*e _£c».»:i§: as-%_ M

the ma was shcxwg fi~m§:-mm’
mwérirzg and
gaazazaisanan, what
is the .m1fbé’
the Sankara
written and
‘ when he was
will Wm the
a~::zIL¢ar;fir¢,. itAa¢:r:::g:”§gm5d timt the – ‘

Ié§e?’?=–3:at fiizted in pmaf of the
% 3ai§’::,:i.’2:{ n arm-ms caunset,

. appwiyzg for afhe appezmizs is

A swficara Nwagansa: is fizmnn

ta” a wfiffi in the ether wizi (E328-488}

2-‘?’~1§5.§ is my mt shown 55 are a
” wwwsimpiidmsefwgs Q25 dispufisdwill

fi=mwasm wiawmmflwmwr

wiii, acizznatbe aaunwnwxead. It is dffiadt rm

-w nun. .. -.

High NIAKIVHIHRH filvuv \..\-rvru V.

appreaffie this aantmtisra. {f the wifi (E:¢3- , _

487) had siwwn Sanimu Nwganazrs sniy
a smibfig Shni Swnpaeth wsufzi hcma

right. But the win simws mm %
Nwmjwzan aseribea his ‘e.”z:J£’i£:’t A
ma-zbing mzmezf as as “I: 7
th€re_fi3re, be heid that tifig
which am
amwninad in the the
ma wiil. % ::~;.@ssmz;:%¢::u;: me High
i1*ze_1__z;_»i.££ rs has
ta man me my am
and gait the wit!
al#rz_gAz.;2i£’i”~~’$’?:e Gthsr wiil (ms-4.33;

1, 5 mm: 5. Ram: .2 is,

in $523 afimmivs £32.

é.:§’;’ _iif:e m de mad
‘ appaiimfsf

% sgt éui’ in mg assmaia ma, :12; am aaié win, amt:
attmfing Wigwam Sfiamachagrzéran arzé.
‘ _ “E.§a},aI~::’, mszsanlmra fiasayarm, whe is: me
X % ‘gsrihe 3:’ the ‘9ii§””§;:a.s***akn the same, ‘i’he

dmacriytisfl af $375323: Harayman mntimm that it 5%


\.p\.J’Jl\I NI!’ K\P”‘I»I\.R’II’|Il’I.I\a”\ -uunm -..-…-vq.-.

wfittmt and wivmsea by him. He was
prmf af the said will befiare the trial mm. ,a£ %
mntendaci he shouié; mt he tmatefl as J»
witrmsa ‘m wifi. In the facm of the we

afimitteci facfia, the supremg: cemapwas mafia »

hrbiéirxg that the win ia it is
I102: shown that document.

It is mat shswfrix: ‘fix: fvitrma. Thy:

wards the mid ‘Will of
the Sufimme TA mS.s$iI1g here,

Czmtrary prment W131 113 ‘atteateé

me’. The ma. max-iption ck:

mnjng at ms word ‘avrittcarzf er

1 his ‘ m ahnws he is the

‘a§.1f3m§§’ if ‘$3333. 3% Wfifi En’ t at the tmf af
V V ‘ a&ng’ swag,’ mm am that he Ems afimhfi 11%
V’ But the eviciezwe as dmxzs’ sad ah-avg, gm’ as an

V ifixnpraasisn that in the ffirst pdamg he has mt érafted the

W331 an 1§.Q1..£9§8 as set cut by him in the esridarzoe. It


COURT OF KARNATA5Q HIGH CUHKI ,.L3._lf’ IRAKNI-\IflI\JI “tun \.\..r\:n-n V. “n… .. …

7% mt fixecuted by Smt Baramma in his prmanca.

