Mumbai suspect trial to continue


The trial of the main suspect in the Mumbai attacks will continue despite his admission of guilt, the judge has ruled.

Mohammad Ajmal Amir Qasab’s confession will go on record but it does not address all 86 charges he faces, Judge said. The trial has now resumed as normal and prosecution witnesses have started giving evidence in court.

More than 170 people were killed in the attacks, nine of them gunmen.
Mr Qasab, who is a Pakistani, faces 86 charges, including waging war on India, murder and possessing explosives. In May, he pleaded not guilty to all charges. Prosecutors say he changed his plea to secure leniency.

As the trial resumed it was confirmed that Mr Qasab’s defence lawyer, Abbas Kazmi, would continue as his counsel. He had earlier offered to withdraw from the case, after which the judge asked Mr Qasab and Mr Kazmi to “speak to each other and sort out your problem”.


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