In the era of cyber world as the usage of computers became more popular, there was expansion in the growth of technology as well, and the term ‘Cyber’ became more familiar to the people. The evolution of Information Technology (IT) gave birth to the cyber space wherein internet provides equal opportunities to all the people to access any information, data storage, analyse etc. with the use of high technology. Due to increase in the number of netizens, misuse of technology in the cyberspace was clutching up which gave birth to cyber crimes at the domestic and international level as well.


Though the word Crime carries its general meaning as “a legal wrong that can be followed by criminal proceedings which may result into punishment” whereas Cyber Crime may be “unlawful acts wherein the computer is either a tool or target or both”.


The world 1st computer specific law was enacted in the year 1970 by the German State of Hesse in the form of ‘Data Protection Act, 1970’ with the advancement of cyber technology. With the emergence of technology the misuse of technology has also expanded to its optimum level and then there arises a need of strict statutory laws to regulate the criminal activities in the cyber world and to protect technological advancement system. It is under these circumstances Indian parliament passed its “INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACT, 2000” on 17th oct to have its exhaustive law to deal with the technology in the field of e-commerce, e-governance, e-banking as well as penalties and punishments in the field of cyber crimes.


  • Cyber Crimes Actually Means: It could be hackers vandalizing your site, viewing confidential information, stealing trade secrets or intellectual property with the use of internet. It can also include ‘denial of services’ and viruses attacks preventing regular traffic from reaching your site. Cyber crimes are not limited to outsiders except in case of viruses and with respect to security related cyber crimes that usually done by the employees of particular company who can easily access the password and data storage of the company for their benefits. Cyber crimes also includes criminal activities done with the use of computers which further perpetuates crimes i.e. financial crimes, sale of illegal articles, pornography, online gambling, intellectual property crime, e-mail, spoofing, forgery, cyber defamation, cyber stalking, unauthorized access to Computer system, theft of information contained in the electronic form, e-mail bombing, physically damaging the computer system etc.
  • Classifications Of Cyber Crimes: Cyber Crimes which are growing day by day, it is very difficult to find out what is actually a cyber crime and what is the conventional crime so to come out of this confusion, cyber crimes can be classified under different categories which are as follows:

1. Cyber Crimes against Persons:

There are certain offences which affects the personality of individuals can be defined as:

  • Harassment via E-Mails: It is very common type of harassment through sending letters, attachments of files & folders i.e. via e-mails. At present harassment is common as usage of social sites i.e. Facebook, Twitter etc. increasing day by day.
  • Cyber-Stalking: It means expressed or implied a physical threat that creates fear through the use to computer technology such as internet, e-mail, phones, text messages, webcam, websites or videos.
  • Dissemination of Obscene Material: It includes Indecent exposure/ Pornography (basically child pornography), hosting of web site containing these prohibited materials. These obscene matters may cause harm to the mind of the adolescent and tend to deprave or corrupt their mind.
  • Defamation: It is an act of imputing any person with intent to lower down the dignity of the person by hacking his mail account and sending some mails with using vulgar language to unknown persons mail account.
  • Hacking: It means unauthorized control/access over computer system and act of hacking completely destroys the whole data as well as computer programmes. Hackers usually hacks telecommunication and mobile network.
  • Cracking: It is amongst the gravest cyber crimes known till date. It is a dreadful feeling to know that a stranger has broken into your computer systems without your knowledge and consent and has tampered with precious confidential data and information.
  • E-Mail Spoofing: A spoofed e-mail may be said to be one, which misrepresents its origin. It shows it’s origin to be different from which actually it originates.
  • SMS Spoofing: Spoofing is a blocking through spam which means the unwanted uninvited messages. Here a offender steals identity of another in the form of mobile phone number and sending SMS via internet and receiver gets the SMS from the mobile phone number of the victim. It is very serious cyber crime against any individual.
  • Carding: It means false ATM cards i.e. Debit and Credit cards used by criminals for their monetary benefits through withdrawing money from the victim’s bank account mala-fidely. There is always unauthorized use of ATM cards in this type of cyber crimes.
  • Cheating & Fraud: It means the person who is doing the act of cyber crime i.e. stealing password and data storage has done it with having guilty mind which leads to fraud and cheating.
  • Child Pornography: It involves the use of computer networks to create, distribute, or access materials that sexually exploit underage children.
  • Assault by Threat: refers to threatening a person with fear for their lives or lives of their families through the use of a computer network i.e. E-mail, videos or phones.

