Justice L Nageswara Rao’s Retirement Huge Loss For The Bench: CJI


Without mincing any words whatsoever, Chief Justice of India NV Ramana said most forthrightly in the farewell ceremony on May 20, 2022 organised by Supreme Court Bar Association that Justice L Nageswara Rao’s retirement is a huge loss for the Bench and his keen analytical skills and passion for the cause of justice will be thoroughly missed by all. It certainly merits no reiteration that there are very few Judges who have been directly elevated to the Supreme Court as Judge and Justice L Nageswara Rao happens to be one among them! Justice Rao is the seventh Judge in the history of the Apex Court in last 75 years since independence who was elevated directly from the Bar and will retire as an Apex Court Judge on June 7. As the summer vacations were to start soon and so it was decided to organize his farewell ceremony much earlier! Very rightly so!

                             It will definitely not tantamount to an exaggeration to say that Justice L Nageswara Rao is an entirely self-made man from whom we all who are still quite young must take the right inspiration from his chequered life. He was a first generation lawyer and there was no father or grandfather to guide him on how to march ahead. He chalked out his own strategy and is a living and brightest inspiration for all to follow who went on to become the Judge of the Apex Court only and only due to his own sheer merit and competence. This alone explains why none other than the CJI NV Ramana said that Rao’s journey from an agricultural family in Andhra Pradesh to the top court in the country without any godfather in the profession will inspire many young lawyers and judges. Of course, what CJI NV Ramana has said is nothing but the gospel truth which definitely cannot be denied even by his sharp critics!

                                      While continuing in the same vein, the CJI NV Ramana also recalled that when he started his practice in Delhi, he had no support system to back him up. Through his exceptional skills, he achieved recognition at the national level. He was appointed as the Additional Solicitor General of India for two terms. During those years, he left a mark as one of the most hardworking and dedicated ASGs in the country. As additional Solicitor, he argued in several important cases. The CJI NV Ramana also disclosed that, “He appeared in the leading case of Hyder Consulting, wherein the Supreme Court interpreted S. 31(7) of the Arbitration Act. He also argued in the famous case of Subramanian Swamy v. Union of India relating to the constitutionality of criminal defamation. He appeared in numerous other high profile cases and he was one of the most sought after advocates in the country.” Absolutely right!

               It must be disclosed here that Justice L Nageswara Rao hails from Chirala in Prakasam district of Andhra Pradesh and did his law at Nagarjuna University at Guntur and was enrolled as an advocate in 1982 at the Bar Council of Andhra Pradesh. After practicing law at Guntur district court for two years, Justice Rao then shifted to Andhra Pradesh High Court and remained there in active practice as a lawyer till December 1994. It must also be revealed here that from January 1995 to May 2016, he practiced as a lawyer in the Supreme Court with elegance and then first became a senior advocate and then twice Additional Solicitor General. He was then finally appointed as a Judge of the Supreme Court on May 13, 2016.

        It cannot be glossed over  that none other than the CJI NV Ramana himself also said that as a Judge, Justice Rao played a vital role in expounding the law and interpreting the Constitution in several noteworthy opinions and has authored several landmark decisions. Speaking for myself, I too have read many of his brief, brilliant and bold judgments and have really relished reading it not stopping till I read his entire judgment and for me such a self made Judge and so also lawyer with no backing can never retire and will always remain at least in my heart and so also in the heart of all those who have seriously read his learned judgments. He has never shown any biased approach ever in his tenure as Judge and will always be remembered for delivering judgments with full sincerity, zeal and dedication!

              Moving on, CJI NV Ramana also shed light on Justice L Nageswara Rao multi-talent by pointing out emphatically that, “He is one of the founders of the International Arbitration and Mediation Centre, Hyderabad. Under his excellent leadership, I am sure, the Centre will emerge as one of the leading hubs for arbitration and mediation in this part of the world. His proficiency is not limited to the legal field, but also extends to the cricket pitch. He played for his university and also went on to play in the Ranji trophy tournament in 1982.” This is really terrific! A Judge like Justice L Nageswara Rao can never retire from the heart of all those who have seen his talent in so many diverse fields!

                                 While shedding more light on Justice L Nageswara Rao’s multi-talented personality, CJI NV Ramana then also disclosed stating that, “His passion for the sport is one of the reasons why he is so spirited and sharp. He has been the captain of both the lawyer’s cricket team as well as the Judge’s team. Recently, under his captaincy, the Chief Justice of India’s team won for the first time against the lawyers. Brother Nageswara Rao is a fine golf player. He is also an avid biker since his youth. He is very passionate about acting, arts, and music. I am sure he will find time for new adventures, after this break from his hectic schedule as a Judge.”   