has mt atbeatfi the LTME afier the 3.5%
in fact, he fie mt knew arm is the T Q
wrifimz the worn! ‘L'{‘M sf

in hia prweme tbs: said amdomcmsnt’ net, V’

the fact that the ‘berxeficiary g4a:m
fiiasncl asf him son far 3. his
man is the pemcn’ a.11d
he cams ta j%é<5ii§i&'i«of days befcxre
the that all
is. mt figfl-. is made: to shield '(Jim

wzfikm" ryV€2.IIfiPr,_4 " ,5 the Wifl has not

'a':x:m;x£2A1i:~;%§:sz r:i~r;i'usn ifi aim supmtw. by tkw fact thsa

V 3:21' in 1mm atha 2133:; {E13 rmky mm af

'The wfimm an rwd simws they are

mfi'w:a%:y1'za<:1g¢:3seto%fi11a.;mfihsaarm hacktzcxh


LVURI Ur nrsnlva-an-uu-u – nu. –

iivim with his grarfi mm. in fact, he
Q.$.H6.5591l1995 wins: tha tmzarmr,
am all ather nmcuabmfi of the

Kim pmpmy including' the sc:iV3.a:i4:'L11e ;::;f'§j;m'ty- mg

cf tamporary was
fiom 22.5.2000 mm mm
mcrimzenacze during,_ the 5.1151: an

12.o3..3.g9a. by the
plainfi’ Raw an atmmpt
is madafi: by saying that tha
pzainm suit, which 11213 {mm

fig fif interim nniaer £03′ 5 yeam

fmm alienating the prowty. Th:

é§:’j_§;’ VV’Vs tha sigtxa’ harm hhfi 1y witfmut

4′” mntma. whm the 31:11 was izsandxxg’
‘ mg.’ ha: in mummy. %mm’ 2: fine tmtamr is hard its
V’ ‘fi’u=:refx::re tha wax has mt come iritao afiustaxmet

V’ ., 1 sizmxmmme.

COUR7 OF KARNATAK§ HIGH CCU”! KAKNAIMRR rnurv I…\I\..H\- vu i\r’\I\¢ -n.n….-.

28. We: haw thc efiriderm cat’ ma doctssra who afiéa.
have demaeci abeut thza health cf the ”
Dmagazma, Assam: mama: Ofimr at T &
Hospimi has mm the

{mm af firm Liven Thg: remrda} s131;<5'i*;"f;}1e V'

peman as 321% Bar-amma. He:

af am patiemt at that faeords
she was sufierixg. aariier tn
takaatx fer the
purpose at’ the man: is
raeo1fiecii.__en that time: she was having

mm E V” * Am the report of the

side the haaayaitai was pmduczed.

mgmw mg axmmse in the: aelvazxae-ac} atage. Tm

E $ suzgery an 1′?.?.2{3®g

§”a$v a§@tteé as at: izrrpaficni an §.5§.8.2§Q1 amfi

V V ‘4 she was trams! as 321:» She diafi an
He. wag 239?, %ona12y aware abaut him
. the pafizmtg fie had mm: the patient.

%y en. the hasia fif the meerrda, Em has gwzs. avidmme, V

Lklulu Ur Ixnnnnnnnn -nun av»… _..,.. …–…..

was £333 in –

2?. FW-«.3 Dr P.Saraswathiflmri, floater ”
I-Ieapitai, Bargakara has fiepnsed that <:am:.. 3
name Boramma was 1:1-wind by J

a-om 25.1.2909 ts 153.2001 am ahsé' "

mm: mm 1s.3.2ae1 m 21'a.2:§o1kki.e;% mi;
she was sufiarirag She
was in at PG8itT3nn.e£ canxmt
my aimzez u that djaaase.

She was ailmnt she wags
sufibfmg :’a”-_.’§-in: ma aim did mt have

§v_r §L§s refawfi fim mm etimfl
{ram aiirias anfi she has

will has taimfs, far dwzm’ fig iihaa


_ §§a:s macaw’ us. Uniaas in 3 case» sf braizxtumr
any t war? the brain? tin mxiitimrx of the

wiiibexwml but we: mrxztmt aay thatit will be

COURY OF KARNA7AKA HIGH COURI-‘Qt KAKNAIAN-A I-nun \..vun- VI’ w-m..n..–….-

:m% mm}. The pafimt was ebeying tbs
an the date an which she was teatati. The pati-;~sn tj~

abk: to midaramnd ‘(E13 quesfimx which ware ‘% T’ 1

.39. T’hi3 cviamm c1¢ari;z%&Ldmu5sa;ssu-a:¢.g ;g;ai

tmtatnr was suflering E13331 5};-.é:w a55
by thma fieatam ataga.