2. Crimes Against Persons Property:

As there is rapid growth in the international trade where businesses and consumers are increasingly using computers to create, transmit and to store information in the electronic form instead of traditional paper documents. There are certain offences which affects persons property which are as follows:

  •  Intellectual Property Crimes: Intellectual property consists of a bundle of rights. Any unlawful act by which the owner is deprived completely or partially of his rights is an offence. The common form of IPR violation may be said to be software piracy, infringement of copyright, trademark, patents, designs and service mark violation, theft of computer source code, etc.
  • Cyber Squatting: It means where two persons claim for the same Domain Name either by claiming that they had registered the name first on by right of using it before the other or using something similar to that previously. For example two similar names i.e. and
  • Cyber Vandalism: Vandalism means deliberately destroying or damaging property of another. Thus cyber vandalism means destroying or damaging the data when a network service is stopped or disrupted. It may include within its purview any kind of physical harm done to the computer of any person. These acts may take the form of the theft of a computer, some part of a computer or a peripheral attached to the computer.
  • Hacking Computer System: Hacktivism attacks those included Famous Twitter, blogging platform by unauthorized access/control over the computer. Due to the hacking activity there will be loss of data as well as computer. Also research especially indicates that those attacks were not mainly intended for financial gain too and to diminish the reputation of particular person or company.
  • Transmitting Virus: Viruses are programs that attach themselves to a computer or a file and then circulate themselves to other files and to other computers on a network. They usually affect the data on a computer, either by altering or deleting it. Worm attacks plays major role in affecting the computerize system of the individuals.
  • Cyber Trespass: It means to access someone’s computer without the right authorization of the owner and does not disturb, alter, misuse, or damage data or system by using wireless internet connection.
  • Internet Time Thefts: Basically, Internet time theft comes under hacking. It is the use by an unauthorised person, of the Internet hours paid for by another person. The person who gets access to someone else’s ISP user ID and password, either by hacking or by gaining access to it by illegal means, uses it to access the Internet without the other person’s knowledge. You can identify time theft if your Internet time has to be recharged often, despite infrequent usage.

3. Cybercrimes Against Government:

There are certain offences done by group of persons intending to threaten the international governments by using internet facilities. It includes:

  •  Cyber Terrorism: Cyber terrorism is a major burning issue in the domestic as well as global concern. The common form of these terrorist attacks on the Internet is by distributed denial of service attacks, hate websites and hate e-mails, attacks on sensitive computer networks etc. Cyber terrorism activities endanger the sovereignty and integrity of the nation.
  • Cyber Warfare: It refers to politically motivated hacking to conduct sabotage and espionage. It is a form of information warfare sometimes seen as analogous to conventional warfare although this analogy is controversial for both its accuracy and its political motivation.
  • Distribution of pirated software: It means distributing pirated software from one computer to another intending to destroy the data and official records of the government.
  • Possession of Unauthorized Information: It is very easy to access any information by the terrorists with the aid of internet and to possess that information for political, religious, social, ideological objectives.

4. Cybercrimes Against Society at large:

An unlawful act done with the intention of causing harm to the cyberspace will affect large number of persons. These offences includes:

  •  Child Pornography: It involves the use of computer networks to create, distribute, or access materials that sexually exploit underage children. It also includes activities concerning indecent exposure and obscenity.
  • Cyber Trafficking: It may be trafficking in drugs, human beings, arms weapons etc. which affects large number of persons. Trafficking in the cyberspace is also a gravest crime.
  • Online Gambling: Online fraud and cheating is one of the most lucrative businesses that are growing today in the cyber space. There are many cases that have come to light are those pertaining to credit card crimes, contractual crimes, offering jobs, etc.
  • Financial Crimes: This type of offence is common as there is rapid growth in the users of networking sites and phone networking where culprit will try to attack by sending bogus mails or messages through internet. Ex: Using credit cards by obtaining password illegally.
  • Forgery: It means to deceive large number of persons by sending threatening mails as online business transactions are becoming the habitual need of today’s life style.

Affects To Whom: Cyber Crimes always affects the companies of any size because almost all the companies gain an online presence and take advantage of the rapid gains in the technology but greater attention to be given to its security risks. In the modern cyber world cyber crimes is the major issue which is affecting individual as well as society at large too.

Need of Cyber Law: information technology has spread throughout the world. The computer is used in each and every sector wherein cyberspace provides equal opportunities to all for economic growth and human development. As the user of cyberspace grows increasingly diverse and the range of online interaction expands, there is expansion in the cyber crimes i.e. breach of online contracts, perpetration of online torts and crimes etc. Due to these consequences there was need to adopt a strict law by the cyber space authority to regulate criminal activities relating to cyber and to provide better administration of justice to the victim of cyber crime. In the modern cyber technology world it is very much necessary to regulate cyber crimes and most importantly cyber law should be made stricter in the case of cyber terrorism and hackers.

Penalty For Damage To Computer System: According to the Section: 43 of ‘Information Technology Act, 2000’ whoever does any act of destroys, deletes, alters and disrupts or causes disruption of any computer with the intention of damaging of the whole data of the computer system without the permission of the owner of the computer, shall be liable to pay fine upto 1crore to the person so affected by way of remedy. According to the Section:43A which is inserted by ‘Information Technology(Amendment) Act, 2008’ where a body corporate is maintaining and protecting the data of the persons as provided by the central government, if there is any negligent act or failure in protecting the data/ information then a body corporate shall be liable to pay compensation to person so affected. And Section 66 deals with ‘hacking with computer system’ and provides for imprisonment up to 3 years or fine, which may extend up to 2 years or both.