                       It must be mentioned here that senior and eminent advocate Pradeep Rai who is also the Vice President of Supreme Court Bar Association stumped many lawyers themselves and so all the Judges and his audiences when he disclosed that not many people know that Justice Rao has acted in many films as a police inspector. Pradeep also disclosed that, “He has acted in a movie called “Kanoon Apna Apna” with Kader Khan and Sanjay Dutt.” His role won many hearts.  Honestly speaking, even I myself was till now not aware about this little known fact what Pradeep Rai so very commendably brought out before the audience which even stumped me when I read about this in my mobile phone because this happened a long time back in 1989 when even I myself was a teenager! Pradeep Rai definitely like the CJI NV Ramana deserves all the praise on earth for making us know about the multi talent of Justice Rao who now can never retire from hearts of many like me!

                               It must also be mentioned that Pradeep Rai also was extremely candid in saying that, “Justice Rao has been a judge for 2200 days almost. We have seen you in the corridors and as a judge also. We never felt that you were not among one of us. Your son-in-law is also a practicing lawyer. We have to find out something so that you are more with us.”   

                               While speaking about his short foray into Bollywood, Justice L Nageswara Rao was very forthright in candidly acknowledging that, “I was in the theatre when I was in college. My cousin was a Director  and thereby had a short role in a movie. That’s it.” CJI very rightly said that, “He is extremely soft spoken, both as a lawyer as well as a Judge.” Yet it cannot be denied that he never fights shy to speak the truth always with politeness. As for instance, Justice Rao who is the fifth senior-most Judge very rightly said that the superannuation age of 65 years for top court judges was “too young” and the Judges who came here should have a minimum of seven to eight years as a judgeship tenure. I am sure that Centre and so also our law makers would seriously ponder over what he has so rightly and robustly suggested!

                                  It was most touching to learn from none other than CJI NV Ramana himself revealing that, “We both started at same time, he from Guntur Bar Association and I from Vijayawada Bar Association. It was remarkable that he gave up such a luring practice with VIP clients and took up Judgeship. He has no godfather or support and is first generation lawyer. Coming from the rural background and reaching the top level in Supreme Court as among the lawyers and then judge is remarkable.” There can definitely be no denying what the CJI NV Ramana has said so very sagaciously!

                     Senior advocate Aman Lekhi too very rightly said in honour of Justice Rao that, “You had all the attributes of a perfect Judge.” Justice Rao himself was very humble in saying that, “I hope if I have lived upto the expectations, I hope I have been fair and apologies if I have been harsh. Sometimes pressure of work get on us since we are not monks. I have at times raised my voice to drown the voice of the lawyer. But one side has to win.” Such a kind gesture and humbleness on the part of Justice Rao definitely deserves to be emulated by all of us!

                           While talking about Justice Rao’s nature, CJI Ramana said he is extremely soft-spoken, both as a lawyer as well as a Judge. CJI Ramana was also gracious enough to candidly acknowledge that, “He certainly is the jewel of the Bar and remained as one of the favourite seniors. Generations of young lawyers should attempt to live up to his example. He strongly believe in giving back to society and leads by example. He left a roaring practice to adorn the Bench to render justice. Not everyone can think of making such a sacrifice.” Adding more to it, CJI NV Ramana also revealed that, “His father, Late Lavu Venkateswarlu Garu was an agro-entrepreneur with social consciousness and a commitment to society. It is his ideals that inspired my brother Justice Nageswara Rao to adopt his village and bring in an era of growth and progress.”   

                            It cannot be glossed over that none other than the Attorney General KK Venugopal himself also praised Justice Rao for accepting the offer of judgeship and said he was one of the few who was ready to let go of all the wealth he’d have made. Venugopal also disclosed that, “He has delivered 163 judgments and been part of 552 benches. There seems to be nothing that Justice Rao cannot succeed at. Taking judgeship wouldn’t have been an  easy decision considering his successful practice. This is a test of the strength of one’s character.”

                     What’s more, even former Attorney General of India Mukul Rohatgi also said for Justice L Nageswara Rao that, “I wish you a prosperous inning in the future. I know you will not come to bar but in arbitration you will be in the middle.”

                 Interestingly enough, even Supreme Court Bar Association President and senior advocate Vikas Singh said that Justice Rao has a diverse personality and is an eminent jurist and true custodian of the Constitution. Vikas also very rightly pointed out that, “65 is no age for a Judge to retire and this should increase as the kind of productive years a Judge has at 65 is completely wasted asking him to retire at that age.”

                                     All said, it cannot be denied that Justice L Nageswara Rao will always remain etched in the memories of all those who believe in justice and law. His track record is so immaculate that cannot be described in words. His talent even in other fields like sports and films has just been highlighted now only when he is on verge of retirement. I am sure that even after retirement, he will continue rendering his selfless service to Indian society in some form or the other! Wish him always the very best and pray for his long life so that our nation and humanity stands to gain the most from his invaluable experiences!


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