Earlier aim was gr;

am ma ax’; am zmpimi
during urximpeashahle
8Vi£1¢1BI}é.,’t}1′.§. gHrm1 by the lgataa

ané EV?’-2; aaimfi state sf mind, she

¥:;: thixgs arfi 9:: ha? fimmmfians

cazumt be ‘miieveé. The cumulative

afiemt’ ‘Sf Wéucfl am kfifiht mi mmrd tzlwrify’

mi sxfiy flm twtatsr was mt is’; a seumfi
V _ aim hm mi amzaammd fiw WEE}? aim hag
‘ mssmcm the author sf the “win ané it ifi ésuhffzzl,

, it marsimsmm’ mraawhm m%.rawn2xritIl:11′:13e

LTM talw at the tima ef regémtrafmra. hefara 31¢ Sub-

‘u\l\Il\I: \-all I\f’II\I1nl”‘lll'”I|Ir1n mung… until:



mmiémizxg this evidence 9:? SW’-Q ané
an attmwg wifima to the Wiii, his *
prorve dim mracutiun cf the ‘ f.

eirmxnmtancaw surraundizg t§ict.___’?Jfl1″w§$;£4 mt V.

by am pmpaunaer of the ‘3§?i31;4;’aEs;’.:’L3?;;e finder
thme aircumstarxcm, that
the Wili is that duly fault with


xTh§:f Véégx. rwaré; disciéam that Sri

¢§’~.§«.WgLaAmm’V af 3. gaint fimzly” . The rags’ tzmwfi
ts 1::-3 atccutea in him year 1961

his am kntiw efimtirg mrfitimn asf

‘ pmpertim by mm mm’: beunda The cam
. A m be wfia nut was aftm the mrfifiszg he gave
iipiflflfi pmpfity fefi is big sham, was my: ai’ the village
than he starbfi awaiting the pnfifiam nut afhim

awn funflgg Simiiariy hia wifg Sm: Bcrmma gut Em?

Therefcre we aim aatisfiaé awn


‘ -vv-\- v- -V’-I-Ir’-r-v* -I-w- wvviI-‘w- -u-uu1r§n-uv- In-nu-v \.’hI\Juv 9- I’\I’II\!’l”‘II.l”‘|!\.l’I IIl\.7lI wkluns 1.,” EV:-\i\lV.lHlll’-‘|l\r-I r1|\;rI 3,5,;-|,,,)|g[ gr fi}’fl|’flfHM rguafg

awn ixitmmc aaquirad 211$ promfim and thwart Wgégig

§a:in’£: family prapeerty at aii. The said

groumi ‘m-ccausfi fear ” >

mtmtefi in th.efi’ favaur by

T123 piaintifi’ has not ahaflsréagegl. ti’ié$s{é .

ama. Ha Ems pmdum that
big father hfi no rig11t§:§1.’V:~:;}:;_e: ‘mare in View
(sf the acaeczziziangsf anfi thatwa
53 1’19 jfiflt 1’.-i’%r 5i§g ta fie aecepted.

€213 Exis shazm in the
jam: prowrtias aanrwt
g .__§.fi tlfm rmra, me ‘Trial Clrmriz am
the 5.m;m;-izs pméumd in firm

€;fs.a¢, has {Q Zhfi cmtmiusien fiat zhc suit sakwciziifi
A 3 % is am jaixxt family WW1}: mt withstarlfiing
V’ that {ha sake égewfi has Emit: in tha mm: cf Sm’:

Baramw as aha has rm titie €31′ inmxmt aver rim

pram-‘ty, ‘We: dc: mt fiml any jnstflcatisn to izitmrfae %








with ‘$113 findm er tract me;-dea by the:
which is an the asmimam was by the
the cia-atzmcrzta produwd W 131$ ” ”
suit. Eh cage £3 made azmt my

mm 92* fact rworcied by txigatggust. W

pan the fiollswfm erdar;

Sd/ ”




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