Case Study-Attacks on Cyberspace: 

  • Worm Attack: The Robert Tappan Morris well Known as First Hacker, Son of former National Security Agency Scientist Robert Morris, was the first person to be prosecuted under the ‘Computer and Fraud Act, 1986’. He has created worm while at Cornell as student claiming that he intended to use the worm to check how large the internet was that time. The worm was uncontrollable due to which around 6000 computer machines were destroyed and many computers were shut down until they had completely malfunctioned. He was ultimately sentenced to three years probation, 400 hours of community service and assessed a fine of $10500. So there must be strict laws to punish the criminals who are involved in cyber crime activities.
  • Hacker Attack: Fred Cohen, a Ph.D. student at the University of Southern California wrote a short program in the year 1983, as an experiment, that could “infect” computers, make copies of itself, and spread from one machine to another. It was beginning & it was hidden inside a larger, legitimate program, which was loaded into a computer on a floppy disk and many computers were sold which can be accommodate at present too. Other computer scientists had warned that computer viruses were possible, but Cohen’s was the first to be documented. A professor of his suggested the name “virus”. Cohen now runs a computer security firm.
  • Internet Hacker: Wang Qun, who was known by the nickname of “playgirl”, was arrested by chinese police in the Hubei province first ever arrest of an internet hacker in China. He was a 19 year old computing student, arrested in connection with the alleged posting of pornographic material on the homepages of several government-run web sites. Wang had openly boasted in internet chat rooms that he had also hacked over 30 other web sites too.


Preventive Measures For Cyber Crimes:

Prevention is always better than cure. A netizen should take certain precautions while operating the internet and should follow certain preventive measures for cyber crimes which can be defined as:

  • Identification of exposures through education will assist responsible companies and firms to meet these challenges.
  • One should avoid disclosing any personal information to strangers via e-mail or while chatting.
  • One must avoid sending any photograph to strangers by online as misusing of photograph incidents increasing day by day.
  • An update Anti-virus software to guard against virus attacks should be used by all the netizens and should also keep back up volumes so that one may not suffer data loss in case of virus contamination.
  • A person should never send his credit card number to any site that is not secured, to guard against frauds.
  •  It is always the parents who have to keep a watch on the sites that your children are accessing, to prevent any kind of harassment or depravation in children.
  • Web site owners should watch traffic and check any irregularity on the site. It is the responsibility of the web site owners to adopt some policy for preventing cyber crimes as number of internet users are growing day by day.
  • Web servers running public sites must be physically separately protected from internal corporate network.
  •  It is better to use a security programmes by the body corporate to control information on sites.
  • Strict statutory laws need to be passed by the Legislatures keeping in mind the interest of netizens.
  • IT department should pass certain guidelines and notifications for the protection of computer system and should also bring out with some more strict laws to breakdown the criminal activities relating to cyberspace.
  • As Cyber Crime is the major threat to all the countries worldwide, certain steps should be taken at the international level for preventing the cybercrime.
  • A complete justice must be provided to the victims of cyber crimes by way of compensatory remedy and offenders to be punished with highest type of punishment so that it will anticipate the criminals of cyber crime.


Since users of computer system and internet are increasing worldwide, where it is easy to access any information easily within a few seconds by using internet which is the medium for huge information and a large base of communications around the world. Certain precautionary measures should be taken by netizens while using the internet which will assist in challenging this major threat Cyber Crime.


  1. Dear Sir/Madam,
    There is a company called nationalfinance, website
    One person called Mr. Samir Gautam(8427269396), his mobile is even active till now, he had called me since I was looking for a Loan, he had told me that he can get me a loan of Rs. 3,50,000 lacs from his company located in Punjab, he first mentioned that I would not have to pay any amount, then he said they would be a processing fee of 7850/- which I had paid, later he mentioned the lawyers fee of 21350/-, he will provide all details like lawyer’s PAN CARD and stamp papers, after providing all this, he had mentioned that because they were unable to transfer to my account, they would need another account, and his lawyer Gagan Deep, mentioned that I would need to give them another account, plus a demo amount of 10,000/- to first try and transfer to the new account, and once that is done, the entire loan amount, will be transferred, after taking all the above amounts, now he doesn’t respond to calls.
    I am totally in a helpless situation, and in very bad financial state because of him, please help me.

  2. Dear sir/madam
    An ad in Hindu classifieds stating vodafone company requires land for mobile tower installation.trusting them i paid 10 lakhs for various government procedures. they are demanding more money which i cant offer so i want my money back. the person contacted me SHIVANI GUPTA 09582143082,098421436992 and amount deposited was in the name ANIL RAI.i am attaching all the documents for your reference.they also paid me cheque 30,00,000 in dena bank noida branch
    please take necessary action so that they return my amount back.i am in the clutches of money lenders they are torturing me daily to return their money.the address i got from bank and sent legal notice to the above address
    Anil rai

    thanking you
    mobile 09003575875

  3. Hello everyone! I had seen so many recommendations on, so I contacted him to help me spy on my spouse cell phone. He was really efficient and now I have access to everything including phone calls, and and I get to see all this from my phone without him knowing.
    Tell him samantha referred you for his services, he’d help.
    Texts: +1 5025190355

  4. Hello Sir My self Raman
    I am web developer by profession.
    I want to Know if any one do fraud through website like they do wrong offers etc etc….
    In this case is web developer is guilty ?

  5. Hi
    One of my close relatives has gained access to my gmail account and deleted one of the mails. I am not able to recover that mail as it was deleted 30 days ago. He has not used this ID for any other purpose, like communicating with any of my contacts etc.
    Can I sue him for this act ? please guide.


    • Ofcourse you can sue him.
      even if he is a family member he has gained unauthorized(without your consent) access to your account , which is illegal.
      it is a case of CRACKING where he has tampered your data.
      hence you have the right to sue him.

  6. If some 3rd person mail my watsapp chat from my phone without my permission and make it read to other person, is it also a cyber crime?

  7. You are welcome to the wonder land of hacks, want to know how to hack an ATM MACHINE OR BANK ACCOUNT? You can hack and break into a bank’s security without carrying guns or any weapon.
    We are universal hackers and we just succeeded with an illegal invention.. well, this seems strange but true.. we just succeeded with hacking universal ATM machines with a blank ATM card.. These cards could withdraw $5000 per day, each of the card can only be useless once you withdrew the total amount of $10 Million United State Dollars. The card will make the security camera malfunction at that particular time until you are done with the transaction you can never be traced.. depending on how they are programmed..say goodbye to poverty, these cards are just for you.we know this is illegal but we are living large with it i do many things on low key to avoid suspicion.i am not going to give out the blank cards for free because we spent most of our time hacking it. so, we want to make them available for you. NOTE: The ATM cards has no registered account number, they can work anywhere in the world, and they are untraceable.We are currently selling this black card at a give away price of $120 to serious minded people. If you need this card, contact me with this email:

  8. If a person using his smart phone for checking of CCTV system with out any approval or authorisation from concern authority & tried to delete data of hard disk then such offence comes under which section of cyber crime & what is the process to file FIR.

    Some People are stealing personal videos of others (GIRLS, HUSBAND, WIFE) from their mobile phones etc and uploading in porn sites.(MOBILE SHOPS)
    so when the affected party comes to know that their personal videos are uploaded in porn sites then they don’t go to police and court.
    they commit suicide to escape from – SHAME-


  10. Sir, Capturing nakedness of Indian girls and women secretly or stealing from their mobile phones and uploading online for money is against their basic right. Please protect basic human rights of Indian girl’s sir. When the Girls or family comes to know that their nakedness is available online in porn sites they are committing suicide.
    Please help sir.
    Thank you sir.

    Please read the following articles-
    Article -1.
    Dear Sir,
    Women rights and safety plays very important role in our country INDIA. Now crimes are getting increased against women because of the PORN SITES available online.
    Several 1000’s of women were taken video without their knowledge and uploaded in these sites daily. The mobile shops play an important role in this. They download videos and photos from the mobile phones they receive for servicing.
    Some may contain videos and photos taken by husband and wife for fun among themselves.
    May contain naked photos and naked videos.
    The mobile shops they steal these and upload in porn websites and earn money.
    So many suicides are happening in our country INDIA because of these videos – available in online.
    When the affected family come to know that their naked videos are available in internet then to maintain the family dignity or status and because of shame the family members are committing suicide.
    These mobile shops also threaten the customers with such videos in their mobiles and try to get sexual satisfaction from their wives stating that – if u give your wife for our sexual satisfaction then we will not upload these videos online. If not we will upload these videos online.
    So the husbands have no chance other that accepting their demand.
    Also friends when they see such naked videos in internet they copy that and threaten the female individually and get money and sexual satisfaction from them.
    Many unmarried girls and minor girls are taken videos secretly and the videos are being uploaded to dishonor them and blackmail them. Girls are committing suicide.
    Why government is maintaining silence in this great issue. Government knows everything happening in our country. But maintaining silence in this issue is not acceptable.
    Those naked videos are videos of our daughters and sisters. We Indians – all are brothers and sisters.
    Day and night young adults are getting addicted to these videos and spoiling their life and these videos stimulate them to commit sexual crimes and earn money threatening the people in such videos.
    Secret Cameras are fixed in girls &ladies rest rooms and then the videos are uploaded online.
    Mobile service shops are uploading these videos of local people to mobile phones of school children and get money. Some school kids are shocked to see their neighbors in those videos.
    Operation Theater in hospitals are making female patients naked and taking videos for enjoyment (some hospitals)
    THESE ARE FEW……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
    We cannot prevent this.
    But what we can prevent is -these videos are not uploaded online – this can be made by strict laws.

    What is the solution.
    Government should frame suitable laws regarding these porn sites.
    Or Government should block these sites.
    Or if any video is there in such websites and the concerned parties are approaching court that their nakedness has been exposed in that site, then the court should punish the website owner and uploader (death punishment) and they should pay a fine of one crore to the affected party and the video should be deleted. (the victims are bound to face secondary harassment in the hands of police as well – should be protected )(Enquiry should be conducted by female Judge)
    This should be made compulsory to eradicate such great crime happening in our country.
    Daily 1000s of videos of innocent Indian girls are getting uploaded secretly in porn sites.
    Please take action immediately to protect our brothers and sisters.
    Powerful people like
    Prime Minister
    Cabinet Ministers
    Supreme Court chief Justice
    Supreme Court judges
    Chief Ministers
    High court Judges
    Administrative service officers
    Police officers
    Student organisations
    Media AND
    Should take immediate action…. JAI HIND
    Please take action to protect our Indians.

    Article – 2.
    Respected Sir, Legal or illegal
    Many Indian women’s naked videos are freely available in porn sites without their knowledge. This is done by culprits either by taking secret recordings of men and women involved in family relation (husband and wife) or by stealing videos and photos from mobile phone they get for servicing.
    Culprits are not only stealing videos but also uploading these videos in online porn sites for money. They also threaten the girl or wife (involved in the video) by showing these videos for money and sexual satisfaction from them.
    This is legal or illegal.
    If it is legal —– then government should issue an order approving – taking videos of married couples /girls without their knowledge by keeping secret cam in hotel rooms , rest rooms, swimming pools, dressing trial rooms or stealing videos of husband and wife from their mobile phones etc….and uploading in porn sites for money without their consent as their fundamental right. If government approves this then many useless adults in India will do this crime work happily. So as a result our country will get spoiled. No girl can live happily. Many girls will commit suicide. Family system (one for one) will get spoiled. If government approves this then it may also put an order that all girls should show their nakedness in porn sites and may also approve prostitution. Etc……………….

    If it is Illegal —— then government should delete such stolen videos which are against human basic rights immediately and permanently. If the people in such videos are giving consent that their videos can be displayed to the public through porn sites. If not and the videos are being displayed without the participants consent then strict action should be taken against the up loader and the porn site owner (maximum punishment). Then the videos should be completely deleted from all sites and the affected party should be given psychological counseling to repair their mental trauma and sufficient compensation should be given to the broken hearts – to again lead a peaceful life in India.

    Sir, this is a rapidly growing problem now in India without publicity. So many girls, ladies and families are heartbroken, mentally ill after seeing their or their relative’s naked videos in porn sites (informed by some friends). Some are also committing suicide.

    Please put an end to this growing problem by filing a public interest litigation case against porn sites showing Indian naked videos without the participants consent. Otherwise even our blood relative’s porn video will be available soon in porn sites. Please do this for a great turning point in our country.
    Thank you sir’s.

  11. If u want to protect with yourself then don’t give your any personal info. To any un non person or without verification of any originality of job and also peoples who create fake I’d for any purpose

  12. Dear Sir,
    Women rights and safety plays very important role in our country INDIA. Now crimes are getting increased against women because of the PORN SITES available online.
    1000’s of women were taken video without their knowledge and uploaded in these sites daily. The mobile shops play an important role in this. They download videos and photos from the mobile phones they receive for servicing.
    Some may contain videos and photos taken by husband and wife for fun among themselves.
    May contain naked photos and naked videos.
    The mobile shops they steal these and upload in porn websites and earn money.
    So many suicides are happening in our country INDIA because of these videos – available in online.
    When the affected family come to know that their naked videos are available in internet then to maintain the family dignity or status and because of shame the family members are committing suicide.
    These mobile shops also threaten the customers with such videos in their mobiles and try to get sexual satisfaction from their wives stating that – if u give your wife for our sexual satisfaction then we will not upload these videos online. If not we will upload these videos online.
    So the husbands have no chance other that accepting their demand.
    Also friends when they see such naked videos in internet they copy that and threaten the female individually and get money and sexual satisfaction from them.
    Many unmarried girls are taken videos secretly and the videos are being uploaded to dishonor them and blackmail them. Girls are committing suicide.
    Why government is maintaining silence in this great issue. Government knows everything happening in our country. But maintaining silence in this issue is not acceptable.
    Those naked videos are videos of our brothers and sisters. We Indians – all are brothers and sisters.
    Day and night young adults are getting addicted to these videos and spoiling their life and these videos stimulate them to commit sexual crimes and earn money threatening the people in such videos.
    Secret Cameras are fixed in girls &ladies rest rooms and then the videos are uploaded online.
    Mobile service shops are uploading these videos of local people to mobile phones of school children and get money. Some school kids are shocked to see their neighbors in those videos.
    Operation Theater in hospitals are making female patients naked and taking videos for enjoyment (some hospitals)
    THESE ARE FEW……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
    We cannot prevent this.
    But what we can prevent is -these videos are not uploaded online – this can be made by strict laws.

    What is the solution.
    Government should frame suitable laws regarding these porn sites.
    Or Government should block these sites.
    Or if any video is there in such websites and the concerned parties are approaching court that their nakedness has been exposed in that site, then the court should punish the website owner and uploader (death punishment) and they should pay a fine of one crore to the affected party and the video should be deleted. (enquiry should be conducted by female Judge)
    This should be made compulsory to eradicate such great crime happening in our country.
    Daily 100s of videos of innocent Indian women are getting uploaded secretly in porn sites.
    Please take action immediately to protect our brothers and sisters.
    Powerful people like
    Prime Minister
    Cabinet Ministers
    Supreme Court chief Justice
    Supreme Court judges
    Chief Ministers
    High court Judges
    Administrative service officers
    Police officers
    Student organisations
    Media AND
    Should take immediate action…. JAI HIND
    Please take action to protect our Indians.
    (first delete all Indian porn videos from porn sites)

  13. Respected Sir, Legal or illegal
    Many Indian women’s naked videos are freely available in porn sites without their knowledge. This is done by culprits either by taking secret recordings of men and women involved in family relation (husband and wife) or by stealing videos and photos from mobile phone they get for servicing.
    Culprits are not only stealing videos but also uploading these videos in online porn sites for money. They also threaten the girl or wife (involved in the video) by showing these videos for money and sexual satisfaction from them.
    This is legal or illegal.
    If it is legal —– then government should issue an order approving – taking videos of married couples /girls without their knowledge by keeping secret cam in hotel rooms , rest rooms, swimming pools, dressing trial rooms or stealing videos of husband and wife from their mobile phones etc….and uploading in porn sites for money without their consent as their fundamental right. If government approves this then many useless adults in India will do this crime work happily. So as a result our country will get spoiled. No girl can live happily. Many girls will commit suicide. Family system (one for one) will get spoiled. If government approves this then it may also put an order that all girls should show their nakedness in porn sites and may also approve prostitution. Etc……………….

    If it is Illegal —— then government should delete such stolen videos which are against human basic rights immediately and permanently. If the people in such videos are giving consent that their videos can be displayed to the public through porn sites. If not and the videos are being displayed without the participants consent then strict action should be taken against the up loader and the porn site owner (maximum punishment). Then the videos should be completely deleted from all sites and the affected party should be given psychological counseling to repair their mental trauma and sufficient compensation should be given to the broken hearts – to again lead a peaceful life in India.

    Sir, this is a rapidly growing problem now in India without publicity. So many girls, ladies and families are heartbroken, mentally ill after seeing their or their relative’s naked videos in porn sites (informed by some friends). Some are also committing suicide.

    Please put an end to this growing problem by filing a public interest litigation case against porn sites showing Indian naked videos without the participants consent. Otherwise even our blood relative’s porn video will be available soon in porn sites. Please do this for a great turning point in our country.
    Thank you sir’s.

  14. hello sir,
    i know a person who is doing cheating in online university examination in USA from india. He charges double money from students and if those students are agree then he asked for their login and password. Then he does their papers. He also has records in his laptop what he did. I want to complain him because he is trying to me involve in these exams. Sir please tell me. Is it crime in india or as well as in USA???
    I have some proof against him and i want to complain him.

  15. Hello Sir

    Mera Name Santosh Kumar Hain Kal Date 6 Agust Ko Mera A .T.M Card Dhoke Se Atm Me Badal Liya Aur Mere Account Se 105000 Se Nikal Liya Gya Hain Ye Hadsah Mere Sath Patna Jila Barh Ke A.T.M axix Bank Atm 9783 station road p.n.b me 11 baj kar 20 mint me hua hain jime 40000 hajar aur 38000 GCC . Main Barach S.B.I Barh Se Nikala Hain Aur Baki Ka Paisa 12000+15000 Account num 3500003207 Account holder Miss Kiran Devi Ke Accont pe Tranfer Kiya Hain

    Sir Main Ek Bahut Garib Pariwar Ka hu Mera Jindi Bhar Ka Kamai Koi Chan Bhar Me Uda Le Gya Hain

    Mujhe Maddat Ki Ati Awasakta Hain Krpya Sir Mera Madat Kare

    Name Santosh Kumar
    Father Name Rajo Das
    Add Villege+Post Aunta Ps Hathidah
    Disst Patna (Bihar)
    Account Num 11671349150 S.B.I Aunta
    Cont 9835248249/9122722247

  16. Dear Sir, Good Evening.

    I have a query.

    One of my friend has shared her nude photos to her boyfriend on account of over trusting. Now that girl is married and she fears he might post her photos to any website or he might show them to her husband or any of the other family member.

    Please suggest what she must do to make sure that he doesn’t do the same and he completely delete her photos.


    • Dear Aafiya, there are too many ways for you to make your friend free from this problem but before any legal opinion i need little more information on this call me on 9359348349.Infact a doctor and an attorny job’s nature resemblems a lot.We cann’t treat and diagnose a case properly without specified inputs.

    • Before taking any legal action against him we should think about making social pressure on him for deleting aur hadling over those pics.If he didn’t misuse those pics till today what kind of legal charge u can put on him-simply nothing.And after making any misuse what u can do other than filing a case against him under charge of defamation and it act ? Dear in such condition what ur frd’ll get ? I need little more fine details in this issue so plz call me on 9359348349.

    • under IPC sections 376 (rape), 34-b, 354-c (sexual harassment) and 120-b (conspiracy) as well as under protection ofchildren from sexual offences Act (POSCO)act and the IT Act 67(a) (publishing or transmitting material containing sexually explicit act in electronic form)”

  17. I have made online payment of Rs. 594/- on 9th March for One Touch Horizon Test Strips (25 Nos.) to Bantom labrotaries pvt ltd, website-, The payment has been made online through my credit card and confirmed from my bank. They are not sending the material. They do not reply phones and email. I want your help to punish such peoples, who play with health of peoples and cheat them. Please help me.

  18. I have a friend who is simultaneously harassing me for ma naked pics….n says if I won’t send them those pics then he vl web ma some of pics which I sender him b4….

  19. I am getting some defamation e-mails from a known person(neighbor) who is also distributing those e-mails to other neighbors. How I can stop these things thru the help of law?

  20. dear sir,
    Some one is using my machine image./photo i his website show that he also make same machine as we are making.

    How to take legal action, previousely he made the mistake, that time we have given him legal notice to remove from his website and they removed, but once again they have do the same.

    How to go about it?

    Awaiting your reply.

    • I think some body send my funny photo in my residence area subscriber and may also comment insulting wording with my photo and sending this SMS thru what’s app sir how can detect the cyber crime and what are guidelines to help the law to compensate

  21. Sir,
    I have been deceived by a fake facebook account who is pretending that he is a police officer in intelligence. What is the punishment for making a fake facebook account and using the same to tease people?

  22. Sir,
    I have been deceived by a fake facebook account who is pretending that he is a police officer in intelligence. What is the punishment for making a fake facebook account and using that account for teasing people?

  23. Dear Sir,

    Plz confirm that i saved my email id password in my diary just to remember but my friend has stolen the same & misuse it. Now i want to sue him plz confirm that it comes under which section of IT/ Cyber Crime Act. Additionally, whats the punishment under the suggested Section.

  24. hello sir,

    sir can i use the above content in my manuscript and full paper publishing.
    For my mtech cs third sem i have to give a national paper so i like this subject so you are request to give me permission to use this content for my research purpose only .

    thanks in advance


  25. Hi, If a person is doing online purchase and that site use to keep the users cards details , password and use to do transaction on the users behalf. Is this a ciber crime if yes then under which section it will fall. Thanks

  26. Hi,

    If a person is doing online purchase and that site use to keep the users cards details , password and use to do transaction on the users behalf. Is this a ciber crime if yes then under which section it will fall.


  27. hi,

    if any site use to keep users card details and secure password without the knowlage of user and do the transaction on his/her behalf, is this a ciber crime the under which section will this fall of ciber crime law in india.


  28. First of all article 66a does not deal with “who” sent the mail as mail is only sent by i.p address and so anyone can hack a mail account and send mail to anybody without u knowing that it has been hacked. There is something called cracking of email password which is not even close to hacking but can be used against anyone. Second most important thing if I make an email id by the name Amitabh Bachchan that does not mean it belongs to Mr. Bachchan. You can prove your innocence by producing witness like your student friends who used your lappi. This does not invite any threat don’t worry. According to IPC you are not guility unless you are proved guilty. And proving is not a short cut process. Please consult some IT technicians help to understand this. I am post graduate in computer application and ethical hacking but being professional I would suggest you to take help of some IT guy who makes you understand few ins and outs and do consult some good layer in your family you can trust. This is now days all business and one more advise – Never let anyone use your lappi this should be your life mantra. Grow up u are not a kid now. World is full of bastards you never know who is sitting next to you. God bless you and I would pray for your help from God. Stay safe and do keep your elders informed in this.

  29. hi sir,
    some people give add in paper regarding network installation they looted the money and now the mobile’s switch off..pls help me i lost my friend because of this…

  30. Hello Sir,
    If someone known threatens you for your email password and then changes all the security settings (mobile no , security question, alternate email id etc). Later on removes my complete access to other online accounts on social networking sites. Using data in my email to blackmail me,.
    Does this falls under any cyber crime, what will be the further consequences or impacts of such a crime if reported.
    Presently, I am not having access to any of my accounts.
    Please brief me about this issue.

  31. I m a medical student and i havea laptop i live in hostel so everyone in hostel uses my laptop for checking email fb or to book ticket or for study purpose .now mera room partner mujse jhagdne laga and mjse bdla lene ke liye usne merelaptop se apni girlfrnd ki fake fbid create karke mere against fir karva under it section 66 66a and nw they are blackmailing tome and my family. me bhut badi musibat me fas chuka hu and vo log mera carrier barbaadkarne par lage huye he now hw can i proove tht i didnt make thtfake id plz help me

  32. Hi Sir, I have an information about one company in Pune which is using Microsofts Pirated products and I want to give this information to cyber crime department or Microsoft Piracy Department so that the take action against the company but need not want to show my personal information to the company against whom I am lodging complaint. What I need to do for that?

  33. sir, i want to clarify very something important regarding a misuse of my confidential information by some anonymous people who have been torturing and harrassing me for 5 – 6years by tracing out my personal and confidential information and spreading it like a rumour to others.
    The problem is so much severe that the persons involved have even come to my home and threatened me and insulted me and my family four years back ,when i told them that i will legal action if they continued doing the same.
    The matter is that they have traced out my exam registration number and other private details and spread it to others. what can be done about this.

  34. i am studing in computer sc. & tech.
    i want to be in cyber crime depertment from computer background .
    which way i can go??

  35. Dear Sir,
    i had an employee for conductig online training for students and provided with proper software and allowed him to deal the client putting trust in him. After working for two years he misused the software for his own
    benefits in different IPS and the the company from where we bought the software automatically locked it.
    On enquiring they said it is a fraud and cheating.The employee also contacted our service provider to do the project
    himself without our knowledge.Please advice us with the laws to take up the case legally.

  36. i want to know that if i bought something from a website , after some time they change that thing without my consent . they deducted money for first thing than they refund diffrence amount between 2 thing. but i want first thing they shown me and took money for same . and now they try to sale me other thing .

    is it cyber crime or cheat on internet?

  37. is a site registered in my name since 2005 and continues to be me domain till date. the intellectual data I placed under this site is hacked by my comments are being sold @ 12 US dollars per down load from 2006 by this hacker. I have lodged a complaint with the Addl DGP CID and forwaded down the channel through DCP. Can anything be done by them since the hacker is a foreign national and radiating from San Antonio Texas.

  38. hello sir,
    what is legal hacking in india with facebook.
    say your think in yes/no
    1. fake facebook account hack
    2. face and dirty page of facebook
    3. what is punishment of hack relate to facebook in india.
    i am a student and i want this answer for case study.

  39. some one harress me on facebook and abusing me and my family through some unexpected word, Is there any possiblities to take take some leagal action against that person

  40. Sir,agar koi individual apne Facebook wall par Govt. Of India ke against me bahut abhadra bhasha ka use karta hai aur abuse karta hai to kya iske liye koi legal procedure hai n also tel me ki mai us person ke against koi complaint kahan par file kar sakta hu.or iske liye sazaa ka kya praavdhan hai….??

  41. sir ,, pls batayn aagar koee aadmee ,, enternet kay zareya ,, urtoo ko phasata hay ,,un say chootee batay karkay sgadee karlata hay ,,, us kay leya cyber crime ka khay law hay ,,pls reply mee soon

  42. dear sir,
    ek N.G.O. ka sanchalak apni sanstha se judi ladkiyon ke sath anaitik sambandh rakhta hai aur unki porn C.D. BANATA us par kis tarah ki karywahi ki jaa sakti hai aur kin dharaon ke antargat.
    please reply fast.

  43. I have ordered a Zync Z930 7 Inch Tablet online from timtara on 27th Dec 2012 Order #10377168.
    Their address is :
    InfoSecure Consulting Pvt Ltd
    B-26, Second Floor,
    Sector 8

    It is already more than 3 weeks and they never dispatched me. The product was not delivered nor my
    amount was refunded inspite of many reminder to them by email and to their customer care
    everyday. I am calling their customer care nos 1035- 6670700/0135-3051500 every day. Sometimes
    they told me they will be sending soon. Sometimes they told me that they will contact me.
    Sometimes they I want to try to process to get back my money which I have paid Rs 3,440 to
    them. Today they told me they are contacting the manufacturer for the product. Please help me in getting my money back.

  44. i m runing a cyber .Due to Cyber Issue in pune, police are not allowing to install deep freeze software, this software protects computer from virsus & unwanted files but now due to this issue i m facing lot of issue, can any one guide me how to keep the required data also and PC clean & fast

  45. Sir,
    I am ARIJIT GHOSH and need to know either my complaint is cyber crime in india or not.
    I have submitted a petition before the land revenue office in regard to misleading inspection on 17.02.2012 under RTI ACT.
    But the govt offices issued a computer generated memo on 17.07.2012 and received the same memo on 16.08.2012.My question is just to escape from penalty under RTI ACT the officer signed the manipulated date and stored the computer alternation data.Is it Cyber crime ?

  46. Dear Sir,

    My Self is Parveen Sharma from Gurgaon, I need to know either my complaint comes under Cyber law of india or not.

    I am doing small shop of Garments, and placed an order for Original stuff of Denim and Shirt to Oswal Exporter , based at Ahmedabad. He committed that he has all the stuff in Original and doin his marketing thru Internet on and other website.

    But when i received the order, and realized that all the stuff is made up or copy. They are just using other Brand name and doing their own manufactring of Denim and Shirts. i would request you, please let me know if any action can be taken against him or not.

    Waiting for your reply.

    Parveen Sharma

  47. 1. Can any one use the ATM Card of an expired person and withdraw money from his bank account for what ever reasons?
    2. Can it be proved legal in any way?
    3. Can the father of the account holder in case he is appointed nominee and at the same time has disowned his same son ABOUT 3 YEARS before he was appointed nominee operate his account using ATM Card and PW post his death.
    4. Can any one of his relatives sister, brother in law etc operate his account using ATM Card and secret PW?
    5. If its illegal then under what sections off IPC the accused are to be charged with?
    Thanks& Best regards,


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